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Show mt mat cl down ike street an up with of Visitors at the are her son and his Redd Louise family Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Redd and i . Vi3ta, Calif. arrived June le anti plan to from five children They ANNE home return this home Jared Bayles, week-en- d. Grant A. Bayles and Mrs. 21 i;ne chair fell from his high LDS and has been confined to the Mr. F)R i JliXT -- Hione 2016. Co. - REPOSSESSED Take up Furniture . this time his coinjuries. ndition is still very serious. Kiss Glenna Turner is improving rapidly rfrom her bout with Mr. and Mrs. ! ; j for head Lake At ed Stocke return- A1 from a vacation June 20 in Santa Barbara, Calif, Mrs. Wallace Blair, z cousin of Mrs. Stccke returned with them. After spending a few days in Bland ing visiting some of our scenic points of interest Mrs. Blair went on to Salt Lake City by bus to visit her daughter. 2 bedroom house I'.iss Rosemarr Burtenshaw has Basin Realty & gone to Salt Lake to spend a unfurnished. Ins. Hosjital in Salt Hepatitus, 3on of infant i):rr;;R 17" payments. j week. Kr. t.v. RCA . I loneer Roy is acting as Johnson custodian of the LOS Church while Marion Black is away. Kr. and Mrs. Neldon Cochran and family are leaving Friday FOR RENT-- -Variety Store building at Bluff. $50 See Buena Gaines per month. Bluff, Utah. Used T.V. sets, FOR SALE table models cabinet models. Guaranteed, going at our cost. Terms. Pioneer Furniture. to spend a week in Salt Lake. Mrs. E. N. Porter took her son Kike to the in Provo to at BUY tend olasses in a youth ment Frogram. stttute is This 2 sponsored Develop- week by the in? LDS Church. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Forter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morrow entertained Mr. and Mrs. Duane John- FOR RENT 5 For at Barbaque supper prior to their departure. Mr. Jim son unfurnished. Phone 2651. Terril Joined them for the DANCING LESSONS- - Tap and evening of fun. oreative dance: beginners and Mrs. Bruce Hurst and children student's advanced after 5 pm. classes have returned home after spend2146 ing a month visiting friends and Morrow. in San Jose, Calif. ' relatives Call arranged. being Mary Ann WATER NEEDLES ; i Have your Mrs. Barbara Palmer, Mrs. old water needles repaired at Porter and less than J PM cost of Mrs. new. Monticello drove Sunday evening to Anne 2 Beauty Lbs. 2 Lb. ZjRN April Lee of to Salt Lake Cello Stevens Machine Shop. get Mrs. Pal-FOR SALE Spinet Piano in mer's daughter Ardith. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer this area, assume bal. of contract for more details write and family returned home Sunday Credit Dept Mgr. , Box 148 after spending a week with their Lake City, daughter and her family, Mr. and H. Salt Station S. Mrs. Kay Bradford in Ely, Nevada Utah. While there Mr. and Mrs. Palmer REPOSSESSED -- Furniture and and Sterling and Mrs. Bradford appliances consisting of: Two and daughters Audrey and Joyce bedroom suites with mattress drove on to Sacramento, Calif, or and springs, to visit their son and his wife electric Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Palmer who combination, automat io washer , are stationed at KcCllean airrange, 9-1- 8-P Merrit Blue Bonnet 3 5 Lbs. Albers Bag 18 Oz. freezer-refreger-at- Virtue 12 living room of original price. Gaines set, force base. suite. Congratulations are in order Can be LIFEBUOY for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black at Pioneer Furniture, or who greeted a new son on June oall 3606, Blanding. 22 at the San Juan Co. Hospital seen . dinette 7-p- iece 5-p- iece LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Stevens Machine in in at 7 lb. 8 oz. Shop Southeast Blanding. Doctors degrees are hard earned but Howard Hurst gained his FOR SALE 1954 Quick title after delivering Just one Century Riviera Model 2 door. baby. Their Little daughter, 4 new Completely equipped. beat the stork on their Book value $1025. Will Connie, tires. June 19. way to the sell-fSee or call Corrine and hospital, $900. the little boys Tad Bill E. Cline. Ph. 2947. and Hal think she is as cute as 0n road if Dr. Fallon had done the upper LOST -- -or between Texas Company Lease honors . and Bluff. One gasoline drivDanny Smith and en, rator. K W 120-2- 40 Finder notify Burnett Bluff, Utah, FOR RENT located, Centrally Mr. and Mrs. Alma Redd went to apartment, Salt Lake City on June 23 on Sprouse Jewelers. business and are returning this one-bedro- om Inquire at Utah-ar- 58 dr. week-en- d. GET THE 4th For Doeskin 4 Toilet Pack Swifts All Meat Lb. e 1 SWIFT'S PREMIUM For the Price of Hamburger Jc Roll nip Cube Garth Christ- ensen from 'Fleasant Grove, Leroy guests of Tir. Bradford this week. Tim is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Garth Bradford. Volt Gene- 3 BUY in Kontioello. The little fellow will be named Norman and weighed FULLY COOKED WHOLE OR HALF W) 5) |