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Show It k She , i . BY TELEGRAPH. .. garo-gunnum- rT WEPXKSDAY and SATURDAY, PUXLISHHO CUMPA.H. inked t,ytb.OaBIli -- nTKDWARD L. BLOAJf, Jteq., la onr duly for tlia trau- hurittJ Agent in Salt Lake City fMtnuclml with this Paner. ; du i.u.u.u KDITOll. The New Theatre OflDiH Tubatbb. on Saturday evening by will be opened Dramatic Company, when the OgJen favorite drama of will be presented the See small Room. ar a in Ten Signts ,, Million. the for jhbkr bill- - , All kinds A3IKHICAX. Washington. Cullom reported a bill annulling the law of New Mexico which reserves real estate from execution, with a proviso that a homestead to the amount of $1,000 only, be reserved; passed. Cullom reported a bill annulling the laws of Idado Territory taxing the Chinese, and denying thorn the right of holding office and prohibiting the Territorial Legislature from paying extra salaries to Federal efheers or to members or employees of the legislature; passed. A bill creating an additional land district in Colorado, passed. lumber, plank, scantling, St. Albans. The Fenian bubble, so far as the mov beams, sheeting, rafters, flooring, joists, ement in this direction is concerned, has n at the U. I'. Depot in ete., delivered burst. Soon after the arrest of Gen. First-class tot $35 per 1000 feet. O'Neil, the Fenian officers held a counat cil of war and decided that it was useflooring, finishing lumber and pickets, Delivered at the U. C. Depot in less to continue the campaign with a $10. small number of men at their command, Salt Lake City at an advance on the and they will not make any further atAdibove at prices, of $2,50 per 1000 feet. the Canadian soil. of ordinary Og-Je- J. Williams & Co., Weber Station, 44 P. R. R. dress U. On Monday eveniScboolMbbtihus. uft meet'ng was ncl 'n tlle 3l"n ng. Third Ward School House for the purpto build a new ose of arranging plans jchoolhouse, which is much needed in ikat district. and John Pincock, Esqs., conducted the meeting. the Trustees, The Trustees' report was read and ac cepted. Speeches were made by Mayor L. Farr aud others, and it was resolved y schoolhouse bo built on that a the present site. W. of north block the and Jeffrey Freeman N Fife, Elijah D'rostkle, Esqs., were elected Trustees for the ensuing term, and Messrs. W. N. Fife and Thos. D. Dee were appointed N. Fife TV. two-stor- the building committee. wanting a No. 1 Clothing should go jrjT Gentlemen tempt invading The roads leading from here to Frauklin are lined with returning Fenians. Gen. Spear, of the Fenians, is horo. It is now stated that three Fenians were killed and ten or fifteen wounded yesterday ; among the latter was Gen. Donnelly, in the leg, though not seriously. O'Neil is now in Burlington jail. Tho Fenians have all returned from Franklin. General Spear has been urging them to go to Malone, but the men are not generally inclined. They say they have had enough of this kind of war. The Government furnishes tran- portation to all desiring to go homo, and a large number have availed themselves of the opportunity. Three companies of U. S. artillery have arrived from Boston. It is feared that General Donnelly is mortally wounded. The deputy U. S. Marshal has seized the abandoned arms aud equipments in the nunie of tho United States. Tho Canadians who fought tho Fenians were only one company, of sixty or seventy volunteers. The only Fenians that left for their homes yesterday afternoon were tho