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Show .c . M. I. information for newspaper articles. In stinginess out of duors. Be just and Exc'airoioii From Itosioiu. Of TMC th generous. t'y your workmen, pay your Cheyenne is Baid On Saturday evening last at half past FaMisJml .very M'EDNJWIUV and AATUUIM.Y, debts. Let, what money tlieiie is in tUe te be the largest town between Omaha by tlixrt!K frHueai.ia torm. SALT LAKE seven o'clock, the Boston Board of Trade and Corinne. Its population is placed at country circulate. Jiring it out of. the arrived in Ogden, and Excursion, Tarty 3000. box ox the old stocking and. use In the same paper Ogden is said RAN KLIN D. RICHARDS, Epito. strong at 8 o'clock proceeded to Salt Lake City to lNDKR?IONKD WILL, IN A FEW DATS, it for your own comfort and the benefit have 5,f00 iahabitanti. Here is a big coQimt'iice the iiiilihiawm ot tho SALT LAKE C.W. PENROSE, A.houiatis Ewtoh. in the splendid train of Pullman cars, in li KKALl), it new MirnlU) Journal. of the community. Don't be afraid to contradiction. The only paper publishIt The HERALD will lie strictly a wwipuper. which they had traveled all the way ed in Ogden is said to be the Salt Lake will contain tu latunt Loral, OMifntl and Eoreln take tire newspapers nor too penurious to anil aim will Boston. is Mail, Npw from the first through pre This liyTole(jraiilianil to pay for them. We are not going to OtsDKV, UTAH. Ttleyraph. This is another mistake. The Kent to it rai'lern. at the earlitwt purisihlc niomi'iit, train from the Atlantic to the Pacific. iti'liw of uuun gathurcU from mmt thu intfrmtinK ishiill not be ruined. Ihere starve. We Ogden Junction is the only paper pub of the (llolm. Wednesday Jlornliigr, June 1, 1 870. are brighter and better days ahead, and Bofore starting a bottle was filled with lished at the "terminus of the Union allIt)iartM will bo ln.li'iwmlciit Id tone, awl iU flitorUJ will t ciirn-n- t tupiis of intorent ill a sea wuterfrom Massachusetts Bay, to be the people in these valleys will grow Pacific Railroad," and we hope "the first ami lihoral uiantifr. taken by the party to San Francisco and It will vnikavoiir to adranre the ilitereHtrt of the come and and wiser richer, greater, Hard Tliiire., newspaper ever published on a railway Territory, di'fvnit the ri(!litn of the lieojilo of I'tah, forth out of all trials and every vicisi-tud- o emptied in the Pacific Ocean. The par- train" will do us the favor to correct the with whom the Publishers are aociully and relignumbers about one hundred and thirIt i a miserable thing t foe) oor iously iiltintiflud, HiiMtaiu just piiucitilua, and labor and better ty statoment. The following is from the for the ffiMioral wkhI. purified, strengthened Of wlmt benefit toman is wealth, if his ty ladies and gentlemen of distinction, IntenKtiiiK lliinio and Foreign Currespoudvuro dated Ogden, Utah, May 28th, will In- found in itii coluumx. prepared for their high destiny. with the following gentlemen as an Ex- paper oul in pinched with spiritual poverty? disiclcnituni of ne wnaper advertisers is a The 1870: Yet thi poverty of spirit is a frequent ecutive Committee, viz: Hon. Alex. H. paiior that in griieraJlv reuil bv the11 people. The wanting first-claTHE SUNSET LAND. Kit A LD will LAKE Proprietor of to wk ure tlii by laboring energetically to Rice, Maj. Geo. P. Denny, Hon. J. M. accompaniment to .the increase of riches Tailors should g to "As the setting sun began to throw its mi'k be will a and widely make that after & sought Thirkim. r.ARL s. S. Williams, Jas. W. Bliss, and Edwd. golden mantle over the western TIioho who feci rich are the truly iipr , sky, our read. The Editorial Department will lie under the train came slowly up the grade toward W. Kinsley. wealthy. The millionaire whose heart Spit-Hi- ' C'ou ven lion. clmrtreol K.DWAIII) L. M.OAN'. There, 8,242 ii chilled by. the wintry breath of a poor The train loft Boston Monday