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Show ty :rs. A. R. Hutson and Mrs. Guy r- sdham entertained the Jolly Stit-je.ers Stit-je.ers at the home of Mrs. Hutson ion March 14th. Mr. Delors T. Jensen has been visiting here with his father, N. Parley Par-ley Jensen. Mr. Frank Humphries has rented the old Patterson farm north-east of Abraham. Mr. O. Phillips who rented the place last year has moved mov-ed to Oasis. The Relief Society of Abraham gave their annual ball Friday evening even-ing March 14th. The committee for schools of Abraham Ab-raham met with the School Board and other committees at MeCornick March 17, but owing to the fact that the Board had not as yet decided upon a building program, no definite plans were arranged, other than to support the Board in their efforts to better school conditions in the county, o Mrs. Charles Maly is visiting in Bingham, the guest of her son, Arthur Ar-thur Maly. Mrs, Orson Rasmusen has returned return-ed home from a ten days visit In Elsinore. The Fidelity Club was entertained by Mrs. M. W. Killpack at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Corwin Stout gave a very interesting paper on the Evolution of Muaic. Delicious refreshments re-freshments were served to twelve ' ! members. o The South Tract was out very largely en masse to the D. A. C. dancing party of last Thursday even-ing. even-ing. ; A trifle of snow last Tursday, and again last Monday. o Dr. J. J. Buswell, Opthalmic Specialist Spec-ialist of Salt Lake will be at the Paxton Hotel, Delta, Thursday, at 1-00 P. M., until yVjlaesduy 1:00 P. M., March 25th and 26th. No. Charge for testing eyes. References. "Glasses are worn for health as well as vision." o Hidden talent should be brought to light. Last week three of our young men who usually hide their light under a half-bushel burst forth in vaudeville merriment, and a flood of song. Vaudeville sould grab the trio. Somebody should "find" themj to themselves, and bring them out. Mr. and and Mrs. Andrew Eiszele I are the proud possessors of a brand new Ford Sedan, which is a beauty. We are very ylad to see them en)oy-inv en)oy-inv it. They have worked hard and saved the money, and are entitled to this luxury in the afternoon of life. o M, W. Killpack went to Salt Lake City Sunday and Mondey. o Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sievert enter-' tained at' a turkey dinner Sunday afternoon, the guests being Dennis Murphy, C. A. Maly, and Frank Beckwith. Full justice was done to. the occasion. I A couple of spielers for a building ind loan society left a number of bills unpaid. |