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Show She Oflien function. One m ., Month .... ; - - jingle lpy They wonld Karctly belief bim when ha told them that, when in Thurse aome time ago, be ou one occaaie aw six hundred people in ' church. ftruca GuTnaia. js I Of SUBSCRIPTION.. , TERMS Three Sleeping in Church. If Wished ever WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, 1DKN Pullisuino Company. v the O'ra their deroted head. While the law thundered. Snugly and heodleaely Snored the six hundred. Great wat the preacber'a theme; Sci ew'd ob was all the atoam; Neither with shout aor tenant Csuld ho disturb th dream Of the ill hundred. 2.IIO .10 Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. BATES Oi? ADVERTISING. A .o. o a 11. VOE. I. OtiiDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JU3TE 1, 1S70. to 1 10 Squire $15 $ 20 $ 35 $ ) 7U 40 IS 25 21 50 65 MO 6 10 13 IS P.D 40 m 'JO r,5 11 10 IS) 25 45 '20 30 ; 45 75 100 lo5 200 lines, $2 fc) 3 5 4 7 alp oD. $") $S 7 Hi 9 11 3IoraIity of Potatoes. Law-Maker- s. An Ordinance in isolation to Posts und WARRE Hl'SSET, Salt Laltv City. Terror to right of them, Terror! to left of them, Trerore in front of thein Hell iteolf pbindored Of ita niont awful thing, d. At the Boldly b ipok and well; AU on deaf ear it foil, Tain was hi loudest yell Volloy'd and thunder'd; Tor, caring th truth to tnll fielthor for heaven nor hell, Snored th tlx hundred. C. L. DAHLEB, Helena, Montana. Se.'Ung Securing There is no branch of farming where Teams. ot a exists great IILSSEY, DAHLEB & CO,, opinion diversity as in the seeding aud cultivation of poSeo.l. B'it ordained by the City Council tatoes. Some say, if A'ou plant small BANKERS, ones, you will get small ones; others, if of Ogdan City, that all persons owning JENNINGS' NEW BUILDING, within the limits of said city you want large ones, plant them. I have buildings owned a iarm and worked upon it lor are hn-ebrequired to set one or more 9IA1X - STIIEET, OGDEX, feet from he last twenty-fou- r years, aud have al posts in the street, twenty-fiv- e AND SALT LAKE CnY. most invariably planted small potatoe- s- the front line of their lots. Where the in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency. Draw Dalen ditches a water variation interfere, have planted the Davis fceedling fifteen may Exrhance on ftin i'rancinco, Montana, Denver, years, wit nout ctinnging me seea, ana be made sufficient to clear such ditch; St. Louia, New York, and all part of Europe. seeded with small ones, and never rais said posts must be Pet in a good substanCollection tf Still, with redoubted seal, promptly attended to. od larger ones than last year. Care tial manner, suitable for securing horses Still he spok onward, . other animals. or hould be taken to seed light with the And, in a wild appeal, A. 31INE11, Sec, 2. Any person refusing or neg small ones. I planted a potato in my king Striking with hand and ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. garden last spring, not larger than a lecting to comply wilh the foregoing th pulpit real, of this section the ordinance, marble that produced but one eye, and corporaSuakon and aunderad from it I raised 2 pounds of large size tion shall have the right to set said post Ofllce opposite Ogilcn Hotel, Called thein the Church'a foes, CITY. OGDEN potatoes. My rule is to cut two eyes on at the expense of the owners of said Threatened with midlMH wo- oAll klndi of legal bntineu promptly attended piece, and put three pieces in a hill, building. Faintly th anewer rot to. 3. All Sec. iu three feet apart, or in drills the Bame persons are hereby forbid ofthetr iwoot ropoio) (Proof proportion. Those that I wish to plant den to set sign, awning, or other posts From the united not of this the on of any city, any, before the eye would naturally Of th aix hundred start in the cellar, I bring up to the light except they set them sixteen feet from hat 1 may know that my seed is all in lh street line of their lots; and further, I'KifVOT. good shape, and am particular to cut the that no sign or awning shall be less than Eormona of near an hoar seed myself the day it is planted, (as it eight feet above the grade of the side Too much for human power; mures