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Show GKEAT BRITAIN, Ik the Lords on 18tU Juno, Lord Brougham askedller Majesty's Govcrn mcnt whether thci.e was any truth in a I report which had been' current for the lust two daysi that "fcVauec cither had despatched, des-patched, or was about to dp so, a largo military force to Naples, inclusive of the naval force of seven vessels pr war which slip now, had In tho Neapolitan, waters. Lord Granville aaid there was no foundation foun-dation whatever fof tho( report that. French troop's "had been scut to Naples?, as such a courso would be iucousistcnt with- the depuration of .the Emperor of the French, that hia policy in regard to Naples was one of nou-iutcrfcrencp. In the Commons, same diy, Mr, Mac-Evoy Mac-Evoy nidvcd au ufidress to ller Jlnjesty, to order that oflieors in the army promoted pro-moted from the ranks, may be allowed -to reckon their previous services In the ranks. The motion was seconded by Co-louei Co-louei JJunno, nud supported by Colonels Dickhon aud Lindsay, lnit ultimately negatived. nega-tived. ' Mr. James called attention to tho enlistment, en-listment, now going on in. Ireland, lojur nish the 1'opu. with ir,oops id luily, and abkeil the government rhat measures f hey intended to adopt, as there was abundant ; evidence to support a prosocutiou Under the foreign enlistment aef. The House then wont into committee of supply on the army estimates The consideration of tho B,oman Catholics Catho-lics charities bill, as amended, gave rise to debate, which was odjouriicd. , ,en;pf: 3jmf.toirpfS!te. S'lTydc, Ib; LtindQQi1- Ifopr SOiitf aQOO' vbluniec'r' rPVftSTbr- ariM;-rli'fiit1i wIit?p'cd for dti-, ilib,' tt es;la"gand,n,un,iiy, bi-jiBsiiiolT irnd? pt.gdn'e'rjl liolJdny , m 'W-Ui' ,nnrionhwdtha;tboJ(Jwt'if4,flHtdr 'bneoavat,- itte'li'ejnbvtiwient- by:;pf;ro!t-aliy.inangtrratiue; by:;pf;ro!t-aliy.inangtrratiue; tUft.gHi'piiwntcetiftg, yhiidi vys. tb'- ,i;psiiu.ip:-av Wrmitfiipft prtthp ami of J.Mlyr Th ebniifU0'(t iopuinwyih.cc;;wftje n rilfc fronts fiscd rij"2iaifiiid'.nt.' : Thp vftiDtitdir; c vw';iY; tho efeateftt eelan'MMjstthc thasinsmrthe' lhtaAfiUa,ifa wedeiit b.eppricit " ' i rJTiin late desWti'ciion-. at Mi)fcJxo& .wtsPtjtteMtJfedvli 'iiiO'4ow,bp;"0ti'iti:;-tiO". : TiiP- Vbry..ex1"iVnsiv.a iraptewttirtan rtietopr aLlosjir; tSrlHf 11 nil. SVis, ;cojV Strmcd byo fiTOj-O.Xfdu'yi ti tm'Ht Jrtue; M 6?t ofjdghinges isicsitiriatedfat ;V Tiie?,banlc. of Mf.T,Mte at; BiIion;iS'pu.h:. St.ajrrdsliirtV8tofi(ied' 'pni;mri.t;.P'u.thc:;'lfdh ofJubw"The-'Xib-don Agentswero AttvVpod Spoonor'. Co? Tho liabilities wit;nq.t,exceT.X3Q,Q04 .ihpe'LPndPitr, ?tM;.tto:::18thi;snysV ':.a,he joyal iongressatlBadeu 'bficburVe tends mtly.to Confirm aiicvvievrir ofithifeo' Wlip beheVO tbat 'the IfrBncli1 traditions of tho -firsf cmjtirp are Itdrided to be iinit' ca itlrcotitinncd Tidctily; fFbr.'the nrc-iwnf,;:hO5V0Yerj nrc-iwnf,;:hO5V0Yerj it wsssonicd' nothlrigwill be allowed to. twnipire.but, professions bf general concord j. Z' iK-' Thb.;pari corre'spbndcnt''of the ?iOmioh PM'fdttdprdate'JH lne10'.a.itpli'eial.t :Nupfcs,hp,Kiug:Js so inneltaiiuoyedPnt ihe:.reccptiii'.jr;-db MnrtbVo,hag nietwith atlVns,7lbgcthcr iyitti ttic;lauage used, hy Lopl-ilInjerstonns to have canscd his" mnjestjftffcclarc tiiat heitoalii; re--conipierV'aivuypr.lbiiOi '. L An. ar tjele :whieb;b'ppeiif ed'Jately in 'tliis-Pprnm:jragak 'tliis-Pprnm:jragak the; fie'n ?bf Sir1 fp,rihe;forti!icatjort.of'L6adoivls creRting qultfla'senshtibiiv There is featisa?K!oii;,In tb-yabYnc'tnWittlrj pue jjortuni ' beuigr deeply Impressed with the. pattimpnnt . necessity, of. uttcuding to tho dcreneeff,-aildaho other . relying upon the good , will -pi Napoleon JU. and . the niijleujum;vhic.h incoming, Sthesbtt! qp. tug., Bumsii Aajtv.A return ofdlie nubibcrs of thi British' nf-my, nf-my, militia, T?utimtecrs, &&, wa-? issued from tlte. Horsp.Quards on Jium ltt which shows the, grand total to bo 33,250 men, X'ltANCB. 'SlibTsiMna, which arrived at.St. Johns, Nf F.t on Julp,- 5lb, 'broiighttldmgsof the death, of IVntce Jerome Boilupafte, est King. & WuslnhsdiaAUielo "pfiui -Em-iivw-of fe fntb?afid-' the, 'last "nnd youngest oftho brothcrs'bf thpgfeqt Na-p&isoii: Na-p&isoii: ITii" .W33S,lo'ycrji old." ' ' " - - . - . ' 1'abw,. Jmib 2,li. The 0i"flio7(e,irtVttttlms niceifci.1 second . warning ; for' publishing; ', "tficor Hiigb'i-Spceeli; TM Toiisoii assignees', .thatUf!e'.-spclkf cpiiiains a f ioient. appeal" to rqypiutionary partisan r ThoHiiupcror Nappleoii, visits SiivoJ- in fidy. m ; . . ' - ' . ' . ; Siuea1 tkcEmpcrOr'sre'tnru f tOru'B!gejif tlip troops concentrated on th'eeasiem frontier of France have been withdrawn. . It isreported tbaUbp ticw French loan will be twenty or thirty niitliou. sferlhig. TUIUCEV.- Sanguinary disturbances had, taken place In Albania. Tiie dragoman of Ihc Anstriun consulate had been assassinated at&ptari. The Albanians, in virtue of; their .privileges, bad refused to pay the txes;or to contribute fo the conscription, both of which the christians refused to bear nlpuc. It was rumored that a despatch; des-patch; bad been received announcing (bp outbreak of an insurrection at Smyrna, and the assassination of public function. ariea,'bnt' the correctness Of this news was doubted. The Grand Yizfcr had arrived at Sehura-la. Sehura-la. ' On bis journey thither ho dismissed and imprisoned several Turkish and some Greek functionaries for abuse of their authority. au-thority. " ' The 1'ortc had sent Ycl Fasha to BeV-routsns BeV-routsns extraordinary commissioner, In order to institute an Inquiry. Tho-snhny was exasperated at not.hay-ing not.hay-ing receiycdjts arrears of pay, and a niiji-tary'tpypit niiji-tary'tpypit was apprehended. The ambassadors' am-bassadors' had concerned aud scnt.identical iustrutlions -to the different consuls in Syria, in order to prevent fresh disasters, Fifteen hundred houses had been hurnt In tho Turkish quarter of Constantinople: "GERMANY. Tho Congress at Baden Baden terminated, termi-nated, on r Juno lUi. The following is a correct list of tho sovereigns and princes who, tpolcpart in the proceedings! Tho Emperor $f France, the Prince Regent f Prussia, tho Grand Duke of Baden, the King of Wurfeuiburg, the King of Bovuria, the Kuik or Saxony, the King of Hanover, the Grand Duke of Hesse Darmstadt, the Grand Duke of Soxe Weimar, the Duke of Nassau, the I)uke of Saxe Cwburg, the Ponce of UoheurolJem aud the Princpbf Furstcnt- The Eniperor profesed the most pcaee-ful pcaee-ful intentions towards all Gemiany. It is asserted that at the fimd confer ciic'e between thef Prince Itcgppt of Prussia, Prus-sia, and the Gernian sovereigns,, before dieir dej)arturo from Baden, a decisive agreement; Was come to on those questions which refer tp the relations of Germany with foreign countries. It is .stated that the sovereigns tendered to Ute Priuce of Prussia,, their good oJliccs i to bring about an understanding between. Prussia and Austria; M-' " "'"' ' ,1 1 1 i t,,, ,, . i x ; u t, i.V V ,Ji? 