Burlington boys, the rest remained here nnd were provided with food by U. S. Marshal Foster and the village authorities. this afternoon for a fisht for $2,500 aside, to take place September 13, within fifty miles of St. Louis. Reports are curreut that a considerable number of Feuians left hsre for the east but it cannot be ascertained that over forty or fifty left. A general meeting has been held to raise funds, but the news from the border is not calculated to make the effort successful. A hundred Fenians attempted to scizo a train at Potsdam, but were repulsed by U. S. troops. The Fenians are reported Their to be an unorganized rabblo. authorities, however, are still sending men to the front, and the Canadians fear a raid a Prescott Generals Meade and McDowell are hero. Meade reports that the Fenian war la ended, and that the leaders are in tho hands of the civil authorities. All is quiet along the lines and the rail road company carry back the thousand or fifteen hundred Fenians, now at Ma lone. at its own expense. He says the Fenians are behaving well, and only de sire to get home. The Canadians are jubilant at the inglorious termination of the movement. Buffalo. The wrestling match for the cham pionship of America and $2,000 was won by Homer bane. Toronto. Two steamers loft Sault St. Marie on Tuesday, with troops for Red River; they will be at Fort William All has been qniet during the night. Only ten Fenians are reported in camp at Trout river. Eight more Fenians wero killed, and twenty wouuded yester day. All is quiet on the Niagara and Detroit frontiers, but an ample force will be kept up to defend all the borders of the Dominion. Many bands are wan dering near the lines, unable to return home. Tho excitement has almost ceased, and business is rapidly resuming its former condition. That is considered as the last Fenian raid is regarded as a complete failure. Latest advices from the Red River expedition indicate that everything is gome smoothly forward, and that Ar chibald will soon leave to assume his duties. y. Dayton, 0., A liro occurred in a tenement house, between one and two o'clock this morn to Thibkill & Eabl's. ing, Mrs. Waterman, and a woman and Chicago. five children were suffocated, and an Dramatic Season. We are glad to The excitement in the Fenian circles other child badly burned. The scene was !trn that Mr. Woodmansee's new and here seems rather on the increase, not Suit of Ready-mad- tommodious e Theatre will be opened for season, on Saturday evening next. need some amusement in Ogden, and he tVe dramatic entertainment, twice a week will meet a great public want. The Ogden Dramatic Company have been for tome time preparing for the Stage, and the new Theatre has been fitted up with i good every convenience for first-cla- ss ances. We hope to see the performhouse crowd- ed on Saturday evening, and with the novelties and good standard plays which presented from time to time, that the puilie will be induced to give the ram in Ogden that patronage which U I will be Mr. Woodmansee intends to star actors, as enportu- ity offers, and has already secured the trrices of Mr. T. A. Lyne, the tragedi-u- , and Miss Adams, who will shortly ippear at the new Theatre. leserres. trace popular t VTaktbo. A partner in a good business. Capital required Address Mr. G., Ogden Jchc-;- o wing Si.500. Office. Wants to Swap! Joshua Willis &Co., are ahut to open an exten- iie lumber yard in Ogden near the 1fice of the Junction. Their advertisement, ia