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Show TIIK Thursday, December 17. 1936 Patchwork Quilt Puts on the Dog BRISBANE from Asntrkaa FoUksI History Pillar Missing London Fire A Prettj Good Country Newt, far mora Important than FRANK I. MAGIN Big English royal marriage contro versy, concerni the health of Pope Pius. The whole world, Pattern V-"-- Scotties to right of you, Scottiea to left of you, and each one fun to piece for this amusing and col-orf- ' while covery, millions that follow the Pope't ul quilt. Here at last, your chance to use up scrap after scrap of gay cotton in the contrasting blankets, bein sure to keep Scot-tiesquarish head and legs in a dark, uniform color. It's a world of fun to piece, and the pattern may also be used for a patchwork pillow. In pattern 5673 you will find the Block Chart, an illustration for cutting, sewing and finishing, together with yardage chart, diagram of quilt to help arrange the blocks for single and double bed size, and a diagram of block which serves as a guide for plac ing the patches and suggests con trasting materials. To obtain this pattern send IS cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle Household Arts Dept.. 251 West Fourteenth St.. New York, N. Y. Write plainly your name, address ai.d pattern number. the Pope't character and hit loyal effort for peace, hopet earnestly for hit tpeedy re- 567J spiritual ance pray for that recovery, guid- 's Arlkar the Pope's bedside. In spite of hit advanced age. there it reason fur hope, in hit al ways temperate life and hit early Alpine climbing expeditions. tecretary of ttate. offert "eight pillart of peace" upon which Mr. Hull, American peace and prosperity might rest. With all respect for the tecre- tary't earnestness. It must be taid that the most important "pillar" for the United Statet is not found among the eight The interesting pillar it a protective force of airplanet and submarines to great at to make any attack upon this country unthink able. When John L. Sullivan lived. no one hit him. London' t Crystal palace, covering Experts say that sufficient mo- 17 went up in flames, visible tor fuel can be extracted from for acret, SO miles. London hat not seen of oil shale by to great a fire tince "the" great the world's supply to the cracking process operate all fire of 1660. That fire ttarted at one the motor vehicles now registered o'clock in the morning in a house for more than 400 years. The in Pudding lane; you may read world's potential shale oil produc- tome interesting details In Pepyt' tion is estimated at 300,000,000,000 diary. Burning four days, the fire barrels. caused great destruction, but did good in the end. It wiped out, for one thing, the great plague of Lon don, that made the citizens mark A CUVM HOSTESS, DEAR, I IOVE tT WHEN THE ClUI MEETS HERE! YOU'RE SUCH 1 IOT OF FOOD THAT'S YUMMY, YOU SERVE A TUMS TO SAVE THEN FURNISH MY TUMMYI a Little IIMO SCOTT WATSON THE LADY CANDIDATE of Mrs. Belva EVER hear of New York? She wat the woman who wat twice a candidate for the presidency of the United Statet on the Equal Suffrage ticket That she was defeated on both occasions is beside the point. The record shows that the wa per haps the most ttalwart of the early-daadvocates of "emancipa tion" in all its forms for the lovelier tex. And the accomplished most for them. In 1882. two yeart before her likeneisei were seen on presidential banners. Mrs. Lockwood ob tained the admission of women to the Supreme Ccurt of the United . MM- MT imm Adventurers' mm raw v. ' .'f m m Club "Red Death and Mack Panic" By FLOYD GIBBONS Famous Headline Hunter of Atlantic City, N. J., brings us MILTON AUERBACH and it thrill, happened to him on his first day back at work after being mustered out of service after the war. The war didn't give Milt much of anything to write r battle, launched at the Suffrage convention in Lincoln hall. Washington, in 1877. Mrs. Lockwood wat a practicing five-yea- attorney herself. For three yeart she had been empowered to appear before the Supreme ' ourt of the District but wat barred from the United States body by lack of She established the precedent precedent But it required a folof briefs, low up campaign speeches and bills to obtain the desired end. The speech of Mrs. Lockwood at the 1877 convention wat convincing to her hearers. Cortrary to cur rent recollections of the masculine