the seed to beat after it is cut.) walk; nothing in this section shall be so Prajon, too. mado to match Three r four vines in a hill are a plenty; construed as to prohibit persons from To all whom it may concern (Exteinporumou hatch, opposite you will get about the same number of setting posts on the Wofully blundered); pounds, with less small ones. It your h corners of blocks, to prevent the With a torrica of music ground is mellow, one eye on a piece, trespassing of teams: Provided, the dis- VTOTICE IS IIER2BT GIVEN, THAT Fit to turn every pow alck with four pieces in a hill is enough ; if tance between said posts slial not be less all Pcrsi-n- r engaged in Business in Sliould it be wonder!? ougb and soddy, more seed will be than five feet. Ordi wnich the City Sec. 4. Any person having charge of, Ogden City, (tcr that will not niova Churche needed, for some will uot come up. nance provide that a license must be Out of the ancient grooi I he eyes of a potato are all connected or being I lie driver ot a team, shall, first without procuring obtained,) Through which they lloundor'd. together by roots running through the while such team is standing in the streets license are liable to be taken before any said of stand will lag boblnd. or If and they any public city, if place disconnected, every eye potato, Alderman 'A said City, aud be subjected Still must expect to find will start, while on the whole potato on near the head of the same, or have hold to a Fine. Urarert of uch a kind ly a part will start. Potatoes should be of the lines attached to them, or other By order of the City Council, to some post or other Aa th tlx hundred. wise them secure with on of the level about a planted top LOhIN FARR, Mayor. he ground; vary a little from this rule substantial place of fastening prepared f the piece be wet or dry.) Hill them lor that purpose. Any person or perMiscellaneous. up just enough fur the potato to grow in sons violating this ordinance shall be THOS. G. ODELL, City Recorder. and no more. Hoe ihem when very liable to a fine in any sum not less than There ar twelve thousand rarieties small, have plenty of dirt between the five nor mere than fifty dollars for each ; of the roso. lis and rows. Potatoes have two sets offence Passed May 23rd A. D., 1S70. The Office of :he City Recorder is at of roots; one that the tubers grow on, If a man has nothing to say he is sure L0K1N FARIl, Mayor. the Office of the "Ogden Juuction," and numerous other roots that run from to take much time and use many words G. Recorder. Thos. Odell, City one hill to the oilier, near the top of the Saventies' Hall, near the U. C. R. R in saying it. Station. ground, drawing in food and moisture hence the injury of hoe.ng them late. Office Hourt from 10 a. m. till 8 p. m. Jasper Morgan, a Connecticut man, , If the ground is left nearly level these neyer had a doctor in over 87 years of little roots will much more readily drink his life, until his last illness. Fseulapiua !' ;; in the dews and showers that tall, and finished him. of course will not dry up as much as it ReY. C. B. Smyth), theexpcllcd liiliber Hooper. hilled up. The potato plant n eJs con n Zcruhbabcl Snow. in new i has got. another pulpit siderable and and i air, by seeding What the Telescope light MmU-- .J. 1). T. McAllister. known be is as the to ilis York, churph Doins:. light the vines grow more erect, and give Church to the Holy Clayton. Au'lilor'um of air, whwii has a better circulation ; Treasurer David 0. Calder. One of the largest telescopes in the tendency to preserve them from the rot. IN V be at trifles. worried Schools If Common "Nerer Superintendent of W. IlABDl". world, it is well known is owned by the T ADIES VISITING SALT LAKB CITr Robert L. Campbell. spider breaks his thread twenty times, N. II., April 29, 1870. Nclcon, I J nwpwtlully invited to call aud einniino the Chicago University. The destined work wenty times willlieuieml it again. .Make , Choice Mifk ol ivKln at tli of this wonderful instrument is to make, up your mind to do a good thing, and you ' "J Weber Conntj Officers: ISoue Felon. doit." SAMPLE AD SALESROOM F. D. in connection with nine chief observaJ'robatt and C'oun'ii Jude suicide at Cincimiti" was' A would-b- e