morn- the Summit at Sherman. A EKKLi II KltAl.I) will bo issued as soon as feet above the coart line, our party the necessary material for it arrives. The Spiritists have been holding a ing, May 23d, at 9.15 a. in. Thousands spirit, ia a beggar by the aide of the then ladies and gentlemen toiling mcchanio who appreciates and three days' convention at Golden City, of people assembled at the depot, and all congregated on the topmost rock Torms for the Suit Late Herald: A FULL PLY OF and sang Amerioa with an expression A large number of believers cheered them (Published every morning exrept Mondays.) njoy whut he has, and feels contented Colorado. "good bye." Gov. Claflin 1 Month Jo.75 and pathos that awakened a thrill in 1H Year 4.1 therewith. There are men in Utah who in spiritual phenomena gathered in from accompanied them through the 1 Months 25 Week State, every heart. Then followed the Star 3 Months 2.00 were richer in the days of their early tho surrounding country, and several leaving them when the lino was John boundary Spangled Banner, Brown, and a SUnsritrPTIONS and all 11USIXES8 COMMITstruggles fur food and a Lome, than trance mediums were present. They or- - reached. Thoy arrived at Albany at 0.10 Doxology, after which Gov. Campbell, MCA'i'IUNtl to U addressed to 8landinS as a in with are their highest on.tiie point, spoke religious society VM. C. DI NHAK, nilsinesn Manager, they presi- p.m. the same day, havine traveled 45 present comparative g'ized (SPRAGUE, GARNER, MERRIMAC worus ot welcome to the party, after , iSiilt like Herald, (silt Ijike City. aflluence. treasurer, sccre- They felt richer, and could "out, rt 1,,, p. m. mey start- - wuich tilreo cLeerg were iv(m fof the UUu.. DUXXELL, AMERICAN, etc.) J,. Hl.tJAN, i;iAKII do far more for publio improvements, or taT7 nd trustees, and adopted a const! eu ror tno rails, WM, C. UU.NUAk. reaching Suspension Summit of our native land. Pike's and f to assist their indigent friends. tution consisting of twenty sections, ex Bridge, 300 miles, in 8 hours and 2G Lon8 8 Peaks were visible, covered with . miles snow, nearly distant. We The cry of "hard times" is become pressivc of their views. According to minntoa T....0.1 m ..-were iar nnnve tiio inn nr i quite common among us. The preva- - Mcir constitution, man is a spirit, which ing they were off aeain on the track. .h.Aii teuce of grasshoppers, and the scarcity spirit has an organized substantial form and arrived at Windsor, opposite De- - than tho summit of Mount Washington;" u. gree.. oacis mane ioiks leel poor, wun organs SUPPLY OK THE BE.T QCAI.ITY corresponding to those of troit, at 11.40 a. m. Here they crossed Although arriving late ia the evening, X.X. GOOD of White Liuie is kept constantly on hand at men nut ion up lueir pockets, shut up tho body. This spirit is immortal. Death the river and pushed on for Chicago, the party visited the Salt Lake Theatre Checks, their granaries and close their hearts in no way essentially changes the mon- - Starting from thence at noon on Wednes. in time to see the. elr.sin.rr,..,. nf ti, ... 1)111111111 Daniel Kilns, . .. ... .. .. 61 .. . . . 1.. l'w .11 i - '"eir generosity mi constitution or the moral character, (tay, they made the run to Cedar of a Milo from the Welier Station. He Rapids, formance. On Sunday they attended -will deliver it ou tho Cars at Webwr Station lor 'O miles, in about G hours. luca experiences anu attainments ot gaming Elder Continuing the services in the Tabernacle. s.uu.. uuy mat wo ore poorer una me iorm a loundntion on which the their journey after a brief delay, caused W. Woodruff and Trest. G. A. Smith oc45 Cents " ever lie- - ncxi is Duut, ana progression is the by a late freight train, arrived op. cupied the morning, and Prest. Young F1,Pwwin they fore. All elasses of the community spirit's endless destiny. The 10 7. Omaha on at spirit posite Th..rU . MVU the afternoon meeting. After the servi . 