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Show APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. ITii'j. United Stntes L'liid office. t tiait Lake City, Utah, Nov. 20th 188$. Notice hereby given that the Centennial ureka Mining Company, by Chnrle V. Ben net us President auJ mti.niey in fact of Silt Lake C;t , Ltab, has made application for a United Mutes Uateut for the Kcudall lode min-iuclaim, situate iu Tintia. District, Juab County, Ctah Territory.Mmuig of 11V4 linear feet of tbe bale,coujtetiug and surfare ground 200 feet wide, being Lot No. ltW aud in the field notes and plat of the otlicmi Mirrey on fileinthis SOoilice, with magnetic variation at lti degrees miutitOM east, a follows: 'Conieneing at post No. 1, a corner of theelxlm and ruuinug tfienee South jo deg. 00 min. Lust feet to post No. 2; thence South 27 deg. Ail Last 623 feet to post No. 3; thence North 7.1 feet to No. 4. thence deg. oOmm. Lint 203 North 27 deg. Mentis 1 10 feetpot to po.- -t No. 5; thence North 16 d"g. 30 min. West 531 feet to postNo. Oi thepeEjsoutb 73 . 50 min. We- -t '200 feet to said thtTNo. l,the place of beginning, containing a total area of 6 acres; expressly excepting aud oxcludlug however from the foregoing described area e mueu of the same as is embraced and included in the Centennial Eureka Lot No. 07, the area claimed aud neros. Ike discovapplied tor being 4 ery point of the claim, bears South 16 deg. 30 nun East 58 leet distant from the middle of the Northerly end line of tho claim, and1 South 67 deg. 50 min. East t'4 feet distmt from post No. l of the otheial sunej- - of the W. 7V . C. .ot 16o A, and South 11 (leg. 32 mi a East 8308 feet distant from 1T. S. M M. No. 2, and North 40 deg.34min. West 0570 10 feet dt tant from The Section Corner Common to Sec 10 l. 10 S. K. 2 W. and Sec. 24 T Id s kt. 3 W. The paid mining claim being of record in the oilice of the llecoruer ol said mining district in Stiver City in Juab County. I tih. 'lne m.rist known being the W. W. C. tot 163 A., Line Rock lot 75, Summit lot 134, and Ceutenni.il Eureka lot 67, lode claims. f dire.t that this notice be published in The Evsioti, at Ncphi, I'tah, the neuspiper nearest the stud mining claim, for the period of sixty d j D. YVcbb Register. Nov 23 Jan 2 1 Tucy sat together in the sun, And Youth and Hope stood hovering neaii Like dropping bell notea one by one Chimed the glad moments soft and clear. And still amid then- - happy Speech g The lovers whispered each to each: Toreverr Y outh spread his wings of rainbow light j Farewell!" he whispered as he went. They heeded not nor mourned his flight Wrapt in them measureless content; And still they smiled, and still was heard The confidently uttered word. . Dope stayed, her steadfast smilo was swoet L lit i! the e en time she stayed ; Then, with reluctatt, noiseless foe v. Bho stole into the soleinu shcilo; A grin er shape moved aently by, At-bent nnd murmured warnlngly: Forever I" And then where sat tho two, sat one! No i nice spoke back, no glance replied. Behind her, where she tested lone, Hovered the specter, solemn eyed; She met his look without a thrill And smiling faintly w lnspCi ed still. 0 'ForevcrP O sweet, r.veet Youth O, fading flopeg O. eyes by tea -- fill mists made blind w hands in. h xaiuly reach and giu;x) I'ora familiar touch aud kind. Time pauu-tfor no lover's kiss; Love for Us so'aee has but this: . Foieverl Susan 4 pub-Jishe-d ' Tonrrer.' 0 O rV SUCCESSFUL BURGLAR. RE TELLS IT. s llollior APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 1768. K United States I,and Office, j Silt Lake City, I tali, Nov. 20th, 1S8S. Notice isiereoy that Delos lombard and Deter lteedy of gitn Eureka, Ctah, and the Eureka ilining Company, by Charles . lfeuuett its President and Attorney iu fact, of Salt Lake City, Ctah, have made application for A United States Patent for the Eureka No. 5" lode mining claim, situate in Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Ctah t erritory, consisting of AX) linear feet of tile lode, aud surface ground .200 foot wide, being Lot No. 17J Htid described ill he field notes and plat of tbe oiliciai surveron file in this office, with magnet'c variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows: Coinmene so. 1, a corner of the claim, from dug at post which U. S. M. M. No, 2 bears North 11 deg. 37 feet distmt. aud running est 200J anin. theuce South 8 deg. 50 min. East 2b0feet to post No 2, thence North 70 deg 13miu. East 203 feet to post No. 3; theuce North 8 dig. 50 min. West 200 feet to post No. 4; thence South 70 deg. 13 min. West 203 7 10 feet to said poM No. 1, which ds identical with post No. 4 of the oiheial survey of the Eureka lode lot 32, containing a total of an acre expressly excepting area of nnd excluding however from the foregoing described area so111much of the same as40 is embraced and in the the Montana lot and included W. W. C. Lot 163 A, the area claimed and ap7 of an acre. From saul for being pliedNo. I the 1 4 Corner Common to post V 24. T. K 2. Section 19. 