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Show cast at such election be in favor of such incorporation, the cleik of the county coin t shall immediately, on the returns of said election being filed in the proper office, YEAR. give notice ot the result by publiA HAPPY NEW cation in the same manner as provided in the preceding section, and in such Ere The Ensign makes its appearance notices he shall designate to which of again, the year iSS3 will be a thing of the the classes of municipal corporations past. It is clistomaiy at this time ol the hereinafter provided, such city Shall beyear to sum up what has been accom- long. A cojjy of the notice, w.th proper plished in the past year,' note the mis- proof of its publication, shall be filed, takes that have boen made, determine with the papers and a certified copy of what is needed to be accomplished in all papers and record entries, relating to the future and make new resolutions ac- the matter on file in the clerks office, cordingly. The Ensign has no wish nor shall be filed in the recorders office of does it propose to tire its readers with a the county, and in the office of he long rehearsal of what U has accomplish- secretary of the Territory. ' ed, or what Nephi lias done or has not , Upon the filing of said papers, it shal done in the old year of 1888. It simply' be the duty of the secretary of the Ter- Tbe Ensign. 1 begs the privilege of humbly rising to ritory to make publication in some newspaper having general circulation within the territory of the incorporation of said city or town. Sec. 4. At the time of eliding said election, the qualified voters within said limits, shall vote flft the election of the municipal officers hereinafter provided us in coming time. for. Said election shall be conducted Nephi ash prosperous and fast grow- and the canvas and returns of the votes ing town cannot complain of what she cast at said election shall ' te made as has accomplished in the year now draw- provided bv law. ing so near to a close. Her strides of Sec. 5. When the paper referred t to progress have not been so noticeable as in Section 3 of this act are filed, and the in past yeaissmiply because we bave be- officers ere elected and qualified for such come accustomgd to seeing them and city or town, and publication is made by have grown naturally to expect them (nit said clerk and secratary, the incorporthey have been larger and much taore ation thereof shall he complete; and all firm than any made in previous years. courts in this Territory shall take judicial We propose no turning over a "new notice of the existence of such city or . leaf, no "resolutions" to be broken town. , nor promises that we cannot keep. No The Ensign trusts that fhe citizens of Sec. u. Cities incorporated under Nephi, the readers of Thk Ensign and this act shall be bodies politic and corJThe Ensign itself will continue in steady porate and shall be known and designat. and hard woik for future progress and ed by the name and style of (such name improvement. And, dipping our pen in as may be agreed upon) and under such the ink for the last time at presant on name may sue and be sued, contract and this subject, we wish each and all a hap- be contracted with, acquit and hold real end personal property for corporate purpy and prosperous New Year. poses, have a common seal, and may the same at pleasure, have perchange INCORPORATION OF CITIES. petual succession and exercise all the powers hereinafter conferred. e e e e desire of the Apropos to the manifest Sec The 14. municipal corporations in vast majority of the citizens of Nephi to now this Territory existing and those secure for the town a city charter, we shall be and the hereaflef organized, give below portions ol the new law most same are hereby divided into thre clasthe our to that case, public applicable ses. ' Those cities having 20,000 or moie may make no move in ignoiance, It is indeed gratilying to know that the inhabitants shall be known as cities of the first class. AH cities having more people look beyond the probable slight less than 20,000 inhabiincrease in taxes to the benefits, now than 3,000 and shall be known as cities of the tants demed us, to be obtained under a city second and all other cities ahall be ' class; government and that ttyey are striving