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Show dinner at $1.98, consisting of 5 dellcllous Dairy Queen 'Bur gers and 5 milk shakes (any Small kitchen FOR SALE Call Mrs. Robert Jar-re- tt table 8 or at 435 South at 2nd East, Nephi lunch and or LETS FAT 623-107- RUBBER HOSE 50 feet -- 58 inch Larry Ellertson, Glen Ron and Williams Max Dailey. See accompanyGreenhalgh, ing article for additional information. ItA.ii - 2 gallon size PICNIC JUGS -- 1 gal. size 49c gal. size - - NOW Regular 1.95 75c 30 qt. reg. 2.49 -- NOW 70c 50 qt. reg. 3.98 -- NOW 1.50 ICE CHEST ICE CHEST BRAKE FLUID gal. Reg. 5.95 NOW 2.95 STP OIL ADDITIVE Regular 1.29 LIGHT GLOBES Reg- -. --N- -- OW -- 75w,100w - OFF ON ALL CO-O-P TIRES OFF ON ALL CO-O- P BATTERIES y JENKINS SALES & SERVICE II John Deere Sales and Service Complete Automotive Repair Service 3 VENICE THEATRE - THURSDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY COLOR NICK ADAMS MONDAY SUNDAY MAY Ronald Dailey, Paul LIVESTOCK JUDGING WINNERS McPherson, Larry Ellertson and Larry Ostler. See accompanying article for additional Information, 65c NOW ONLY 15c Mrs. Fackrell Named President NOW ONLY 19c 25c, 150 w. Reg. 30c M ivlfc,.UtsEKS George Jackson, - NOW -- 1.09 - - NOW Regular 1.49 TUESDAY 192021 Mrs. Wallace Fackrell was elected president of the American Legion Auxiliary, Nephi unit No, 1, when the group met May 7 at the home of Mrs. May-Io- n Bowers. Mrs. Lee Anderson, president, conducted the meeting. Mrs. James H. Ockey Sr., chaplaip gave the Invocation and pledge of allegiance was led by Mrs. Donald L. Bailey. Othre officers elected Include Mrs. Fred Chapman and Mrs. Fred L, Gadd, vice presidents; Mrs. Merle H. White, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. James H. Ockey Sr., chaplain; Mrs. Clarence Greenhalgh, historian; Mrs Memmott, reporter and Mrs. Albert Haney, sergeant at arms. Mrs. Maylon Bowers, Poppy Chairman, announced May 25 as Poppy Day and plans were made for selling of the popples. Light refreshments were served by Mrs. Wallace Fackrell and Mrs. Clarence Greenhalgh to Mrs. Jay Mickelson, Mrs. Albert Haney, Mrs. Vern Davis, Mrs. Merle H. White, Mrs. Russell Stuart, Mrs. James H. Ockey Sr., Mrs. Chester Foote, Mrs. Maurice Chapman, Mrs. Donald Bailey, Mrs. Maylon Bowers and Mrs. Lee Anderson. Nephi News Briefs CARD OF THANKS It is with sincere gratitude that we extend thanks and appreciation to our friends and relatives in the Nephi and Moroni areas who rallied around us following the untimely death of our husband and father. We appreciate the kindnesses extended to us during his brief illness, and following his death; for the Inspirational remarks and musical selections at the services, and for the floral tributes. Mrs. Verda Goble and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lunt spent Mothers day at the home of their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lunt at Hunter. Other guests were Mrs. Farrell D. Lunt and family of Ogden, Mrs. Angela Weston and Curtis Weston of Murray, and Sug Thompson of Cairo, Georgia. Farrell D. Lunt sent greetings from the FOR SALE OR LEASE modem 1 bedroom home with coal furnace. Call Frank Pew, evenings day, 623-068- 6; 20th Cleon 1 EIIO oraraj GET YOUR LUNCH andor dinner at the DAIRY QUEEN on Saturday, May 18. 5 Burgers and 5 milk shakes, any flavor, for only $1.98 Dairy Queen across from the High School! LAD SMsOeoaoeifi) Prices effective: -T- THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY a TtoUf y, 3Ds gdo m WOLVERINE HUSH PUPPIES 33Va OFF - RY OUR PIZZ- SPORTSMANS SUPPLY - uredeari REGULAR PRICE 45 . INTRODUCTORY PRICE THIS WEEK END STAMPED PILLOW CASES Limit: 2 pair GLO WEAVE & GINGHAM JERGENS 10 LOTION oz SUMMER SANDALS for summer Wpr ftvdsl00 m relaxing-re-g. 133 II STRAW HATS Mens work hats - U U ea. Women's Garden Hats -- ren's -T- Cowboy Hats GIANT SIZE HERSHEY BARS Assorted for 2 RY OUR PIZZ- A- VARD' (5c IVe Have A Large Selection pr. 1.99 Just North of the -T- Six May 16 JHS Girls Banquet; BSA Board Review and The Nautilus Literary Club Round Table. members honored their mothers at a special