10 S. and T. .section ' 10 S. K. 3 W. bears South 21 deg. 12 min. East Bifid 10 The feet distant. 2108 2 mining claim being of record iu the office of the Recorder of said mining district at Silier City, iu Juab Count'-- Ctah." The nc west known the Eureka lot 39, nine Rock 'lot 75, Silver iem lot 128, Legal lot 132, laHil.oUt lot 1J3, aud VY , lot 135, lode claim. I direct that this notice bo published in fun Ensuin', at Nephi, 1 ill, the neiV'ieip-- r rub wished nearest the sail mining cluim, 5i the 1. YY ebb, 1 eglsler. period of23 sixty 25day's. Jan Nov Ciimax . FOR PITRLICATIOW No Lffnd Office utS'tlt Lake OUv. Utah,( Ueoiiibor 3d, Notice '8 hereby ?ivcn that iho following-name- d settlor has iilcJ notico oi h.s intention to ruake final proof in support of his claim, and that said will bo made before the Judge or Clerk of 9 Oo..ruliIr-the County Conrt at Nephi, Juab 1H8U, .t it ry, on Friday January l?h, yi: tuber 4ta, lfal, . Young, H. K. No. 5870, d ied of K and S of S K4 and K the S VV N E See. - 1 P 11 8 U 1 K under Trans72715 mitted . S. .o He nami the oiiowing witnesses to prove hU and cultivation of, (.aid eoi. minus rt id once no Kay, Jehu Kay, land, viz: John .M. Yale-- , Lhu York, ail of Mona, Juab Co., I tab Anv person who desires to protect agilnst tho '.allowanceoi such proof, or who kno.v of auy reason, under the law and tho regulations of the Interior impertinent, why pjih piouf ho al owed, wn) beuivD an opiorti not should mentioned time it tty at the above pace to of id ciui'iiant, and ito examine the witno--to oifer evidence m reunlt! of that submitted by i h bb hei-tc- r e'amiunT Dec 7 j an U i U Hailey Atty for Clahount. NOTICE Iri fr Hr ad FOR mJLICAlIUN. No 317 o Land Odico at fcalt f nko City Oftii. NOTICE OoeaberMh, IMS. Notice is hereby riven that Iho toiloiviug nnued judder has h'ed iPtn-- of his intention to make linal pimt in eupimrtof hiebuu, ai.d tint said proof will be mid heioo tho Chirk of the County tab, at Nophi, duab onrt, nt Juab County I Ctiutity. tih, on Jhiiu K- - AlendennHlI. i S li.J thrt f V2Se d2 Yp uTpllkl He names fh cent n?o is b.nd iand. viz, h DSnU K. -- viz; YiUiuti rii l.l datvd for and lots and 2 Sec toMoYiinc vi:no-e- to iri.vei ? and clutivation ji. of, ojon hn Msr, tlt.r o W. inHit,. L Corzy, Sidney Co. ay. all of Mor.a, .'uab Lmii i lull. i 'w o jiirtest the aio'v-.tiAtiO person who dci'-' anv e of . cli pr.n, oi who k ktw the dib- bi J.ui reason, under the Intel ion He. a t why 8 h , n i rr ! um i fe iothealnuod oppoituit ce to th above iicu.tiomd ti o ativi miji i fiiaot ad to otforevi--dsnine the a t v-m cross-exi- !J CjRt ubp.ittcd b H ebb 1 e in rtwuLn ailfii AtCy. lor CU.:uait. . C N.TIcE Land Fit Nv. Office Ioe M Kcyi-te- r. Jan H. nHMCA'UON. ;U 7 ' Ko Citv Utah. I'Oocmber, iNb icS, Sah L uied horobv c:vn that the oliowiof-tiled uutij of his intei tion totaxw li ot hi.clana ami that vasaj)nof in o' inport diatpr h ill .o m de beSre C!ra of iho t'ouniy1 ( ourt, v ; Ne, U Juzb Co ,1 t l th ouhridavI Fob. t.iK o. Id, jianiel 'l Mifier, ' ulS E ia tuas Ip lJS ior tbe couth tub. . KIES. L- - Al.the to. to prove hi lowing witn8 lie nauie c aiKicmMiVAtjon of. a'd continuous Kiipon, land, viz. VS il.iaii. N Featuu, ellJoho ii wtNepbJeeb 4iAid Crk, Notice aetlle 1 i b '.rho desires to pretest Any poison rm-- meind the t prvo,or wlio knows of any allesnce o and regulations of Dtial jreon uoder the why such pioof rbould the Jntefler Cepeneiei.t. will ' mn eo oppirtumty at rot be allowed meutioned time end pier to sub-t- la-- aive the witnfcfseiot decent and to oflor eviclaimant dence in rebuttal of that tibwitted by KkUlHTKR I), kBB Jan 27 Lee he NOTICE Land you Pl)RLIC.TION. No 3190 Office at Sail Lake City, Utah. leo 17th, following named lira isterebv giveneftbatthe to make hta irtentiou led notice or has and that swnl proof in support of b claim, or Clerk of JuU i wi I beuiado b.'ui.tb. 