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Show VSiiy at siijjrfE.cciidifs.or xriti; 'k , .riSetncuaoiisIj trcraendoiis riVnfrof ;morc ontl."i)p. liurt'if burieiVsrc ji sijuairopa iUik)b.'3'Jorigpoio, clcc? ; u - jarfao-uppn all to. proc forwattb utjtl;-gvo ! J.W'' sytliotr,amc3-au4 supjtt-io ;tUo.eptcscttv " ' t, Native' officers oCXbe petipip;, ' ' cliWd. fot Atacrlqaa cTtlzciis" by' ilia ' " .. . blcJod flnd toU of Uio fathctji ofbolrcoim ' j. "ist'rylj'tho elective .frauctiisci-'ln. 'jlaSjS r 4;bcro . party BtrlfQ rans jH.ttjat' frni ;tcbfeo!l3.0isprcca'tctl.' "Bi$, Ucrc hif'Xjtali,-' vubcro Wp Cfibik Innlibdaliarn-yotefli . itritUogw audn'gbta5 ore, .J$, 5: IiV - j , v Tjieday bnlbecntbp. aajf.mdycoiao, t"1- 'fS?to feor :yptf ;iaayj.r.bc j wortb Bpmatljjhgla J ! 4 ; crbp are lino for Jiareti4iicfr;wVoiiVpHc. is defwoct... . fi'Beircows bjftva gone ostrayK b .?!lVtBr tocxcut'aniailo by maliy pr h.t wni as an . apology fPr tbeir abscacq fixw ' tto plisr SacU incrttforgct, and by tbeir . ,s owa actsTorfelt, tb'eir ipyerefguty. The , y ". Atacrlcapf tbe patr'loti the ,J6rcr of Ills I- cpuntry,w Tholaggard, ! , tbo Costard, and despUer. of Jits country V mM? pwo.rlgbts yrijl jstay away. S;:; . tiet u notJbo. .uudcratpod. as begging I' .' vote for ibc particular ticket that - we ii- liaveoureelf' selected, and placed abovo f . aipnrleadcr; Our inotlo, and.tbalt pf L , all tiio'cittzcna of; Utab, lias bepn. Xree- - wijl,frQb-ebnsclence!,nnd untramcllcd Td'te. ' Jf UiO'tlcket "docs not sulttbci elector, lei L bjmscratcb.flut .and insert, Wo vrould- P " not vptg agatnstour conscience Wpask ono:clso-to dp o. Jlut wo ask alt to g4"" corao forward and tell by tUeiy votes.their tr- . uoncst feelioga, ' j While on this subject wo huvpa jvord - for a; great, portion of our popnlatiou. j - Tbbje;5yjia,etiine to tlteUnited States full 1 1 .grpwu and matured have generally taken ; I; t0 n)8to themselves Americans iy It . liaturallzation at Uio earliest practical I; jierjod. Uut we Hud a great ihnny young t .incn who arrived in Uio country ja their I. ' infancy and who pppenr to take no care I ae to.the ccurhig of their legitimate frati- ' t-hisc. Pifteen minutes would give them i the full privileges of citizens. Our Pro-' I batp Courts, arb ahvays open; uud thej haVo;bcvJi decided to havo full rights to T- . 'naturalUc. This afternoon at ttro o'clock - JudeSmitli sits to create Americans, 9 t0'8.Btt a rally, aud on ilon- L itay .n li(i array of independent votes. |