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Show V. , V Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 '&-3s- s UTAH STATfft NEWSPAPER - iscgT- Ijc Thursday, May 16, 1968 i Phone 623-052- 5 Editor and Manager $4.00 per year, payable in advance. Club Completes Year s Work, WASPS TENNIS HOPES In the state meet will be carried by these three: Mark Wilkey, Devon Vickers and Richard Linton. Juab placed second In regional meet at Snow. Mrs. Hedberg New President The last meeting of the cur- club season for the Twen-- I tleth Century Club was held at: the home of Mrs. E. R. Shaw, president of the club, on ThursMembers were day, May 9. surprised with a turkey dinner prepared by the hostess. A business meeting followed the dinner. Reports of the state convention held at Park City were given by Mrs. C. R. Lorn' ax, who served as chairman of club followed. Mrs. Fred Hed-reberg was chosen as president of the club for the following year, nt j ' 3 Juab Players Mrs. Clarence Pay, secretary; Mrs. Frank Morgan as treasurer; Mrs. E. R. Shaw as historian and Mrs. J. Earl Read as reporter. Attending the meeting were Mrs. E. R. Shaw, Mrs. Fred Hedberg, Mrs. C. R. Lomax, Mrs. J. L. Belliston, Mrs. P. the state nominating commu- L. Jones, Mrs. F. H. Beckstead, te. Mrs. Lomax expressed ap- Mrs. Clarence Pay, Mrs. Frank Three of Juab High Schools sity of Utah Saturday May 18 preciation for the members who Morgan and Mrs. J. Earl Read. top singles players will carry at 9 a.m. had supported the state feder the school's hopes for a state ation through the years. She Players representing Juab championship. The state tour, pointed out that one member Mrs. Christiansen Hosts nament will be held at Unlver- - are Devon Vickers, Richard of the Twentieth Century Club Linton and Mark Wilkey. Mrs. J. L. Belliston, had served Beta Club Party the federation In several capDevon Vickers and Mark Fori Wall DUP Camp acities for 55 years and two are Region Seven The Beta Literary Club held Wilkey members al30 received certif- its annual Pot Luck Party on Meets breezed Devon champions. Stephenson's icates for more than 25 years Thursday, May 9 at the home the number one singles through Wall of the play by defeating Don Childs Fort Camp of service. of Mrs. Raymond Christiansen. then on toi Mrs. Lomax reported on a The blessing on the food was Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Emery met on May 10 at the the finals where he topped the panel discussion on better mov- given by Mrs. Allen Christen- home ofFriday, L. Lua Stephenson. best Mantl could offer in Terry ies, with the recommendation sen, a former club member. Mark deMrs. Miles Anderson, presid- Prayer was given by Chaplin Keller by that club members support better movies. Mention also was ent, conducted the meeting and Joey B. Olpin, followed by feated Tommy Madsen of North In the finals made of the radiation emitted discussed several business mat- singing led by Lua Stephenson Sanpete with Arvilla B. Lunt as accomwas tough as Mantis from color television sets and ters. winning BellisThe following enjoyed the panist. Captain Pearl the suggestion made that viewDoug Nelson pushed Mark to ers stay several feet from the evening: Mrs. Miles Anderson, ton read a letter from the Cen- three sets, and 3 be6 Mrs. Allen Belliston, Mrs. Roy tral Company asking for mater- fore Juabs third singles player set Election of officers of the E. Gibson, Mrs. Kenneth Ny- ial on pioneers who came to defeated Mantl. In the second man, Mrs. Fred Chapman, Mrs. Utah In 1868. The lesson on singles bracket, Richard LinClarence Wilkey, Mrs. Ray Almon W. Babbitt was given ton defeated Don Blackburn of 0 and then Boswell, Mrs. Jack Brough, by Arvilla B. Lunt, and the Emery Mrs. Arnold Brough, Mrs. Bert history of Jom H. Clark was met Mantis Kim Clark In the a Powell, Mrs. Othel Pay, a spec- given by great grand daught- finals where Juab was defeatial guest, Mrs. Allen Christen- er, Mildred B. Sherwood. Two ed sen, and the hostess, Mrs. Juab County officers were presJuabs doubles team consistent: Maude B. Robertson and ing of Dan Memmott and Chad Raymond Christiansen. Lillian C. Ostler. Hostesses Bowles drew a bye in the first for the meeting were Lua Step- round and then met Mantl in Celia S. Briggs and the semi finals where Mantl henson, Hazel Bosh. Others present In- defeated Juab thus cluded Pearl Belliston, Arvilla eliminating Juabs chances for Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bailey Lunt, Elizabeth Black, Geneva a doubles championship. Zelma Golden, The final score gave Mantl and sons Rickie and Reid of Worthington, Kamas spent Mothers day with Joey Olpin, Amy Warner, Zella the Region 7 trophy with 10, Cazler, Mary Scott, Stella B. followed by Juabs with nine his mother, Mrs. Alice F. Anderson, Olive Broadhead, Ida points; although Juab won the P. Belliston, Lela Bryan Mild- region league play