Show t S i ame arg ayt s san raud rand JANSO annond co AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS co conner IMPORTERS BATTERY asb AND CLAY STREETS SAN FRANCISCO have now flauding lauding and in store bales 30 inch brown drills ci brown sheeting ti bolts no 0 00 duck dock 1500 4 t c no 2 10 duck 29 b baies bales a les ies raven duck ducky 10 cases eases merrimac merri Merrl mac prints SOO cases pacific prints loo cases dunnells prints i 60 50 cakes cases 78 7 8 84 44 4 4 bleached shirting 40 cases cabes 64 6 4 48 84 84 4 and 10 4 Blei biel bleached ched sheeting SO 20 cases blue drills 40 cases blue denims bales hickory stripes c 3 and 44 4 4 Tick bickings Tic kings logs 20 cases 44 4 4 kennebec chec checks s iro bales cotton yarns varn tarn 4 loo 99 scarlet blue and grey gney fonnet cc Ball bali bailar Ballar ardala ardale jale white mannel flannel 15 cages cases coburgo and merinos Me Afe 25 cases case wool and halt wool wooi plaids ispa IS gases pases ses blue and black cases Pacific new styles de lanes 25 5 cases all wool new styles do 8 cases french marinos merinos Me 1000 bay state plaid shawls 1000 oath Cath cashmere mere and plain wool shawls black and colored silka silks plain figured and i silks and a large assortment of other dress drees goods HOSIERY GOODS cotton hosiery T ladies ladles childrens and mens meney of all au kinds woolen hosiery Lad ladles ladies leg lev childrens and mens meals of all kinds f gloves mens and childrens consisting of kid eid silk cotton and woolen under shirts and drawers consisting of al the well known makers of american and anti english Eng libby embracing woolen meil mell Meri merino nos silk suk and cotton clifton BLANKETS 1000 pairs white while green and bine mackinaw 1000 2000 pairs bbb BB and blankets 1000 2000 pairs cheap grey english blankets 1000 pairs cheap blue english Blanke blankets tar tap pairs scarlet english blankets too coo pairs 94 9 41 4 10 aj 4 11 4 and 13 12 4 white bed blankets CLOTHING AND furnishing GOODS I 1 OW 1000 doz grey greys blue and scarlet flanel shirts I 1 1000 DOO doz gray and white merino and Drawer drawers sp 1000 doz merino and wool socks doz satineg and jean pants pantas doz duck duels and cottonade Coito nade pants doz hickory and check shirts DW doz calico and white dress shirts goo doz overalls and jumpers STRAW GOODS mens boys and childrens straw hats I 1 including Leg leghorn horus horup lorence florence JT dunstable panama china lear leaf gennat and other styles also Als dlack diack and fancy tancy silk Cravat sy neck ties silk handkerchief suspenders and a variety of other articles too numerous numer oth to mention llen ajen uon for sale by JANSON BOND boy t corner battery and clay streets 9 38 3 8 san francisco Franr isco iseo or 9 t r a ofira CADIE CAME INTO iry YARD an unruly OX oxy about six years old brindle jil sided and white face no brand visible JOHN PACK 31 3 1 north worth kanyon ward CAME CADIE TO MY DIX YARD AST november a red OX oxy branded smith on left horn h L 1 b J and J X on the right the awner owner Is requested to take him away WM FLUIT 31 3 1 north kanyon ward TAKEN UP TT Y the subscriber a three year old heifer and B JQ CALF dark red three square holes boles in each ear little littie valte hite on the bip lip no brands the owner can get her by proving property properly and paying expenses ISAAC DAW 31 3 1 west jordan mills CAME cabie TO MY carril corrar CORRAI come gome OME time since a COW and CALF brinl brindle brini lc head bead and S 0 neck deck spotted body branded M FM F M on right horn and hurch church brand on left hip the owner Is requested to pay eapen expenses es and take her away aw a 7 J H LEMMON 3 31 16 1 north kanyon kanyon ward STOLEN F prom FROM ROM rush valley about ten days since a bright bay bari eight year old good sized american HORSE long bead darker in color than the rest of his body branded S on left shoulder and J G on the right whoever will give information of said horse or return upturn