Mothers and May 17 Juab High School Girls Day at Rays Judging teams from the Mt. Daughters Evening May 18 7 p.m. Leadership meeting of Juab Stake QuarNebo Chapter of F.F.A, return- Cafe on Thursday, May 9. comstate the Tables were decorated with terly Conference ed from judging petition at USU with two first white candles encircled In pink May 19 10 a.m. Juab Stake Quarterly Conference at Pink satin streamers place trophies and three fourth roses. Stake House with Sacrament meetings in all wards were the place cards with the places. In regular times. were Farm teams name members and mother Winning May 20 City Council, 8 p.m., Co. Com., 1 p.m. Mechanics and Dairy Judging. written in silver. Each moth-mothwas presented with a May 22 BYU a capella choir, Stake House, 8 p.m. The farm mechanics victory makes five first place teams corsage by her daughter. from the chapter In the past After a delicious dinner, the New Babies . . six years. The team consisted following program was enjoyof Larry Ellertson, Ron Dailey ed: Tribute to mothers, Mrs. The Grant Kay; two piano selectand Glen Greenhalgh. Babies bom at the Juab Recently admitted patients at County team was presented with a tool ions, Rolayne Laird; acrobatic Hospital during the the Juab to the County Hospital at past week include the followbox, an alternate prize dance, Karen Ockey and Nancy Include the following, ing, according to the list reusual welder which the team Clayton; ladies trio: Mrs. Evan Nephi cannot receive only every five Blackett, Mrs. Leo Osborne and according to the list released leased on Wednesday morning Mrs. Reed Christensen, accom on Wednesday morning by Hos by Hospital authorities: years hereafter. in team Top Dairy Judging panied by Mrs. Richard Whit- pital authorities, with those marked by having been adGirl, bom May U to Mr. and the state, composed of Ron Dai- tington. mitted and Ellertson George ley, Larry Mrs. Cleston Park was chair- issue of and released since the Mr3. Gordon Newton of Mona. this paper dated May Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will compete at the man of arrangements assisted James Kay and Mr. and Mrs. National contest In October atj by Mrs. Harold Liddiard, Mrs. 9, 1968: Ida M. Blackham, Moroni Kansas City. Ron Dailey was Mont McPherson and Mrs. KelPercy Newton of Mona; great second high Individual in the vin Clayton. Mrs. Clayton also Margaret Baldwin, Spring grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newton and Mrs. Katie state contest. acted as mistress of ceremon- Lake Mrs. James Pay Other members competing at ies. Shepard, all of Mona. Allen Kent Hall, son of Mr. Girl, bom May 12 to Mr. and Logan were Ron Dailey, Glen Members and guests Mrs. Perry F. Hall, Nephi Mrs. Floyd A. Carter of Nephi. and Greenhalgh and Larry Ostler In the evening were: Mrs. enjoying William Debra Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Levan crops; Max Williams, Randy Sperry and Mrs. Norma Jensen; In Allen Blaine Ne- A. Dean Winn of Nephi and Greenhalgh and Kent Carter Gardner, Mrs. G. Anderson and Mrs. Arvilla Carter of meat judging, with Max Will Mrs. Forrest Parley Madsen; Mrs. Har- phiMrs. Gary Howarth, lams placing second high in- old Liddiard Nephi and Mrs. Lee OlRobert James Anderson, son dividual in meat judging. Ron sen; Mrs. Richard Whittington Larof Mr. and Mrs. Ronald An- WANTED at the Dally, Larry Ellertson and and Mrs. Homer K. Lunt; Mrs. Dairy Queen derson, Nephi ry Ostler were on the livestock Kelvin Clayton and Mrs. David people who like good burgers team. Paul McPherson was al- L. Mt. PleaRoyd Jorgensen, Five of and milk shakes Jr.; Mrs. Grant Kay sant ternate to livestock, crops and andRowley rMs. Rulon Mansfield; Mrs. each for only 1.98 on Saturday, Kevin Broadhead, son of Mr. May. 18. Remeember, at the dairy judging. Reed Christensen and Mrs. Forand Mrs. Larry E. Broadhead, DAIRY .Team members have express est Christensen; Mrs. QUEEN, aocross from Larry ed appreciation to Jay Dailey, Peterson and Mrs. Stanley Nephi the High School! varcoached the who Hyrum Brough, Nephi advisor, Pearson; Mrs. Kenneth Ingram