type of woman who first demanded political equality, she is described in a convention report as entirely feminine. As an example: Mrs. Lockwood woie a velvet dress and train. Mrs. Lockwood was a candidate in 1888 as well as in 1884. She was active in public life almost to the day of her death in 1917. when eighty-seveyears old. After women were allowed before the United States Supreme Court she championed the right of negro lawyers to appear there. Then she shouldered legal cudgels for the Indians, went as a peace commissioner to Europe, engaged in a score of other worthwhile activities. n before five o'clock in the afternoon, a woman thrust her head out of a window on the fourth floor of the Sauer building on Penn avenue, Pitts burgh and screamed one word. "Fire." There wat a moment of quiet A fireman atanding on the sidewalk turned and started to run toward his engine house. He had taken two steps when Hell burst its boun daries and began roaring in the streets of Pittsburgh. Celluloid Films Exploded. There was a loud, shattering BOOM! A gush of smote from a first floor window and a bright red flash streaked out from somewhere between the first and second stories. A man's body shot out of a window as though it had come from a cannon head first. A man standing In front of the building was thrown halfway across the street. Flame ran through the whole edifice blazed fifty feet from the top of the roof. Highly inflammable celluloid films stored in the building had exploded and turned the whole place into a funeral pyre in which nine people eventually lost their lives. Milt Auerbach was in an office on the sixth floor. There were eight of them there altogether salesmen and stenographers busy at their respective desks making out reports and finishing up for the day. They heard the terrific report and made a dash for the door. "When we opened the door," says Milt "were were enveloped in A SHEET OF FLAME. We turned, then and ran to the windowt facing the street By the time we reached them the flames were at our heels." vr about: mW home about, but the minute he got home things began to happen to him. That's the way it always is. Adventures the cardiIrUktu with happen most often right in your own back yard. of culmination the nals kneeling at Statet. It wat This one started with a cry and a roar. On January 7, 1919, shortly Motor Fuel . Just Traditions Hie Pope't Health ny PAGE THREE NEPIII. UTAH S. Tales and THIS WEEK One TIMES-NEW- Our Good Will Ambassador HILLS. CALIF. better salesman of good will and brotherly un derstanding could we send to our great sister republics in the lower ixilf of this hemis phere than our own president, who carries for his samples his and his spoken personality words? BEVERLY If, in the past, we looked mainly to the old world for our markets, WIS it Is certain ..3 in thai future V cost QUICKLY SOUR STOMACH for relief when you're WHY WAIT with heartburn, sour stomach, gas? Keep your relief right with you always, for unexpected emergencies. Carry like millions now dol Turns are Turns GAS. HEARTBURN, ... pleasant-tastin- g give relief ... only 10c . . . yet they that is scientific, thorough. Contain no harsh alkalies cannot stomach. Just enough antacid your compound to correct your stomach acidity is released remainder passing from your system. For quick relief carry Turns ! 10c at any drug store, or the ECONOMY PACK for 25c ... ze ... ff U m m tums are ANTACID... gt jtJ-i5"M- ,yl FPU THE TUMMY CTij tt!2 BJ THE OTHER WOMAN Ct(T3 LIVES JUST AROUND THE CORNER may seem tmroamnable, but men caunotundenttand why woman who la usually happy and loving should have recurring periods when her whole character eaems changed. He cannot appreciate the distress, the discomfort that all women must endure. He does not know what it is to do tu jsework with an aching back and failing energy AD he doea know is that otl.cr women more cheerful by comparison. Are you such a three-quart- er IT WL'er Don't let the ordeals that all women face cause you avoidable discomfort or endanger your borne. have Do as so many wlso women try I.ydia E. Flnkhom ' Vege- table Compound. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smiling through" with Lydia K. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. up the sysIt helps Nature tone the discomtem, thus lessening forts from the functional disorders which women must endure In the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Preparins; for motherhood. S. Approachingne"middle age." a Don't wife; take LYDIA E. FINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through." three-quart- kidneys function badly and WHEN surfer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination nd getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous, use Doan's Pills. all upset Doan't are especially for poorly working kidneys. Million of boxes are used every year. They are recommended the country over. Ask your ... neighbor! I 'te.'gja ye." "Jui6t twa jhillings an' four-r-r-penc- "Ah, that wis no sae badl" we "It wis a she had, father." Increasingly cultivate the Latin But a Man stocks of the new "Wha' are you. Bnyway?" shoutconon a world, ed Mrs. Henpeck during thr quarincreditinent whose ble natural resourc- rel."A "A man or a mouse?" man," answered Henpeck es are for a great "If I were a mouse you part ttill virgin and bitterly. nation! who must be would be up on that table yelling must V brX Z cured of persisting beliefs that the Irvln S. Cobb Monroe doctrine is, for them, a threat and not a shield. for help." HARD ON HIM If yesterday wat Europe's and today it North America'! then surely the promise of tomorrow belongs to South America. a Vr" a a Tugwell's New Job. brother Tugwell, almost NOW that last surviving lobe of the original brain trust has left the government flat folks are wondering how he'll make out in his new line. "Sad about Brown an embex-zle- r, and in broken health, too." "Doctor's fault; gave him iron Don't worry, anybody. To some, the molasses business might b e (or his blood and it made him sticky, but it offers no obstacles to steal." a young gentleman who wrote and, what's more, had published, a poem Need of the Masses with this deathless refrain: "I will Park Orator: "My friends, if we now roll up my sleevet and remake were to turn and look ourselves America." in the face, what should They Were Jumping to Death. Mark the words, In six months squarely we find we needed most?" Milt saw one of the girl stenographers escape through the window. he'll be an popcornballt Voice from the crowd: "A rubAnother one followed her. It was Milt's first day in the office. He thought baron, andoutstanding inside of a year the ber neck." there must be a fire escape down which the girls were fleeing. The porter acknowledged king of North America. And pretty soon s to a point we'll be where the effect will be that the entire country it paved with fresh taffy-kiss- 'lasses-consciou- r. I wouldn't be surprised to see us their doors with a red cross and using caramels for currency. And "Lord, have mercy upon us," and as for peanut brittle well, I've alBALLOTS OF HATE caused the grass to grow in Lon ready started hoarding. don't streets. London was rebuilt of THE presence thit year of a known no newspaper more after the fire wooden brick; H Duce's on the ticket of a major pohouses, and streets were made wid er. Our misfortunes often improve litical party has excited interest in let the word WHEN Mussolini us. the part newspaper men have taken that he was groom as candidates in the past. to fill his ing that new dictatorial boots he must have Former President Hoover, Just One of them who was very acnow in New York, smiles at the sug meant what he hinted at Because tive was Horace Greeley of New latest photographs show the heir York Tribune fame, a candidate of gestion that he plans to leave thi Holding the Girl, He Stood on a Narrow Ledge. country and take up his residence the "Liberal Republicans" anu enapparent with his jaw also thrust In in England. The former President, dorsed by the Democrats to oppose was so he could forward, his brows also knit told out to of the window him Milt and now, hurry climbing 1872. in spite of the "Maine-Vermothe reelection of Grant in follow. Then the porter was gone and Milt started out the window after menacing frown, and his plumpish bosom inflated until his medals incident, thinks this is a pretty good Greeley was made a presidential him. He pushed out his head and recoiled in horror. stand forth like carnival tags on a country and he is right; it made candidate by a reform group of sideon Down FIRE NO was the below there! ESCAPE There him President, Republicans which had found its marquee. two of walk and the be the bodies saw the porter. girls