known as cities of the third class. makto that earnestly get government f ing it entirely useless to comment upon Sec. 19. The municipal government those benefits and advantages in order to of cities of the third class shall be vested encourage them to work for the city in- in a council, to consist of a mayor and corporation. They do. it without en- seven cotmeilmen, who shall have the which' speaks well for couragement, 8re$'&alicj clfosen by the qualified of said city, and shall hold Iheir voters a not to be city js simply ridiculous not office for two years and until their sucto say anything of the fact that by securcessors are elected and qualified. ing a city corporation is the only Way in Concerning Elections, as this is a very which we can get that most Coveted prize a good system of water works supplying important article of the act we quote the article entire. Nepli with pure and wholesome water. We give below as stated above, some article 16 - of those of law the the people portions Elections. should all study before the election of Section i. The election in all cities city officers and will, ere the election, hereafter organized under this act for publish the rest. the municipal officers provided for in AN ACT Providing for the Incorpdr -- Section 1. Article 6 of this act, shall be alion of Cities in Utah. held on the second Monday in February, 1889, and biennially thereafter, and upon Article i. the election and qualification of sgid Section i. When the inhabitants of officers, they shall immediately enter upany part of any county not embraced on the duties of their respective offices; within the limits of any city, shall desire and all offices in cities or towns incor'to be organized into a city, they may porated under this act, upon the election apply, by petition in writing, signed by and qualification of said officers, are not less than one hundred of the qualifi- hereby declared vacant and abolished, ed electors of the territory to be emSec. 2. All elections held in cities braced in the proposed city, to the coun- organized under this act shall be conductty court of the proper county, which ed in accordance with the general electpetition shall describe the territory pro- ion law of the Territory, so far as the posed to be embraced in such city, and same may be applicable; and no person shall have annexed thereto an accurate shall be entitled to vote at such election map or plot thereof, and state the name unless he shall be a qualified elector of proposed for such city, and shall be the county, duly registered, and shall accompanied with satisfactory proof of have resided in such city for at least six the inhabitants within the territory em- months next pieceeding such election; braced in said limits. and every legal qualified voter, residing Sec. 2. Whjn such petition sha1 be prt within the limits of said city, shall be sented, the court shall forthwith desig- entitled to vote at the polls within the nate the class of the proposed city, and fix ward where.be resides. Otiier-erticlthe time and place within the boundaries definring the duties etc. of such proposed city or town at which of the mayor, councilmen and other the election may be held to determine officers will appear next. such question; and such election shall be held and conducted in the same manner A south Bridgton family, who moved as provided be law for conducting geninto a neighboring town, started toward eral elections. Said court, before such election is held church their first Sunday there. Arrivshall give notice by publication in some ing at the edifice, they entered the vestinewspaper published within said' limits, bule and waited to be shown a, seat. if there be one, at least once a week for The ushers seemed to bave been missfour successive weeks; but if there be no ing, and, of the congregation who fled newspaper published therein, then by past, all stared, but none offered them a seat. At last the lady turned to her d posting notices at least lour weeks in five and exclaimed: When I are dead Said said limits. within public places in my coffin folks may pass by and stare notices shall contain a statement of th much at they please, bat III be hang, as th describe territory propetition and ed if 111 stand this aay longer, so get the offthe and to be incorporated, posed