this issue of our paper, shows kt tlify are men of enterprise, and 'ffets better inducements for building inylhing we have yet seen in the amity. All kinds of lumber are offered lt lower price, aDd in exchange for We articles which nnr frrmpra nrl working men can command, than at any rovious time. Hero ia a good chance everybody that wants to build or to aprove their homesteads. Get the lum- sr an(i build; eet the pickets and make went fences. Lumber for $35. and 'tkets for $40. nor thousand , in nrn- . i e; who'd be without them? Who L 3 Gentlemen Summer wanting should call and seo ai's Patterns at Thirkill & Earl's. W Thanks. to We are under obliga-51- 1 Mr. James Dwyer the enterpris- new agent and bookseller of Salt for a number of entertaining and monthly magazines. Mr. Jr has succeeded in establishing wishing business on Main Street in t!l city" where he supplies tho public books, pamphlets and periodicals ktest dates from the East and the 11 published rates. Give him a jwhenyou want anything in his Una, 31'll use you well. es e City, Tll Learned Three; Hundred. On s, "y morning a party of three school teachers from by C. P. train and left by U me u. r. on a visit to rela-te- s the East. ,i.i. hun-ladie- Cali-arriv- ed "tcrsed. Last evening, Jos. "s ''John . A. 1; Supt. of the Utah Central. W Toung, "a anil teont fC. - Esq., . arrived from - o i t lboth well and hearty. 1 . withstanding the disastrous reports The headquarters of the brotherhood are crowded all day. George Francis Train arrived in this city, and published a characteristic proclamation,bristlingwith exclamation points, in one of the evening papers. He is addressing a large and excited crowd of Fenians at the armory, It is reported that a hundred recruits have just left for the frontiers, and the leaders here claim that they have private information from Malone, of a most encouraging character. One thing ap pears certain that quite a large sum of money Las been raised. The JournaPt Washington dispatch says that information has been received from different by the government points of the Canadian border where the Fenians are operating, to the effect that they are weak and that the movement can only result in a ridiculous farce. The instructions of the government are peremptory, to arrest the leaders wherever found. A Malone special says that Gleason has received dispatches that O'Neil will be released and that Spear is again marching for St. Armand with 1,500 men from St. Albans, and that Gleason's brother holds an intrenched position at Pigeon II ill, with forty men. Gleason endeavored to make a move here and threatens to blow up the docks of Mahony canal. y, COHHEUlXtX. nrt.idlp shocking. McCord burned & y, Indianapolis. Whitney's planing mill was loss $20,000, insured for S12,X)0. A railroad bridge was burned at Rich mond last night, loss, $100,000. It ia supposed to be the work of an incendi ary. FOREIGX. London. The Queen's birthday was celebrated in the usual manner. Flags and fes toons were displayed and salutes were hreu. During ilt day tliwre were re views of troops, and in the evening a display of fireworks. Several grand dinner were given. Berlin. Bismarck has proposed to the Great rowers a joint action for the suppression of piracy on the China seas. Great Jritain and the United Slates have ac cepted the proposition. rang. The Duke de Montnensier, whokillod Henri de Bourbon is coming to America. So is Pierre Bonaparte. Base Ball. match A at this popular game was played on Fri- Office o f 0((Un Junction, Ogden City, Utah Territory, June 1, J80. LiinibeE, FOR THE PRICE LIST. WHOLESALE UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. DRY GOODS. ALPACA8, Black 60c. to $1.00 " Luntrw 22c to BARF.OK i Me. to 05c. SHEETINGS BKOWX 1H.ANKKTS-0.