Mrs. Donald Olsen, Nephi ious teams. and Mrs. Louise Ingram; Mrs. liveMrs. At the Spanish Fork James H. Ockey Jr. and Mrs. Green Ralph Green, Fountain stock show recently, the FFA Farrell Carter; Clean' Mrs. Rex Hill Susan Howard Sharp, Salt Carpet Parly livestock judging team won first and Mrs. Coquella McPherson; Lake a received team City. The place. Mrs. Milton Harmon and Mrs. Without Welting Royal E. Peterson, Nephi trophy. Boys competing at Sp. Booth Cook; Mrs. Cleston Park listed Previously For kwere Larry Ellertson, Ron and Mrs. Lynn Kay; Mrs. Lee patients May is a good time to get still at the Hospital Include: at some of Dailey and Larry Ostler with Boswell and Mrs. Byron John- Geneva those jobs that Madsen, Harry Beag-lePaul McPherson a3 alternate. son; Miss Corrine Garrett and have been postponed. Carpet Claude RasLawrence Kay, The dairy Judging team plac- Mrs. Robert P. Garrett; Mrs. mussen, Jennie Bryan, Ruth cleaning may be one of ed second in the contests at Evan Blackett and them. We recommend HOST, Mrs. Earl Gowers, Alice Jenkins, Axel the new method of cleaning R. Howard: Mrs. Boyd Park Spanish Fork, V. Cooper, Etta John Johnson, and Mrs. Edrls Wall; Mrs. Leo carpets without wetting. Use Rasmussen, Cleon Kenner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawkins Osborne and Mrs. Mack Hafen; carpets Immediately after returned to Nephi last week Mrs. Harold Laird and daught- WANTED at the Borrow our recleaning. Dairy Queen markable after spending several months er, Rolayne Laird. Electric Up HOST people who like good burgers in Phoenix, Arizona. While In Brush. Its easy. Clean walk milk shakes and of Five Arizona they visited also at only 5.95 at each for only 1.98 on Saturday, areas Kingsville, Texas where they 18. at May the Remeember, CHAPMAN FURNITURE visited with their son Rex Delphic Club Meets DAIRY QUEEN, aocross from 27 South Main, Nephi, Utah Hawkins and family for three Members of the Delphic Lit- the High School! weeks. They also visited Lor-ed- o and Brownsville, Texas, and erary Club met at the home of Loredo and Matamoros, Mexico. Beth Rosquist on May 9. Club business was conducted by President Elsie Spendlove. THANKS CARD OF A pot luck dinner was enWe wish to thank all who joyed by Mrs. James Painter, helped in any during the illness Mrs. Dean Bateman, Mrs. Don and following the death of our Mrs. Dale Worwood, mother and Barton, beloved wife, We appreciate the Mrs. Ralph Menlove, Mrs. Hy-rudaughter. Wirthlin, Mrs. Stuart, Nephi First Ward Bishopric Mrs. Sheri Ferre, Kay Mrs. Earl and Relief Society and the help Mrs. Don Eyre, Mrs. and assistance they gave us Bowles, Glen Mrs. Maurice TolWilson, We time. at this appreciate Mrs. Earl ley, Spendlove, Mrs. our to food those who brought Wright and the hostess, homes, and who assisted In any Lynn FOR SOLID COMFORT CASUAL SHOES other way; and for those who Mrs. Beth Rosquist. funeral the in participated services. Guests at the home of Mr. George Hall and family and Mrs. Thomas P. Kendall on Buy now while there is a good Mr. and Mrs. Alden Childs Mothers day Included the foland family lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood selection of sizes and styles Jenkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kendall and family of Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kendall and children and Mrs. Ernest Wilson and son Lynn of AGranger; Mrs. Ned Greenhalgh and children of Santaquin; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Peterson of Holiday. T. Clair Kendall vis623-014- 6 123 South Main Nephi ited at his parents home on and Friday Saturday. 'bida I3OT ml? Mothers' Dinner Held tfm Patient List FLASH LIGHT BATTERIES . Regular 25c each - NOW 10c ea. PICNIC JUGS -- Vi (jow er NOW 4.95 Regular 1.95 each Nautilus Literal? Club Pag Top State s' - Reg. 8.95 WATER BAGS Judging Teams flavor) Saturday May 18th at the Dairy Queen, 145 No. Main rr:!-- r?j?rr,T Thursday, May 16, 1968 itttefi'iVittie Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 City Park RY OUR - Drive In! PIZZA TRY OUR PIZZA TRY OUR PIZZA Graduation Gifts for |