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Show BY SUE GRAVES landing rly ins Servioe Thursday, Friuay and Saturday of announces the arrival of a new last week. Do you believe in fairies? riirht instructor, Nr. Allan Ken McDonald, hi h school teaoh-e- r Ri chens, formerly of Frovo, Utah Mr. Rl chens will do both conmer-ci- al has every reason to. Mr, Mand charter flyi nr for the cDonald is in the process of Blanding Flying Service as well building a lovely new home for as flying instruction. The Fly- his family and so much of his ing Service has an approved G.I. time has beer, spent on the home who that the weeds around his proFlying School and anyone The ptffauiOM' Open 6 jbeufi a Week JtoHtoi 9 am to- 5ftm interested in learning to fly perty were etting pretty thlok. BOne mornin last week a group of is urged to get registered. efore coming to Blanding, with .Rich neighborhood hoys armed ens was a Flight Instructor with hoes, rake3 and shovels did a - Mu the R.O.T.C. at the State ulture College in Logan. Pho. 3821 Dr. '$mdtf Skof 2 June 26, 1959 chew a piece of Slim-Pa- c sum 15 to before each 20 minutes meal... your appetite is safely reduced ... you're satisfied with less food, and ugly, dangerous pounds begin to melt away. pleisant-tastin- g car to SLIM-PA- C BEST SUITED TO YOU Your wisest diet will deny only enough food to allow a weekly weight loss of 2 to 3 pounds. The correct diet for you depends upon how many calories you need to perform your daily routine. This varies according to age, sex, activities, height and actual overweight. You get 3 suggested diets from which to choose, and you get to eat the foods you like. However, you should never decide on a stringent diet without first consulting n STORE the return trip convention, held in Kanab r- - gum will safely cause you to want less... and the capsule will help maintain normal energy and pep! Slim-Pa- c in. on resent and future. hllaren, .ir furt r details about this ; . ;:inrksb-- new plan Phone 2306. BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Company ... NO STARVING CRASH DIETING RIGOROUS EXERCISE ...NO NO Its foolish, and actually dangerous , to go through life misshapen and unattractive, short of breath, uncomfortable in our clothes, ashamed in public and miser- able in private, while the success and happiness we should have slips through our pudgy fingers. SLIM-PAC makes it all so unnecessary... so safe, so easy to change. START TODAY on the life you were meant to have! i KegMesaftial CLOSE JULY 4TH BUY FILM & SUPPLIES HOW Commercial Inctotrial i i "wt will tttiMk tm IwMkoU gap CPQaaaDGttpapB mu Dad, Mom, and for iv.t, POLICY in erco asiHXHiGiD gd ceecd QscrtEUte make anc Karri ette Johnson, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnson of Salt Lake City have been visiting at the Glen end Sylvan Johnson and the J.T. Patterson homes this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hawkins attended the Utah Postmaster Anlek multi-vitam- one Timp-arog- You simply PLAN . Li-in-- SLIM-PA- C SLIM-PA- C John Z. Kartchner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J; Kartchner, who i3 serving as a mis- Elder s the nan REXALL your doctor. in Mr. McDonald's lot. We take our bits off to these boys Mrs. Gwen Smith, Sue Craves, sionary ir. Argentina was made Mrs. Josephine Pherson of Monti -- President of a branch in Buenos cello went to Price on Tuesday Aires, recently. This is quite to attend a sehool for Home Ser- an accomplishment since he has vice Representatives, a branoh been in the mission less than 9 of the American P.ed Cross. months . Mr. and Mrs. Iiane Johnson left Blanding on Thursday to READ THE WANT ADS move to Phoenix, Arizona where Mr. Johnson will be employed. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Spilth and :r:RE family were weekend travelers to rh a Nephi, Utah where Mr. and Mrs. FAMILY FLAN Smith attended a. meeting of the Associated Civic Clubs of Utah, li Y RUM E. PORTER as from there they visited Cave and other sights of 9 S? interest before returning home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eob Brasher of ,1 The Texas -- New Mexico Pipe Line Co. returned Sunday night from a three weeks vaoation trip to various cities in Texas. Before returning they purchased a new i Now... losing weight is as easy as chewing gum! CHOOSE THE Johnson and family. Why let excess weight shorten your life . . . ruin your appearance . . . hamper your success and happiness? With you will easily and quickly accustom yourself to eating less than your body requires. This undereating wont hurt you a bit. Your body will simply draw the food energy it needs from excess body fat and YOU WILL BEGIN TO LOSE WEIGHT. Sylvan very fine Job of cleaning up the weeds Ross Hardy of Long ueach, sister Mrs. -y Overheard on Main Street Hospitals are not excessively exif you can keep out of pensive them. BLANDING OUTLOOK Agric- Calif, visited recently with his '-- Blocks So. Grade School Page 10 DOINGS DOWNTOWN YOU ALWAYS LOOK TOUR BEST WITK. . . lIcss SMALL APPLUHCSS aimj dor job'''' b Ai, P1XTUhb Northern ElecBric |