Show FROM EXCHANGE EXCHANGES HAYTI HAYTT is is a republic the late emperor So louque having been compte completely tely de thrones and gen fabre Ge frerard proclaimed president hati is now literally lite literally rall rali y a black republican nl government nine tenths of the population being of african descent the ibe of the and indian races 7 exist exist on tb the e island of xe oe comprising a population of the east side aide of the island of which agn santana is president and the one newly debird del I 1 ipp IFF ird we tue population of which J jt 0 orthe vrest side atho capital of the new republic is port au picc that of the dominican is st domingo in 1496 by bt bartholomew columbus brother r of chr cha the great discoverer gar dor agn 1 0 nearly black fifty years 0 of f s z intelligent and ara gentle gentie gentlemanly mahly mably beloved by the people anict and tle the 9 army and aed friendly to eigners fig ners the late emperor Sol soi was wun gig farn a slave was elected president prel prebi deab deat of the re hay hayti U alom aiom alow t by accident and two years yeats after his bis election assumed to himself the titie thie his bis reign belag being one of despotism and auf tyrah dy lle lie ile he at tempted attempted to subjugate the republic of was signally and terr lerr herrly ly defeated defeat defeet ed by far interior numbers headed by santana from 1821 1821 to 1844 the island inland was under one govern government ihen iben t that of hapu but tha cruelty of the ther throes largely lit lir fhe the ascendant toward the white races of spanish and jadian indian blood impelled the latter to insurrection ami aimi i under pedro Sant santana anai anao a the eastern part of spanish and indian oain r dreve ve the negroes back to their own oft side bide of the island th then area kofl of island is ab abo t square T miles its climate is 9 0 conr e of tae most delig delightful ht edthe irr the world worlds the soil is ric the scenery but its pr il il 1 cn venea his greatly de calp elder mider mier lle lie ald aid ind corrupt rule r HE E VOLCANO of nianna manna loi dov on iia Ila hawaii hawbli well wali one ons otibe h islands cot coi i fenced send fuus itts roh for toh to h stream fi of burning lava about jan 24 tle erupt erupts imi ii is said baid to be one of th the greatest ever known on these nans A writer in the th e pacific ler merliser her tiser liser states that the per calming of lava iava lavaL lurowe irown up above the mouth of the crafer criter cr iter Imi glit be bet eight diun di dro dra to one feet in heim heig height hl ht tte ile same bame earn samm e writer abs ob sred bred m ed at the dis hs karice larice ance of ten milea milts large bo iders of red hoi hot lava java stones weighing hundri s if not thou theu thousands sands of tons thrown up wh with inconceivable power high above the libato lilii mas mab or column th lava lva flow is s from froin an eig elg j ih uti I 1 to a mile in width and its lei tei th from the crater to where lueters it lt enters eters the sea at the village of is about forty cilcy the village of course raa vaa vaa rag des aes destroyed royed hp he loh inh abitanta being aroused at i by lb issing biasing an aal I 1 roaring of the ilat iava lava as it rah ruma 1 towards be he spa sea colsum iby ivy everything before it ai i d they bar vily wap wak ea A d being consumed with their thein 1 ein eln fated vil lag tiie tue pleas pleasant arlt ailt little harbor of lainada lifs lias clied aed up with lava Ac accounts counts coonts to the peb felt state stale that the tha volcano still st al continued in in all its grandeur te ile Britis british li war steamer calypso had sailed with a party of excursion lats for hawaii among whom WAS wab king kaine kame hameda eha eba an attempt would be made to baa haa ead 4 b datlof of the burning mountain 3 i ji ho district shasta county on the conling of march 1 assembled to drive the chinaman from mines they hta y captured some tw I 1 L indred lindred of the anfor i n lpes iles es when the sheriff ci i rt a large party part afan ai ald aid d order orderly inen nen uen camet 1 I ne re rescue arid and TO li i the be att ctt linen A edw dy fight took I 1 place that night i gever sever d v were ere wound woun d ed 00 0 i the 34 A feeling was lidd hid bid at which these theAe riff decil 1 i t tit tuut it br he int i ded to gustain sustain n andea cute thle thie th I 1 tvs i sat at all baz haz is ex gov johns m n was wag pr s n nt t made a p ch eh and was cheered A anis ains are bei forwarded for tor warded to thep aee tee of mi ail 0 i isaac isaae H ire tre the leader bouhe tia til it is 13 said v i ts a an officer in one of 0 tf tee e penns penna i lania ama awa regimo reglo regio w i 9 in the mexican ean can veur was waa tt d by a r y corn fer for chii p rp brating L r j iv i in n the cudjo at mexico uil uti oi o i 1 was waa only from the 1581 I 1 s by the e i te treaty GEN aen CABS