Of all painful things, can there beany next door to the Banking limit of JIuimt. Dablcr tories of Europe aud America, au entire ON Richards. A Co., Kat Temple Street, whore they will tiud a off thetraek before a earning tmin 11 pulled &itet J. tl'trricK;1 Henry ly new catalogue of oOO.OOO stars, de- so excruciatingly painful as a bone felon very nice elock of We know of none that tlesh is heir to, by a railroad man, who warn jdj Jiiu'! Hulaics, Richard lSallantyni'. tlic right ascension and declitermining to "muss up the origin., and this is and as F. S. Clerk ami Recorder Richards. ' against trying quite malady frequent ... tk.t . nation of each, particular slur; so tiiui by the ol much earnest consider I subject J'rssecutUy Attwny Aurclius Miner. City, Ogden observing its position, astronomers may ation, we give the latest for its Xotary I'uLlie William Critcblow. roj:pe i'ar-ot- f be to able announce au Hgi-t,in Henry Ward Boechor, aacording to the cure, winch is given by that high au jtherij Gilbert Belknap. thoritatively on iis motion, and todeclure thority, the London I har on hand a large Stork of th Celebrated New York Herald, makes Plymouth Lancet: "As soon as Deputy Sheriff William Brown. SUA WAN, LEH KIN, ( ROW, NOVUM, iu what direction it has proceeded the disease Church resound with laughter orery Sun Assessor nd Collector Sanford Bingisfelt, put directly over the IXDERCLOTJIIXG, AND SUAKPS VKAKU3 of through the illimitable voids. At this spot a fly blister, about the size of your ham. day. How much better is that than tbe ' moment it is slowly and surely perform- thumb nail, and let it remain six hours. habit of many preachers, who make their Sundowns Hats, Treasurer Israel Canfield. churches resound with snoring ererv f ing iis sublime work, and furni-bin- g the which of Coroner Rabies' Wni. N. File. time, directly expiration Konneta, astronomers the data upon under the surface of the blister, those far-of- f and , STOCK of LARGE a be Alto, Sunday. Schools and Surcyor Superintendent of which to base their calculations respect seen the felon, which can be may General Aotions. Win. W. Burton. instantly An intelligent youth, recently engaged CASE LIQUORS. ing that mighty problem, the direct mo jaken out with the poini of a needle or in a commercial oinco, maue out a snip- lion of the sun through space. PRICES THE SAME AS IN lr.ncet. ' CASE WINES, When this issolved, data will also be City Government: ping bill lor "lourty barrels of flour. Ilia employer called his attention lo an EASTERN CITIES. Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 18C1. abundant lor locating the posinon of the CHAMPAGNES, error in the spelling or lorty. "Sturo Story. Municipal election biennially on the great central sun, around which millions Millinery and Drpwmakine; in all their Drancbe wind Monday of February. enough," replied the promising clerk. Meetings upon millions of other suns popularly CATAWBAS, 'You see," said the old darky, "dis cxetutetl witu proinpuiuiie. of the left out the gh." ETC. Cily Council weekly, on Tuesday denominated stars, do, in all probability, the latest in material Diane own Ladies' ETC, atyle. up to a baker in Richmond. belonged parrot The at Main divided labor revolve. Street. "enings, being among City Hall, each baker is 'lowed to make a A Cincinnati druggist expresses tho Call and examine my Stock. the ten principal observatories in the jNow. number Jfayor Loreu Farr. of loaves of bread every certain mat mere are nve hundred wo- opinion Aldermen F. A. Brown, Luke 1st Ward; world, will make the share of it falling day, and no more, cause if they does, Salt Vity. men in that city who eat arsenic ti stars to the 25,000 Chicago Observatory, L. J. Ilerrick, 2d bleach their complexion. If any one they will be servin' out stale bread to do upon each one of which the most care customers. Well, dis baker had baked ,, ,, Joseph Parrr, 3d should concludcthat hisreligion required Nearly Opposite White House. Counselors James Me Gaw, Walter ful observations will be made and re more than his usual share per day, that he should kill himself with arsenic will ten about It corded.. years and hid de surplusm under de counter. require Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah and corsets how these same woman would to accomplish this stupendous work and De Leaviit, Israel Canfield. was hangiu in his cage an stand aghast at hia fanaticism. parrot when it is done we may expect some Recorder Thos. G. Odcll. seed it all. Bimeby in comes de inspec S. S. NEAR TUCKER, TH. - T..l most discove - .1 astronomical - TV important !... JaamnA. Miner. tor an nuas ue bread all right, an is ries. XarthulV . N. Fife. on to the went man of thn track when out de parrot sleep satisfied, goin' again Treasurer Aarou Farr. Southwestern Railroad, near Farley, cocks his eycat himandsingsout: Dere I Wo are now proparotl to exchang Assessor and Collector S. TJingham. Iowa, on Tuesday, and when the train in de So more de bread under counter.' i Speed of Electric Engines. W. W. Burton. Surveyor struck him came along the A BLOCK EAST OF THE grabs it, coi din' to law, and car CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL. spector HALF Captain of 1'olkeV. G. Taylor. on the head, scalping him as neatly a1 Professor Gould has found that the ries if off. Well, den do baker goes to OGDEN. "JUNCTION" OFFICE, Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston. though the job was performed by a n J .. r n .;u, unnil. nt velocity of the ellectric waves through de parrot berry mnd, an takes himbyde Constable C. F. Middleton. la liirniniied the nut if it him is from an or to AU will Wool a lotches twich be Orders personally and promptly Digger Indian. two, air the Atlantic cables 8,000 head, 7,000 required, at tended to. miles per second, and depends somewhat flings him in de gutter for dead, price 01 lue grens win ue ueuucieu iroiu mo nuw. i A lady mado a call upon a friend who whether the circuit is formed by 'lonjiside a pig iust dead ob de meascls. upon Otiiee: Post When her manufactured Article Grease of Soft kinds and Ogrten by ua I.' warranted to had receutly been married. Beef all Every while In de little to and a the one cable the two cables or by parrot begins be niooe ol tne uoat material. Postmaster she said: "l'v came husband to dinner Isaac Mooro. crawl about, his fodders stickin' out, an' taken iu Exchange for General Delivery from 8 a.m. to G p.m. earth. s." "Well," replie J been to Mrs. Telegraph wires upon poles in the ai. his head lopped on one side, an' den stops Sunday g. from 6 p.m. to 0 p.m. husband. her "I suppose sho is happy." XE conduct the electric waves with a velo an' looks at de pie berry pitiful, an' says. I Well, I should think ily Mails close, until further notice, sheeught "Happy city a little more than double this, and 'Did you say anything about the bread?" Jor Salt Lako to be; she lias a camel's hair shawl, two 3.30 p.m. City at that curious as a is it fact, remarked, For the East FULLER and Wanted a first-claG.30 a.m. thirds border." the rapidity of the transmission incrcas or the West FINISHER. 3.30 p.m. Floods. Extensive es with the distance between tlie wire The entire business portion of HenAltRIVK of the sup N. C, was destroyed by fire tu Weat of Preat. B. Toung'a Iloaldenr, A Co. from Salt Lake City derson, Pl'GSLEY the Siutc the of 7.30 a.m. and the earth, or the height earth like month, HAMULI,, During past Bait Lake City. 17th. The fire was first discovered issu port. Wires buried in the From the East New York has been visited with a series 4.S0 p.m. ca of freshets that are almost without a store on Main-st- ., belonging West 7.30 a.m. wise transmit slowly, like submarine ,, paral7ISITOIt9 TO SALT LAKE CITY SHOULD ing from bles. Wires placed upon poles, but lel. Sereca Lake is several feet not forirpt to call and aix th flu colln tlon to Dr. Debriam. It spread very rapidl- -, MAILS higher of NATIVE ANIMALS and BIRDS; alto MINE and soon consumed every with a than building c.;, for North Ogden on Monday at slightly elevated, transmit signals it has ever been known to be beRALS, HOME MANUFACTURES, and natural f of 12,000 miles per secoud, while fore. For some miles south of the luke -Telocity iiroductiena of th Territory, at Ui abort eatab- - both sides of the street for a dixtance 30ji.Ki. For Plain City, on Thurs200 yards. Every business house in t' lichuient. give a vet the cars run through water Hp to the day, at 0.30 p.m. For Huntsville, on those at a considerable hight UKST 1SEER IN WEltEIt COUNTY, Open from 9 am. to e p.m. town was consumed. The loss is est ocity of 10.000 or 20.000 miles.