we wilt go hoase. When they icers to be elected, and shall also dssign hose(and the home ladys daughter wanted to got election which the the time and place at aforesaid shall be held. The ballots ased know why they didn't go to church. "We at such election shall be for incorpora- have been, said the mother. "What was the text? asked the daughter. tion," or "against incorporation, and if was Depart ye cursed. and "The text of names the the for incorporat:on as we seemed be the ones to whom it persons voted for. was applied, we departed. Sec. 3. If a majority of the ballots state that the good old year of 18SS has done for The Ensign all that could in reason have been expected ol it. True it has not made us rich in dollars and cents, but it has added very materially to our capital of experience and taught us many lessons that will be of much use to . t:e fur Waters ai. Be. lyoj-e- l l'-- , oriuciot Sold bj .Ufid forspai-oruriculare- . aii 'Ihio'pi.i. f ! p'-- r nor. ABurvsi T BE EUREKA tBEilU'AL 1.0 . Pktboit. -- no sun-m- i OF PURE GOD LIVER GIL &2S hypophosphitxs Wben I say Curb I do not mean merely to atop them for a time, and then have them return again. I KEAN A RADICAL CURE. X bave made the disease ot dti.lcd FITS, EPILEPSY or Almost as Palatable as Milk. tin taken, digested, and assimilated by the most sensitive stomach, wben tho plain oil eaaaot bo tolerated; and by the com. binmttom of the oil with the hypopboa phitea is much more e file nc Ions, Bemarkahle u a fesh prmfactr. Persons gain rapidly while tsttng It, SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best preparation in the world lot tha relief and core of So (bat it be CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMRONtO COUCHS. The great remedy Watting in Children. DKSEKT for and Consumption, Sold bg aU Dnaoist. FINAL LAND. PROOF.-NO'.- I'E hull PUBLIOAIIOS United Stills, Laud Sait bake City, Utah. lm-- . 15th. IS Notice i, hereby given that Joseph S. Wing Sen. of laimuw San Vote County Territory ot Utah ha, filed notice ol Intention to mats proof ef hi, for the 8.14 S E 4 desert land emus No. 8 Id T. 13 8. H.4 E Territory of I tab before Kegirlarand Receiver a Salt Lake Ci'y, Utah on Saturdav, the 2nd day of i sb lsbtl. lie names to pros, the eompltie irthe fulloaing witne-rand reclamation of said land: rigation r K U Jones of Wilburn Utah, Thomas ef Mil burn tab, Lorenzo Col of Fairview A of Fairview Utah. Lindsey Lteh, Btady D. Webb, RegisterOffice, Solid Gold WtA 8100. until Uttiy gal wttcb in LhQ world CS liackMprr. TBsd. Bftvjr Bol.d Goi J Both liditi' HuDttnpCMcc. and fonts sizes, with works and eases of equal value. One Person in sack locality can secure one free, together with our lerfs sad valuable line of Household Tbeee escaples, ss Bssipless well ss lbs watch, wo seed sod sfter you have kept Free, them Is four homo (or ft months end shows them to those who may have called, thev become your ows property. Thoeo who write at ones can be sure of receiving the and Samples. We pay All express, freight, etc. Address for FALLING SICKNESS, study. I warrant my remedy to Curb the worst cases. Because others have d cure, failed is no reason for rot A life-lon- g bend aLonce tor a treatise and a Free Hottlb of myNFALLlBLB Remedy. Give Express and Tost Office. It costs you nothing tor a trial, and it will cure you. Address H. C. ROOT, M.C., 83 PearlSt., New Yorie. StiswaA Cs.. Boa BEaaaaia&aaLgffliga Mlaa. U, n. 2 " tON 4 $3 x SHOE UNEXCELLED IN STYLE unemAleh Lro DURABILITY -- 5- Stages conned at Moroni for ail pat Is of Sanpete and Sevier . ' j THEODORE BRUBACK, GqnALrffagei HS. KERR. Gen. Superintendent. FAIL CANNOT TO 2.30 1 Lv. Nephi ujo Trains tun daily, Sunday excepted. Trains stop at stations maiked only when signaled. insist-sotu- JAMES .MEANS $4 SHOE Ma n St. Nephi 11.25 Ar, Competition la the Ufa of Trade, And if yon have not seen our latest improved goods yon hard our competitors have to woik to keep within sight of ua cannot imaKioe bow lively tralo 1, or how Ask your retailer for the JAMES 83 SHOE, ortho JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE according to your needs. none genuine unless having our name and price stamped plainly on the soles. Your Positively retailer will supply you with shoes so stamped if you Insist niton his doing so; If ou Uo not retailers will coax you into buying Ulterior shoes upon which they make a larger profit. 