Show pah Uta Utah CoaL CaI CoaLO Ca O arid and nd Winter Quarters lump Ali mit and anthracite all al sizes sze D J SHARP gt is 78 South Main lf Telephone No 4 g 24 4 East First South Houth street street Utah Ut Commercial Commeria and Savings panic Bank General banking business b lne interest paid on savings deposits W V F p Arm Armstrong Armstrong Armtrong strong trong president J 1 E cashier O I 13 O I Abstracts of u Titles Gustave Gustae H Balkman rooms 2021 bUt blk Phone N NV Nh h V C The Ti ord HoteL The he one place p ac for tor or comfort and an ale ele elegance gance Fireproof Central C Telephone ee ne nen In n every eer room ap an modern I in iri every way extraction of tt teeth teth by Dr D DE E B E bath bach M Y building Keysor 16 Main M 1 street Auer j ASSAYERS AA L L B HUGHES HUGHE ASSAYER South West Temple street HENRY RIVES ElVES RIES ELLIS assayer ayer and ad metallurgist No 21 S S W TV Temple St L UNION ASSAY OFFICE 1 South West Temple street M s 0 Hanauer manager Analytical work a specialty aty i F M BISHOP BISHop 1 15 S West Wet J JW W H t TREMAYNE TEI r ASS Assayer over If Main ain street street Salt Lake ke City Cit Utah Utah R It R H OFFICER CO Assayers ic South West Temple Teple street Salt alt Lake L ke City 10 NATI NATIONAL NAL ASSAY ASAY OFFICE 2179 South West W st Temple Temple Main Inin samples promptly t attended to all al work absolutely iy guaranteed E B E Lundquist manager J W CURRIE 1 Main street Salt Lake City Sample by mall mal or express Crea 5 receive v prompt m attention Do You Yon Want Waat Wat HELP J Do You a SITUATION The Te Herald Herd will w rut r your you advertise advertisement ment met Tree Free of Charge Ce CeRates Rates Bates on Paid Matter Mater in The Heralds Hel ads Want V Columns Per Line for or Every Ever Insertion after the first frt One insertion lOc per line lne Special ra rates s 0 on standing advertisements by bythe bythe bythe the week wee or month There T e are a letters leter at this thi office for the te following numbers numbe Please call can callA canA A OB A AA 23 A 26 A 4 A A AA AIR A 2 ASS AniS ASSA A AA A 2 A 26 A A 21 A AltO A AA A E B E Fabion FabionA A 20 Clara Cla 19 A K 21 24 WANTED WAD MEDIUM MEI sized size safe Address P O 0 box m Salt St Lake L City Utah Ua ON OR BEFORE April 1st five or six roomed house bouse with wih bath Must be clean clen and reasonable rent rent Address A 3 Her Herald Herald ald aid office A YOUNG LADY LADT LY to take orders ore for photograph buttons Call bet 10 and ad 12 buton UI W 2nd 2 So SoA S SA SoA A SAW SA mill holler boHer and engine complete about abut 3 or P Address Progress block block CALVES CAVE FROM 1 to t 5 S days da old od Ad dress dress with wih particulars P O 0 box city A FEW FE good canvassers with slight knowledge of music to handle hande the best bestseller bestseller seller seler on earth Address Employer Herald Herld STUDENTS to learn lear telegraphy new system stem can fit ft pupils for work ork In three I months Room 16 76 E 3rd South South GYMNASIUM outfit complete or In part Address Addres giving vIng particulars price etc etl et A 2 65 Herald Heral Herad BOARD AND ROOMS THE T EN Y YEst 22 ni East Est Third Tir South South Newly furnished Baths Steam heat heat European plan THREE THRE FURNISHED rooms roms IS 2 North Norh First Firt West WeaL Wet THREE THEE NICELY furnished rooms roms for gentlemen with wih bath anti and an electric light cheap A care cre Herald Herd I FOR SALE GOOD paying restaurant rt cheap going away awa Address box 11 P 0 O ONE ONLY Just to advertise our fine e new nen I scale scle pianos we will wi this week offer one brand new piano choice of any veneer vener at on 10 0 monthly payments Its Hs the te best bt piano on the market market Out of town correspondence promptly prompt an answered answered w red and cuts sent sent Goods Gods exactly as advertised adverts See Se or o write us us Cable Cabe Piano Organ Orn Co opposite Z Z C M L I City CIt TYPEWRITER AND office supplies orce