CASS is said to be more toofe feebee nii hii prest preat elat tit cond condition occasions great dis distress tress treas to his bis family his itis daughter sun in wv AM a nit other intimate friends are w 11 ish lih h hia hip IVR ala a wash in letter avow avows lat bat at all tabes bib big determination to refuse haa again a candidate for the presidency T twofold arieal rian he saya says myself and lewis odasa if lf 46 lufe 1 lff so long will thit ehlt uit thia illa e ddlly on the be ath of march 1861 with much lighter and less ess esa burde burdened tied ried hearts than we bore bor e with us on here 21 5 coming GREAT BATTLE IN MEXICO A correspondent writing from ventosa sends senda us the following account of a recent battle A great battle was fought between gen miramon of the church party and gen de gallade gol eol lade of the federal party commencing on the and concluding on the the fight took place on the frontier line of the states of guadalajara and colima gen miramon manoeuvred degallado Dc De gallade oat of the city of guadalajara dal da aara and occupied it with his troops gen degollado Degol lade made an attempt to regain the city anif and a fight took place in chica hew he was as defeated degollado Degol lade retreated to colima pursued by miramon who at the same time sent a division of light troops over the shortest mountain road and succeeded in cutting ott off dem Dea Degella eliade ellade trie itle capturing all his hia cannon baggage etc and dispersing his army degollado Degol lade escaped into el saltillo daltillo Sal tillo in the state of guanajuato gen miramon nii Ali ramon is about thirty seven years of ae a age e he is prepossessing in his manners enterprising ter tr la and nd brave his nis success against vidaurri and defeat of dec der degollado Degol ellade lade have gained for him a very brilliant fame nine A VESSEL SEIZED AND dismantled BY the brig swiss boy of san francisco capt welden on her way from P rt orchard to victoria a chirgo cargo of lumber sprung a leak lerk and on the of january put into neti nett sound where she came to anchor in 21 i fathoms water the captain having the intention of beaching the vessel and maying masing repairs on he the of february the vessel was boarded and seized by sev bev beveral rai ral hundred indians who st stripped r lne ine d her of her rigging and by dint of sawing 1 in z chopping and the aelion action of fire sent the mainmast main maln matt mait over the bide suk they also pillaged the cabin and arid robbed the seamen stamen of C clothing otha ot hf 1 etc the captain and crew of eight men were held prisoners for several days but ultimately managed by promising to return with 1 vessel ana ani c citso breo to make their escape the I 1 captain ca etain and four of the crew were trough bare here in the tb schooner morning star capt I 1 mckae and the remainder of the crew are at near bay THE LATEST advices advises from vera cruz tc to I 1 feb 9 state that the representative i of the roman catholic or church party ir in Al exico mexico has abdicated in favor of miramon who wb 0 was installed president THE FIRST TRAIN on the hannibal and st joseph rall rali railroad wi will I 1 I 1 run through from the mississippi sis sippi to the ail Ali missouri on march 22 there will be a celebration on the occasion at st joseph THE COLLEGE dollege of william and mary petersburg virginia including its valuable library has been totally destroyed by fire loss except the harvard university this was be the odest institution of learning 1 in the united states it was chartered in 1693 1692 I 1 by william III lii and queen mary who gave out of their private income xa 2000 0 wa sterling toward its cons cors ruction A PRIVATE agent of the queen of spain has been beet in the united states for a year past and haa baa had bad private interviews with the president about the purchase of cuba 1 VICE PRESIDENT is quite modest in his bis aspirations saying that he will be a candidate for CrItt cruttenden endens se seat in the senate 4 T in the anay arvay anly pa navy vy and post office d departments ahei uno UIA of tiie THE PACIFIC telegraph bill in congress is is yet alive slavery in kansas has hag beeri been abolished by the legislature it is chont however bo wever that thal gov medary will wiil A ril ill veto the bill I 1 AT CRUZ the french and english commanders com mandere have secured to their respective governments two thirds of the increased cus tom house r ermes ennes the american consul bad had protested such bich interference is a prope prospect ct of san sin francsco becoming the whaling depot of the pacific two CHIL ANIANS were shot at benicia Bp nicia nicla CAI cd nelar ALlar march chi cli 7 while breaking into a house where they were refused admission dod GOLD 60 i ir r a limp g e it it pounds was recently taken from a claim in amador county cal another lump jump weighing 91 70 from froni a claim in calaveras talaveras