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Show lOllowinrj iiitorcsting relation, was i.thojuarrutor Onje forty years An:jigccP Jrlsh lixtlyj wfib believed hdvihgaij abode iv6n thiscartli, laraoof Hftlirids,' lioclicrynien an'U whicli Iia'rt'bcert taught to her bolic'tradittbft. The narrator tie-ck'Witlr'tlH tie-ck'Witlr'tlH similarity of thtftra-intlj thtftra-intlj iha"do'ctrin6 of prc-cxtstcaec, 'that? in giVing it publicity, It JrVc'ns'a.cIu'a tolid, fac6f that beliglik-bil otlier7 raciitated fkemciit1 of; tiic truth Wee. )'u kniOTB? any t h'hig abou fc;tVc' ti cn-Sfo&Pctdjl't cn-Sfo&Pctdjl't mean 1bc pYo of thiscotthtrybnt'tlic Pairie guorautly.call thdwi "Xou don't there';i8uel icoploofl,tiie enrth?" iavft'-yecs- front heresy boy J ,not bnlylG entry, bufcLoche'ryuieis, Hshcesnaud'othC'r banished spirits WajBdS altc'arauHd yees, that have ad viJUtifto the cud oDtlw n-orfd. tltd: they corao. -here without their Jcmmrny fnther,.how ignorant otestaiilstare! Why, boy, dou't. 0r they have: spiritual bodies, a real as. your own,, only you can't lesecpt-byihapyaof faith, whleh cties have not? If you had been uiV in. the holy Catholic religion, mid, Imvof tnown nll.about them; ng as yoh'ro suxlous to iearn. und nay do good to your soul, I'll tell the three great classes of spirits njing oil t.ho cartli, particularly in JiDcthe beginning of this world. Qfct heard of a rebellion in hea-Jesus hea-Jesus Of .Kazcrcthl you astonish , and can read nsyou can. Why, !, my own child", who U over forty t,m doesn't know B from a bull's ows'ihat. War! why, that there I oto too that the insurrection in wuldu't be compared with, at nil ion didu't know tliat anything, co could be whero God won; and a-Skvlmt sort of wea'poug they with, shows mo hy tho natural rtay reason, that you're as igno-PaOily igno-PaOily Maguirc' bull calf, that tsowatailt Why.boy.foryour bet-Wation.X bet-Wation.X will tell you that heaven, g to Catholic tradition.ls a mighty orld,filigd with a, population of . beings, al following after their res aud ttawloqs aa wo do hore.and II be entirely happy, If it wmn't ! for tlicir own evil inclinations. Kovrt the cause', of rcboiljoa being In llmt liTesscd place,. Was x)0. liccoUht or tttciferi-whowaa tho tiext to onrSatibnr by bWtli, in tlie Tojnt fathily of hcarcij,. arid being ptOUd ifcnd'liftcd bp In his own Jmaginiigstopposed liisfathef, tbd Ring, i tlie griiirt council of heavcii,' dnti so went to war uvltli hint, . throtigli, the hat'fed Sib had tq his cldeir : Wothef, tvho kept fost by his fiilhe'r W.the brdet1 of his gbver'ntnent. V " , , JSotr',ia6 thiit .tltttd; tho inhabitants of heaVeti were divided intbir'tlirceJcIasaesJ ;the aristocracy, who Were the nableniert; or.wcftlthy, laud-ownefa 'the'micldle eJasscS wcri ucliJn8 our lawyers, iriidsmenohi fBcrcliants and tho common 'eo'jilcf were tlitfso who followcij'after'all 6r'ts of YrndesJ, :just rristltcjr Molhttf- Ifowi'lJiis'sh'bws yoti.tho grcaC'disti)icitbn, an(l!i(jw- tKtre wis rio much prfdo brtlienij'ana alsotbe' jscheinlng intngacancTsac?.ess')f ilij dovll,; jthr.ough,th'o;Jatyci,and;tecrcjian .thought.'undet.tiie gbve'runiehtTOf' Iiucl for thpy.njightcnrryj-jon,vtheir jbiish.iess wjtbout 'any .restrtctipn in-icbeatipir-itiif; fcoirinion,people,'holwcrc:gulIed:by inraUmariherof Waysi and robbad.iritoshe: Iprgaiiiin.oppositiotrj'tOh'd. law .othea-'rcn. .othea-'rcn. Soj'VaKln.tifViiY and iiollesi -Allan hc;. 'third cpartvpf' the ifiifialiitflWts; opk, prtrViur.thbvrebcilm Otttaftcfthey'WCrcbea hfity, p)fe9t.-uppii;this p)fe9t.-uppii;this 6 artK'so'md.to ljb K'cpt in chains , of ftverlastingdarirnfiss' with IhrdcVlI.