- 00 OX AND AFTER fr lc. to 20c. , jnu-d- per iwJr. BLEACH MUSLINS 15c. to tic. u BHD TICKINGS 2Sc. to 40c- lUULLlANTS 55c. to 62e. CAMBB.IC3-Hi-to 16c. .jc. to I2.J5 CAlU'KTINu. CllEKS-i5c.tS- TIIUItSIA.Y, MAY H . f J0.00 U. SAMASK-il.25tofl- 12.50 to 13. per bak. .50 l)KLAINEft-18- " " " 7.30 UTAH Lwvi Salt Lnkfl Oily daily nt 5 a.m. and 2.45 p.m Arriro at Ogilcti at T a.m. and 4.46 pjn. a LU M B E c. to 22c. Armurva 22c. to 24c. All Wool 37c. to 45o, Masl in 18c. to 22c. ACCOMODATE U.li' CHEAPER THAN ANY IMPORTED. ii.25 to ffiOO por don. dol. $1.25 to fi.WO pr Genta' half AND KV. por BK1KT BRAIDS J. WILLIAMS & ARE PREPARED , to in, por dot. THREAD, Skxi1 Linon 75c. to $1 .25 pt-- r fi TOWEIXINU 17c. to 20c. wr yd. PROVISIONS, 4c. GROCERIES, 15c. wr lb. per lb. to J6.50 par dov I1AC0X-S- !!c por lb. DAK LEV, 3c. per lb. I1KF.SWAX-Il.- 00 pr lb. IWIKAX 6tic. per lb. to $1.76, perewt. BRAN A 8HOUT9-I1.- 25 lir.K.F Sc. to 15c per lit at ahop ; 10c. oa foot r HUTTE11 2Sc to 30c. 6. BAKING POWDKIl $3.24 per dol. BKOOMS ).50 to $7. per dot. 1111ASS KETTLES 70c. por lb. 24c per lb, by bl. CL'KUANTS COFFEE, Rio per k, 29c per lb. CIIFJiSK 27c. to c. per lb. ALLSl'ICK AXE II ELY Inhabitants SOc. E&-$- 5c. per ft. per box. CANDLES, 12 oi.-.- 00 CANDY, Fancy 32c to 40 per lb. CO. FARK8: Articlo For all Information eoUMroing Freight or I'm- wgo, apply to D. 0. CA1DER, Second lUMrict Zion'a COOPERATIVE MERCANTILE In the Beat Q rove of Tim- INSTITUTION, MAIN STREET, 0 ( ber in Utah, we will furnieh Lumber, at the U. P. rate: ' 30c- - n COAL $3.00 to Jll.OO per ton. COD FISH 14c. to 16c. por lb. COriEKAft-2- Wprlng- niHl Kumiiioi - ALL KINDS OF Planls, Scantling. OoOtlM, which, tojrother with our pnwout Stock, we think will enable ua to rnipply our cntomtir ami me public generally with nucli article, a tlmy mny need, at price, that cannot fail toi,iventilai li(in. . Pleaas mil ami examine trying wnimm-rnWbnat, Corn, Itavrlny, (lata, Buttw and Ek token Miukot In excbaiiic. for (lood, at the bighuul price.. CASH IHUI ttE.ruor.ii. .Kt-t-f First nnd Third Wnrd Flooring cams. 2e. CUDBEAR He. CAMPHOR 41.40 COM POSITION m , 76c. fl.25 per bnhol. CHICKENS 50c, each. 1500 S 20c Per dot, FLOUR tS. toj3.2ftper mu-i- . 01NOKR 10c. to UK. per lb. GLASS$xW per Ihi, fT.OO, CORN IXSTlf LT10X, Oppotilt liithnn Wett'i, M ,V I pr IN HTK 13 13 Tt OGDEN, IIiito on band a aplxmtid Stock of A3i Mi:i)icisi:s, mires Chcmictih, Oil, Paints, Glan, eto., Likewise an excitant Assortment of Inch Eaiiin- - Dry (oo1k, HATS, wrMM,i'Ht CAl'S, HOOTS. SHOES, AND STATIONERY. ptioiiH carpfullj prpparwl N.B. Piwri 10x12. 17.00. OIXK 40c. per ft. HAY Pull aupply, $7. to 110. par to. lb. HOOP IRON 14c. to lie. a keg. HORSE SHOKS-t- lS. INDIOO tlJOO per lb. IRONS, IAD 12.. par lb. LYE $11.75 pr cam. LEAD White $5.00 to $6.00 par can. Bar 30c. per lb. 2Sc. to 33c. per lb, LOGWOOD LAMPBLACK 20c. per lb. LUMBER $5.00 por bundrej feet. MUSTARD 55c to 65c. per lb. MATCHES $8.00 to $11.00 per cue. MADDER 35c. por lb. METAL, BABBIT 40c. pir- b. D E X , EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, DIRECT Knot, a Bplniidid Aiaortmont of SHORTLY CLOVES Slirk kot and Frotght Agont. SUPERINTENDENT. Having