-Vo- uraxles. Great damage has occurred to milE TsesdHj 4Uid Friday, at 8 p.m. 1 y maniitai'tiirvd and Inr aiile in quautitioa of nal dtt Telegraphes. mated at $50,000, only a small portion At State works. pome of the Corning, from rive (Inllona and upwurdnt Landta llrewcry, of which is covered by insurance. t on iiurch ( reck, four milea is to of the Canal the ofOguen. amount dninage Trainsuntil Order will 8Hl.ua and Kamiliet tumdied. Leave CVdew at estimated $00,000. nofurther daily, I ALL AT A public dinner given in Boston re- -' THE REVERB HOUSE SALOON, jereive prompt attention. ,lc ior K.i t Late City at 8 a.m. and Tungstatc of Soda. A. LA.Li, rropnetor. f Second Soul h Street, Bait Luke City, where offorded opportunity for no 0.30 tvm cent'.y Ta. trj.il,. t... iiiiiiio CUC time you will find JOE. hI.MMO.N3 or ilia aaaittanta i in the display of tempting vianii of Buckmasters "Elements Sinn. (Seven designs Chemistry' with eerv to and ready willing ) yuii ,1,,b, For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For Wild ducks stood at the brink of a loss of considerable savs: 'Every year lue SALOOX. FRESH at OYSTERS, 6.35 p.m. "est, 1. Refusing to take your own county pond, 5x2J feet in sue, borderi-life occurs from the imflammable nature Arrive from Salt Lake GOLDEN (UOWX CIGARS, BILLIARD TABLES, CHOICE BRANDS City, 7 a.m. of materials u?ed for dress. Solution paper. and containing live trouu ' with moss, C1O0D nd PIGS FEET, etc. ) p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. Liquor, and Landt'a Celebrated Ale and were 2. a and for not with several have nt " sails been paying paper Snipe of Taking standing by the edge of Laser IM'. proposed 49- Call and tee him. frni the West. 6.35 a.m. it. pond n view of rendering fabrics non intlam similarly bordered and BUCHMILLER'S Salt Lake City Time. SALOON, built f 3. Not advertising. a pigeon-housUpon able. From numerous experiments, it near on Vrooni'i Lot, North of Public Square, aw shaded 4. married and and in rustio the bark by Ordera Beor the fur loft here Landt't that of Street. a stylo forgetting solution M.iin Getting tungstat appears Divine Worship will Ix- - punctually attended to. A con pigeons were perched. An be to " held soda of is printer. greatly preferred. Siirgreon ai-t- f every Sunday, in the Tnberncle, 5. Joking newspapers to publish matOFFICE AT WALKEK 4 MC.NUTT 8 DRUG goose occupied the centre of tL 'J'Ja.m. and 2 p.m.; and in the School centrated neutral solution of the salt is STORE, OT. DEN, V. T. All these birds had theirt'oalhf v. table. is for your own benefit without of ter that third water, with one diluted about " " "LATHER AND SHAVEM." Calla from th Country promptly at e Uf ",c '"' ions narus at o.bu p.m and then mixed with three and of remuneration. on, cent preserved a appearand per OF THE tended t. THOMAS. FORMERLY 6. Reading copy on a compositor's milOMAS but a touch of the knife removed th.! I phosphate of soda. This solution Oc'lcn IIouand well known aa an accom cooked birds, BUSINESS DR.WM, H. CROVES, feathers and revealed we found to keep well and is used in th case. plished kniirlit of tiie acizzora and blade, hat for eating. This, 7. Never paying your subscription opened btiKiiiow on Main atrwt, a little north of presume, : mttsli ready laundries. The Roval lightest SALT LAKE South rVond He K'K UAYT AND I'KOFEPSIO.VAL N. Lpaitt'. aska for the patronage of hia old Offlce, CITY, Street, in the art of Jj washed in this solution and dried, be until the publisher goes to the trouble of frionda Three doom W wet "f Revw Home. anl ol all who want a cltn anaye in an thM- -. . .J "fW We will do thcin comes a li hand with a and razor, ltrf kwi asking for it. nijiic vi nip art. wt falr, I have made a careful study, during the session, of the morals of this Legisi $5 per mon th. Buiine8 Cards lature. The result may bo summed up franiient advertising to b paid fur in advance, in the statement, that they are lower, ou i jjijOiire consists of tun limsa of type of this the average, than those of their