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Show m,?mo im iin rfirterfir iny a y . Zj , ' -: . O THE ENSIGN, ; - ISTephi . THE ENSIGN. .PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT Juab Co, U.T. smCRimOS Feild& Rollo Publishers. Prompt attention paid to all communications. Address: The Ensign. P. O. Box 2 Utah. Nepiii, - One Year, Six Months, Three Mouths Vol. NEPHI, UTAH, FRIDAY PECEM MtSB II Adams who have just ventured upon the sea of matrimony. May tlieir voyage be a long and pleasant one. The Concert advertised for last Friday and Saturday evenings in die Social Hall, Municipal Electio the proceeds from which were to be used Sunday Nephi, Monday, Feb. 11th, 1S89. for the benefit of theoff.Nephi The reaSon School did not come was The programme is an excellent one and the concert should .Mayor: not liave been so shabbily treated. The Alina Hague. programme is one equal to the best ever produced in Nephi and will be well Counciltnen : rendered it is to be given in the Tabernacle tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Let James H. Mynders, all attend if they would enjoy a few hours J. A. Hyde, most pleasantly and profitable. 1 Clias. Andrews, After the play on Tuesday evening and A. Cozier, the dance on Wednesday evening, the Peter Sutton, social Hall was broken into by a crowd E. It. Booth, of hoodlum boys, who it is presumed Jas. Jenkins Jr. were anxious to see if anything of value had been left and appiopriate the same to their own use. This is a very bad City Recorder: lor boys to foster as they start out spirit Jno. R. Hickman. iu life; it is sure to lead to something Inat will entail suffering and punishment Cily Treasurer: and should be killed it passible at the onset. Suspicion - rests very strongly on . Edwin Harley. two or three boys who have been public ' for some time and we would bid pests Assessor and Collector; City them beware. Via. A. C. Bryan. Last Saturday night a few of those most actively interested in the securing Marshall; City of a municipal government for Nephi W. P. Read. met to cousider the matter. The following committees were appointed and a mass meeting called for Monday night to Justice of the Peace: consider their labors. To locate bounda-t- y Jas. R. Black, lines of the city; H. Adams, Chas. Win. Stout. Foote, John Kirgan, W. A. C. iiiyan and F. W. Chappell. To nominate city ticket: George C. Whitmore, Thomas Vickers, Edwin Booth, Isaac Grace, John Kirgan. The ticket at the head of our columns in the main is the one nominated by this committee; the mass couven-- t, on saw lit to puUyue or two names iu place of those the jnimi ttee had selected. The mass convention also renominated this last committee to see to the rest of Abe work, such as circulating the petition, which has been done and a great many more than the necessary number a! signers secured; see to getting the rcgeistration list revised and get the judges of election appointed and what other details there might be attended to, ail of which is being done with an energy which guarantees a roaring success CITIZEN TICKET e. F.nte Mats. Fruit Cake, Jelly Cake, ream Cake, Mince Pie, Apple Pie, Flum Pudding, Apples, Candy, Nuts, Etc. Condiments . 28. 18S&- - the public has no way of telling whether they are or no, unless they hear them or see them in print. I cant see all things of a public nature in the same fight you do especially pol itics, but I ain in with you heart and soul when you say that every effort Should be made by each and every citi $en of Nephi to secure a city govtrn-piefor Nephi and am not going to get an office either, nor do I intend to seek one in the future, but I do intend to pay the taxes, and pay them liberally too, so that the officers, can receive a good salary for their labors; for a little work well paid is always more e(!ectn e for good to the employer than much woik pooily paid, but yet 1 doubt not that the men whose names are on the ticket will look rather to their "patriotism and interest for their town rather than to the salary their offices will bring. It must be humiliating to you, when you think of it, that the place you, with justifiable pride, boom with so much earnestness can not claim the name of city itis easy therefore to see why you should be anxious to secure the charter. When Nephi becomes a city she will be estab' fished for all time it will be a big especially now that go much has been said about her recently through out the Territory. As a citv we can get the water and this will be the making of Nephi. Tlign with some assurance ol getting what we ask, we can get Juab Station moved to Nephi; a term of the District Court, when of