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Show A Paying Investment. Mr. John Whlto or 38 Highland Avo., lloultou, Mhiuo anya; "Hnvo becu troubled with a cough evory winter and spring. Lust winter I 1 trlod mauy advortlsod romodlca, hut tho cough continued until bought u nOo bnttio of Dr. K lug's Now Dla -covory; before tbnt was half gone, the cough wna all gone. Thla wiuter ! tho briuo happy result Iihh followed ; ; a few dasoa oucu moro banished the annual cough. I am now convinced ', thnt Dr. King's Now Discovery ia tho ; 'boat of alloough aud lung remedies." Sold undor guarantee at Palnoo Drug ', Stcre. 80a nnd $1.00. Trial bottle injo. |