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Show PEOPLE'S TERRITORIAL CONVENTION. CON-VENTION. HKAliQUAItTKRi) PboI'LE'S TF.KR1TOR1AL Clntral Committee, Salt Lake City, Sept. 0, 1S7G. T- the People oj Vtuh: Tlie election of deley:tte Ui represent the Territory of Utuli in tbo Forty tilth congrcis will ho held on Tuesday, November 7tb next ensuing, and it ia modt desinible thut the candidate cboacu aa tho rpprcsentativo of the people ehould receivo their fullest support and that every persou entitled to the elective franchise should exercise exer-cise it on that day. To tho end that an increased interest inter-est muy be mvakeued in election matters and to endeavor to draw out tho entire vote of the territory on this important occasion, it has- been determined to hold a People's Territorial Terri-torial convention, comjioscd of delegates dele-gates from the several counties, to convene at the city hall in Salt Lake city, on Saturday, October 7th, 1S7G, at 12 m. The busines of Lh ia convention will be to nominate a candidato lor detct gate to congress, and to inaugurate such niea&uroa as ' will insure increased in-creased attention to our elections throachout tho territory. The number num-ber of delegates to compose the territorial terri-torial convention has been fixed at seventy eight, being twice the number num-ber of the councilors and representatives representa-tives in the legislative assembly, ond the allotment of delegates to the bov-'uial bov-'uial counties baa been based, as faraa posjible, upon their representation in the legislature. To secure the proper election of these delegates it ia suggested that each county bold a county convention composed of delepueanent Irom primary pri-mary meetings previously held in the severnl precincts. Thedelegntes to the territorial convention should come duly authentic. itid with credentials creden-tials signed by the president am! secretary of the conventiou appointing them. It vyHl be well for each convention con-vention to appoint alternate delegates to represent the county in case of the failure of the le-gular dolegates to be present at the convention. It is also suggested that each county convention con-vention while in session appr.int a county central committee to attend to all election matters in its comity, i which committee should immediately : organize and place itself in communication commun-ication with the people's territorial central committee, at Salt Lake city, that concert oi action in these mat-; mat-; ters may be secured throughout the territory. The number of delegates to the territorial convention to which each county is entitled is as follows: County. ' Ab. County. ' JVb. Salt Lake IS Sanpete 5 Utah 8 AYasatch 2 Juiib 3 Summit 2 Alillard 3 Morgan 2 Beaver 3 Davis 4 Piute 1 Boi Elder 3 Iron 3 Tooele 2 Kane 2 Weber 5 Washington 2 Cache 7 Sevier 2 llich 1 r ? r Total 73 It is Hoped that the leading men in each, county will Uike immediate steps to carry these suggestions into effect, by calling primary meetings in their precincU and coun'y conventions conven-tions in their counties, that the people may be thoroughly aroused to their duty, that the result of these measures meas-ures may prove beoeficial to our citizens, citi-zens, and that tho delegate selected to represent us ip congress may receive, re-ceive, at the coming election, such a vote as was never before given to a delegate from any territory. By ordei of the people's territorial ceutra! committee. , ; Jons Puakp, Cnairman.' Theodore McKean-, Sot rotary. |