course one or more new and first class hotels will be built; a woolen factory will be built; one or more grain elevators;and so we might go oik Of course we want a aity. - In this letter 1 have not given you the usual taffy correspondents do, but we all know that your little sheet, unpretentious as it is, has done more for Nephi than can be expressed in words. '1 he benefit au enterprise of your kind does to the town is of course indirectly, and enriches tne public more than it does you, and for this reason, according to the rule of contraries, is not properly appreciated. The public however are becoming educated every day, so go ahead. With every wish for your success and the welfare of The Ensign, I remain Yours, ' nt Horse Radish, Worcestershire Sauce, Tomatoe Sauce, etc., etc. Tea. Coffee, Milk. U'ines. Angelica, loit. If Siny have an ide2 that a newspaper man cant do justice to n thing of this kind, we refer them to Mr. or MrS. Hen iiud at the Atcade. A dinner with the same bill of fare will be served on New Years day and although this is not meant for an ad. we would advise all to govern yourselves accordingly. ABOUT THE CITY. Christmas Musing s on both sides of the Question. In answer to our call of lasf week for an expression of views regarding the city government for. Nephi we have . received the following communications. Nephi t)ec. 25th, 1888. Editor Ensign. . In your last issue you draw attention to the question of a municipal govern ment for Nephi and kindly open your columns for criticism. As a taxpayer- - and likely to be affected by any change of that nature, I wish to say a few words, though I have but little hope of changing . . ... . - . - - i.oo 1.23 75 Rates forwarded on ap- Advertising plication. No 30 - - RATES: SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Place your notices ments to the. public columns. and announcein these special Frsh Fish for sale at R. F. Barrs, Dont lorget to advertize in our special columns. m St If you have any notice to give or announcement to make to the public, do it .. Advertise your wants in sign's" special columns. A ILEABING The En- " SENSE stre!Et1 rene"rcl and of and comfort follows the use ..f of Fles fu hrmony wlth natureSyrup to effectually Uouije the. system whou costive or bilious. For 50e and bottles by all leading drug- 0 through our special columns. A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVE8 Our port of current Nephi Market 1IER LIFE. ? prices is to be relied upon. It is correctIt was an ed every Friday byC. Andrews & Co. just ordinary snrapf paper, but it in 1U tKt stagos f ol- - A. Bailey,. Wright . & C6. and Hyde & SumUon'e Physlcmns thatlshe was ShKP.l.?abt?),H7 Whitmore. . only a short tune; she weighed less than seventy . pounds. On a niece Miss Mary Morgan has opened a mil-- ' wrapping paper she reauof I r- - Kings New Dis-of and a covery, got eamplo liottlo; it helped her, finery store in the building recently och large bottle, it helped her more! cupied as a barber shop by F. C. Teas-dal- e hnnai,!115 and grew bettor fust, continued ,10'v I1 where can be found a lull and varied hehhv, rosy, plump, .stock of Millinery Goods, Embroidery woigelng not0 pounds. For further particiilara Fort Smith. iiH f Materials, Chenilles, Silks, Bangles, and IU wonderful other fancy goods Vor the decorative art. at II) de k pitmore s store. Discovery Free Ladies are invited Dressmaking also done at reasonable prices. ' EUPEPSY. The Neph'i Bakery is now owned and Tills Is what you hava, in fact, conducted by Mr. John VV. Householder, must have It, to fully enjoy life, thousand A earching for it daily, and mourning beoAata they Mr. Woods having recently sold out to flua it not Thousands thousand of dollars him. Mr. Householder recently came to are snoot annually by upon our people in hope that attain thin ftont boon. theEast where his regular oc- they And yet it may he Nephi uiy l. We had by Electric hitters, guarantee. cupation was that ol a baker. He is pre- if used to directions and the use according per pared to supply his customers with the slated in, will bring you Good Digestion and bestbf biead, cakes, .buns, etc. And oust the demou Dyspepsia 'aud Distal inste id recommend Electric Bitters for guarantees honorable treatment. Give hupepay. We all diseases of Liver, Htofnscli him a call. and Kidneys, hold at &0o. and fH. bottle I- lln"oP Dyspu-psium- if j ue OASH PAID QOO or moro .T. Por K.JSD PINE Rood. 14s ft. long, loss tliesn at W per hitniore, CONSUMPTION by SURELY CURED. l Ekitor, -I- loase inform readers that nave a positive remedy fur the your above naund Bring 030.00. . Adams Sons. i'l1 1 disease, by it timely