Cala veras claims throughout the ini inibig nig districts generally average from 10 to 20 24 to the hand pr per day women married to white men in california says the dla Ala mariposa star make excellent wives wisee neat tidy and industrious and so swi learn to discharge domestic duties ahi abi creditably 1 A was murdered murd murl muri rad red ored in calaveras talaveras Cala caia veras veraa county cal cai balty calsy by a yaqui taqui indian for leinsing refusing reia rein sing 0 a more whisky after grin to 14 tida rida r lda IDA vanard VANA ao a harrl harAl handsome some you dallmor nia woman has been indicted for gambling by y the grandeury gran grand djury jury of placer county ARIZONA is situated south of new mexico bordelin bor bordering derin on the rio grande and has an estimated population of some ten thousand inhabitants it is said to be a desirable country for emigrants DOUGLAS s refused to allow american residents at victoria to fire a salute in honor of birth birb day it is proposed to annex the colony of victoria to british Gp lumbia columbia GOODS FOR UTAH valued at in california in about loo loaded wagons left los angeles between the of feb and lat of march MRS AIRS KEEGAN her two children and a I 1 servant girl were burned to death or suffocated in a burning building at brooklyn mr keegan and another servant girl escaped from the I 1 i building 1 but were dangerously injured by the fall from the third story the tife girl it is thought fatally A MULATTO girl in new york murdered her mother being 1 instigated thereto by her paramour to obtain the old comans womans money MARY marv been found guilty 1 in albany N Y of the murder of her husband THE GOLD mines of the platte and cherry creek continue prolific NEW EV gol golli mines have been discovered near waters of the niles Alies missouri ourt major culbertson of the american far fur company brou brought bt to sioux city lately some 1300 in gold dust taken from the divide between the head waters of the missouri A and columbia rivers these mines minea are on what is reported to be the most favorable route for a railroad to the pacific AN brig supposed to be a slaver was burned on the coast of africa by order of the commander of an english steamer WILD WHITE a pressman in the leavenworth kansas J office shot six times at W W blose local editor of the he leavenworth tivies seriously injuring him but it is lt bought thought el not mortally defamation of character is said to have been the cause BAYARD TAYLOR is lecturing on life in the north moscow and other subjects in st louisa louls louis mo U S infantry now I 1 in n this territory are to be relieved by the ath regiment of artillery from fort laramie to fill up which U S troops tinder command capt J P mccown were to leave island N Y about the first of march NINETEEN ocean steamers ste amers amera are lying at new york 1 7 A CUBAN lady was robbed of by negro in in new york THE COTTON factories of maryland consume about fifty thousand pounds of cotton operating spindles and looms manufacturing annually some three a half millions of dollars worth of goods tile THE in ln ur york of floor range from to V abbi ibi ibl of ibs lbs s iv wheat beat from to fco 1 bu barley from csc to wa oafs oats 50 me corn 80 sae beans beana nw nav 0 peas marrow 50 southern sou sow thern black eyed peas 3 cand candre candle des tes adamantine ap fl sperm 41 9 coatee coffee rio hi iii java leather hemlock soles 23 molasses N 01 01 0 39 6 u cuba pc bc va gall oils linseed lard tard prime yv Inter winter 1 1 clive olive V gall in quarts sibl in pints turpentine 49 pork megs mess 16 Q g if abbl bbl prime 13 50 beef extra mess mesa 1150 12 prime mess 16 ca j 19 butter choice dairy dalry 1 25 5 a 11 ib fb cheese 81 I 1 nie hie I 1 jc stair surara arb ars N 07 07 G 8 sc ac cuba 6 bic tic regine refined dx 9 teas Y 11 ii 19 tt imperial 25 goc tin pig antimony 13 tobacco kentucky 6 61 a havana 28 61 wool choice saxony california brown shee ahee tings and shir tings standard goods held at sec sic light bic heavy beavy shir abir tings 71 light do 51 ac drills brown and bleached sic blu blue 10 ft loe loi prints 9 I 1 lic lie lawns 11 Ginghams 10 ilc lic muslin de lanes IT 17 ieans jeans prices firm at 9 gic the deghand for foreign goods is be becoming cowing more mere active I 1 THE CITY or we ofin imar iwar h and that city chy called the ibe city of churches but we think the term is more applicable to baltimore than to any other ollier within pur our knowledge tile the population populate ol 01 of e the american of that city puts down doin at while lathe lethe the number of church edicts 8 Is 16 IGO GENERAL GENERA L ALBERT S JOHNSTON now in com corn mand of the army in aviva applied f for leave of absence to visit his family the leave asked has been forwarded with orders assigning lieutenant colonel charles F smith of the loth infantry to command under his hia breve trank of colonel |