a Large Supply of erory kind on hand, the following $2.00 JOSEPH A. YOUNG. Chitaper than ever before offorod to tho Public. at $1.7S Wood'a Crm Suit Lake City TU LTJMBEE, R.R. Depot, $1.34 f 1.00 Ccnti-ovlll- OF and onr Mill running $1.00 Ogden to Kaysvlllo " Fartiiington of Ogden city and Vicinity with a First-Clas- s J Leaving OiUm City 6 a.m. and Putt Lnko City,or 4.40 p.m. on hirh full turn will mititln Urn piir-cliof a ticket to roturtt on tlio mum iluy and train fri' and will atop liy arranging with tlw Conductor, at any point on the lino to Uikc on or let ofl" pawongora. 1'aKwiiL'ori will nlonna purcliae tlinir tickM at the otllcoH, Fifty cenla additional will ho ohnnjml wuou the faro U coUor.tml on ill. Uiiin. " TO FURNISH THE dot COe. " SATURDAYS, 50c. JKANS 15c. to fiOc. LINEN, Irlth 6Sc. to 05c. " Tallin, UOc. to $1.25 PRINTS 10c. to 15c. RAVEN'S DUOK-33- ;4c. to $0.50. Sll AWLS-ifl.- 25 " Til1 YEBNESDAY OH SUNDAYS, AND HlCKOKY-lSc.to- 27. ALUM In addition to th alwve an WILL RUN BETTER t JACONET-30c.to- and aJa. aud 8 a.m., 10 M PKN1MS 25c. to 37c. per yd. DUCKING 3.1.;. 135 tc tl.50 FRENCH MERINOS KLANNKL3. Whit Krd 45c. to 5io. " . 0)ierii 0. to 75c. GINGHAM? 17c. to 30c. UOSK, will Iran Oplcn daily at pjn. ArriT at Salt Ltik. City at pju. Trains 5.30 2e. COHSKT JEANS ISc. to 23c. COTTON AUKS 33c. to 4i-- . COTTON YAKN OF UTAH. MOXEEH at $35 per Thousand. ' NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO DELIMIT Ulaas of flue Sparkling Beer, plaaxe call aSi IS A at thit WESTERN LAGER REER HALL, North aid. of Union Square, Main Street, Otdeu, where they can be supplied with that Articlo, of the very beat quality, and at reduoed prlue. Xft-- lf day last, between a "nine" from Salt & FIRST-CLAS- S Lake City and the "Junction" B. B. C. of Ogden, on the grounds of the latter, which resulted in a victory for the One. nnd a Half Blocks West of tlio New lork. "Junction" by ten runs. Owing to the Jckction Office, The Tribune' i Malone special gives the lateness of the hour only eight innings And near thu U. C. R. R. Depot. following account of the engagement at TK 1IAVK ON HAND A LAROE QUANTITY Trout river: Gen. Starr, at 7 o'clock on each side was played, the game re V of pkkI Lumlier, of various alum to euit line crossed at the follows: as $1.7 per gal. yesterday morning, MOLASSES, Alaoanim tho requirement, of the purchaser. sulting Trout river and advanced with his comnieiiM quantity of Picket, all of which wo will Sugar Drip, $2.00 por gal. JCNCTION. and at ell Cali fur (Ir.iiu rbnap price. mand numbering not more than 300, Ch, NCTMFX1S $1.75 per lb. Outs. Rum. N il. All tin mc permina whom wo hare accoin NAILS $8.90 to $9.90 por keg. stragglers included, about five hundred moluled, and wbo know tlieiiwlvoi) indebted to u, 3 3 . Young, c. . are rvipieitied to come forward aud niaka aottlo-uieyards, when he deployed right aud left, per gal. OILS, LINSEED-$- 25 3 3 Blackman, 1st b. within ono month and save rontx. his extreme right resting on Trout riv" " 5 . 2 SMITH A Co, Proprletm. Ford, c. f. er. He had not occupied this position " " SPERM-$3- .60 1 4 Macdonald, p. when Cana the British " MACHINE-$2.