Show coalville Co alville pioneer passes to reward john fredrick Fredr lck lk wilde died dec 21 1930 1936 athis homen home an n coallye Coal lle after a lingering illness at the age of 83 years he was born in hamshire england may 16 1853 on oil his fathers birthday he was six years ol of ase age when he left england with his father mother and sister rhey left liverpool on april 11 1859 arrived in in new york may 14 and at florence nebraska on may they joined the captain george rowley handcart company leaving leavin g florence june 9 with saints GO 60 handcarts hand carts and six wagons tiley they arrived in the salt lake valley on sept 6 1859 and settled in what is no now sugar house in the following spring they moved to Co alville he married robinson on june 14 1875 in the old endowment house in salt lake city nine children were born to them seven of whom survive john W wilde union oregon oswald S wilde garfield james H wilde mary jane meadows libbie robinson violet randall and gladys gunn all of Co alville 24 grandchildren and 21 great brand chil dren he spent a rood good part of his life working in the church in various positions teacher in the sunday school superintendent of sunday school president of the young mens alens mutual and bishop f for or 14 years all in the cluff f ward funeral services were held wednesday at one in the stake tabernacle with bishop charles L prost frost conducting quartet tho deepening trials mrs A L geary mrs ruby williams mrs judith beard mrs elsie ball invocation by J W wilde biography bishop C L frost quartet beautiful land speaker P H neeley solo some sweet nay day glenn thomas speaker john W staples solo A perfect day mrs judith beard benediction by bishov bishop ray dark clar david J I 1 barber dedicated the grave summit county bee |