Show UTAH PIONEER DEAD William H Bone Sone One of First Pirat Settlers Special Sp la Correspondence Ka me March 12 William H Bone one of early settlers died suddenly last night right at 9 of failure He was in his isis usual ual d health and ang spirits yesterday and in accordance with lilt Kt et his usual custom he took an evening walk of ot halt hal an hour Mur or more after dark re returning returnIng returning turning to the house less than an ana hour b bWilliam I a u 4 y William H u Bone Balle one fore Ms his l s death After Arter reading for some sometime sometime time he bade his wife an affectionate good goodnight goodnIght goodnight night and retired d In less lees than a minute ne hi was dead There was no o he apparently passed pas into peaceful repose the only sign of t the end being his labored breathing Mr Bone was a I man of sterling quail qualities ties honest t and upright t tn in n every walk of life He lie was a native to of o Exeter g Eon Eng England E land and where he ho was born on Sept 21 21 lS He was married in 14 and with his wife came to America two years later stop stopping StOPping ping In New York four tour years jears ears and then th m coming to t Utah Since 1561 they have resided in Kaysville Mrs Irs Bone ac an ten children survive sunie him Three of ofT Ute the daughters reside In Salt Snit Lake and came up this morning Another daughter Mrs D B SC K Egbert recently re Te removed removed moved moed from front here to Franklin Ida She will wUl reach hero h ro this evening The Th de do deceased deceased ceased had a wide acquaintance in Utah anti and was 5 respected p Funeral services I will W be held in the Kaysville K M meeting house bouse on Wednesday Wed |