'JAMES MEANS Divde 10.30 OUR LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! S ATI S AND THE MOST tJ or FIT. IsmEss - PATENTS FASTI Dl?! JAMES MEANS CO., 41 Lincoln St., II- - Francis Cppe, evi3lCL P. Agt & Str-p.t.S- Lak alt o PitoruiLTOk. GAGE a Clean S 4 Passenger Trains leave Salt Lak daily, for the North, to connect with tlu U. P, Ry. and the U.& N. Ry.,at 8:20 a.ir & 4:10 p.m. and arrive in Salt lak Cit; at 11:10 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. Freight trains leave Nephi for the North at 6:25 a.m. and for the oih at 7:20 p. n General Offices. Main Qj W a. m. p. m. 7:20 Ciyv. DENVER AND OLargo Stools, of botlx Amoi- - OF PARIS. at and ohn Sharp, Gen. Supt. , 03 0 PLASTER Leave Salt Lake City . loston, Mass. P f daily Going North at 5 48 a. m. and 2 25 p. nr South " 11:35 81S Arrive at Salt Lake 10 a. m. & 6 40 p. n CITY LIQUOR STORE. c3 OF Passenger Trains leave Nephi follows: Gen F. -- P & TIME GAEDo - w p--i pNTyi jjTAH Such hag two the recent progres tn our branch of Industry that we are now able to affirm that the Shoe is In every respect equal to the shoes w hlcta only a few years ago were retailed at eight James Means or ten dollars. If vou will try on a pair you will be convinced that we do not exaggerate. Ours are the Imitate fur yrem of business are triable to compete with ua la original $3 ai.d $1 Shoes, and Tuthote-wnour lines wo are the largest manufacturers la the United States. quality ot factory products. Xne of our traveling salesmen who Is now visiting the shoe retailers of the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain Region writes from there as follows : , I more than satisfied with tha results of my trip. Ibave thus far sqeceedod In placing our full line in the hands of A Na 1 dealers iu every point I have visited." He goes ou to ay "This is a for us to sell shoes in. because iuot 6f tho retailers are charging their customers at apleirdld region retail altout double the prices which the shoes have cot at wholesale. The consequence Is that the who wAnr shoes nrn paving six or seven dollars a pair for shoes which are not worth as much as our Soople ME4NV M3 and Si MIOES. Our shoes with their very low retail prices stamped on the soles of every pair are hrenKtug down the high prices which have hitherto ruled in the retail markets here, and when a retailer puts a full line of goods m his stock they at once beg. a to go off like hot cukes, so great Is the demand for them." stop and oonCj what the above signifies M far as you tire concerned. It Now, kind reader, assures you that if you jut keep on bu ittg shoffiT hearing no manufacturers utune or fixed retail price (damped on the soles, you cannot tell what you are getting and your retailer la probably making you pay double what your shoes hove cost him. Now, can ou afford to do this while we are protecting you by stampiag our name and the fixed retail price upon the soles of our shoes before they leave our factory so that you ? cafmot be made to pay more for four shoes than they are worth feboee Iron oar relcbiated factory are aoll by wlde-nwak- e retailers tn all parfc of We withiu will them reach lu your any State or Territory If you wilt invest one easily the couutry. place cent in a postal card and write to us. Obtained, and all Patent Business attended to Promply and for Moderate Fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send Model or drawing. W,e advise as to patentability tree of charge; and we make no cltarges unless patent is secured. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and Officials ol the U. S. Patent Office. For Circulais, advice teims, references to actual clients in your own State or Country, writ, to C. A. Snow & Co', MANUFACTURERS SIX, JPortl-n- 3. take effect Monday , October 22, 1888. Thing! North. STATIONS. GoingSouth. No. 1 No. 2 a. m. p. m. Ar. 3 V 9.00 Lv. Chester Moroni Lv. 2.30 9.30 9.45 2.15 Diaper " 1 55 jo.io Fountain Green THE SSARGH OF PROGRESS! I'puss-kaeps- NEPHI GYPSUM CO, TIMETABLE NO. i 4 1 Opposite Patent Office. Washigton D. C. $ANfffE;ALLEI Wsteh 1 e, 3?oroian . esturn ss Rio G Vo. ride W RAILWAY. C) 3 a fr c-- A1j13Q JTYlcl 3POZ1 5- 7- Scenic Liae Heh.s for modioalpurposcs. For Terms ntvl Prices apply or write and. family trade. 