nucleus in Missouri with the elecThe likeness to the original model Another girl tried to push by him. Milt caught her and she fainted. leaders as goverIhit is the day of woman," a tion of one of its arms he climbed out of the win- is so perfect that H Duce could in Still unconscious his the holding girl connational a held a religious leader said. nor and later dow and stood on a narrow ledge. With his free hand he clung to the use a picture of the young man for hand mirror. Hongkong tells of a lady, chief of vention at Cincinnati. window sill. exThe Cincinnati convention It seems fitting pirates, looting a ship, taking $10, Ornithologically, corner were in huddled office a the salesmen Inside the remaining pected its candidate and platform 000, displaying unusual ability and that Italy, having kicked the dove good-by- e to not the hands and flames had reached, yet shaking saying to be accepted by the Democratic ferocity. one another. Fire engines began to arrive in the street below. They of peace in the pants, should cherThe airplane, in a better way, organization, sadly broken up by spread a net but from the sixth floor it appeared to be about the size of ish the pouter pigeon pose to typify southof isement ranch disenf the helps to establish woman's more- a dime. No one dared jump. Milt says, because it would have been Im- defiance. in the wake of the Civil war. to gauge the distance to that net correctly. Other trucks were Capt Mollison starts erners possible wnen was amazed So everyone through the air from England to AfThe Language of Lawyers. hose lines. Still others were raising ladders. But the hose unreeling named was presidential rica, trying to beat the record of Greeley REGRET I didn't think this up lines didn't hold out much hope. Water would be of little help to the people candidate. own his wife, not that of some other some dirty plagiarist it first the war, Greeley, a trapped in the building. The ladders were their only hope. During man. Flying records depend upon always thinking up tomething bedisnervous to from the Couldn't Get Ladder. He sufferer chronic the machine and the nerve of the fore I get around to doing so. But had been erratic in his They were hoisting a ladder right nnder the ledge to which pilot Women have more nerve and orders, I feel it my duty to help spread It them shifted editorial on positions, the wrong Milt was clinging, but to Milt's dismay they had it physical courage than men have around, especially since it was a belief with the side of the trolley wires and could not lean it against the building. ever had, although men don't know frequently always lawyer who wrote it I'm quoting he was expressing what most that His arms. in was his other The unconscious girl heavy getting it bim: people wanted. hand, still clinging to the sill, was tired and Just about ready to "If a layman gives an orange to While the South was suu unaer lose hold. its Washington reports that the Pres- arms, he had declared wun great you he simply says: 'Have an or comto seem be didn't Inside flames and noticed the looked Milt that ident using the discretion given passion that the war should not ange.' But when a puts the ing any farther into the office. There was a little space in there that transaction in legal lawyer him by congress, will order the con- end form he writes; while slavery existed, yet pe the struction of two battleships, to cost titioned Lincoln to appoint him they did not cover. He bundled the unconscious girl back in through T hereby give and convey all and himself. window and followed, $50,000,000 each. Many will hope commissioner to arrange a peace. In other parts of the building, dense fumes were driving people to singular, my estate and interests, that the statement is mistaken, The result of all this was that he the title, claim and advantages floors. Fire began to spread to the building next door. Every- right upper of and in said orange, together with especially as the President is said was threatened tnrougnout me where in the as to windows were structure the clinging people burning to be doing this to "match Britain's South and thoroughly hated there. its rind, juice, pulp and pips, Milt Auerbach had, and the streets were filled with people shouting over all move." and all rights and advantages there Yet after the war he signed the and over monotonous "DON'T JUMPI" warning