Show OBITUARY notts SARAH HORSLEY W sarah horsley Ho reley daughter of thomas thomaa and hatlett harriett edgehill Edge hlll and wife of heribert herbert horsly I 1 died in soda on an the of august she was born bom in birmingham england july 23 1846 immigrated to utah in the year 1863 and has been a resident of soda springe inse idaho for 27 years she was the mother of fifteen children seven sons ona and eight daughters and had 25 grandchildren she was 63 53 years of age the of last july she lived and died a faithful latter day saint in the ho hope e of a glo glorious rigus resurrection kneram funeral services were held in the meeting hause the speakers were president william budge elear john bench and bishop lan and the funeral was the largest ever attended in soda springs millennial star and utah papers please copy lydra LYDIA evelane CARTER HALES died at bountiful utah aug 18 1898 of dysentery and old age mrs lydia clydla Evell evelina liA carter 13 hales ales wife of stephen hales who has baa been a widow for seventeen years her husband died in an salt lake city T utah in 1861 mr lydia evelina carter hales was a native ve of vermont when a child of ten years at her fathers datheen house hous e in the town ont of benson rutland co parley P pratt came into the utown n preaching the do doctrine abrine of jesus jesue chrlot christ 4 at that time her father simeon carter w was a methodist preacher ami could quote the bible with great facility cikity elder pratt was wa not long in convincing mr carter that the church of jeus jesus christ of latter day saints was the one he was looking for at that rime bime the ithe saints sainta were gathering at Nau voLo mr carter with wife one son eon and lydia evelina moved to nauva kauwo lydia grew to womanhood and was married to stephen hales october 1842 by P G sessions they built themselves a comfortable home but did not enjoy it long as a u mob drove the saints out from nauvoo they then started for utah got as far as iowa and on account of sickness did not leave for two years arriving in utah in the tall fall of 1851 they stayed in salt lake city until 1868 when they moved to bountiful where mrs hales iras has lived up to the time of tier her death mrs hales has lived a quiet life and leaves numerous relatives and friends to mourn her loss she died a faithful member in the church relatives and friends are all invited S HALES ANN THOMAS WHITE the death of sister ann thomas white beloved wite wife of elder william white took place at her home in this city on sunday night the ath dinst in the pres presence ence of her family near relatives and friends af after ter a brief illness of ten days deceased was the daughter of david and elizabeth nash thomas was born at berlins Mer lins bridge near haverfordwest in the county of pembroke south wales on the day of february 1832 was baptized into the church of jesus christ ot of lat ter day saints on the ath of august 1861 1851 in her native town by elder john griffiths and confirmed a member of said church on the of the same month by elder john price was married on the let of october 1854 and became the mother of thirteen children nine of whom five sons and tour four daughters together with her husband survive her emigrated to bo utah with her husband and family on june go 30 1876 arriving in this city on the of july in the same year the funeral services of our deceased dece aeed sister which were by the bishopric of the ward at the family reel residence dence N second went street were largely attended by relatives and friends and were exceedingly interesting and impressive the speak speakers ets on the occasion were elder david john of provo prove and presidents presidente joseph P F smith and george Q cannon the remarks of the first speaker elder john were generally reminiscent of the early life 0 of f deceased he having known her personally since earl manhood he spoke in the highest praise of her integrity to the evet everlasting lastIng gospel as revealed through the prophet joseph smith also i of 0 that of others living and dead who were members with her of the haver ford west branch of the church when he waa a young man a student resident of that town in tact fact the speaker paid the members of the branch and those of the Pembroke shire conference genially gen rally the very high compliment of having embraced the gospel as a general rule under the bitterest kind of opposition and steadfast to the truth with hardly a single case of or falling away arway from the falah I 1 th the remarks of crests smith and cannon were most consoling and comforting to the bereaved family both ot of these brethren took occasion to acknowledge the great and unwearied kindness of the deceased while the late prest john taylor and themselves with others who acorn panted them were the private guests of herself and husband at a time too when a feeling of fear was abroad lest lent an objection able law by howe hostile oali dais should be made operative those who might be found giving wjk bus cor and shelter to those whom the officers of the law were seeking to ar MS rest while such a tribute fromm from mft a source is most gratifying to the UV ing who loved her it may be further truthfully said that to entertain the aft ep vents of the lord was ever her pleasure in fact her old country home was always a welcome home to the elders during the years of her husband presidency over the interests of the church in that land and the writer but echoes the feelings and senti sentiments menU of many others in volunteering the remark that it Is his sincere belief that the temporal blessings enjoyed by deceased tor for some years prior to her death were special favors of the almighty for the liberal and open heart ed manner in which she and her partner in life had always treated the servants of the lord and tor for their willingness in helping to bear the burdoft incident to carrying on the work of the lord under adverse and clr to ing circumstances sister ann white was a true and aad faithful wife and a devoted m other mother it was her lot to have a a large family vf at it little ones to care for and at the samme j time to suffer many hardships T 1 she did uncomplainingly and shared 4 the labors of her husband besides in aft hl business to provide the ace necessaries searles af I 1 t j v life she was indeed a helpmeet to to him it was the experience thus gained in her early married life which iw ar abundantly qualified her in her laur later years to become the wise and counselor to her husband and sons la all their business affairs which presto cannon in his remarks alluded to eulogistically as a distinguishing fea SV ure of her ch character arReter it certainly cia be said of our deceased slater that g aia i ran the race and fought the good fight and held out faithfully to the ead she may well be looked upon by who love her and now mourn her low loss as one near by and not star afar om off ft 11 one who might be expected to have fluence in the sphere she now and to use that influence tor for the good of those of her family who sister white has gone and her pol goluk makes glad loving hearts gone before and her going also brings to her embrace her own little ones long 4 dead peace to her ashes corn salt lake city aug 18 1898 t millennial star please copy |