Show j STATE the most important item of news newa received by the mails malls was the passage by the hous of representatives on the of february of the senate bill for the admission of oregon into the union of states Stat ebb efi by a sma small I 1 I 1 majority thus adding a anew new star to the federal constellation it beems seems that a majority of the republican members voted against the bill for various reasons some of them considering consid eting the constitution formed by the people of oregon was not sufficiently republican in forin as it inhibits the immigration of free freia rie ite rees and mulattoes into the state and prohibits them thym from holding real estate making t contracts or maintaining suits suite in any of its courts these were urged as valid objections as the principle was net not dotin in accordance with the federal constitution which declares that the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all ill the tb privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states 11 and in in some of the states negroes enjoy all the privileges and immunities of the most favored citizens the bill was also opposed by some on the ground that according to the ceneus census taken within the last six mouths the population was only about not half enough to entitle title titie the state to a member of Con Cen contres gregs tres and there was nothing that required admission until she had bad the requisite number under the rule another objection against the a provision in her constitution extending to foreigners the right of suffrage kansas kanbas also was materially in in the way but notwithstanding all the 0 opposing a i that were epp made to bear r a against g the admission the bill passed the house as it came from the senate without the result wis was gr greeted eeten with applause and amid the c confusion ri fusion mr stephens of ga vibo had taken an active part in favor of the bill moved that the representative from oregon mr grover be admitted to a seat pending fencing which th the house eHouse adjourned on the lith the serta Sexta senators tors from the the new state stafe lane and smith took their seats the i former drawing the shoat teim term which will wili expire with the close of the present session the same day there was an able and lengthy I 1 I 1 debate in in the senate on the indiana contested I 1 election case lane and mccarty I 1 claiming the seats beats held by fitch fuch and bright as senators from the hoosier state in the senate on the of february prayer was offered by boyle a catholic pi iest there was only one senator in his teat seat at the opening and he be retired to the lobby till the reverend rev rei arend gentleman bad fidi finished shed abed the service after the 1 praying was waa over the vice president kept rapping with bis mallet occasionally till lill after eleven before a quorum was present BO so the he purnal carnal could b lip lyp read whether or not the religious services had bad a tendency to keep the ilon hon San sada Sana alors ors from their seats till that late hour does not appear from tbt the report on the 16 h mr stoning storing sten ster ris flom from f be lie committee orv orl T m ones n this the lotse hoi foi se of I 1 reported a bill providing a temporary government I 1 for arizona several were thred one of v iod kod by bv mr ir kellog kehoe wib WAS to the he eff ct that wb fi re ft ere 10 OUO h lantson ansin heter beter it r ory the toe lg slature shot ai U by law provided f ir r te tale elec election tion tiou of a governor governur secretary mar thal thai and judges to be c commissioned bythe by the president ef of the united states the bill was waa finai final finally I 1 y F laid on the table by a large majority mr stephens also reported a ilke like ike bill for dacotah ald and one for jefferson both of which shared the same bame fate the cuban question had bad oc occupied both goth houses more than any other for a length lengl 1 0 of a time without wit hout bout coming to any understanding in relation to it retrenchment and reform have been subjects of discussion but nothing done in particular IM to put the principles into practice |