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Show THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- Allen's Cash Store Bargains Dec. toDec. 24 18 Fancy Soft Mix Candy MIXED NUTS I pounda Extra Fancy, 29c Pound I'uckuge Hard MIX CANDY 2 69c 3 X.l feci a responsibility for our customers preparations for the big feast. For. after all, about the tie, the man's memory of the day lingers about the goodness of the meal rather than that were on the Christmas tree. We have taken the greatest of care In assemblox and zrU-- r one a very merry ing this list of foods for your selecting and take this opportunity to wish every We rightfully . 33 ill McDonald's Chocolate! 23c pound 5c ... - sir r JELL-- 0 DICED CITRON 1 69c 4 Iba Interesting Suggestions For Yuletide Feast 3lT ALL Christmas. conThe below food items will be on sale commencing IViday, December 18 and so as We suggest that you shop early Z4th. December until night, Thursday tinuing not to be disappointed In case we sell out of some of the Items. WILL FIND A LOT OF PRACTICAL GIFTS AT THE PITE-WAGIFT STORE HEADQUARTERS. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS YOU PEAS 3 No. 2 Assorted Chocolates 25c cans Peanut Brittle Slabs Luden's Chocolates IOC each Veal or Baby Beef Pot Roast, pound Y 53C box 2!i lb 5 79c lbs light colored S 93c pound 2 Peanuts 2 pounds 3? 25c .. LOOSE LARD 15c Med. size, doz 2 Morning or Sego MILK 2 MINCE MEAT 1)V for 35c pounds 2 Our stock must be sold Don'-- , miss d Saving Sale. See our sets; Rockers. AH kinds of furniture. New China- Ware and Glass Ware which has Over-stuffe- If pound carton .... Large Bottle Liberty Marchino Cherries 1 XA v DATES 15c SUGAR aa. 4s7 MIXED NUTS Very Choice 2 lb Cello, pkg 10 lb cloth bag Beet Sugar Large Choice No peanuts, CELERY 7c bunches Nepbi 4 4 pound With peanuts 1 29c Pierces No. 3 Early June Peas, 2 Ig cans 25c Nuts lbs 20C Extra Large Size 2 for 5c 1c FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 94 west 3rd South st. CARD OF THANKS the undersigned thank our many friends for the assistance and svmpathy shown us during the Illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. J. M. ChrLstensen and family Local and Social YAMS Large Smooth Per pound Yams SPINACH Texas New Crop Spinach, pound .... 5c 6c JELLO 1 package Jello and 1 Chocolate pudding, just a few Ieft 41 BOTH FOR OC CANDY 7Qg BUILDING LOT FOR SALE John Coleman. ltlp We 55c LIT 25c 29c M CHRISTMAS NIGHT I North Ward Amusement hall. Good Music; Popular Prices. MINCE MEAT Hewlett's Choice Mince Meat 1 pound 2 pound 3 pound All members of the Nephl Ward Relief Society are urged to attend meeting Tuesday, December 22. A special program is planned for that meeting. The last lesson on Alice Freeman Palmer will be given by Mrs. Thelma Hansen. This lesson is even more enjoyable than the first. The Fort Wall Camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers held a social Friday afternoon In the South Ward Rpllef Hall. All the ladies of the ward over seventy years of age were honored guests during the afternoon. A splendid Frogram was given and the elderly ladeis told of incidents concerning the United Order. Refreshments were served to all members, and the honored guests. 69c 9c 17c 25c Last 22c Merry Per Pound If you don't want a whole turkey we will sell you a half turkey. Christmas 0RNAfAENT5 gwvfc pP4 FOOD STORES BUY Christmas "A Surety of Purity" LAMPS sturdy Built and Price. l AND FOR TME TREE lQffl; Ideal GIFTS For Any Man Reasonable in OLD ULU YOU WILL FIND THE GIFT YOU WANT AT THIS BRAND I CHRISTMAS STORE II straight C jj IN PRICE ...try A"Kv si W Ml ' Thi American Distiuino Ox iiiai BRAND STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 79c 85c 89c $1.00 $1.15 FOR SALE Christmas trees and baled straw. William StoweU. Call 40 of mf iNrorAcr loaves A real bargain lb boxes FOR CHRISTMAS TREES. There's a large stock WIIEELGOODS