'j&mm ' i: ' ;; '" yfj".' f .. A'dvic jfroTii" lpmofbfeiAtWlfj3 binlIo?j)ateh- finjCHfecfl; "TfccqiVcdrfrbit ii'pies,.girtiiif; details" of iho capfuto ,o LllUwo,;st,beft .Wtth"Garl<IVbi-fo ,h,Netpprtta'i.ilfr;igjite lfnliniiirt'atp.'hes stoaificrWJireh, .tffpffiyed thovdiiiwlj SinVAniorienjiiMg htUFoii-poaifi;il5'00 .iutkfctft, ;i2.0VVnoiik, 20'd.pQ;adtitiii.bf lWvd.er;im(l'jixonside'raWpsiinrbf;i .tltem'rodrcilrtr ,Vri4o.ncr,i)d;1 wefej; 'tpgbibcr('"w!tri ifie j3(ea.mc.rpijvfei to 'Gabta oii-Ac'. lStli M JniiBy--,.-. . . -: f.Ur v' C k GenI.arie.rrrbJimtdtaicho' t the-empiitri frbntlen, , ItwiisiaieriSv M. that-pte,dmpttt,nfd;jprbjnis' i'.eftV!"! tftXMrt of jlfnpali: f rVnticiv .m'iless;W)t;,inv'iiioU,v.W Of a AjetilatiOlhfftbft tlnSilayatim'itqtPfel. .Uavt! beeiV;cpnitifhiiitcd io thcTPb'p-; k , A' k'Utofrm A ;;tIoii8iidcr;greareeb' that' a,00O..Garliiatitiiinft",spi)o'il tMe1 cbitf mandcil.byCoM?disr,'had,.latided rit CataiiKoro hi C.itfribrfa: :'liwavalKdViW luprcd.thath.instir?etbH,h n Calabrink nntj' t haltjfe'wppli tan 'sgb,; v,erninent;.hadsentG6n;":MHnaabf rt-dIt(r(fgor W'V't'' Oih6r,lettcs fromNapliws Pianu61lir;thp .commander: bf "thaarniyth thpAbrujy!l,:hacti'biicii.i summoned to act in Cala()ril.:,5 . "j, V, The Frcti'cli government' h;lti'tfdcliiicd anyr.iritcrtcntloii, a c'puncil lbf ' th0 royal family assembled Con . 'the .17 tl0ddellbc: rate , A politicardcmobstratlon ' VaS fc pectftl ion; tho 13th. tdtiGreaLnrixtcfy prevailed ftBJong5i! classes. ' , Eight;FrcjicIi hndCtwoKnglishtnnjivbf. .watrrcre..in'the Baybryplcs. ' '- "fittcrfront.;iPalefmo tQhcitlteslj mate -tbc-Jor cc$ pfGaribahli. at.OOO; SefehpersOn.si;fbniidimmde'n shotib order of GaribaldU;.'" ' v " " ' , Thebracf for lliceVbcuatibhhad great-If great-If diicournged. tlio royaltrpops. i 1 .Garibaldi had. opened n natiobal sub-scrlptjpn. sub-scrlptjpn. but. behalf of the- war. The, archbishop, and! all' tli'c'po'bie faiiiflics' in Sicilyh'(id;subscrilicil. , , r, .' NArijeslTunCrld, Tbc Saruinlan miuistef. bus dcaiandcd, ihorestnrofioii; ofsthp. twoistcaniors niid lheir'800:pascigerV,AyhQ' 'were- baptufed by tliq Neapolitan Jrlgatc FulmiiiantCf'ns they'h.ad'pa.s$pdffs.fprNfrtVtat ' The. Kug lish ajftbitssndtSr has' supportcd this demand. de-mand. ; . v s . , , -., , The dlcmbatba(ion of Garibaldtans in Calabria is denied. Letters fronv- toina.. to the lOth'-coti-firni tho news of the concoutration of fhe: PiedmontcJcar.myat Ferrura. , " It is pffielally asserted that Austria would be nbb'imi fortnight to btfnfr into the Acid GOO.OOO men. , Tim Turin Gaztiic. suys that-an. officer of the Neilpouian eourtf uamed Bb'sco, has left for Sielty, deciating. Ids IntcW lon of citUf-r ktUin;i; .Garibaldi (iu'nfdmil itii. to be iaippobd). or being. UHled h) him. The safi'ic'jOiiritnP asserts (hat tht Ne-iipoIita Go'vcTpmcjit has "sef 'a'jrice 6f 20,000 ducaU (SS.OOOf,) "upon the head-of GarjhafdL ' .. ' ,; ;. 1- , mi'. ; .,, i,, ,, ,1 i . : , M |