refrain, again the If we should build those battlebail bond of Jefferson Davis. in, with full power to bite, cut, suck On the sidewalk, dozens of limp, motionless bodies testified to ships, squandering $100,000,000 of and otherwise to eat the same or When '.he Democrats met at Bal the soundness of that advice. Few of those who Jumped had landed the public money on them, and then timore a little more than two give the same away with or without buildinside the were Now their in firemen nets. the way fighting be foolish enough to send them out months after Greeley's nomination the rind, skin, juice, pulp or pips, were carried but still their clothes Two ablaze, alive, men, ing. In case of war, a couple of $50,000 they adopted the Greeley ticket be anything hereinbefore or hereinafter out A little farther in they found the body of a woman, her hair cause they felt it their only means or in any other means of whatever airships would sink them, or a In from feet few a Just her and ashes, gone stairway clothing submarines would blow them of opposing Grant nature or kind whatsoever to the to led her have that would safety. A small group, it is true, broke up. contrary in any wise notwithstand Derrv Almost of Milt Electrocuted. Was bod away from the main ing.' And then another lawyer comes If you have imagined at any time ocrats, held a second convention in Meanwhile, up on the sixth floor. Milt Auerbach waited impatiently along and takes it away from you." that the United States has lost its September at Louisville ana placed for the firemen to raise their ladder again. "At last" he says, "a ladder a a Interest in kings, titles and nobility, a third ticket in the Celd. did reach our floor. A fireman came up and relieved me of the girl in Movie Hams. Underdone Grant didn't fuss around with the my arms. He carried her down to safety, and then the men followed." turning away from such things in MEDICAL journal reports that won H overwhelmingly.' of election. as was bad the its complete, simple-hearte- d almost democat That trip down the ladder suspense a preventative hat been found racy, look at your newspaper and It was the first time since the Civ- waiting for it It swayed alarmingly as Milt started down it The rungs for trichina. But I'm afraid it't states voted tht all war that were far apart Every step Milt took made him feel as II be were too late to do anything for some of tee how many columns and pic- il ture! it printt about Britain's king and Grant carried all but six of missing his foothold. Down he went The bottom of the ladder was our Hollywood actor-foltrichina 272 votes. electoral and hit proposed marriage at this them, getting set in the top of the fire truck, and in order to get down from it Milt had being a thing common to underdidn't win Grant The states of one drew on horses back of the That's that the rest his to if and band dine it observe, you time; out Missouri, done hams. Maryland, Georgia, Ken- where Milt got one final thrilL For as he put his hand on the horse's the general subject of conversation. A lot of us who came out hare tucky, Tennessee and Texas, were back an overhead electric wire broke. It fell, hit the horse, and sparks at greenhorns and went to cutting of territhe fairly beside representative him flew. Just as Milt landed on the ground, the horse tell It was truly a marvelous recep didoes for the tcreen have a a up But hated which tory Greeley. STONE DEAD ELECTROCUTED! tion that Buenot Aires and the en When the movie critics ac alibi. before the results died Greeley Nine people died In that fire, and many more were Injured. The girl cuse us of tire Argentine Republic, its Presihaving contracted the diswould states known. were These Milt had held on the window ledge was in a coma for months as a result ease of bad dent cabinet and people, gave to acting, our defense is have given him 66 votes had he of her ordeaL But Milt was lucky. He came out without a scratch. the President of the United States. we'd been exposed to it that lived. -WNU Senrice. An enthusiastic crowd of a million Yet the films have produced Western Newspaper Union. and a half crowded every street in crop of good actors, out of grand Hand-Loothe great Argentine city, now in Task Well Done Weaving raw material, too, sometimes, very Soo Locks The the spring season, and most pleasHand - loom weaving is an art And they keep