contei'rlv advertiser allowed' to change at pleasure, at of those constituents least, stituents; charge of twenty-fivwith only tlie additional 6,iiare for composition, but they will be- who claim to be at all respectable. This nU over concliiir;el JiXTilA for occupying apaco is uot a harsh judgment. Willi a few KSiiai Notifies or Advertisements retained on honorable exceptions, whose prominence w til he cluirKei twenty-fiv- e (iie, iiits:cleofthepa;ier, makes the rule more obvious, the memiier cent, additiouul n the above rates. bers in conversation, in private life, and Advertisements not markcil on the copy Willi the number of iinwtinna, w.ll be published at our opin public acts conform to an habitually aud charged at transient tion until ordered out, low standard. Profanity is so common "tDVKRTlSKMKXTS inserted till forbid, will bo as to be almost uniform. Obscenity is In and every instance, tmtimiei! until ordered out, hardly less so. i..rA fr iccordinaly. and half License is very prevalent, and conyearly advertia- The pirivileae of yearly ... iu restl'l cted to tlieirdirect lino of business, and spicuously so. The lobbies and galleries, i .i iiiiri Le rl, Aiu i;on, i,.-especially of the lower House, are the Betitt'foren to their regular trado, will be chargcommon resort of women of loose chared lur separately. No Advertisements from the Statos will lx acter, whose dress and demeanor betray advertised our cash the without (at rates.) them, whose presence is the subject ot mile one our of from order, the tfcoraiwnyin? frenueut remarks, and who are not authorized Advertising Agent. regular Ail eomuiunications devoid of interest to the encouraged by the personal to interests, intruded promote private Bulilic, or recognition of members. ' barged as advert meiuenta, and payment will w e (Jambling is a common practice. rf,iuireJ in advance," If personal in character, advortiso-mereserve the rii;ht to reject any article, or Heavy games are played nightly, and of this class. with a number of Senators and AssemFRANKLIN D. 15 1C HARDS, Editor. blymen the pursuit of the "liger" is a deeply-rootehabit. Doubtless gaming C. V. FENUOSE, Associate Editor. is sometimes a cloak for the transfer of bribes; but the fact that it is so shows OGDEN DIRECTORY. plainly the light in which it is generally regarded. Drinking to excess is not so noticeable as might be expecied. On 1'nited Stolen OfilecrM for some occasions there have been displays Hah. of partial intoxication, and the general Governor J. Wilson Shaffer, S. A. Mann. expression of the House, a week since, Secretary on the evening of Gen. Thomas' funeral, M. K. Patrick. Marsh was obviously indicative of a C. II. Hempstead, U. S. Attorney "spree." Sufi. Indian Affairs J. E. Tourtcllotte. As to the immorality for which legisC. C. Clements. Suneyor-GiurrJ. li. Overt- lators are principally denounced, a pub Receiver of Public Monies lic action upon interested motives, there on. George R. are many grades of it, from the refined Registrar of Land Office Maxwell. .'. partisanship of the ambitious leader to Jolin P. Tnjrgart. the vulgar rapacity of the man who sells V. S. Assessor U. S. Collector 0. J. Holliaier. his vote for money. It ts impossible, C. C. Viln. for obvious reasons, to give anything Chief Justice Associate Ju stices 0, F. Strickland and more definite than inferences on this subject. The transactions of the ExHawley. change for public virtue are acces.-ibl-e only to those who dare not divulge them. Territorial Officers: X. Y. Evening Pott. William II. Congress Delegate to s e bed-Ma- side-wal- CITY LICENSES. ut side-wal- i J al " . i MILLINERY E. GA ESTABLISHMENT, AUwimi-Gener- SALT LAKE CITY .. MEW DEALER Wines & Liquors. MILLINERY , - Establishment, "Mrir-Lvtt- er lAIaST : 5iiixi.i:ry, - STREET, Utah. feathers, ixo,ves:s, " 4 M - dress trimmings, Shaker. Hood, Kentucky Whiskeys; , Parrot 'I Jlrs. STEXllOUSEA !Main Street, Ogden, tf " Excelsior Mills!! OODEN CITY. tf Carpenter, .Tolner, and Oalinet Maker, cow-catch- er CLOTH YARN.I MUSEUM AND ss MENAGERIE. IIalf-bloc- 3X-- tf u. SEMI-WEEKL- Y BREWERY 24-- 1 OYSTERS. aoutli-eaa- 20-t- BILLIARD er 17-- tf DR. It. TIDBITS, I'liyKicInn nul life-lik- CARDS. Jcntiwt, Tn-i',,- , - a |