Show AT HOME AND ABROAD washington aug 17 the government received the following direct in fo i today of the surrender of apala atter after 41 combined land and sea bombardment last saturday it came in dispatches from admiral dewey brought from manila to hong juftes on 00 the dispatch boat zafiro the sent two dispatches thi the i first one ame briefly reciting the essential fats cdx as follows manila aug 13 to secretary of the ibe navy washington manila sur ven tendered gendered dered today to the american land f axtt atad naval forces after a combined at tack A division of the squad squadron shelled she forts and entrenchments at malate wo an the south side aide of the city driving 1 back the enemy our army advancing fassa that side at the same time the surrendered about 6 the american Amert erfman can flag being hoisted by brumby about prisoners were taken ate sou ardon had no casualties none aw jat the vessels were injured on august 7 gen merritt and aad I 1 4 or wally demanded the surrender of efte city which the spanish governor go vernoT general refused signed DEWEY r brumby is admiral deweys deleys has lieutenant jc ie second dispatch from the admiral 1 not been deciphered up to noon ey y were received early in the day I 1 after the first on one e had been trans cited d acting S secretary ecret ary allen alien carried at ea over to bo the white house and laid it re the president PresIde nL w it bore out the news already oui ke dispatches yet it es f t by press the additional point that some of f war were now held TWO 00 prisoners kiy the american commanders command ers and t that hat casualties in the navy or damage to a ships had occurred to now that the surrender is officially officials Y arted fr te ported ted it can be stated that manila it 40 B being held by virtue of the military and surrender and not by tartie i e of the protocol tocol these theoe differ amount to little in acea axe are said to b results but yet such as it is 8 sil it officials agree that the occupation mk the result of the combined military naval operations according to admiral deweys deleys dis the surrender occurred about 6 5 Sf lock k last saturday the peace pro PM acol 4 was signed at p m on frit oktay it Is wild that the difference in 60 V atene t me between mantis manila land and washington P ak 0 h that t the surrender reckoned on 7 time would be about 12 yihwa yiH WB ka of at the t time ime cut at manila or fout 5 a m saturday morning in Tie tet of actual time therefore the t jig of the pee peace protocol preceded the actual surrender of manila by a ayel bows bours but it is a well established yule of military law accepted the world Per yr I 1 that a peace armistice or cessa tsana ft does not become bind aass upon commanding officers until aw receive actual notice of it this ale eis te expressed in the united states F Agila tlona governing arales in the id as follows f wa francisco aug 17 advices advises om manila of august via hong says our troops met with much stance in the attack on manila being killed and thirty four winded S malate only boniv was bombarded all he e ships escaped injury va s bear ear admiral dewey has raised the v 1 ade the shops have reopened and ee Is a great feeling of relief among people of the city 19 stated that hat after the surrender afla ila AguIn aldos followers turned the americans and attacked them but they were easily defeated after a brief conflict the united states monitor captain whiting left san sam francisco about six weeks ago aero has reached manila safely the spanish forces numbered about men but they were well entrenched nearly americans were engaged in the assault and their loss under the circumstances is considered small the colorado troops were the first to storm the trenches and every man was a hero when the white flag went up cap tain general augusti august jumped into a launch from the german cruiser kaj kai serin augusta the cruiser then left with him on board for hongtong Hong kong the Filip pinos are glad that the struggle is over the shops are again open the blockade has been raised and things will soon be just as they were before admiral dewey came to destroy spanish rule here towanda pa aug 17 the most terrific electrical storm ever experienced here passed over the central part pant of this county this morning the storm was accompanied by wind of almost cyclonic velocity and great damage was dome to 0 tobacco and fruit trees in some places almost entire orchards were razed and shade trees by the score scare e were uprooted at Ru a short distance from here lightning struck and burned a dwelling house a young men man named chilson being instantly killed st petersburg aug 17 there was another admather great fire last night at Nov gorod about miles northeast of moscow the city work house was destroyed the inmates jumping from the windows many being killed and many more injured thirteen bodies burned to a crisp have already been found in tha ruins and amid many of the inmates inmate are still unaccounted for i canon city colo aug 17 at noon today the canon city cripple capple creek power and electric companas comp anys lm im mense plant in this city which is designed to furnish power and lights lighth for the mines and mills of the whole Crip crippled creek district about forty miles distance distame