-Jin-' til the grwt judgment, and bthcrato"jvai ,'der .by themselves, .nccbrditigi tbrtho Vvfiy . they;acte'd in tliqiviir; 'owVo "rcasbn why the." (Jen tfyr Jiocheryjiicn,nnd. Mai shce-v wcrc.cStv out-iby theinselyes,' was, becausb they took nd nctirc pnrtcn' cil'ii'er ,Idev rThOsq- wo calf tho. Gentry, SAOfld by;nnd ivishcd that- tho king might win the b4ttlerbnt di0nff. Xigbt- (orlninj let Xucifer, if fio Qvercoolc, vtfght take awpy I their estates. l1hcS Ldeheryincn .and faW-' faW-' yefs did theanief but wished tic devll.to 'gain the victory, olthoughlhcy prctendtil nil thfrtimcto bp for the king, belttg very rt-Iigions, ami going tu church, likcbtheV detent people. A for tho Hetwhecs, they yerc ;tboso of the eommQii ppople, who ftid'ut caro iv Rtrn w fiaw,Atjiigs, WeiU,si vig tticyjgdt-plenty tticyjgdt-plenty to.fiji"atSl' ,irrtf" without W0HK1.V0; for It., .Kow,youi;se?, tlj'ese "parties vet-cu'.t' fduri'd linonen relieliiQn Viilinrft:iutilieir pahUft suciias tiiosq who.w iwitlt tiieU:yijt ;bufc'1iecause they ,were neither cpil":no hot, tl'fcy Vere btiuislied' -fiv themstltCR unnn lliis if'nrth: lintri tllrf :grea t (lgWntr j fpr thk reasou the -Gerifryi tochcrymcii,' nndlibtith'ecs can gwheresoniercr. they please, and do any zaamrer,af. thing tHey" please. up?anjd dbwlii tho'Avlwk world. " " ! - - -'Tberc fiVe,,n6nef of tlrem' iii Scbllattd, did yp45sny?fr. -Stire'aii' thatVtroJ'thcy wouldn'tstopihsuckabarren-spot, ltJ)dl ver see aiiyvof"tltwi?" lit irotlj I hare, hundreds Of- them atone time; thousands of them, fought a shnin biittlo before the fight of Antrim, wftfch I suw with my own blessed eyes! . "They would rather fightshnm battles than do any other thing, do ybn say?" Jo, my boy if you. epcak well of tlie Gentry, they1) I do you many a good, turn. Why, boy, tnany'a the time jvheu X conldn't bring a bit of butter, irhch tired, put ,aud vecd, I'va left the S'liurri fey tlie, sido op the .fire oter night, and.nct .worning here it was, oil. nit-ely phurneilup. nndlnU past, just.as I would Jiayoi dpnoit! Ipysolrl, .Now, quit , yonr iaughijigT .,Qojyot thinlAJ'jn 'after iellfug you lies? ftWhat. iower havo the Lochcrymcn aud riuwyers? Do they act like thij Gentry?" Gen-try?" Not iii the same. way. They have committed nlo fhcin a knowledge wJiere, all the gold ami silver has been hid up siUce thft 'days of Thadric. I)ndmpre and Shano Ifactengue1, tho great monicd men of Ireland, who fought against the OtjJgyp tinns in tho time of iUoscs. II you could I get hold of a Locherynmn and hold him Tfast by tlm waistband of the breeches; jit would be a good pot of money for yecs; but " they're such tiimble devils, just like tho merchants and. lawyers f-of our own day, they're sure to wiggle, J oiit of your fingers, and Jinvo l.bg moucy in their own keeping, which they lore" abovo all things in the world; although it in of no mnuncr of use to tlieni. . "What do the Bimshcs follow uffcfj" Why they're tho poor devils who didn't care how things went, nud siuce they have been upon this earth, they do nothing but howl nud cry before tho death of any person, just that they rimy have people to bo miserable as they nro themselves, and as they wero. the tradesmen and laborers ns I told you before, in heaven, who were jnever content with their wages, and were always grumbling; so they take it out here in crying at their own pleasure; and then, after that, having cried till they are black in the face, bceoine injnns in another j world, whero they will loan) to keep themselves quiet like other decent people. Xumdda. |