blank books boks Margetts Marets Bros Bros 40 4 Main Phone Thone hone 74 3 BARRED Plymouth Rock Bock eggs setting C H 5 East Eat 8 EAST ET First South 41 m feet fet front bv 18 feet fet deep dep Brick cottage Price Pc front 2505 M 31 M Fitzgerald Silver City Utah FOR RELIABLE grass and garden grden seeds go so to Bailey Balley Sons Son 63 t E E Id 2 South S OHIO n RAMS RAMSI I have now In stock Delaine D Merino yearling 1 rans well grown and d selected especially y for the range rge Any one e en in n need of rams gams will l make no o rit mistake eI In I seeing I these theIs mal ma rams or oi oT buying I early and ad getting them acclimated Will sell sel low as a they thy w wl were e bought out of or seas sear season on n Have low ion d rates rte cell Call on or orf address f dr Paul Paui Paul P Gurney Gurey president O 0 M Mand Mand and D S B association Alexandria Ae andra 0 O FOR SALE EL ESTATE WE SELL SEL real estate all al Tut t tte Ue tie te Bros 19 Main Maln street Red ball baU bai signs FARM FAM FOR EOR SALE SAE 2000 20 so 50 5 acres all under fence rence good water right new house big Ig barn bar granary g wel well located between Helter and Charleston Inquire of Abe ber berONE br ONE HUNDRED AND Am SIXTY ACRES of unimproved land with wIh water wate right in ina ina ina a farmers canal located lote on the bank of Snake river in Bingham county Idaho near nea the town tow of or Idaho Falls will wU sell i cheap and on easy terms For particulars t write Peter Mercur Utah frame 7 rooms and hall ball hal modern rodern east est side close in 2400 t cash 20 a month Hubbard Hubbrd Co 78 IS S W V 2nd So MODERN residences 0 to cottages 1000 0 to 30 bargains In busi busl business O ness fleas property Building l sites es in all parts ts of r city Hubbard du Co ts 5 W 2nd So SEE Us for genuine snaps Stein SteinMan slain Main Man Loans Las and Insurance CHOICE BUILDING G LOTS LOT OR ROUSES HOUSES Over 70 properties on our list to select from Snaps about 2 McGurrin rin na rn Co 38 IS West Y t Second South SouthALL SouthALL ALL AL KINDS all al parts part of ot the city I nn Houston Real no Estate Ett Inv mv Cn Co 4 Main TEN TE PER CENT net on money mone Invested Double frame fre house hous of or 7 rooms each ech echI rents for 20 per month lot feet I west wes on 2nd North orth city water and best beet bet artesian water 2000 20 A RIchter Home Investment Co 6 6 S 8 10 West Wes 1st South NEW DEPOT INVESTMENTS T Are Arc giltedge No advance In our prIces e and an you u get the benefit of great eat Improve Improvements Impre improvements ments ment in iii that section stion BUY BU NOW Third Thir So near ner W tV Yo Temple ground gound paying now over ove 60 IB 6 per month First Fir West Wet cor 3rd So 1 feet reet tine fine hotel site Sie Choice rods rs faces fae So 56 and west wet adjoining depot grounds gounds W Wand Wand Wand and South will divide I Fi jre e pieces of close coe to Hender HeuSer Hendersons sons fie warehouse 3rd West est and 2nd So I Tracks on In property very ver choice HalO So Temple On all aU tracks no transfer charges necessary nee Only O State street close to C Co building at 00 per toot foot tot cos It I Is only of all al property surrounding I I lad 2nd South lot lot close cose in for double house i will wi pay pa 12 to 15 11 per cent centI cn I Choice Coice lot on pr East Eat between 1st and 2nd So 3 10 r house 2500 So front lot let on E EL E 1st So 2 brick brck house anti and barn bar only 2500 Brigham Briga St and drive with frame house 2750 To T sell l at once ont a a choice residence modern brick brck house hous and barn barnwell br barnwell well wel worth 5 sum Choice residence hot water heat t 37 lot house bouse buse 2nd st at 1100 I D st et lt lot 38 only onI 1200 1 F st at S t lot 2 only 1000 M 38 st very er cheap 1st 1 st at st and K K corner corer 2230 2250 1st st st choice chice 2 O 1000 Co S 20 W 2nd South cuin THE TE HOME HOM PROMOTERS PROMOTER PERSONAL ER NAl NAL v v j s s s block block FRANKS F S