with five Edwin A. Bailey of Salt Lake red Sherwood, Maude Robert- wins against one loss, while over end week son the visited Lillian Ostler. and City Mantl ended league play with with his mother, Mrs. Chloe N. four wins and two losses. Bailey. THE "WORTH" Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ostler Nephi Hews Briefs SHAMPOO RUGS of Richfield are parents of a Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey MOWER bom May 12. Grand- had as their week end guests, FOR U A FOOT! daughter, TORO offers the finest and parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert their daughter, Mrs. Mary most complete line of power Morgan of Nephi, and Mr. and Burraston and children Lori, lawn equipment on the market. Mrs. Bud Hannan of Monroe. Todd and Troy of Salt Lake TORO features the Exclusive Sunday guests at the Mr. and Mrs. William E. City. home were Mr. and Mrs. Bailey were Lake of Salt City Wind Tuell housing that Wright Salt Lake In for Mothers day with MichaelCarlCorfleld of Robert and pulls the grass up for a more herNephi Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Bert City; parents, Richard Bradford of Provo. even cut. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne GarEasy Height Adjustment Sunday dinner guests at the rett and family of Kaysvllle RENT SHAMP00ER FOR $1 New Clean out Port New home of Mrs. James H. Eagar spent Mothers day week end E. and Mrs. Paul were Mr. Begging Chute and many other at the home of Mr. and Mrs. features to assist you i11 ease Booth and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Earl Hawkins. A. Bailey of Salt Lake City. of lanwn care! Mothers day guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fowk-e- s home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mr. and of Springvllle Mrs. Gerald Fowkes of Santa-qui- n Warner included Beth Mitchell, were visitors Sunday at Amy Lynn Mitchell and Verna the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heb-e- r Palmer, all of Salt Lake City. 27 South Main J. Fowkes. Nephi Mrs. Margaret G. White visited the Senior Citizens Center at Eureka on May 8, and enjoyed a pot luck supper and pro. gram. Accompanying her to Eureka were Mrs. Norma Sher wood, Mrs. Diane Brough, and Mr. and Mrs. David Austin who participated on the program. president, In State Meet at 6-- 0, 6-- 2, 6-- 1, 6-- 2. 6-- 1. 6-- 0, 1-- 6, 6-- 3, 6-- 4-- 6-- 1, 6-- 1, 6-- 6-- 1. Uncial News 6-- 3, 7-- 5, CHAPMAN FURNITURE! CHAPMAN FURNITURE CARNATION TUNA Regular cans - - 3 for 794 F&P FRUIT COCKTAIL- - cat Regular cans 4 for 89 low budget prices MORRELL SMOKED 37 PICNICS -sliced' per lb - - 41 Whole-lb MORRELL WEINERS pound 53c 1 ROUND STEAK Bone in - full cut per lb 85 BONELESS ROUND STEAK -- Per "I'm one of NAYLOR CO's DODGE AUTO A superb, ce Finish Semi-Glo- ss semi-glos- wail finish. s Satin-smoo- th LARRY RUMP ROAST -- lb --85 GROUND CHUCK 65 per pound ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, recreation rooms. to clean takes repeated washing without losing its Easy beautiful lustre. Amazingly easy to apply with brush or roller (yes, you can roll it on!). Comes in 1,322 Coloriztr colors and white. - (Our boss is away) Camper, Clean Used Cars! For the best deal you have aver had, caR me today at Vista-Lin- 21 0 West Center - - Ph. 623-004- 4 - - Nephi er Nephi -- 623-054- 7 RAYETTE AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY 2for 98 BOLOGNA Sliced, SCOTT JUMBO PACK NAPKINS -- 180 to pkg-GRANTS FARM SYRUP 24 oz- -67 35 - POUND CERTI FRESH ORANGE SLICES -- 19 TOILET TISSUE- Economical 12 rolls 1.00 1 MORRELL CHUNK 49 per pound 59 per pound : MEDIUM CHEESE 63 per pound PALACE BACON 2 pound package IMJ 1.1 9 TIP TOP FRUIT cans 1.00 DRINKS -1TIP TOP LEMONADE 11 cans for 1.00 1 self a lot of grief on DINNERS PETERSON You can SAVE your- Insurance... IF YOU SEE US FIRST We're INDEPENDENT BOYS 50 Top Cars All Inspected! Let's trade YOUR way --- 25 SWANSON TV 8EVS3 LOREN GARRETT SHASTA CANNED 12 cans for 1.00 POP PIERCES TOMATO JUICE -- 48 oz cans 41. 00 DOUBLE LUCK CUT GREEN BEANS 81.00 VETS DOG FOOD Regular tall cans 12 for 1 .00 WESTERN FAMILY PEAS- - - reg. cans 6 for 1.00 DIAMOND FOIL ft. roll 49 Heavy Duty Reg cans MANDARIN ORANGES -- 5 cans 1.00 lb-- 98 CZZ22 Bennetts Page Office: 96 South Main MXt Roy E. Gibson Subscription: SittuG-VUif- Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, class Second Utah. Utah. at Nephi, entry TMf lSSOCIATICK NATIONAL hri Of ' writing insurance with several strong com panies. We work for you not for any one company. Cell us today. SUNKIST ORANGES 10$ per pound NEW POTATOES lb -- 5 CUCUMBERS each - - 5$ agent EACH BANQUET COOK IN BAG 4 for 1.00 ICE CREAM TOPPING Delicious flavors 3 Jars 1.00 Central Utah MNSVttANCE 33 South Main NEPHI Office 623-025- 0 Home 623-003- 9 MEATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES..PHOIIE -- 49c 623-84- 52 Two |