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Show IX THE PROBATE COURT IN AND l-"K t:th County, 'leriitory ol' ("tr.h. In the niKtter of the estate of John William Seatoti M liner, ilei-casid. Notice is hereby (riven by the underpinned adiiimist iMt ri.v of the estate of John William Si utnti Miiuer, deeease.), to the creditors ot and uii persim havitiff ciaiais against the said lieeeased. toexhiliit them with the necessary vouchers within ten months :)'-tcr :)'-tcr the iirst publieation ot this notice to the said administratrix. JAXE T'J'E A. MILXKR-Administratrix MILXKR-Administratrix of the estate of John William Seat on Miiner, deceased, l'rovo City, March II, ISM. |