1.1 ! . AJltMl tl.a . t i .1 vU..w,8iuu ui compiaiui, anu "uriuiHuere, arounu ana lnteroleuded inr. The steamer H. C utt w in ces tho First Presidency and several . I ..... . , ,. the Word MhI'1 .1. w'.ll, ...... r, ,, .. fp..m incsciii.i rime oi existence,' ami rraiimcHS ' Mnri rnnv.irn.i thotr, lv niuuiu nmiuui . .1... bulu uuu nines were never .uiuwUI.u. leading men took dinner with the com. JIB:! IsIJIE! IsIME sceu in contains all sorts and grades of charac- - 'mighty Missouri.' They staved at Oma. pany on the cars, and the train left about me country. IISHCK! her, each findins its own sphere bv the ha until r. ir, 8 p. m., passing through Ogden about 10 milE PORTERVILLE (MO)t(lAX COUNTY) 1 ! OW ling IB t : . . Tl.- ,A AAman,. CTPPOt WAtlf maHa O . UwU0Vun. III T.1IA e tU .Mr. - Il filll L.n iU UCU I1U '"mit -I nVUlUIUUIIIt'UUUIIM L. hn..nn. operative Lime and Brick Company are re-v jo'clock on " cuuo to the O p. California. We way vuuj uj are humbugging themselves. pareu 10 lurnisn tne jienpie ot Moriran and tl They are Hie pirit world, whatever their mode, m. on l riday, stayed an bour and came hope the Bostonians will eniov all the "''Joining Conuties with No. 1 Articles of oiuaing thenisclvee into poverty of "ot, and never have been authorita on to Ujtlen, irom tnoir as that antic we LIME AX1 have pleasure they trip arriving, pint, Man who have plenty of every- - llv because they partake of the im said, at 7.30p. m., on Saturday Thefol. ipated, ana that tne journey homo will at their hilns at Portorville; or they will ship be attended with as much success and niton ou mo isra at Morgan t.ity to any iniint tuiug for present use, and a respect- - perfections of the revealers, the mediums lowingdescriptiou of the train the on the line of the V. PM C. P.. or I'.C. most gratification as the excursion from the designated KnilroaUs. uie little storo for future lhey will warrant to their Patrons contingences, ft,l(l ,he recipients, elegant and perfectly appointed set of Atlantic to tho Paoific. genuine article. The price of the Lime shipped at are afraid lo build, or t ents, per Hushe! the price ol Individual consciousness is tho only cars that were ever .Morgan ,'ixiy-nvSwiss improve their put upon a road is tho lli ick. Ten I). .liars ikt Thousand. Cash. Stock property, or even to pay the hands "'andard of truth. Inspiration is a per- - taken from the at Cash Hates taken, in payment. ami Produce a neat uruors to ne sunt to lld.M AS 111(01 11. Municipal. wnoin mey are obliged to employ, be- - petual fact confined to no age or period journal printed in good style on tinted Porterville, Morgan County. cause they feel so A11 The beings, whether angelic or demoniac, paper, and published City Council met pursuant to ad miserably poor. Now on the train, daily nis cry or "bard times" is sounded too who ,iaT manifested themselves to mor journment at the City Hall on Monday W. R. Steel, editor: I . i. ...ui-sou wtiuout sufficient reason ; 30th at 9. a. m. re uieetnbodted spirits. All so- "The train is made up of eieht of the May nd tunes are made harder and duller called miracles, which are There were present Lorin Farr Esq. anthpnt; most, cars ever drawn over an ' sivgant . . . ... . u vuu.ciui-uo... UTTltlVirVCi L. uecn me nft J. Herrick and F. A. Brown ui poor feeling which proauced by spiritual agen- - American railway. They were built by Mayor, mo oruer ue cry creates. It i, true ol Messrs. the to be J. Walter T0ni."FS0X McGaw, Pullman, CO. AUK NOW PREPARED TO money Is e7 " harmony with the laws of nature. "q Aldermen, compietea in lime for the present excur- - Thompson, and Josiah Leavitt Esns 11 lunnsli the best quality ot Coal, at scarce, but there have been seasons 1,10 chain of causation leads back to sion, and te be first used in couvevine when it was much scarcer; true, TLmOdell,ESq.,City Ee- grass- - Creative Spirit, the infinite Parent of tho members of the Board of Trade of Counclllors. W. N. hoppers