Detective agency Z Harmon Haon FOR FOH PAINTING G and paperhanging call cal callon on or address 91 West es South South MISS HAZEL HEL EARLS EARLE holds Id spiritual E meetings at her rooms 54 5 East Est 1st South Sout on Sunday and m Wednesday evenings MASSAGE by experienced and mien scientific sen tide lady Iny operator Artistic manicuring expert chiropodist Satisfaction guaran guaranteed toed teed te Harmon Ha n Elk Blk Reception Room Rom LADIES English Penny Pennyroyal Pennyroyal royal ral Pills PUs are the best bet Safe Sate reliable Take Tak no other Send 40 stamps for par particulars particulars Relief for Ladles Ladies in letter leter by return mall maii ml At Druggists Chichester Chemical reum Co Philadelphia Pa Pa EDUCATIONAL 1 B f K BUS BUSINESS COLLEGE and English Training School at No 11 U W First Frt So S St St gives the te most thorough course of business training west of Chi Chicago Chicago cura cago cipal cao Easy Esy terms t J 1 B McKee McKe grin prin principal TO TOai TRADE IMPROVED Salt ai t Lake real estate for improved ranch or farm property In Utah Arizona or Idaho g Give x full lr particulars r 2 to toA toA o oA A care ce Herald Herd SITUATIONS WANTED WAN BY A man work with private pr rate vate te family In I or near ne mn city dt dit Board or and i small smal wages we good go references A 3 3 WORK by b the t day dy by a it 1 young woman w Address Addres rear rea r S South Sut East Et r f SITUATION by a nurse nur Address Addres gg Richards street streetA I A YOUNG AYOUNG YOUG boy oi of 11 17 wishes work of any an f description S m tk West WestA Barn Bari boy by preferred Address I A BOY AGED AGE 16 like work Of or any kind Address Addres 47 South Sut Ninth Ith East t Salt Sat Lake L City FAMILY FL DRESSMAKING DR mG by y the day Apply 2 East Est Fourth South SITUATION STATION at washing trashing and ad ironing by hand h Address 47 41 Grape YOUNG TOUNG WOMAN wants situation at washing or ironing Address Addres Mrs l S R H Bakes Baker Bake general delivery city SITUATION by b dressmaker dreaker to do sew sews In lag s at home home Address Addres 7 1 Stanley Stanle Place 2 East Et bet bet 4 5 So TWO YOUNG YOUG YOUx WOMEN WOMB want work by b the day dy 5 South Sut 3rd East Et WORK WOR by the th day and ad mens washing Call Cal evenings 7 j nt E H E 2nd South Sout room rom 8 S Holmes court curt GOOD teamster wants work In the city ct Address Adde reas A O care c Herald HeraldA Herd HerdA A YOUNG YOU G man of like a 3 post position Son tion ton as a bartender brender or porter port Address Addres E B E ps B BJ BJ J 53 10 Zone e street city YOUNG YOU G LADY ld would like lk to keep kep house for tor widower with wih children or would go g out by day do Address Addre A ALIGHT SOS LIGHT farm f r work work any an place wanted by gentleman school teacher t who wishes g to build g R up nf in health g f would also a os give In Instruction If 1 desired small sma wages Ad Address Adde dress de fOSS A 7 care cre Herald Herd WORK at carpet crt cleaning cl and laying same by man mn that understands it It Ad A dress d A Herald Held SITUATION at most any ny kind of or work Herald HeraldA Herld by b man aged 29 23 2 Address Addres A 31 care ce A YOUNG lady lad desires desired deres home to work for board while attending school chol A 3 Herald Held SITUATION as baker or cook ck for boarding barding house house Bingham preferred T C Robinson Bluffdale Utah Uta SITUATION as an engineer hoisting or stationary Address A care cre l Herald AN ELDERLY man who wants want a Rood good 1 home to do chores and understands caring for horses hores and cows Call Can 73 So lit nth East street t c OFFICE CLEANING CLEA ING by a woman woman Ad Address Addres dress dres fess 42 4 Second East WORK YORK BY THE DAY anything except washing Address A A B Bo Box 4 City A COMPETENT JAPANESE cook de desires desires j sires situation in family restaurant or hotel hote Address A 3 Herald Herld I WASHING ASHING IRONING and cleaning by b the day la No o 42 South 