'o n, tv Cour: at A) anti, I tuh. uu Januaiy 2i' b 11 K No o997 vis Alonso Van alkenburg, 1 N S E 4 6e 2 bo M-- , S YV 4 d.c. and 16 K. B . names tho following witnoaee to rrovo his uion, and I cuitiration of, inuous rasidom-A Aired, llon.keoocr, land vis: lss-alaihan Stowart, Deter Nostrum all of San ieto iti'orson who desire to protest against the ,i wane of such proof, or who knows ot any sub-;law and the renlati-m- s ,QnonAwrthfi ' ho interior Depaitraent, why sdeh proof lid not be allowed, will he given an opi ortu-atth- e above mentioned time and place to .examine the witne.ses of said claimant, and 'ar evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by D. YVebb, Kegi ter. aant. es II owe atty's ferclaimant Dee 21 Jan 27 i nnd tho girls were quite in over the new liouse. The masculine memberBof the family were inclined To be dubious us to its advantages. Tlu l.iei objection which we iiad to.it was '.li.it it was one of a row of eight, all y alike, and it was extremely difficult to be sure of the right door. A week's practice, however, made that all right; ours was the fourth liouse from 'he south end of the row; as I walked from the oilice along the street immediately south of us, 1 soon became accustomed to taking the exact number of atcpR, after turning tho coiner, which would bring me to tliloof. Unities, the hour at which I came homo ,I am a proof reader on a morning paper and my duties usually kept me at the ofiice until after 8 a. m.) made ft neces-ae- t y for mo to carry a latchkey. While 1 kiiew that of course our neighbors had exactly tho same conveniences which we enjoyed, and looked for light to windows in tho same portion of exactly similar rooms, and experienced the annoyance of smoky chimneys when tho wind was in the particular quarter which affected ours, I flid not dream that the houses Yvere so precisely the same that the key of one would unlock the other. We had lived here about a week when the street car lino near by began running owl cars. This was a boon for me, ns it saved me a walk of somo length. Tho car line ran within half a square of the house, being on the next btrcct north of us. I ire fir.d night that I rode home I was so sleepy when I got out of tho car that I scarcely knew what I was doing. Hither) o the exorcise of walking had kept me Yviui awake until I got into my own room. I managed to unlock the front door, however, and get upstairs, habit making my movements noiseless, as I knew that my mother was easily awakened and did not readily to sleep again. The room which I occupied was over the dining room, tire door being nearly opposite to the head of the starts. Somewhat to. my surprifio tho gaa was not burning on the landing; tho girls had probably forgotten to light it before going to bed. I groped my way carefully f.kmg, and at lart reached tho door of my roora. I entered; it was like tho hall, pitch dark. I tried to find the table, on v, Inch there' should lx a lamp, and my hand came in contact with something else. I drew a match from my pocket and struck ft. Aa I held it screened by my hand I saw that tho room was ii strange one. Suddenly, all was dark; it was not that the match had gone out, but the brain was fcliadoYved; I knew nothing more. cx-tcil- 6112 TELLS IT. I was always rated courageous; I seemed to lack that instructive fear which causes some to shrink from darkness nnd lonrlirK-c-sMy brothers and sirter.i often declared laat I would never eo-nbe frightened; net added Itfjy, with 3 shudder, if a burglar were to present himself efore me and demand my nie.ub!e. lhr-:.- would not tempt :,y wtLl regulated burglar, bring small and of little intrinsic value; but I should not !');e to lose them, and I have always determined to defend my property stoutly if threatened, providing, or courso, that I had sufficient warning of tlio robbers intention to enable me to act. I 5 woke one morning at that proverbial darkest hour, just before tho dawn. I Ire.d no idea what time it was, as the whole house was wrapped in silence and darkness; it is from after events that 1 am able to say that it was nearly morning. I had started suddenly from sleep, but at iirst I could not tell what hud aroused me. As I lay listening for some sound to follow that which