are plontiful, but they have humanity, and each human Fife the of cordcr, and Boston, their families. Esq, City Marshal being w an fromcity on tho Cars, at Echo. their homes on the Atlantic coast to and Officer Middleton. ocu inucn more lo; true also, trade is otlahoot of the Divine Essence. Evil in the shores of the Pacific. All order addressed to ROIIINSON t Co Coal A. J. Shupe Esq, was elected Alder aull, but it Las been far duller. There nmn is harmony with the divine prin Tiiie.MimmittXiuuty, Lull, will meet with nrotunt 1 he train leads off with a MEXS' AXI BOYS' attention. have been times when cash was a curl- - ciplc, and whatever promnta mn i car, the front of which has five baceaire man. large ioe . i: . a it in Utah fit for the DeeeretMaseum i uTcri nceui.es were granteu anu a bring his external nature into harmony oloset, ,ld refrigerator, for the stor- ITiUadb... ..Ubliahed, time. wke. with th. divine iu hun i. vegetables. number of tradesmen's accounts ordered of for baggage. be Kl-E- P paid. lb.rigm..fCaweljeTer txpeoted to Wtlon" from eril. with the exception of a spa( in aha aav. The dollar The Ordinances were passed, ia itorepay for waget, constitution claims that the ten- - nor. whore elands a new quarto medium following fe BURXIXCl! wmee when the devouring "iron dads' dency of these principles is to kindle 0o.rdon irei"' UP0U wtica pper is An Ordinance in relation to the Citr tverytumg before them, times spiritual aspirations opposed to material- RISMONAND MAX FIELD ARE NOW PUR. !! elt endless irumances. when the whole iky of business was wired to furnish an excellent Quality of e.l J Car, which is divided intn four wwim. ou me cars on terms "An si lo uo, Ordinance the jk tiwes, suit in relation to streets. NOTIONS covered with elouds without a break lu death, to give a rational concent ion of Tue nrst ia printing office, which is s, side-waland shade Cash, Bt(s;k and all kinds of produce taken in me uuc gloom. But times ohaneed. tUe ner 'o stimulate to the bisrhestl BU,f iuJ)u lln "'acKwainut cabinets filled trees." payment, at easii rates. ()n ers adi rvsseil wuo lno .fe." 8,- - '0S for new- busincaa revived, the 'hnnr,. eie...i Possible uses of tl, rB.onMif , M..W JtuiA 31. LKl IS, rare of A. C. BKCKW1T1I "An Ordinance w, wbiw- ' r a reward ana authorizing worK. . This department paper will meet prompt attention. jod 42 1 ai out, cash circulated and everythinit be- - Ku th oul il for the arrest of persons accused of that is good, to rro- - we without eirotUm. may w " . sav . O . A LARGE QUANTITY OF crime." came nveiy. bo it will be again. We mle purity of life, so as to be constant- - I lroughly tested, and has already An Ordinance nne are suujett to the same laws which gov- - 'JT authorizinc 8 worK nardon and n be communication with the hieher I . BO,UB,BB Ve me remitting ot lines and cost." em other communities in the common conditions of spiritual existence to I W.ht? ' I .... ... "An Ordinance . . . iuia is ... , .. u mo, anu must expect changos muiaie me mina to the freest thought neatly fitted up lobby and wine room ment ot mason declaring the measure work, paving and cut auu nuctuattons in trade, finance, agrl- - on a1' subjocts, to delivor from all bond- - x exl comcs a lnrge smoking room, with stone. ASSOCIATION, eucre laira a . . . tables, etc. The rear end of tlm culture, ami hn.in... MAIN STREET, OODEN. ,i..i.