him to the subscriber in the ward G S L city hall hali be liberty rewarded persons living in the northern and southern settlement settlements are requested to witch sor said horse 1 DANIEL SPENCER STRAYS ONE E briddle OX giva five va ter yer old branded W wiet let lef hip 0 ode one COW red and white brindle head and face lace night right ear earmark mark one COW red and nd white short abort horns borns hort tail tall lined back and a red and white yearling heifer beller with her one black COW white spot on ilar her lons lolus white tall tail branded on left taip hip not discernible one bieck bleck COW mixed with white hair marked on left horn N M A yearling heiter heifer calf along with her 3 40 4 ABSALOM YATES E T city arrival aiice departure of the mails malls the eastern eastrin mail leaves salt lake city cily and st joseph josephl ho no every saturday at 8 am and makas the trip each I 1 way or should in 22 days the california mall mail leaves salt lake city every monday and end calp cai cal every saturday at 8 am and always makes the trip within schedule time 16 days the thi southern Malfi leaves raves salt lake city and Fl villmore ilmore limore cito city city every monday at 7 am and arrives each Wednes wednesday dai daj and ald Saturday evening the mabll mau mad leaves evea evely y thursday at 6 am and arrivey arrives at mantl manti on bys p m leaves mantl on monda mouda mondays s at 6 am and ar TV yiv S at salt lake I ake olty city wednesdays by 8 pm the northern mall loaves leaves each monday and ind thursday at 6 am and arrives at brigham city olly the by leaves brigham cy each tuesday and friday ay at 2 pm and arrives at satt lake city next day by bj 6 pm fahe she mant matt to alpine city leaves each thursday at G 6 a am and arrives at alpine acty next nex dao day leaves alpine ay olty city on Friday sat 6 am and arrives at salt lala city next day in the evening the cedar valley maii mall leaves lesyea every evero thursday at 6 imy am and JL rillies arrives at cedar valley next day by 12 m returning leaves Ceda valley on fridays at 2 pm and arrived arrives at salt lake city next day by 6 pm CITY be soldier SOLD SOL DiOR FOR TAXES TATS lie HE I 1 following derbon are indebted eil etl iut fut city y T taxes tl which 0 it if not abt pa p aad td before the them I 1 IW lith day of 0 april p ril rii n next with th the cost ad t 1 of notice a portion n of their t property glat wiil will be wll wil 1 tway the taxes a aud iud jud costs coats 2 w 0 2 ra g 4 1 i f ct CL il ct 1 rutus rufus abbot 1 I 2111 eili OD O D danl dani still it miller t u 22 1 ijohn john bamford I 1 glio james mcfail l black I 1 uio dlo I 1 lotion lotio ion lon 10 N y F porter 65 55 I 1 cwm awni wm cole 82 10 91 adam spier 2 1 OS O S 11 rodgers 61 63 lsimon simon 0 notton dotton 3 67 57 10 edward tylor taylor 2 38 l I ioe loe oe ge fawnsworth 1 21 1 II cdavid darid david butters 83 68 7 th dhosi s harrin narrin ton 2 76 ll S I jens jena Jp jorgenson renson 1 61 ll 11 frederick chandler oha Cha odier 1 10 0 I llewis lewis nealy 6 5 33 ll 11 wm rm dye 1 I 26 james ljames pullen I 1 I 1 15 ll II mr draper 65 55 I david U M rowe 6 5 84 94 1 ll I mr eatman 4 93 1 ageo goo scholes 1 10 ll juhu kiis mlis 82 83 82 I jese jesse steele 4 01 11 john juhu orton 1 15 greter 2 peter reter ivansen 1 65 11 Si lisbury salisbury 82 2 jens nansen hansen 2 05 lit II ll T 65 2 bilaus Il nammer hammer limmer 1 15 1 11 I ijohn john tul T cui yui ul ton 82 2 erasmus jenson 2 geo A n 66 2 lians jenson I 1 37 ll jamea walker lio iio 1 10 2 r 1651 1 65 11 walter waiter white loo 1 00 2 savory 2 10 ll I thos thoe I 1 00 2 oie swenson 1 76 12 bowman 2 20 2 T tn 11 smart 65 12 1 geo gw butcher 66 2 clias ghag Shu alway 66 65 12 8 cunninbham 66 3 judson awatt 55 12 J r B apaul hanstra ir 1 38 12 wm miller miler I 1 to 10 34 3 J M murdoch igo 1 80 12 iego go gw maxfield 62 3 jhn john muir I 1 65 13 44 3 1 aa 13 adward allen alien llo ijo 1 10 3 joeph stallings 1 81 13 P C merrill 4 63 gwm poole 