Show it av 0 61 CO j n HIS whiskey is 12 THIS months old and man what a world of flavor and smoothness those tw twelve alve months bring to this good kentucky bourbon DISTILL ERUS CO louisville Loui nille Owen owensboro kentucky this is a n kentucky S t r a i g h t whiskey for the average c i t i z e as pocketbook SORE GUMS GUIS PYORRHEA heal your gums and save your teeth its simple just get a bottle arid of LETOS REMEDY and follow directions dont delay I 1 do it now LETOS is alwa always ys guar 8 FRANK F ULRICH MK M t G E RADIOS A beautiful cabinet model for only X phone 90 for demonstration V V E abt r W am MORGAN 4 10 ILD IN ALL i z L L new lemloh hotel if otel SALT LAKE CITY NEW I 1 A ki K y I 1 ripe I 1 aj 2 H R I 1 I 1 under new management N different atmosphere modern up to date rooms newly furnished with simmons beds inner innerspring spring mattresses popular prices coffee shop beauty parlor barber shop tallor tailor shop for your convenience and most of all at rates that you get more for your money to without bath single to with private bat HARRY K MILES mgr lets cleanup clean up the new irwy Y eat with a G E cleaner I 1 handy vac A V 5 new large delux t model A V 20 newbold electric MORGAN UTAH 1 t awe aw ica UL ba aw WOW jeaa telephone your greetings to those far away lowest long distance rates apply any time between 7 pm new years eve and am a m january 2 1 if A anyone elopes dies gets married has guests goes away has a party has a baby has a fire Is has an operation has an accident buys a horne home buys a car wins a prize receives an award builds a horne home makes a speech sp bech holds a meeting eating M or takes part in ill any other unusual event that 1 nat s news we morgan morg an co nc |