had recalled me from the hind of dreams, my thoughts turned iiistibUively to our next door neigh! mrs, who had been domiciled in the row for about A week. Nobody knew them, although 6evcrid cf tho older refdcr.ts had epoken cf calling upo them perhaps; for we liked the looks of the ladies and they 6ecmed inclined to be friendly. Tho men, however, seemed to bo homo all day and away all night. They wero not workingmen one could seo that by their hands, their clothing, their bearing and we wero afraid they were not iust what they should be. We recallcu certain grewsome storips of counterfeiter, burglars and other criminals who settle in respectable neighborhoods anjj only excited suspicion by the unreasonable hours ; Which they kept. ' Waa that a step up tho stairs? I listened more intently, my wandering thoughts recalled from all other subjects. Surely it was, and that was another. Tnrro wm a burglar In the house. I sprang out of bed and enveloped myself in a circular which chanced to bo hanging on a chair, as I had worn it out into the rain the precediug evening. If I was to receive a burglar I was determined that tho proprieties should not suffer; f would l'.ave something on besides my night dress; while if he went to anyotlict room I could steal along the dark halls to alarm my brothers and bo less noticeable in this dark wrap than in my night gown. . . I EDISONS FIRST MARRIAGE. In snito of mv boasted courage, my heart beat very 'loudly ns tho step was heard onco more, and this time uixm the rnrc(tli,- - uu lirliln at tli Appointed Ionr-Second Wife. landing just outside my OYvn door. I The first Mrs. Ellison was an operator la grasped tho ftokcr firmly, however, trywonted ing to restore my courage by the the Newark fac tory w here Edison was makpressure of that formidable vveaion in ing tho machines to fill his first order for tho my hand. It was a plain, heavy bar of stock indicator, which brought him into iron, at which the others often laughed, notice and formed the basis of his forjuno. She was a tall, fine looking girl one of a declaring that it must make me tired to dozen sitting at a bench winding magnets. rake tho fire. Ihe Imob of tho door turned slowly Ono day as Edison was walking down the and cautiously, and tho burglar enters lino, that girl spoke up and bade him good the room. What would ho do next? llo mor iing without raising her eyes from hor . closol tho door ns gently as bo had work. Good morning, said the inveutor. IIow opened it, and for a moment seemed undecided. Hid bo have a dark Lantern did you know it yvos If and a pistol? I could not imagine a Oh, I can always toll when youre near, . burglar without such adjuncts, both of was the reply. Seo here, said the man of inventions, which wero unfamiliar objects to mo; Ike noticed you a good deal of late. Supand I shivered as I thought of tho advan- FOREVER. Ht tage which ho would have over mo and m ividently the dark lantern was not in working order, liowever, for lio Eimply struck a match, fiio little llame showed moAhat our new neighbors vvero not unfounded upon reason thi4 was ono of them. They were certainly a gang of burglars. lie mado a step toward tho dresses. To reach it ho must pass mo. Llo was within reach of my arm. I raised my weapon, and, uttering tho loudest scream of Which my lungs wero capable, I struck him on tliesideof tho head. Ho fail like4 n log to tho door. Horrors! I had killed him I My renewed screams alarmed the house and the others wero speedily by my side. 1 had already lighted the gas and was on my. knees beside tho man that I had struck, vainly endeavoring to recall life. My assortment . of restoratives, I was afterward assured, was sufficient to have revived a dozen swooning men. Wliat ia tho world began my brother as ho appeared upon the scene, lie was the first to come to the room. Oh, my burglars cornel I exclaimed, half hysterically, but Ive killed him. AV holly unnecessary' severity, re marked Tom; you alwaysovcrdo the thing. But that man isn't dead. As if to confirm his words, tho burglar just then .opened his eyes and looked him. IleVwrfsyound dazed, I whispered to Tom. lie line occasion to look dazed if );ou hit Lira with your beloved poker, rejoined Tom, pushing me aside and applying restoratives iu Ins turn; put it where it belongs, and go get me some brandy or whisky, or something of tho kind. We'll have to get this fellow on