3 2 25 13 A monteith 3 23 3 1 95 14 levi chons I 1 69 4 john bailey dailey igo 1 60 14 3 19 4 R jl it birkbeck 1 65 14 S W millet miller 8 82 1 4 thos thor smith 50 51 14 tho Thoe mck mckemie al 1 43 dwin awin A 4 wm win whitmen whitmer 4 95 14 edward rdward puh res ICS I 1 ca 6 5 james buth duth 75 15 14 ww cpr epp 82 6 5 john clemens 1 35 16 15 joseph aleica 82 5 robert cowan cow oon an 3 85 15 oliver bess begs 4 00 6 5 james 1 I 35 15 av W 11 II crawford 4 70 5 fiam WM finch I 1 I 1 10 oj 15 join john aley diey cooley 3 30 5 joseph greaves 85 15 david ellsworth ilo iio 1 10 6 5 davjd hamlet 1 15 thos james 1 37 6 5 andrew nender son soB 3 65 65 15 thos taylor 83 63 6 5 frederick jenson mi tou lc 41 44 5 win wm marchack Mar Marc hani haci 1 koben robert thompson 7 5 chas miller 66 16 15 john I 1 19 92 6 5 ageo geo ceo thackeray 65 I 1 16 burgess 3 79 6 james walker 80 16 james hawkins haskins 1 37 6 gwm i wm anderson andersen I 1 RIG 60 16 glenry red eed 3 so 6 j jas ander Ande anderaon rhon n 2 75 16 wm wal if walton 6 5 92 6 ja jas C ande anderson andersen rs 01 17 cornaby gurnaby 1 37 6 A R anders anderson n 1 5 17 3 so 50 6 james Black blackband bani bant I 1 rio 10 17 7 henry Il 3 81 gur our 6 mr 85 17 john oakley 1 10 6 mr benson 85 17 lians nansen hansen 2 61 5 1 fi 6 john claxton 55 17 james pettit leg log 1 05 GJ G 6 J iro Ifo lines iines frodsham frodsham 1 I 65 17 geo War Wa ehara 66 6 holias 2 1 65 19 9 R D covington 1 37 6 david miller 2 60 19 sami samyi cotterill 6 5 28 8 6 samuel emker 95 19 john Gar garett loett joett loo 1 00 6 john robinson 1 65 19 P garnett 65 55 6 john ilo lio 1 10 19 john lewis 82 grobert robert G 6 smith 1 aj 19 john shorten 65 55 6 D shakespeare 85 19 3 wilt Will banlE banie 77 6 james walker lio 1 10 20 wm cook 82 7 baldwin W ross boss loo I 1 00 20 john house 82 7 wm brodu 6 25 20 martia martla littlewood lewood 6 91 joseph ljoseph l 7 byington john lowe 65 0 7 henry clegg mr robinson 2 63 53 7 albert eastman 0 sil jens jeus jenson 65 7 wm gill 65 andrew stewart llo lio 10 athos 7 thos IIIi lyard yard 65 it scott io 60 arobert AlIke 1 05 Sc send adford rord ford porter 50 7 chris chrit christopher miling 1 30 newis lewis 35 8 ohn barnea bardea 1 06 justin merrill 2 35 8 S james ijames kippen 2 65 win B hutchins hutching 1 42 8 peter Pete raon llo lio 1 10 john gilbert ygo igo SO SD S 3 D ir bavli 65 55 A D buckley al 11 iro ito 60 9 J 11 hii bil kesell 7 09 el 2 oo 00 9 Ml keseI kesel 77 win burt hurt 1 I 65 55 9 john A mikesell Mi kebell 5 40 lezer brown 1 00 SA BA S B A J pendleton Pend leton lelon 1 66 65 J dobon dob on 2 00 9 mr turner 2 75 ily uy yack pack packard ad 3 65 55 9 wesley webb 1 20 johnson mrs Browl browitt tl 3 6 9 gwm wm wiley 2 75 grandb 10 john alyin alvin llo lio 1 10 ville mlle r YU 10 john geary 65 55 7 peter richardson DD 90 I 1 10 O john hug nug 12 1 20 0 richard barney 1 37 10 james jack 1 15 john liwe lwe awe 2 36 10 lowah bifi keddington 1 69 thomas bowman 1 65 0 10 geo muir ogi ca IV K jouis M MG gaunt aunt I 1 lo 10 NB abe remainder of delinquent taxes taze swill will be published in next list if 11 not paid immediately by order of 0 the CITY COUNCIL I 1 the sale of 0 the rul fal lowID lowing has been postponed until the above named earned dater date viz april aar apr iiii 1111 11 1859 3 rt t ct S ct sha sh A norton a 15 aw austin tin 1 I 10 shii bh sh 11 chive S 14 wm wadsworth 2 76 75 sh T B olat dark 4 80 14 david seeley loo 1 00 eh sh 20 jarnes james liebis 9 60 U 14 wm G R russell 1 l s 11 1 87 7 sh eppa Jesper jesperson son soa 7 16 13 wm A ch 1 itla itta a 8 70 e 20 robt wilson 3 30 lit tit II ll T C hidden hadden 1 loa ioa 65 20 P buxton 3 40 1 IC 11 I C 0 J edwards 4 02 2011 20 gon 11 adams 2 76 ll J Christ lanson ianson 2 35 WJ W 80 J Dim duncanson canson or duncan I 1 I 1 11 IG I G geo eo black 1 10 4 W K barton 1041 10 41 sha sh sha rha A B williams I 1 82 20 thomas doxey 1 10 1010 10 lochas chas ringa ringwood 00 d 19 il W pugh 5 shilo ddniel page 