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Show T A - Farewell to Summer. Summer is fading ; 'tho broad loavos thnt grow So freshly groon, whan Juno was young, aro falling; And, nil tno whisporhnunted foroet through " ' Tho roatloHS birds in saddened tones nro calling, From rustling hnzol oopeo and tangle! tang-le! doll, "Farottoll, swpet Summer. Fraurauc frui-y biimmur, Swoet, ffKjwoll." Upou tho windy" hills, In many a Held, , Tho limioy htta hum slow aboro tho clover, Gleiuiu ttin mtost sxeotii its hlus hiunB ii'iiy ylold, And, knowltig thut tholr harccht tlrao iu over , Sing, Intlf a lullaby and half a knoll, "Farewell, sveet Sumn r, Hnticy-ladeu Riinuuer, Swoet, tartiwoll " 'I In little brook I hat hahhles mid tho form 0r twistod roots nod iitndy ahallowB Playing. Soon s fain to Mayor in its eddied turns, if-ftw'Kvtiifatei ' And with a fdaintlvp, ti.iilog voice Is raying (Sadder and Hwtolt.r.tL'aii my song ouu tell,) "Farewell, Hoet Siimumr, Whriu and ilrni i j Hun un r, Soot ituowcll " -F,l.M JOURNAL. |