2nd East Est II I II AT housecleaning or laundry work by I competent laundress Mrs Fitzgerald laG I I E E 3rd So SoBY SoBY BY A strong boy bo of or 17 11 work for Satur i iI days any kind kind Address 1 th East Es I SITUATION N as nurse or companion by capable lady lad Best references reference A 27 j t I Herald Herld OFFICE work or bookkeeping or position position t tion as secretary with some reliable firm or mining company reference referee furnished furns 4 years er experience as secretary of ot a building and loan association Address Addres 6 East Est So William Wiliam YI am Crome Crome A BOY aged 16 IS would like work of any kind Address res 5 Ig Flowers Fower avenue Salt Lake City c i iI I GED woman man wants want situation I as housekeeper or to Dare are r for old eld ld people Address Addre Mary Mar May M general genel delivery delvery City I I II IBY BY YOUNG married marie man as time timekeeper timekeeper keeper r for company o Is I competent t in single 1 ef ra and a double d rea entry bookkeeping oo I has I no objection ta to to leaving the city Can fur furnish furnish nish excellent references Address R H R B I Jr 61 West So Temple BY YOUNG man as helper heper to paper paperhanger I I hanger banger hager or carpenter have had experience at both A 2 YOUNG YOU G WOMAN position as Ilon asH at bookkeeper and stenographer ex cx experienced A YOUNG YOUNG MAN M strictly strict temperate wants work rk on a farm far or ranch A 20 2 Herald Her 25 2 WELL speaking EDUCATED 3 languages eiO young youn and and j for f man arhe the aged al last 4 months employed as night clerk In n a hotel would like to secure sure a a similar simil POSt position tion ton in a 3 hotel hote or some other p position of trust references reference from present employer Address Addre A 2 Herald Herld I EXPERT EPERT bookkeeper desires desire partial prial employment employment Will i keep kep mining corn com companies co panics panie books bk at very ver moderate figures Address P O 0 box 9 1 AS A NIGHT NIGH CLERK or bartender in I country countr hotel Good reference Address this office A El ElBY BY NO O 1 furniture carpet caret and drapery drapers salesman seman employed but want to make a I change No 1 references E 23 E Burg SITUATION as cook cok in private board boardIng bad badIng Ing lug house or housekeeper Address Add s 41 W First Frt So Room 29 20 2 I IA A BOOKKEEPER and stenographer st I I desires from three to five hours Or work ork I 1 dally dal Address E B E H 28 2 N 1 2nd d West 1 et LADY PRINTER wants position Call Callor Cal or address addre 2 West Vest 3rd So SoBY SoBY SoBY BY BUTCHER competent and reliable Address A 2 care cre Herald Hed TO GO OUT dressmaking by the day I Address W 1st So SoBY SoBY BY A young lady is as IS a clerk in a dry goods or young candy store A 3 Herald Herale Herd dr tood references I SITUATION by experienced shoe or clothing salesman Good Go references and andI I I means business A A A SITUATION o as a housekeeper In or I out of or town town Address Addres 9 Herald Held HeldA HeraldA v vA A SITUATION by bv first class ClaS waiter 1 steady ste and ad sober SOb er Address AddreS A care cre I Herald Herd 1 SITUATION as housekeeper city pre I ferd reference If I required Address s A Ai i 28 Herald Herad I I SITUATION wanted b by bJ a a married mared man work at anything good man to t care eare for I farm far Address A go care cre Herald Hed AS SOLICITOR collector or any ay simi lar if work Address Ad A 21 care r rBY Herald BY A STEADY WAlTER WAITER WATER A AA 2 9 I A YOUNG man of 24 21 2 would like a a po position I as night watchman watchman or janitor de Se p df liveryman or work of or any kind Address Addres Ed Jordan 53 5 Lane street Salt Lake 1 Lne Le City Utah I PRIVATE STABLE by man n servant n experienced 2 steady c nr A i FOR FR RENT RET B B O 0 TRANSFER COS moving vans vals always ready Satisfaction guaranteed ISa 3 office 41 4 W Yo Sad 2nd So St St Fire Fre proof prof storage STABLE STADLE E B E 1st So |