- - ! "An Ordinance relating to Vagrancy." U One fact however, should be clear to U,MW- M- "AnOrdinance church or book, except that of .Xnn " r.haX; declaring theCitv Thar. milE FEMALE RELIIf SOCIETY BEO TO Also, all. Through all the ups and downs of received truth, to cultivate self iu me aiicntion or the Ladies to their Following this come two new hotel ier to nave me encct ot Ordinance." reliance, j. - tne our eventful career, as a "An Ordinance in relation to dogs." & "Arlington "and the 'Kevere," community we an(i to "'ckoD. all philanthropic im- - fars both of which are 1) sl V A tMil ustu flrnwn iiliAH completely'.i. and cle- - , "An Ordinance relating to the dis- or B ana more Buougcr Uantlv The people, as a body, prosperous. foregoing contain, nothing new adapted to the uses for which they SUJecaJ An Ordinance relation to rhysici- are better fed. better clothed, better Put is tlie bstance of the opinions of destined. sus. Consisting of Artificials, Feathers, Rihbons, Hats, housed and better supplied with com- - a11 advanced Spiritualists. A. J"' '"gnincent saloon car.. the "An Ordinance in relation to auction forts and conveniences than they ever tno,,gh mny grand truths which are re 'Talmyra'' and "Marquette," come A fine assortment, for ante, ehnnn next. ' eers." wcro before. New comers may open coiveJ by thousands of believers in the The train is completed by the two ele "An Ordinance regulating proceed their eyes at this statement, and think Scriptures are expressed in the consti- - gant commissary cars, the "St, Charles" llay-rake- s, ATTENTION, LADIES! ings in case arising under the Ordi and "St. each of which is fin- nances ot we are shooting with the M1LI.1NEUY OF AM. KTn9 long bow; but ,ulin. the same weakness is betrayed ished in allCloud," tlietity." J1 at Mrs. PENItOSKS. nn tl. V.t .l.u ..r its appointments aa an vnft ha Tho Council adjourned until 2 oliler settlers, who are not too badly which shows itself in all the manifestoes . : p. m. mam oireei, a utile Sontli ol Odeu House. umur lurnngus I1O11C0U. Hoes, on Monday June Gth. smitten with the grumbling itats, liounets. Rabies' Hoods, etc ma,!n The entire train is equipped with complaint nJ constitutions of those societies who order. every to admit the truth, will say "that's so" depend on the spirits of the dead lc8irab' Straw TuscAn and fiixxl. .n.t rlejui.,! that tend in accessory the .it.n.j may alone .uo taiesi rasnioiis. ' in a minute. Look at our houses, fnr- - for light and inspiration. ,0. rrniote the ease of the passen- TT T m OtWD WORK OUARAXTECD. TT A TT n T) 1. flltllrA nvrii.yrl. i..m1a.. The 11 V U O Jj, JtesT """ """"i nurses, ve- sterv. art .tin .:i,i; v ... AIVI uthOTliyrfth.8pm.0w ".uu cattln. mill. h. vdiveistj ia ruicu. out. liis re-- I lllu3uci r --woou hide, h.,n I.; wora marKincr v. .uv sun. every rorlion of tlleir rrangcments. Amonir the snops, tools, machinery &o. &o. New vealed laws are made of no binding fnrr GItOUND TO LEASE. with these cars coiners may say that these things do and man is left free to Host of Accommodations and reject is de- - I are 'wo well ,"tro,lu1cc,? OEVEHAL VERY EURIRLK libraries, RUILPIXO not fall te their lot. But they will with dared commandments if Lcasoiiablc Charges. niT.LTl k3 Sites to Lease on the r.....- they do not with choice works of fiotion uuiivi ALL KIXDS OF nioa Square. labor, dilligence, hope and persover- - "uU him The human mind is 'set For pai tii ulars apply to JAS. adria Pot'try etc, and two of the improved ATATINJ" --LrT at SIcGAW, Esn, I)T?T7Ti ance. Times ere better for the newlv on a sr of the Joctiux Ollice. lvxli instruments are i'tt0rgans- uncertainly without anchor :t-t- f dolftil arrived than they used to be. They or compass, and ha. no .ruidc U.T. OGDEN, ''ptfped.l, nr come here easier, food is cheaper, mark In all the universe but its BAMBERGER ft COII EX, Proprietors. The cars of this train are own lighted dur- " n " new lU0 n'1 oomiorw ward man" g." " way norcl Free Bus to and from the promptings. Truth I Hard Scrabble District. aud conveniences of life are more nu- ' therheing under each an ingenious- rhbed of its indivisibility and ahanln rer j .. . . . I. constructed i . machine which produces .ou easiiy accessible than In "ci ,s made to be truth to one from Uauid hvdro-enrhn- n IN FACT, VrOTTCK 13 TIERRUY GIVEN THAT A a gas equal ia XI MininR District was formed on tho Eleventh former yoars. person ana error to another, as their brilliancy to that made in the ordinary