- 15 long troops p.nd rartiea requiring a Bill for Building will do 2 8 . Miner, 3d b. dian militia emerged from the woods a " COAL $9.50 por caw 4 2 WatBon, a. 8. . to gire u a call, an we will furnish a Oeneral wall little in front of the Fenian's line and OATS Sc. per lb. 2 3 Fagan, 1. f. TO TOHN HPRK108 IS NOW PREPARED the battle at once was commenced by Bill of Lumbor cheaper than any otltor bouse in 3 PEPPER, Black 50c per lb. Cook, 2d b. . fumixh tho bent iim!ity Coal fj the British, who opened with a sharp JOc. lb. 1 3 Coffin an, r. f. per . Cayenne the line. TON AT $4.00 and steady fire on the Fenians. There PEACHES 10c. jwr lb. on the Can at Kcho. was at tho time a small rail fence in We will duiker In Salt Lake City at an advance PORK Sold at 20c. to 25c Boughtat 15c to JOc. . 24 '25 Total All order, to be addressed John Sprlirjii, Oul. front of the latter, which was immcdiat- 50c. to 60c. per bushol. POTATOES ALT LAKE NINE. ville, Summit county, Utah lernUiry. of $20 per thousand over Ogden price. lv converted into a sort of stockade. PUTTY 15c. per lb. Outt. Run. The Fenians had been told by Gen. Starr . 4 2 per dux. POLISH, STOVK-$1- .00 White, p, - - - -to keep up a steady fire ; for ten minutes 1 1 HOME MANUFACTURE. PICKETS, $5.30 wr 10O. r, field Strikingham, they obeyed orders and stopped the ad 2 - 1 RAISINS $7.00 per box. b, 1st., Carrington, vance of the British. Before the expir To FARMERS and - - . 1 3 HICK 15c to 17c. per lb. Snow, catch, ation often minutes the Canadian troops, MAIN - -- 4 1 2d. b, (KJIIHN, ROSIN 15c. per lb. Elmer, CHANTS of UTAH we oiler Call' tli. attention B'fllliKT, far outnumbering the Fenians, made a of the Public to hit Now and 1 4 Clive, 8 8, - - KOPK, MANILLA 30c. to 33c. per lb. Splendid Assortment of movement as if intended to flunk and 1 Rockwood, 3d b, SOAP, OLIVE, I. X. L. $S.0tt per box. this ndrauiagc: IVe will capture the invaders, when Starr formed 4 caw. SODA $10.25 c, field, por Young, his rear guard and a retreat was ordero "Ware, STARCH 24c per Arthur, 1 f, - - ed. The British continued firing and TAKE ALL KIXDS OF PAY, whica be kecin constantly on hand. Also, a good SULPHUR 20c. to who the variety or Fenians, managed pressing 21 15 ALT, yine 3c. keep comparatively good order until Rate.: or VADK other Markot At IS5INOS. RUNS EACn Eggs, Butter, Flour, SALTS, Eprom 15c. they reached the U. S. line, when a part Total, of siiwrior all of which ho offer, for sale It E 30c. S , of tho Farm. AIo Stock of any kind: at as low quality;at production, and was British the 5. 2b any that aro imported fivin ing volley Junction, 4, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 4, given by nguiu. Brown 15c. to 17c. per ft. SUGAR, Kant. the 15 the battle of Trout river was over. S. L. Nino, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 8. otc. Work Cowa, Cattle; Wagons, Sheep, N.B. Job Work pnnctiuilly and nearly exocutod .,A-2- 0c. A Paris dispatch slates that Prince Mr. Bushncll, of the Junction Club, Crnshod $21.00 per aack Store Pay at cash raUw, or even Caab Itself not Pierro Bonaparte lias been ordered, by to $2.25 ier ft. tho Emperor, into two years' exile in acted as Umpiro. refused. TOBACCO, Nat Leaf-ll- .10 per ft. America, and that he will leave for New C. WOODMANSEE, of NAVY The 80c RAPE JIG Board. Cheap proprietors We are alto prepared to furnish York. He is now under surveillance at WASHBOARDB-$S.