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Show MIKE YOKEL IS COMING TO DELTA March 2 jith, is the big day in Delta Del-ta sport rjealm, when Mike Yokel meets Cychpne Workman at the Pace Theatre. Workmaik is well known to Delta and Desere;; fans. He is a fast man on the mat and is always out to win. WorkmatL just returned from Rupert, Ru-pert, IdahoL where he wrestled an Idaho heavy-weight. Workman said he didn't hive much trouble disposing dispos-ing of the big fellow. Mike Yokel has never appeared in Delta and the fans are sure anxious to see him work. Mike has met and defeated the best men in the world and still holds the reputation of being be-ing the CTaftiest wrestler in the game. Sunday March 16, Mike Yokel, Ira Dern, Art Smertz, and a group of Boxers gave an exhibition at the state prison. The prisoners surely enjoyed the show and frequently applauded ap-plauded the boys for their good work. From the interest shown in the contest it looks very much like a packed house will greet these two gladiators. Ringside seats will be on Bale next Friday morning at The Toggery, |