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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 Thursday, May 16, 1968 f)C Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Bent Bryan enjoyed a week's vacation in California recently. While there they visited with Mr. Bryans sister, Mrs. Spencer Forrest and with her son, Bryan, at Whittier; and with Mr. Bryan's brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Alif Bryan at Teha-chap- l, California. Pago Thro Floor for only 2S80' A Mew Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton and family of Hunter spent Sunday in Nephi as guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Maylon Bowers visited in Cedar City Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Wil-ke- y and children. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Christensen of Auburn, California visited during the past week with Mrs. Ernest Brough, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough. Mother's day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown were Mr. and Mr. Ray Laddiard of Tooele, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Brown of Un-don. Terry Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown is stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington where he is receiving basic training with the U. S. Army. Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Belliston and Mrs. J. L. n were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown of Salt Lake City, brother and sister in law of Mrs. J. L. Belliston; and Emil Keck of Minnesota, a brother of Mrs. Brown. Bel-listo- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Paystrup and four children, Mr. and Mrs. F - ,tl I',.' k FLECTO seamless piAinc FLOORING SYSJtM (A NEW BATHROOM FLOOR COSTS ONLY $16.30) A Permanent Floor . . PAINT IT ON! Flecto Seamless (tm) is a new permanent flooing system that paints on right over any floor! No expensive installation flakes costs . . Flecto Seamless (tm) is a colorful combination of randow-shape- d laminated between layers of plastic . . and any housewife can do it without closing down the room! FLECTO SEAMLESS (tm) can be applied over almost any surface incide or outside, including linoleum, wood, concrete and resilient tile. You can quickly and easily add lasting beauty that never needs waxing to your kitchen, bathroom, hallways, patio, terrace any floor, any table top! Vealley Guilders " WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING has ord Country specials ! .- Ford XL Fasfbadcs and Faidane Hasdfops. Equipped tor he West. Priced for savings. S Home-tow- n Their They Keep Around Longer! Paper PARKIN MOTOR CO. 131 South Main NEW Nephi, Utah c c |