ue thousands of hojelsH eaaoi have boon permanently cured I ha.l b to send two plMa boUios ol my reined' of who yourreAdorg havoconffuiutHion JwcioanjT wioy will send uio their express and pototiice addreM. A. Slocum M. C., I. Respectfully, IHi Pearl 8t. New York. the result First, I am opposed to any change in our governmeut, because the people are Cnih or Merchsmliso paid for fat calves by It. I CAU flOS TO MOTHERS. PROOF OF MERIT. F. Barr. already taxed to death and the idea of cautioned more government without a correspondi? giving her Goods sold cheftpor than ever for cash or prochildj!laudanum or paregoric; ajrainrt it create an duce at R. i Barrs. Hellur Hello!" Nephi is to he conincrease of taxation is to nice to be fur stimulants which kills the craving ing nected with Salt Lak City and other mind of the child. Acker's baby Soother is H. M. MoCune k Co. arc the agents fbr the I11 a letter written from Manti nnder northern towns by telepnone. Last night entertained by any sane minded person. prepared to benefit children and cure their Iron Aire froof FaiuU Uiva them your 1888 of ate L. December 14, to Silas pains, it ta handle" and contani no Opium or orders. a few of the business men met iu the Experience teaches that men generally , bold by Dvu Morphine-Miner, Nephi,, ackson who has charge of the Nephi , bank toconsult with Mr. Annette ot the hold office for the spoil. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the Wm. Burt a ol works, Gypsum Mountain plasterer Bell Rocky Telephone Co. and Second, all the oeneftls claimed for noted, ability, one who, has traveled con- undersigned are hereby requested to call and sethis proposition to build a line from . PEOPLE EVERr WHERE l.oo hear the new order can be reached easier and siderably and handeled various brands tle accounts at onca and save further It.trouble. F. Barr., Paysou to Nephi. He estimated the cost as at Confirm of our few statement when we say that Ack- our a Under Praster Paris, says if the cheaper jrsaq,ao-nvery present svstem.antL.Ql proposed to build it11311 - macli me lfiWiq.ietar..iU the Ot say the works and ."Zi.L of th ry waiiUsulxcdDa wtnpKciciJ work. In hankJS'atiooai iriret Jtaotiuj 15 cituens hooping Coughnnd Croup it i mag Lung. Oipoita quality prWocts amount and take in payment for the least, is unnecessary. ie und relieve at once. We odor you a eamplo wh'ch must have been indeed gratifying i2i that free. bottle in the After the money, stock Reuieruber,Ahis Remedy is sold on a company. These aw probably the chief reasons to the proprietors. 7l positire guarantee some explanations and consultation the is of said that he 7i other knows things Among he these lie whst la and Mr.'R. about. more writing government, o against any was accepted and over f interests to the general pub- McLeod, drugget. Ueminglord, Neb , says: I 15 proposition at' the money subscribed by the men suffice, are ought to suffice to kill the particular keep in stock a great vuriety ol so called cures for lic is the following: The PIMrLES ON THE FACE. 85 diarrhoea and cholera morbus, but from a persowho were present at the meeting. Messrs beast of Plaster of Paris you sent me, spe-ial- ly a Wheat"- bus. d.. ' 90 taro IS . . . - asc-.,.-.-a- sc imported Home Cured 10 Breakfast Han Imported Home Cured V cwt ftran and shorts f2j . v, . flat-mor- d ,io - , Soo,-o- five-hundr- Andrews, Whitmore and Clinton with were appointed to solicit others of the business men iu town who were not there, and secure the rest of the $i 200,00. Should it not be gotten those Snow. present guaranteed the full amount, so that on or befor April ist a telephone' iS89. will be in active operation between ISsg and other places in the Territory; Ogden A happy New Year! and Nephi. Those who subscribed stock and guaranteed the amount were Mr. Practice writing rSSj. . Bruback of the S. F. V. Ry, Hyde & -W s Whitmore, First National Bank Jas Clinof Wl and W ton ol the Wool Growers Assn., Chas. Girls; how about it? Only three days Foot, Chas. Andrews and Geo. Atkin. and Thos. more! Herbert Burton uf the Co-o- p Osborne uf Wright & Co. were also the of And now hear the merry jingle present and favored the scheme and took Lells sleigh bells. over night to consider the matter and in likelihood will subscribe all sun of the for the Look out eclipse next Tuesday afternoon. GUS DOES IT BROWN. Bran and Shorts by the sack or ton at Hyde & Whitmore's. To say that the Christmas dinner must served at the Arcade Restaurant super-ceede- d Three years and three-da- ys elapse gills, before it wdl be leap year anything uf the kind ever given .again. in is putting it ntildlv indeed. Nephi, t