his feet before wo call the police. I I was mistaken, sir, said the burglar in a feeble voice, but with a very decided manner. I was mistaken in tho house. It appears that the lame latchkey unlocks both doors, and I got the wrong one. Yes, 1 think you did, rejoined Tom, emphatically, nnd eyeing him with suspicion. Tho burglar managed to scramble to his feet, although I could see ho was still dizzy from tho encounter with my poker. I re tired into the closet and held tho door shut that is very nearly. I think that you will do me the favor to change your mind about sending for tho police, lie said, when I explain I am employed upon a morning paper and am nut through wish my work r mil nearly this hour in Iho morning. 1 usually walk home. But I took advanand tage of the new owl cars t to sleep on my way homo, hardly walked nnd waking up when got out the half block here. I live at 413, nnd I bopothat you will accept my explanation and apologies and allow me to go homo to led. I am very sorry I have disturbed the lady aud probably fright-- , ened her. It seems to me, said Tom, putting out his hand, that the l.uly is perfectly well able to take care of herself, and that you ought to know it. Ti;e stranger laughed good naturedly. Sho tried to beat it into my head,' at any rate. But yon will convey my apologies to her? The tw men went down stairs ,then, and 1 heard no more. But tho blow on our neighbor's head effectually broke the ico LetYveen the two families and wo became firm friends. 1 was married about two vears after the episode of tho burglar. My husband declares that ho is not afraid of the house being entered while ho is away, for my fame must bavo gone abroad; while if, under the supposition that my vigilance relaxed whe n he chanced to bo at home, tiov should come while lie is there, ho would be sure of being ably defended. H. S.-- -I married a proof reader on a morniag paper. Chicago Journal. in w-n- pose you and Im 1 H- - ' Holiday Anuoimcement. get married readj'. When sliSll it bef , Threo weeks from f All right! and the inventor went on Ids rounds while his intended brido merrily wound away upon her liobliin of wire. On tho wedding day tho first consignment of sbx-- indicators came back from tho purchaser, inoi'crntivo. When Mr. Batchelor, who lias always been Edison's right hand man, went down to tho shop after supper ho found tho inventor there in his dirtiest shop clothes tinkering away ot the machines. Didnt ho remember that it was his wedding night I No, he'd forgotten all about it. 13nU helor dragged 'the lagging groom to the nearest clothing storo, got him into a new suit, then to a barber shop and finally put him on a cur and shipped him oil to the house of the brido. Then he went back to tho shop to work, supposing that was the last of Edison for that night. In an hour or two, however, Edison rushed iu again, throw his new coat down on a greasy lathe, hung his waistcoat ujKin the gas pipe, kicked his shoes under tho bench, seized a file aud went at tho defective stock indicator as if there wore no such thing as marriage and giving in marriage, and there lie stayed with his faithful lieutenant till tho morning sun looked in on tTyo weary toilers and an electrical stock indicator that worked like a. charm. When wealth came to them, lira Edison No. 1 betrayed a tendency to branch outiu the social world, but it had no effect on the inventor's lmbits. Ch.e of the largest entertainments Newark' ever saw was given at her house. All the loading men of the Edison work's wore thore, hut lie was nowhere to be seen. His suljgrdinates grow a little uneasy. A committee of them went over to ins laboratory about midnight ami there was the inventor, tipped back in a rickety old chair, in his shirt sleeves, his shoeless feet high up on the workbench, singing away into his phonograph nt the top of his voice, fe.ppy as a clam at high tide. The present Mrs. Edison sticks to her husband like a shadow. She is always at his elbow in working hours, with book and pencil, taking down his ideas and experiments. She is, in fact, a helpmate in every way York Trtbc't. worthy of his abilities. BR0ADHF.A1) & We offer tho BEST STOCK of HOLIDAY GOODS in the Kephi Market GALL AND SEE THE STOCK. It Consists of All of the delicacies o the season- - Toys in endies? variety. too numerous to mention, suitable for PRESENTS. The largest and best Stock of Foreign and DomesticCandies. Lemon Peel, Raisins, Currants and in fact almost all kinds of fruits Chestnuts ; other nuts in vast quantities, All in addition to our Regular stock which is equal to tho best in town. OUH. CO Dkalers in PHIOES ATll XU3IiZABZiIl. HARKESSiSADDLES. 