1 37 19 james gammell 2 solo 10 andrew audrew overlaid r 95 18 phineas W cook 6 64 10 levi hancock 2 30 IS 18 11 1 I cookerley Coo kegley kesley I 1 sa lojas lo jas jap cushing 2 74 17 john robinson 10 luke cook 17 george nokes 3 W ngi 9 robert rose 2 16 17 jonathan moreton 3 85 90 9 0 P peterson 2 09 16 henson walker 2 20 9 A P r Aft irray 4 40 ir 16 thos morris 4 67 9 gwm wm kettleman 3 30 16 james hall nail 3 74 9 16 0 D farlin parlin 3 67 9 benj belij ellworth 5 05 5 16 wm arn firs file I 1 65 9 M Ol olf olp estrem strem 1 65 16 leabel abel butterfield 6 77 8 W wm m G glover love iove r 1430 14 30 15 thomas wrigley 1 PO 01 8 R robt abt chapman 1 I 30 15 john wood 4 60 7 john moore 11 10 15 J VF f whitebead 4 46 7 john butler 1 I 10 15 francas woodward 6 11 7 Z josph joseph burrows 2 80 15 benjamin denjamin allen alien 2 47 6 john strong 1 45 15 jo A thompson B 77 6 gwm wm 65 16 15 orin smith 6 edward 2 9 15 james ransom 2 2531 63 4 johnson 6 06 15 yens peterson 1 43 4 wm larkins 1 65 15 henry norton 82 2 rodgers 2 75 16 15 james jamea W norton 7 65 2 archibald campbell 2 3 15 john marchant 2 25 2 A A beck 93 15 B B messenger 3 45 IE davenport 1 65 15 neriah ll lewis llwis wis 3 20 lpeter izeter mcdoe I 1 it 11 15 james jenkins 2 41 I 1 robert Warn wann reet reef 2 97 J 0 LITTLE 2 ti tf As assessor and collector casu CASH PAID ron BARK bre TWILL I 1 WILL pay cash for any amount ot of rood good RED PINE I 1 BARK delivered at t my bilig mii mil in lake city utah 3 am samael SHEEP sneer EnDING II I 1 PROPOSE taking to burd huni fram the of ma may to tho the iet let of or november for lor tift gifts fifty v cerms per head bead or I 1 will take them OB cia shares and give the owners all the wool wooi woo off the eves ewes and half bait the ther wool oss off the give halt half the Ince increase In cease ases asep and be responsible for all losses sustained neo nei through iny toy neglect bierd herd ground groub beast east of hoopers cor ml ral in tho the th north bart part of bf davis dayis county i ais 1 ax ANDREW g ra business barss laubs ALEXANDER WILSON V U S ATTORNEY FOR utan UTAH TERRITORY gift will wiil atte attend a d promptly to to lilan lii ili in OFFICE with dr forney superintendent ot of indian affairs great wt salt late city 51 am CASH casil ai AID ald D for III lii D ICS and BARK bank by P I 1 itt tf IRA ama AMM A mes MRS HATTER AND e assa A jieh wardon block hock ra kat mat e of union have ant 0 r bre hand band and arid also make to order ht 11 ilis tits it of differ ut qu II anil ancl 2 bayles tyl hf le wanted wol woi and furs of all alt binds kinds alsot alsor produce pro mg and wood lf tre TREES ES TREES TREES TREES ne hub bub deriver hag bag idill on hand baud and for tisie a nine fine lot T of flim sira r TREES among 04 them m are reaches peaches apricots and plums of the bet bt varn varl tie tiet aio alo the sf soft and hard nard sirell A which will bo be sold for ah cash ot or ax changed for graid grain and ohler proda eon reasonable sa 5 ottas 11 32 3 2 12 ih ward PRICES or boand BOARD AT SALT LAKE HOUSE board lodging per week S 12 1250 50 boards boardo without lodging 1000 per iday das 2410 2 2460 y supper breakfast lodging single aleal dieal loo animals per night bay arain grain TU to BE MADE IN ta 9 am JAS townsend proprietor FRENCH AND AND GERMAN mite HE ith to inform tb t brethren bretl brell iren that they J to give a coude coune e of on the french aud G ennan jerman languages at 6 per quarter three it v meek week eek 2 hours boura each 1 asua n at aio air barlow k Urben lich temple street one door babl of deseret Dt beret eret seret store for sale 23 we will take tor for pays pay produce cm currency rency andl andi ard and coln coin 43 am Y V S ROPE A AND N D TWINE FACTORY lith WARD G S I 1 L CITY rehe takei this thin method to 10 inform the public JL I that be ison lson Is on hand to make kupes kupcs twine and of a 1 kidd kind needed in this country well weil ropes and other ropes nde made to order garden |