Show our high school has W 1 D harrip hed of department oi Eji english glish and speaking Speak mg in circleville Cir cleville high school ow our ilip school ij bus bs many ad addan vantages j which larger high do pat oot baye we can boast of them for ibey they gre are very beneficial to the student up should feet fortunate that pe he la Is able to profit by them and par Lc lapatin patin in ohwn he should rejoice in xe he fact that ha is one of a few who arr valiantly pioneering an institution that will leave its ts far reaching effects down into posterity erity he be should be glad that he has taken part in the struggle to per perman mantlY lly establish this institution of earning if jt it fabiis euils it does so eo because one of those parts has fallen down if it succeeds it does so because every part hai been bean bong a iti duty faith t 1 fully and steadfast tut our classes ar moll in numer thy approximate around 1 students eaph that ir ie a co convenient anven number for ono MU teacher to handle dianta at a time with justice and pre cl jion with that number the teacher can give individual attention to each livery every pupil hns hosan an opportunity to aid from the without any one of then them Euf suffering ferine fro from lack of attention the student I 1 has an opportunity of 0 f kine all his iyoda to the teacher and thereby re direct help it consequently becomes that a aten teacher chei knows kracl bract ca lyall tile bucuk k points in cich students work and can offer aida ove everyone fyr for his betterment nt I 1 Jilg fiAO of 1 punt roine t I 1 in nih many Y cao hi nitia inith teH itei them everni 1 acial cial ent r ft a timet t is 19 oaf ti daei bodei the manaK mana ernnt of if the engol they ale aie al e wholesome wholes social nl to building i alwy lack many mandof of pub tie tic social vices yet embrace a number of the ants tor for teaching A bla association the the students 1 b f ve the opportune opp opportunity ilyf foe 0 learning agthe the proper relt relation Mons of friendliness I 1 a fo for one anol another her they cen can learn t tu U alve find and use tact since tact a 8 born of cun contact tact there is a decidedly bhole biome maintained through school activities and they are pont ifill enough tv to supply ill all that i ne add I 1 the church has haa enough influence that our students take an active part in at all ill ranches branches wherein where n BPI vicea are re needed it is to be found tor for 1 that a much larger perc of the young people parde pate in our than will be found fourd in many larger larer communities s wherein the re religious opstal bation ia tion to appeal chiaia chis in much to iv be cip desired sired and ami the lends lands its any student who desires td tny take more than llian th 2 usual pat t in church work will find finda every opportunity enily rist hilway his way the a echers have mor to 0 do than jagt instruct in the classroom plass room 1 I heir is felt very decidedly in th il and in the ever everyday every vday v day ohp parent and student atud they acome come the fili friendly endly counce councellor lor and guide ulde their best thoughts thought advice and service fire are drawn out in the various activities in n the town in whip which it they participate the clos their classroom da comes only to find them ready to p ck up some arduous community project broje et they will be found busy in practically every project i for ifor our community benefit and carry the extra responsibility gladly there is more community citizen iship chip lived through aneweer one week of our school than iv taught in larger schools during a whole term our conditions compel us to be democratic in consideration to our neighbor we must be tinsel fish f if h and patient a tient the entire student body must work together congenially else this school could not exist we are not large enough for patty mahool factions to liv e theramore thera eore from oi 01 jr several little towns meet in modes of are indu inclusive sive to the ul re ments nta of goon citizenry we arp like living lavinua liv inUa laws constantly and congee coner tally fally more students ints are privileged to hold school office thereby deriving I 1 benefit freir frana this position bearing responsibility in every school activity it will be found that all have an aquel chance for participation this creates initiative in and desire for personal attainment and development men t it tends to alleviate the dread of public aai appearance barance and the terrors of stage fridh it helps toward creating the ability of he nt to stand squarely aquai Equa fly rely uron his fe t and think for himself these privileges are not afforded many students in in of large number they are arc generally given only aly to a select few who happen to have gained notice by some teacher and are there foi a promoted for that position lion any student stu defit who attends our high school will find he is ia extend d a ae cordial urdia welcome time to engage in all I 1 tie t ie f functions unction of the school upon an aquel basis basi with anyone else evet y S is ia considered of aquel value the ame lame L or just consideration avei is done wi i h due consideration t to the school and for its each student te vou eia ae tt A t his ills lull lull eat et dispi ration theresee Ther There eare aee predty aty of channels tot inspiration afford ad liim him therefore he be should ert erthe abul with walh deil nate ideals ahna aims a ij 0 seek all po billies of their de ment |