i, We can only say that the treatment givA W-- MeCuue gave his old home. tire Uouor of his presence during en this humble scribe and his ever resHolidays. pected Ala on Christmas day by the geChr stma has passed rather quietly nial Gus and his equally capable and but et very pleasantly as far as Nephi is deserving wife, made us realize for one concerned. hour or more that life is not all a dream The snow storm pleases all alike. The nor is it without pleasure. stock men, the sheep men and the farmThe dinner! How shall we tell about ers are all happy. it? It as a whole, and every faldished up to perfection and haL detail was that snow of inches few The it appear like holidays the graceful tact the people ol The Arlen makes and more like winter. cade seem to so naturally possess as last theirs only, of making those whom they of evening Wednesday The dance conducted bv Messrs Chas. Haynes and are waiting upon feel and sense that they Thos. Osborne was a success. are indeed among friends, makes a dinRichfield of the ner eaten there an incident in life most L. C. Nield, principal district schools last Saturday committed enjoyable and ever to be remembered. suicide. Unrequited love was the cause. As to the bill of fare we can compliment Jas. Hartley was arrested yesterday on it in no better way than giving it as it a complaint of selling intoxicants to m- was served. inors. He plead guilty and was fined bill or fare. $15.00. First Fntre, The Citizens Ticket is one which MorOvsters on shell. mon, Jew, Gentile, Peoples Party, LiberBrook trout. al Party, Republican .or Democrat can this for be cast ballot vote. Let your Second Eeitre. ticket on the second Monday in FebruTurkey with cranberry sauce, ary. Fricase Chicken, rethe with thanks We acknowledge the Mushroom, a la Francaise, be at present ceipt of an invitation to in the Corned Beef with caper sauce, reception to be girea Social Hall by Mr. & Mrs John Adams in Sausage, honor ot the marriage of their daughter Omelettes. LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. Annette to-da- Ne-lh- ht Hattie. Our congratulations and best wishes 0 with the two young couples, Andrew blackett and Miss Janie Worthington and P. P. Christensen and Miss Hattie Vegetables. Potatoes, a la Havraise, Cabbage, Celery. Now, as far as I am able to learn, the main reason brought forth by the advocates of a little brief authoiity and pay without work, is the attainment of good water. Well, it is not neccessary to hire a ten mule team to haul a sack of sugar the when a wheelbarrow wil answer purpose. Good water or any other enterpiiseof equal magnitude can be successfully carried out under a system of as formulated by William Nelson Black in his treatise on Ultimate Finance, to which I must refer I make no for any further exposition. profession to being a financier, there are sufficient in Nephi who like to play that role, let them go to woik and devise some plan, according to the theory mentioned, whereby we can get good water without the expense and incumbrance of any more governmental machinery. Further, I cau only exclaim with the Will man author above mentioned: who believes that his fellows were born to prey upon each other accept a phil osophy which teaches that they were born to with each other, and that it is only the conditions on which personal success is won that cause them selfish to seem cruel, rapacious, and full of duplicity and cunning? It is a bold venture to undertake to unveil possible future to men with "perceptions so perveited. But the experiment must be tried: and according to its success or failure must we hold to the opinion thht the world is either ready for its new environment, and is prepared to go cheerfully forward in the light that is blazing upon every hand, or that it is cnly seeking the shadows of the old castl es and dungeons, where it so long reposed, in order that it may lie down again and sleep forever. Very Respectfully yours, William R. May. pounds was the best I have ever used slow to set and hard as flint when set. I was very glad to know that you have succeeded so well as to now have a Plaster mill of large capacity tinning out the vety best of Plaster of Paris at prices reasonable. These few words tell a great deal.com-in- g as they do from one who knows what he is talking about. The Enlign wishes the manufacturers every success' nal trial of Obamborlains Colic, Cholera and Denote an impure state of the blood and are Diarrhoea Bomody. I regard it at the host ol coked many with suspicion. Ackorif medicines in the market, tor diarrhoea and all blood upon by Ehxcr will remove all impurities and leave bowel oomplninta. It