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Show Advertise In' The Record. I 1 11 jiTl - - -"a I -. . " - mi ' ' li - " 1 iWiiiiin.i y We are Headquarters , m For Furniture, Carpets, Rug, Hunters, Ranges and Wall I Wh? . , i ra HcoauEo wo carry tho largest nud most complete stock gQ JS south of Rlohtleld. We enjoy tho business. Wo study It, and tho result is, wo nro buying our goods go Kg very oloso nnd uro willing to cell thorn on a small &) margin of profit. 'v$? Compare Our Prices g And aoe for yourself that wo ore giving the aome QUALI- jgs M TV for LESS MONEY than can bo hod in most all fig 00 othor places. Pg WUBRBOAN VOU OBr STEEL COUCHES FOR LESS gK THAN 85.00 MOST FIRMS ARE ASKING 35.50. gg Look at These Prices. e& Wo havo mnttresfoo to put on thom for 83.00. A noat cSS Iron lied for 83.50. SpringB that will not sag for gg 83.G0. Tho four round ohnlr for 81.00 The Ostor- Eg j moor Mattress for 815.00. 810.50, and 818. OJ. The txi g Ocean Wave Waaher for 6.50. Ornnlto Carpet nt 27 gg ocntB por yard. Tho host quality of Union for 45 gg? cents por ynrd. Nioo Velvet Rugs, 81.80. Tho g$ 3 Axminister Rug, 82.50. Art Sqtiaros, 9x12 Rrusaols, gg 812.50. Wool Art Sqnnrea, 0x12, 88.50. W Free Dolivory to al 1 Pnrts of Town. Pjg I Leigh Furniture & Carpet Company. 1 HARK! HARK! HARK! J I The Children's Voices. 1 1 Children's Music, O, How 1 1 Sweet. H i'ee, wo all like to boar tbo littlo one's voloos, but wheu gg thoy nro raised iu supplication ovorv ten dnya for a now pair of re ttj tihoea to go to school with, it seta tie to sorutchlug out patemnl bonds. M 0 Wo havo bean thiuking of this far somo tlmo, nnd figuring bo S& on n wny of making these uppouls less frequent, und wo think 3 wo have found tho solution, in our Full Chrome LeatKer SKoeS -witH Rock go Elm Soles for Boys. 5 pJ Wo think that wo will have tho "kids" going somo if they gQ p6 kick out n pnir of theeo shoes ovcry two weeks. Sizes ll's to 4's. Try u pair and bo convinced that wo aro right g$ Nearly Ono thousand Dollars worth of Shoos juat unloaded, gj ombraoiug n lot of now and nobby patterns. Call and see g5 jf Post-Office'Store; v -I "? m CHAS. S. WILNINSON, Prop. 7 fftst STJlf0rfljcsiJlrt&fe f DENVER I I Low rates to Pueblo, I Colorado Springs. September 5-6-17-18. October 20-21-22. J Sovoriifn Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. AV. C. T. U. v Lo? Angolos Limited leave- Salt Lake Dally 12:25 j). m. Arrlvo t at Donvor 10:f)0 iv. in. noxt day. Only oloctrlo lighted train passiug ? through Salt Ltko City. Library, obomition, oleotric funs, a lu carto k I dining car service eg 1 Stop Oocrs In Each Direction. 3 as'c your local ugent to miiko rosorvatlon earlv, or address J. II. If T UORTNEU. D. P. A., KID So. Main, Suit Lake City. i f: CORRY BROS. STAGE LINE, f I Daily Rigs Between Cedar City and I I Lund Utah x, Good Service and Accommodations. Teams and t ? . Buggies Furnished on Application for the S Virgin Oil Fields. Terms Reasonable J 1 ao to John T. Mitchell f I at the S $ PAROWAN POST OFFICE STORE & tor J J Baled Hay, Grain, Flour, Bran, vf Groceries, etc, S w $ DON'T INSURE YOUR LIFE, utitll you investigate the policy of tho Mutual Llfo Jnsnrauco Co. of Now York. J. 0. ARTHUR, v5 k Fountain Pens 4; Tho SI. 50 kind for 75 conts. S X As good ns you gat anywhere. $ Tito equal of pons that soli for A double the brice. ij Watches and Repairing I can furnish you with any i kind of watch you doslro at a prico lowor than you will havo w to pay olsewhero. t! Bring your broken watches j or sptctacles and havo thom re- paired and made good as new. J 'SL Alex G. Matheson. S x |