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Show j mount cover, in jler.e: cent ; SECTION Construct V'ilve box complete reSealed proposal? will b ceived by "the City Clerk of the his City of Blanding, Utah, at 2:CC o'olook P, M,, on the 15th day of July 1959, for the construc- tion of Water main Extension, appurtenant items, as described in the plans and specifications therefor, now on file in the office of the City Clerk, and at that tire publicly opened, read aloud and tabulated. Proposals will be acted upon by the City Counoil of said City at a meeting to be held at the and Council Chambers, Blanding, and on hour the day above Utah, such later time specified, or at then The be fixed extent of the water mains work involved in, upon or a-lo- ng or private city streets which easements for property, shall have been obtained. Approximate follows: quantities are as mechanical Joint Hub-e- nd per the contract to be issued by gate valves with adjustable boxes, j the City Council, and shall guarantee the faithful pcrfonr.- -j ance of the contract and the j terra and conditions ria, therein year from the time of acceptance of said improvements one f1) by the City Council, companied by a certified check or cashier' 3 check in an amount Flans and specifications governof not less than five (5) per ing the construction of the cent of the amount of the pro- proposed improvements have been Durham & posal, made payable to the City prepared by Henningson, Hi el son. Treasurer of the City of Bland-i- ni Richardson, Inc, and Maxwell, Inc,, EngUtah, and may bp cashed by Reeve, the treasurer as liquidated ineers, 416 First National Bank Colorado Springs, damages in the event the suc- Building, cess ful bidder fails to enter Colorado. Said plans and spe1'ito a contract within ten (19) cifications are on file with the days after award of contract and Engl r.eer and the City Clerk for post, bond satisfactory to the examination by bidders. Copies Jit y, insuring faithful fulfill- of said plans and specifications ment of the contract and will be mailed to Interested tenance of said improvements as bidders by the Engineer upon Dollars of payment required by law. Twenty ($20.00). Deposit will be remust Proposal and bid security turned if plans and specificabe enclosed in an envelope, tions are returned to the sealed and addressed to the City Engineer in good condition 'withand in ten (10) days from date of Council, Blanding, Utah, marked "Proposal for Water main letting. Extensions, Blanding, Utah," The work under the proposed coThe bid security of the three ntract shall be commenced within lowest bidders will be retained ten (10) calendar days from date until the contract is awarded, of "Notice to Proceed", and and no bid may be withdrawn for shall be completed within ninety a period of ten (10) days after (90) calendar days from the date date of opening bids. of "Notice to Proceed." 4 The City or Points East Specify Ringsby Truck Lines or Rio Grande Motor to Grand Junction UN MsmBSag SMITH PLMBIH6 S-- HEATING reserves the right to any or all proposals and successful bidder will be reject required to furnish a bond in an to waive informalities. The By Attest: Way TO iai Francis s conos-cm- R, Hurst hay dr" D, Utah AtlSRItffll STANDARD Nielson comm City Clerk Blanding, Utah TRUCK LINES BM - Bess. Wm. 31 ending, From Denver ..J Oldest living thing on earth is believed to be a pine tree, located near Los Angeles, Calif., in the Inyo National Forest. Tree experts estimated that it is about 4,600 years old. Phone 8-39- 71 June 26, 1959 contained and the maintenance of the proposed improvements in good repair for not less than hr lest Freight Service OR ULANDING OUTLOOK price, said bond a responsible surety, approved main- Is the construction of cast iron pipe 1 Each proposal shall bo made on a f:jrm rjrnished by the Engineer nr City Clerk, and n:st be ac- office in said City, until may Page 8 one hundred by I notice to crncTons as equal to (ICO') of Business in Blanding 20 Years . Phone ut&h OR 8-39- 71 |