saved the life ofour enuiidoxion the smooth and clear, 'there is nothSold by D. 0. Miner, Nophi. ing that will so thoroughly buildup the constituand tion, purify strengthen! ho whole system. Sold, and guara. toed by D. 0. Miner. Nephi. A moKk'ant after rolling and using an article for years know something ot its merits, "r- W. I have i). Haller, Druggist Dlair, Neb , say: ARE YOU SKEPTICAL? used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea I not do to and hefitate Remedy, say, that think Ifso wo will convince yea that Ackors English it the best ol all medicines for diarrhoea and bow- Remedy tor the lungs to all other Isold by D. '0. Miner, iaprior el complaints generally. and is a osi,yo cure for all Thaoat aud Nephi Lung troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and Colds. It e guaiantoe the ppeporation, and will a you bottlo free. Chamberlains Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea give sample fireniirations ever Remedy is tne most sncco-stbank-erhei- - ns, l'rourd for Summer Complaint. Cholera .Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux and Cluonie IS LIFE WORTH LIVING! Diarrhoea, and thousands of parsons will certify that they bcltove their liras have been saved by Not if you go through the world a dyspeptic. Acthis great remedy. It is the ono preparation that kors I ablets are a positive cure fur the every family anil every traveling man should bo wortDyspepsia forms of Dyspopsia. Indigestion, Flalnemy provided with, espocitilly durint; the sutnmor and Constipation. Guaranteed aud sold by D. O. months.of Chronic Diarrhoea that Mnnyea-e- s bud resisted all ether treatment and baffled the Miner, Nephi. skill at good physician- -, have been permanently cured by it- Sold by D. U. Minor, Nephi. BUCKI.ENS ARNICA SALVE. Croupe, Whooping Cough and Broil chitis immediately relieved by Shilohs Cure. Sold by Miner & Co., Nephi. The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skill Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hyde & Whitmore. A 1 A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort of Syrup of Figs, as it Follows acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System whan Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating the organs on which For it acta. 81nilin 50c and 81.00 Bottl Leading Druggist. MAirUFACTTUlSD OXIT ST TVS by Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Miner & Co., Nephi. For lame back, side or chest, use Shilohs ; Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents Mine-- & Co., Druggists, Nephi. Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shilohs Vitali.er is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. Slkepless nigh is made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Miner & II FIRST NATIONAL OF TJT.A H 3STICPI-II- , Paid Capital 550,000 Surplus 12,500 Whitmore, President JonasH. Erekson Vice Pres. L. S. Hills Jas. H. Mynders, James E. Clinton. Alma Hague, Cashier. Geo, C. Directors. Deposits received subject to sight drati or check. Money loaned on approved security. Co., Druggists Nephi. OALirOMTIA IIG SYSTJPOO Collections nlade with prompt returns at Bax Fxaxcuoo, Cal., ' lowest rates. Shiloh's Vitaltzkr is what yon need ' Raw YoaV. If. Y. Lootsvills, Kt., for Consumption, loss of Appetite, Dizzi-ne- s sell We exchange on leading cities of the and all sylnptoms of Dyspepsia. Price to and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by United tates, also furnish sight drafts or T- Nephi, Dec. 25th, 1888. . Miner and Co Nephi. remit funds to all prominent points iq Editor Ensign: Land Attorney, to. Dear Sir: You did the right thing last Europe. can so Couch be That Hacking Office next door to.U S Land Office Salt Lake week when you opened your columns for Cure. We cured Shilohs by quickly City. of views of people both the expression Obtains patents for Agricultural, Desert and guarantee it. Sold by Miner & Co., Ne-jh- i. Correspondents for and against the obtaining of a muni- and Mineral Lands. cipal government for Nep'nLIt showed CurrespondenceoTicited and information given New Y ork, Kountzc Bros. your desire to work for the good of the Shilohs Couch and Consumption Chicago, Union National Bank. Represented by were not anxious to public and that-yo- u Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It A. C. W. and Lake City, Deseret National , R. Bryan Hickman John to as set up yopsKviews govern against cures Consumption Miner & Co., Ne- - Salt Pacific Bank, those of Osvav, r men, if the views ot those San Notaries Public. Francisco, phi, odtr men were better than yours; and County Rccordert Office h'ephi Vhih, C BAILEY. J ? . I |