was put in motion gov alva adams pulling the lever in the pre presence of a large number of cap and mining men the plant for the generation of elec triciti is established here on account of the great coal beds surrounding the town most of the great mines of the cripple creek district are already equipped for the use of electricity I 1 in n lights and power and it is estimated estimate d that a saving of 25 per cent will thus be made in the cost of operating the mines the offices of the power company are at colorado springs D V donaldson is president and general manager and J G white constructor of the niagara falls power system and john 0 holmes a prominent pittsburg banker axe are among the directors san sam francisco aug 18 A special to the examiner from manila of aug 14 gives them the following names of those killed during the fighting which proceeded the occupation of the city berlin au aug g 18 A dispatch from hongtong Hong kong dated aug 18 and evidently official says the Ka Kad iserina serina augusta which left manila with dispatches from admiral von diedrichs atter after the fall of the city will return there today gen get augustl Z sad and his hh tanily family arrived on board the cruiser admiral Adan iral von diedrichs at the request of gen Au august guati save gave them presage by arr ar range ments with the Ameri american americal caa commander gen august has lett left hong kong en route for spain new york aug 18 A dispatch to the herald from camp dewey aug 6 via hongtong Hong kong says the spaniards renewed the attack on the american outworks out works last night the trenches were occupied by a ia battalion each of the and the regulars and the nebraska volunteers the latter holding the extreme right and a company of oc regulars the extreme left they returned the spanish fire and hot hat firing lasted halt an hour the american losses were chiefly from shells there was waa a heavy ax artillery tillery duel this morning the utah artillery replying with a spirited fire to the spanish guns finally landing a shell near the powerhouse this must have disabled the guns as the spanish fire ceased corporal ernest dozier of the signal corps has been promoted to a sergeant At by gen greene tor for distinguished gallantry on the field during the heavy artillery fire last night A telegraph line in the trenches was broken and dozier bloater repaired it with great sang frold froid enabling to be maintained with headquarters at a critical moment washington Washing tm aug 18 the war w dopart department part ment has received a dispatch from general merritt reporting the 1 fall ot of manila and giving the details for far the demand for surrender and incidents preliminary to the final filial capture of the city the dispatch dispa itch which had bad been eagerly awaited aWal ted was immediately communicated to Pread president dent it reads hongtong Hong kong aug 18 adjutant amer al washington manila aug 13 18 on n the ath dinst admiral dewey joined in a 48 hours noti flaMion to the spanish commander to remove the noncom non com batanus from the city on the same dalte a reply was received express expressing ipg thanks for the humane senti naten and stating that the spanish were without a place of refuge for noncom non com batanus now within the walled town on the ath dinst we sent a jota note inviting attention to the suffering in store for the sick and non in oase case it became our duty to reduce the defenses also setting betting toch the hopeless ho conditions of the I 1 forgea surrounded on all ah sides sms the fleet in front with no prospect otle f reinforcements and we demanded a 41 surrender as due to every consider aidon of humanity on the some se dan daff we received a reply admitting tion b but ut stating that the of defense declares that tm the request far surrender cannot be granted but offered to consult the government if time wals waa granted necessary for communication via hongtong Hong kong we sent a joint note in reply declining on ithe IM the army joined with the navy davy in an ait attack tack with edth the follow tog bW result I 1 after about balf an hours accurate shelling of the spanish laws 11 ness mear thurs brigade on the right and greenes on the left under anderm anderaon advanced adv aneed in vigorous attack a and carried the spanish works loss not ae actually known about fifty in all the behavior beh adlor of ehfe th troops was excellent and the operation cooperation co of the navy oam valuable the troops advanced ran rac ly 17 on walled city upon which a ax flag was shown and the ibo wo caia v ft troops occupied malate ad the walled city san ban miguel all otar ur centers are protected protect etL oits aya are quiet no disorder or pillage london aug 17 the dally daily mait vienna correspondent says that numerous alpine fatalities have occurred within the last week they include the american miss who while making a dangerous ascent on the dreisch slipped and tell fell IL a distance of fifteen feet she was instantly killed minneapolis aug 18 the barn of poy ten miles north of here was struck by lightning last night five sons the oldest being 16 who were sleeping in the hay mow were burned to death ponce porto rico aug 17 noon delayed in transmission copyright 1898 by the associated press 1 reports are coming in from