TO 1 MIHu 5 ELECTRIC HEATERS FELTONA RUGS (9' x 12) CLOCKS RADIO or NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING WHY NOT A REFRIGERATOR ON MATTER OF APPROPRIAFOR YEAR 'ROUND HAPPINESS TION OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR ANNUAL BUDGET. YOUR BOY OR GIRL WOULD SURELY LIKE THESE! .2? RIFLES NOTICE is hereby given that the AIR RIFLES Board of County Commissioners ot BASEBALLL GLOVES Juab County will meet at the CounBASKET BALLS TENNIS RACKETS ty Court House at Nephi, Utah, on ROLLER SKATES Wednesday, the 30th day of DecemICE SKATES ber, 1936, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. to consider the appropriatSKIIS ion of County Funds for the annual WATCHES WRIST WATCHES budget to be used during the year 1937. MICKEY MOUSE WATCHES Witness my hand and seal this ROOK 16 day of December, 1936. PLAYING CARDS OR EVEN A BICYCLE WHICH J. H. VICKER?, YOU CAN GET ON EASY TERMS t SEAL) County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County 4 'iii oz 7c Assorted Chocolates No. TURKEY Spring Turkey. ALADDIN King Furniture Supply Emro South Main Street or White CHERRIES CROQUkT SET ICE CREAM FREEZER WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. We have good goods at low prices. Don't fail to see our stock before you buy. I 2 EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY WILL ENJOY THESE this Money Easy chairs, Silver ware just arrived 12 JJAfl Heinz Fig, Date and Plum Pudding Large Can Oranges Each ... SEE OR PHONE N. A. NIELSON DANCE PUDDING SmaU RAISINS Seeded 15 oz package Powdered SUGAR TROUSER HANGERS EXTENSION CLOSET RODS HAIR CLIPPERS RAZORS SHOE BRUSHES EVERSHARP PENCILS FOUNTAIN PEN HUNTING KNIVES FIELD GLASSES FLASHLIGHTS Just One More Week Building 3 HOW ABOUT DAD? Sale SaSe Sale Frown, IOC Neldon 2tlp CARROTS FOR SALE Worthlngton CHRISTMAS NIGHT! North Ward Amusement hall. Good Music; Popular Prices. ORANGES Wrlgley's Gum 3 packages r 25 Roasted pound 2 BREAD 2 APPARELL DANCE CHRISTMAS NIGHT! SNOWSUITS and SWEATERS for North ward amusement hall. Good the little folks. Music; Popular Prices. 1 nuts, iiui.i LADIES .... Cfi GOOD PAY. WORK Reliable man wanted to call on farmers. No experience, capital needed. Write today. McNESS Co.. Dept M, Free port. 111. STEADY DANCE PEAS GUM 7c lb Cellophane Bag No. SHEARS JARDINEERS MIRRORS WASHING MACHINE COOK'S COOK 7f SERV GUARANTEED OVEN WARE $10 GOLDEN 3 59c PEANUTS SAVERS RADIO LAMPS TABLE LAMPS IN GROCERIES GIVEN AWAY THIS WEEK ASK FOR TICKETS WE TAKE PLEASURE IN WISHING OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS iiijian pound cans Walnut Halves CAKE 19c pounds 1 25c Utah Valley Pumpkin. Large Can 9c each or 3 for WALNUTS WARE Also PUMPKIN Brown Sugar 1 pound carton TOASTERS FEATHERWEIGHT IRON WAFFLE MAKER ELECTRIC MIXERS HOT PLATES or GLASSWARE CHINA WARE MIXING BOWLS SILVER WARE PYREX ALUMINIUM WARE COOKIE PRESSES 29c pound sliced" ORANGES Tall cans, pounds Breakfast BACON 25c . CHOCOLATES 1 BARS Crfeco ELECTRIC No lb box CHOCOLATES kinds Assorted. Cherry Chocolates each 25c -- SUGAR McDonald's All American Assortment 1 3 McDonald's Bars 3 for 3 19c ' pound Seedless Raisins 15 ox pkgs 4 MOTHER? Pork Loin Roast 1 RAISINS CRISCO Why not one of these for 13c CLASSIFIED JkL, 3 C 17, 1936 Thursday, December NEPHI, UTAH S, 90 Proof iJr. LONGWOOD I KELSEY OUKBON WHISKEY 90 Proof Cede No U4 I BOURBON WHISKEY 90 Proof -- Cod No. 137 ON SALE AT ALL STATE LIQUOR STORES VT5LWa . 4 (()) jtjL Yh'Ai''' r'x""i,r"J," on Every Christmas Gift List. Leather Slippers ) 1 3 r BAILEY-McCUN- Just what he wants for those winter "fireside evenings" or when you're entertaining at home. Supple I Code No. 148 . yt First E "Where Bargains Await You" kidskin slippers, leather lined, with leather soles and All sizes rubber heels. ifs ! $1.95 $2.25 SILK HOSE All the newest fancy patterns and plain colors. Exceptionally long wearing. THE TOGGERY I j |