5 to HYDE it WHITMORE. '5 'PURITY GU ARATSLTEEl'). 8 - XT xv TA II cf the Wtr 1! IN EFFECT OCTOBER IS, 1SS. EAST BOCNP TRA1X8. . AX1CAD33 CO 1 - CIGARS AND BOTTLED GOODS (3 ci CHOP HOUSE 20 VEAL OOK PETERSON Is tie ji Is lmj t Bilim, Kit, ,f 4 ii sscciai! EOX 5 10 Ar. 0 7 Ar i No. 7 8 m 9 (0 a ra t' a m UiO a SO i ui 10 a ui m m m. lleturninr. H. BFNNETT. lien. Agt. US, T B 3D33LZa23e EXECUTED Kit of Since Eilisl Remedy. SpecificMurrays A CUIe for a - guaranteed diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Hvsteria, v ,1 leadache; Pain in the Back, Ner-- 1 'vims Prostration, Wakefulness, Leucor hcea.Uiiiveis.il Lassitude, Senu-na- f Weakness, Impotency and general Lss ol povver of the Generative Organs; iu either Sex, caused by indiscretion or over exjrtion, and which ult mately lead to Preinatuie Old Age, Insanity and consumption. $r.co a box or six boxes for . Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, sent fiee to every applicant We Go au antle Six Boxes to cure any case. For every $5.00 order received, vte send six boxes, w'th a wiitten guarantee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communication to the Sole Manufacturers. THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, Mo Call on or address I Ivde & Wiutmore Sole agents, Nephi. Utr jID Jli! W9 JffKT Tablets. Caiiiia IN THE NEATEST STYLE AND FROM THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE OOLITE STONE OF SAN PE IE. S. L. Jackson, UNDERTAKER. MAIN STREET, MANTI. . 2 26 - nL.Voi:s $5-oo- 46jNEPHI. 33 M All Watches, Clocks, and other jewelty repaired on the &hortest notico. CHAS, fjl SAUSAGE a j of JEWELRY 11 vi., w M Monuments, Head-stone- s, alnMs Lv. Great Wright &P. 0Co., Ajv ce s V''Wiw- ji ad per cent.below ItOW, l.v LINGIUM AND Al.lA TRAINS. attention Prompt ' Ordorsi.pxxict to mail & .CHAPPELL'S IN IIAWKINS M 3r LAMB. Before purchasing elsewhere give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah. No. 7. Leave Suit LaKe City, 7.'l a Arrive Salt I ake CityXJO ). D. C. HODGE, . J. General Manager. Dealers in nil Idnrl of Live Stock. STOVES and RANGES. All home made, and Sail r raroiseo TRAINS. D WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS IT. J.MOHTENSEN All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, Grates, Crosspieces. Lids, Fronts, Backs to stoves, etc., to any kind of stoves made. In ordering be sure to give name and exact number of stove. Oadi-- MEAT MARKET MUTTON Salt Lake prices. W WEST-BOUN- 22 ti C r e- PEOPLE'S GUS. HENROID, Proprietor. Meals at all hours. Foard by the day or week. Lodgings, one block from eating house. DEALERS IN PA RL OR, HE A TL G, SPECIALTY.! A Springvilie bait LHkeCity First door south of Read and Bryans, Main Street. Nephi. Meals asets. and jocts. OOi CO bsfi ANX OYSTER EiAREOR es hus-bau- RAILROAD PENNYRjOYAI 0 P. Bo 0. THE DRUG STORE MINER & CO. THE KEPHI DENTIST. Who has been practicing in Nephi for the last ten years is now at Carries a full line of Patent Medicines, Drugs Fine Toilet Soaps, HIS OFFICE One block east and oue-haPowders, Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Syringes etc. etc, Perfumes block south of the Co-o- p store where he k prepared to do all work ia his profession w the by the ounce or bottje. Imported and Domestic Cigars, latest style. Gold amalgum and bone Tobaccos jind Cigaretts. Pcrscriptior.s cam filling and extracting a specialty Prices reasonable. Part payment taken in produce. fully Compounded. N. B. He is now fully prepared to extract teath without pain by the ase of the Vegetable Vapor. Operations done n short notice. Main Street, Nephi, MAKUtACTUtiH AM) I A PORTEfl OF AU KIR OS OF Coffins, Caskets and Coffin Hardware Home made Coffins constantly on hand Embalming done on the shortest no-H- e aifo has a good line of Furniture and sells at cost. Repairing of all kinds done on she shortest notice. Agent for New Home Sewing Machine and Machine extras, Neadles,. etc. etc Give him a call. Face Nephi, Utah. lf ' MINER Hawkins Building; & GO. TI J0H,b0N8 SSENCM1L!F? EU STHE -- COM LAINT8. greatest discovery of the day for th positive eure of coco. CeA.ee. choler Monaue, DieneiKiA, rro. atiuter Jaxlt! lay 60c aU stores. V. E. Johnto a tnjr Sait Lake Cit 1 FOR SALE AT THE NEPJff CO-- O |