- 50 per dux. the White House set a good table, and Autuil. O gy tl o ii , WHEAT, $1.25 per biuhel. An Athens dispatch states that the being determined to keep pace with the $9. DKALER IN French minister has forwarded to the furnish board at tho rate of eight $5.00 per neat. Greek government a strong note from his times, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, are week. lessees new The to a dollars WOOD $7. per cord. $. home government, declaring that France AX EVIiSt DRY GOODS, proposes a convention of tho great gWing great satisfaction, and the White powers, at which permanent guarantees House will no doubt be extensively pat- will be demanded from Greece, for fu- roniied during tho summer both by GROCERIES, OFFJSHEI) ture good behavior of Greek subjects, bachelor residents and travelers from FCLLOWMY THE AGRICULTURAL IN POSSESSION 1TATK T IMPLEMENTS. The note sharply comments on the de the East And West. I inir described animals: One Spun of American one bay, star in furcheail, branded i L 8; MARKS lays in the pending negotiations on the A Good Supply of MECHANICS' TOOLS on liand. part ot tne Greek authorties. Mm Pugilistic. Yesterday, two men got the oilier orrel, blaze face, bran led jj Both new On good aeenriiy w will alto gite time, on pam Boston. little difficulty and tried to settle ly shod all round. Owner please proYe property, PAtMEJfT, for large orders. into a to died wife of Senator Wilson The aud lake them away. We shall open an rxtensiro Lumber Yard, In it by a resort to fisticuffs on Main St. mj charge BS0LITB DIVORCKS L HO ALLY OBTAINED 11,1.1AM KIHfi, da at Xatick, Norfolk. in New York, Indian. Illinois nr.d other 3 Ogden Valley, Weber County. Ogdon, In a low days. Due notice will lie given of O'Neil will probably be released on This being something out of the common Sliite", fur persont from any Stale or Country, , locality. druukenn-eK- , non legal .vcrywhore; bail on Monday. way in Ogden, a crowd soon gathered Parties in Salt Lak. City ran look out, at Wo si:iKirt, tc. sullicient cause; no publicity; nt Concord. tte . limibut tbo battle ws of hort con shall open up there iu our line in a IW weeks, charge until divorce obtained. Ailvii. Seven car loads of Fenians passed around, Jlmn birtH, iltiden i.'tli, tless established til'torn vears. M. JKIL'SK, A Homey. here yesterday, returning home from tinuance. The belligerents were taken Wftfohmakcrs, Jewelers AGiinsmiths. and give every ono a chance to build and improve Adilross, Ko. 1 tiiissau Street, New Vork City, at cheap rate. Agents fiir American and Elgin W atciies. the war. before Alderman Herrick, who settled Keep cniisuintly on hsiiil a large assortrmoit of All communications to lie addressed fur tho Jacksonville. their difficulty for them by fining them fine Jewelry, foreign n uti hi. (Jims, Pistols, and present to Ammunition or all ktmls. George Barrett was found each ten dollars and coats. will do well to examine onr Stork JOSHCA WILLIAMS Purchasers CO, guilty of the murder of his brother. r fHircbnsing etsewln're. Cards Weber Station, U. P. R. R. First Class Board a the White Repairing St. Louis, d"ii and all work warranted. Printed at the Olflre of this Paper with neetncfS, Mike McCooJe and Tom Allen signed Iloiise Ogden, $8,00 per week. Try il. 4I1y ) Tlui uk. punctuality and dipath, on reuoiuii'U F1S1I-41.- CO'S. SMITH Flooring, Finish ing Lumber and LTJMBEE YAED Picketing, at $10. per M. 85 ht COAL! COAL! ' PER CHARLES PEARCE, Tin, Iron and Cojper -- 12346078 STOYES, ALT-PE- TEA-41.- 50 Shingles WHEEL-HEADWASH-TUB- CIIEAPEK ESTRAY. Main St root, Til KEFOIiE. 43-- dussi-tinn- iHEr Say. ; Mrg. Rumor, who does "ays tell the truth, " says there will "curson train running to Brig-..''- y next Saturdav 1 hit V sitw;. ance t0 a,tend meeting Ja"y says without en PARPE BOESSEL n Handbills, Posters, and To-da- y, tf can-full- i |