11. v Manufacturkrs of Mis, Howls, Raraffi, ALL Articles BURTON Supt etc; WORK WARRANTED. EIPEBIIHCEfl Nephi WORKMEN, They keep a full linn. of hand which are disposed of at goods on II oe lowost prio First door West of Depot St., Nephi. Livery Stable. Mailorders ivillbe prompt-t- v attained to. Address P. O. Box 321, Ne.phi, Utah. FRANCIS SELLS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNTURE,D PHOLSTERY.ETC. FDRNITDHE DEALER, ever seen in Nephi, at botIn addition to 'a choice sto'ck al- The finest line of 33aby a received on hand has ready tom prices. just carload of FIATflERfaal PILLOWS, ail National FOLDPrime lire ani fall Paper ING BEDS. Direct-frothe East which he is offering at Salt Lake Prices. We have just received fron the cast FOUR CARLOADS of FurNew Store a few doors North which Yve are selling nt Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. etc. niture of the National Bank, Main ill do well to send their orders to su. dealers Southern .We will guar. Street, Nephi. History of Soup Jl ililng. Tho accurate hirtorv of the manufac- Call an ? e amine prices before purchas- antee them Salt Lake wholesale prices, thereby saving freight and damture of soap rti t trhoback to tho factoing ctyf.Airre. you will save age on goods fiom Salt Lake. All orders willreceive prompt attention. ries limit nt M;a soil leu, when there was Ifeon Sf$ Lake City. an apparent reeoguitffin of the principles SlIPT. of Biq'onificatiun. Neither then nor un- Carriages km More yy 1 til cctilurie latcy, however, was there any desiro to understand what the principle was, and fur many years every fciinrt to wrest tho secret from chemistry und make soap boilin'- - an art was fought by tho manufacturtr end workman. Tho factories at Marseilles had around them all tho materials necessary for soap making,' says a recent English work Tho olivo tree, tho fruit upon this art. of which yields a fixed oil in great abundance, flourished in tho south of France, while tho shores of tho Mediterranean yiulded an ample supply of maritime plants from which crudo eoda was obtained by calcination. As tho timo progressed Italy furnished olive oil, while Spain contributed crudo soda, or barilla. Tho gradual development of the art, while extremely interesting to the chemist, is of no special interest to the general reader. Leblancs discovery of a process for tho manufacture of 6oda from common salt, Chevaeul's explanation of tho nature of the reaction which Takes place when fatly substances are treated with boiling solutions of caustic alkali, gave an exactness to the manufacture of 6oap such as it had never before had; but it was a long timo before tbe boilers would avail themselves of tho aid of there men of science. Steam succeeded the ordinary fire, and the lirt of fatty substances used in coup making grew ami grew, un- til there no hoyv a dozen of them form- ing tho base of soap, with over 0110 hun-- 1 dred entering into the composition of different kinds cf soap to a greater or less degree. The Kitchen. WE BROS. MO. ' Contractors aaJ Hite. . C. S. TINGEY, J. ADAMS & SONS, LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL. Dealers in all kinds of Building ffardware Such as Nails, Locks, Hinges, etc. Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Moulding and Rickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock of Axle Trees, Boulsteis and the like, which we will dispose of at LUMBER YARD AND Coat for CasU, .'vcDszaTCk.iaL'Kci: We have iust received a car load . of Doors, Windows, Square, and Fancy Flat rickets ' DIRECT FROM THE EAST. w LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS . and 'FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. Which we are prepared to sell iro Qi I'i CC0 of ui men Cut from Joliet at prices to meet the wants of all. ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE prison nnd kept track of for two years, over SCO have been returned to the prison SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY, S. P. V.Rv.St.Nephi again, and not over 120 of tho wholo lot Cor. Main and were clear of Giiriicioa or surveillance. Chi sago Herald. |