ot 187(1. . Anril. ennimmu-inday u....i. .. : . ttatr i . , . Pevil's (ite. in Mill (viT kZ ".. . ' ... Tli n i? ni Mill we acknowledge that times ere tnrtivi,la! is is luruisneu ovme i'i iTn.epuotis may timer and I and Ceniity, West mnninu four niilei, thenra UM Ig,,t Co-- i whoso offices are at dull, employment is scarce and many determine. Sont ten miles, thence East miles, thence ............. u,ii. uiencencsteiht street. New York. il)0 "esl iwenty-nint- h All i.i- , .v nave to make a hard scratch fur a livOGDEN, U.T. Tour, miles to the v " uoney- - me generator is so arrantred that, it urn. rliilis FAVORITE iinrse place of beginning. innvn OSCAR 0. STOIiriARI. R ing. We know this by experience. We r in Divine revelation. The word of viJog ....... tor any required number of '".'''''reuorated.nmifn g9 Reorder of Hard Scrabble District. are fully conscious 0f the true condi Cod is authoritative and final. burners in the car and no more, and " THOMAS BROUOII, tion ofuffaire. We fool the pressure of faith perceive the source, and the dl-- J Secretary, the times as much as other folks. But VOUt son Of Deity bows before the fiat re - OPened." I Pi'"1 the California and Home markets. '"' -- 1,1 run , nun irom the Track to carry . Heaven in 1,, .... il.:- We (In nut- wiah In . . uiuu ouuiiusMon vuius appear of oisptr" ' uc ' n worse man mey really are. We do not 11 nJ 00jjr; tor as high as the heavens . . ,. a FIN E BAR and All Orders adJi-esso-. to D. II. TEERY, . , , , woicn L; lA'-1- 01 I'guen, oeing taken want to join in the cry of "hard times" ar8 abov8 the earth so are liis thousrhis JOHN MAHOJf. Kelt Spanish District. frnm aomo. travel.... n..:.i. ' . .. . 0Kden, rtah, Mt 2(1, 1S70. Ogden City, will have prompt ,1 u.iiic nei rjuue .up.. 4.Win anuI Atincrcny ncip to make Poy business atore .1. Ultloughts of men ATOTICK is HKRKItY GIVEN to the times, is considerably short of the TIUT A attention. Tne Convention aljourned until the stagnant, and hindor publio and private mark. On the return trip we emir at the Ogden Mooien ,,,! hope tho second Saturday in November at Den enterprise. , es ,hence North six excursion party will arrive in the t,," ... . . . ... f,i..,;i..'.i dsy T OST. ON K SMALL SORREL HOUSE MT'LK iet us be rational. Stop this panic. ver, six iint to thenlace of ff time, that they may have a chance to I J hranded P on left hip: one nmell (Irev Mare' Cease this hmnded JA on ril,t thiKli; and one Pay' everlasting grumbling. Don't ';5Genti.:mkn wanting finomialitv look around Ogden and see it for them- J1"'' h" feet, whip marks "in right give way to this poor spirit. Establish 6out WM. EPSON HATCH, flank. The nlH.vo Reward selves. Uuide books are not i.l will I Furnishing 0ods should go to their the always In economy the household but drive Cache Secretary. ILCunoud, Oir.lrn. Tiiiukill & Earl's. kind of authorities from which to glean v. OtU, IS711 PROSPECTUS SbrCDndcw function. Trans-Continent- T; OGDEN CITY. tn-a- utraight-forwan- l, WIIOffljlIIWTl - ss h NOW OPENING: SIP Prints, latest Style- s- 1 42-t- lu ..!. "..T' .,.... Denims, d Toweling p . .,.,,. 1 Lime! Lime! .... i- Domestics, ,... .1. I T. I per Bushel. 41-l- I Cambrics, Silicias, I.I Ii!JH !i! Ginghams, C0-.- I i HIIHK Cliamhrays, Irish Linen, Muslin, e Tram-Continent- 1 Flowers, u ... u COAL! COAL! COAL! '" . $4.00 per Ton, - " . Ribbons, Parasols, Shakers, 4J-o- feVSta THE FIRE STRAW HATS. "pi An wator-ditcho- '. ' -- s L. . .: ... variety of ...... t W.I , i,J FEMALE vuiB 1,1"" BOOTS & SHOES. RELIEF qi..w. 1 NEW STOCK I ..i Grain SPRIAG GOODS, Cradles, Snaths, 1 20-- tf Grass Scythes, T7IRST-CLAS- ' n.. n J .,i """""J rt I w. RE-OPENE- tVl'? Ji J Tw ... v Forks. I in n..u Rakes, SEE. D. P"" GEOCEREES. NOTICE! Wi, w ". n,t. CALL . OGDEN HOUSE, The Stock . complete in all Departments. MAIN STREET ZHi$lLJ !' nSSr 41-l- NOTICE. . " $25 Reward! Fat-to- . """.Pi IIm-,o- II. B. CLAWS OX, o'Vti' l-- tf Superintendent. |