all directions of outrages committed within the spanish lines doubtless many of these are exaggerated but the rumors of a massacre at dales are confirmed some of the natives took refuge in the belfry of the cathedral and fired on the spanish troops but they were overpowered and machetes mach eted to the number of eighty london aug 18 there were severe thunderstorms this morning in various parts of england with torrential rains and halls hails tu in the outlying districts many houses were flooded and there was ble damage done to crops the district of wales was swept by a tornado this morning great damage was done and traffic was paralyzed now new york tork aug 19 A dispatch to the world from manila city dated aug is 13 via hongtong Hong kong says the hardest fighting at the capture of manila was done by the astor battery which led the advance brig gen mcarthur commanding the brigade complimented the men in the highest terms right in the midst of the battle for their valor and suc cew the astor battery led the column supported BUp ported by the minnesota volunteers and the regulars the utah bat derylo guns were too heavy to move through the swamps the march was wair along the road on an the right of the river basig where the fleet beet could give no assistance at we the junction with the cintalon Cin galon r road oa d the vanguard came without warning upon a strong spanish entrenchment suddenly the enemy rained a deadly biye upon the americans eri cans killing two wea of the astor battery first sergeant holmes and second Serse sergeant ant cremins cremans and aad one minnesota man private Patten Bonat the same saime time wounding a score of others sergeant cremins after he was shot started to his bit gun fired it and the next moment fell dead beside the piece the astor battery was forced to fa fall li back from the murderous fire temporarily pora pera rily leaving two guns but the re erves under col came up promptly aptly and with their support the astora actors charged the enemy with only revolvers tor for weapons quickly regained their guns and put them into action again with ith increased vigor the spaniards then were shortly put to flight washington aug 19 the state department part ment today received a cable des vate from ron f minister hunter at guate mala telling of the dramatic death of am gen morales I leader of the guatemalan revolution tp lution and the collapse of that up xura g the despatch Is as follows Gua guatemala temaM aug 18 1898 1998 day washington ocoe moo was vas occupied on the by the Sovern government ment forces and sacks of coffee and other valuable property of foreigners saved from destruction this occupation was made with force ulu ln of the british gunboat ac acting ng under der request of british german and uni united ted states min aln homles latera ref morales retreated d before AatlO national nal troops to mountains where tie ea was s surrounded and captured yesterday in a cave where he was hiding for several days without food and ill from hunger fatigue and exposure commanding general ordered him removed to san marcos medical aid was summoned but he died on the way at san sebastian last night at 11 this is the end of the revolution signed HUNTER washington aug 19 the members of the cabinet except secretary day and secretary long who are out of the city were prompt in read reaching hIng the white house today for the regular session up to the time they met 11 there was very little to disturb the me quiet routine there archbishop ireland was one of the notable visitors he arrived about 10 and had a conference with the president he preserved his hie usual reticence as to his mission it is understood that the archbishop is empowered to make representations to the administration looking to the protection of the interests of the church of rome in our new territorial accessions particularly in porto rico though he did not affirm this when questioned it was significant that he attempted no denial of it senator cannon of utah also saw the president today and had a talk regarding the military plans plana the president told him of his purpose to disband a portion of the volunteer army and that he expected the troops to be mustered would be determined on the basis largely on the inclinations of the organizations and the condition of their equipments senator cannon has been conferring with the war department officials with a view to bringing together the two batteries of utah troops now at manila and the one battery left at san francisco the latter will be dispatched to join the others it if there is an opportunity the president was told that the only colony of native Hawaii hawaiians ans in the country was located in hi utah and that proportionately there were more people in utah who were familiar with hawaii than in any other state a fact which was pressed as a basis for recognizing the state when hawaii comm comes in for more definite administrative attention st louis aug 20 A special to the post dispatch from hot springs ark says bays the loss Is estimated at names of hotels or guests not given st louis aug 20 A special to the poet dispatch from little rock ark says six persons lost their lives today by the burning of the national and windsor I 1 hotels at hot springs ark five bodies of persons persona that had |