right on doing to, Have you known the satisfaction The Soo Locks are one of the to of the which were datea back used two words Ar the by beginning ing notwithstanding that every now and world's greatest engineering feats, that comes with a tasc well done? gentine president JuBto, "Ml ami-go- " locks that literally lift up a take Of course you have. Evtry farmer civilization. Its greatest impetus in then the popular fancy picks on took place during some male beauty with a set of ("my friend"), as he greeted 20 feet. Through these locks pass knows that when a field has been the United States when our supply of educated the American President e more tonnage than through any well plowed, a fence properly built the Revolution eyelashes and the fabrics from the mother counThose two words, mi amigo, ex of a languishing glance. trick other canal in the world, including or the live stock made comfortin a satistended in all sincerity from one end the Panama. try was shut off. From then on, IRVIN S. COBB. Practically all the able, he can end the day notes a writer in Successful Farmof the two American continents to WNU Servlca. Copyright. wheat and iron ore from our great fied mood and go to his night's rest e factory-madcloth became until of mind than the other, would solve the Ameri a ing, grecter peace West passes through them on their with extenwas so it Steam a Made shirked developed can peace problem, and this councheap, if he knows be has Engine in 1690 duty way to smelters and tea ports and A steam engine with a cylinder sively. By the middle of the last try need not worry about the two til the coal from eastern fields or tlighted a Job in the day't routhy hand findeth century, only a few hand looms and piston wat invented by a words popular in Europe and Asia must go through the Soo on its tine, "Whatsoever to do, do it with thy might" is a were still in operation, and these French physicist Denis Papin, in "MY ENEMY." westward passage. only in Isolated mountain regions. 1690. He called it a "digester." Kins Features Syndicate, loo. good motto to follow. well-know- n than-equalit- Mince in dogt u ler- inu akin dtesa and alls fox prompt use of CLOVOTS MANGE A k, win-tom- Jf MEDICINE It relieves itching and SOKES lrrir.fi rkn kills ffha mange mit-- a causing Sarcoptic Mange; checks pread of the disease; stimulates hair growth on bare patches, destroys ticks and chiggera. Insist on CLOVER'S. At all druggists. ClOVER'S WORM MEDICINES are safe. sate. Its capsules and liquid lotm for Roundworms, capsules lot Tapeworms and Hookworms. (REE VETERINARY ADVICE on any animal prob lem. Please mention animal's age.breed and sex. FREE CUIDE Write for It today. Address Dept D47. 4S2 Fourth Avenue, Haw York City More than 1,000 Years Ago bfor lhr was a medical pre! Caveman and Indiana had thair sacred pools and lakes where the sick and wounded were treated with healing clays. Today DENVER MUD is widely used for ouick relief oi Coughs, Colds. Bronchial Irritations Bums. Scalds. Bruises and other inflamed conditions. Always have DENVER MUD in your medicine) cheat. -- a ion AT ALL DRUG STORES SIxe. 25 Family Sixe. 504 Practical SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY e Our lobby la delightfully air cooled daring toe trimmer month Radio tor Every Room ZOO Room a 200 Batha i ' HOTEL low-pric- WNII Service. UTTI liJk that son-in-la- so i 'Twat Her Treat "Angus, ma son, hae ye been oot wi' that lassie again?" "Aye, father, but why are ye worried?" "Ah wia wonderin' hoo much It Son-in-la- RELIEVE ACID INDIGESTION U L pub-Ush- er TASTY TUMS I r 17 Temple Square to Rate $l.SO 0 Th. Hots! Tempi. . S3.QO Squaur. tu. ss deelrablo, friendly I atmoa. hlasily Yon will aiwaya find it mmjto-ula- t, pbara. and aopremely comfortable, agreeable. Yost ean there thoroughly for taasideratand why thia hotel ial HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Yosa oaua also appreciate whys a m mark of dlmtlnetlon to atop at tiiia bmautilul hoatalry If ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mgr. WNU W 61 38 HOUSEHOLD Marbl. Flbr. Hollywood's tenaatlonal Dinner War.. Now direct from factory. 24 Dinner Plate tl. Poatag. Prepaid. wanted. Amerieasi Marble Fibre, .Palms, Calif.. TRADE SCHOOLS EARN ro"uE . LEARN BARSERING . SPECIAL TUITION Approved by your State Barber Board, lolar tartar CaHsf, 111 It (tit It tan lake Cits, Vtta |