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Show SCARCITY IN FRUITS IS CAUSED BY COLD SNAP Prices, However, Have Remained Unchanged, and . Grapes Arc Sold at Very Low Figures; porterhouse. 20c; stewing mutton, 79c; mutton chops. 1016c; legs. 15c; spring lambs, per quarter, 11.001.25; veal, 12 C?20crveal ioaf, 20c a pound; pork, 10 17c a pound. ' Poultry Is quoted as follows: Dressed hens, 18c; broilers, frozen, 19c a pound; broilers; freeh, 8550c each; turkeys, per pound, 22c: geese. 22c; ducks, iOc; springs, 35 60c. Dealers quote the following prices on dairy products: Butter, ranch, 25c; creamery. 30c; cheese, 16c; eggs, 2025c; fancy cheeee, 25c a pound; Swiss cheese, 40c a pound; limburger, 0c a pound; 1 cream brick cheese, 25c; Edam cheese, 1 $1.25 each; honey in the comb, 15c. a pound; strained honey, 25c a pint. Mountain herring arrived from Idaho during the week, and are selling at 15c a pound. This fish is' considered by many to be equal In flavor to trout. In the fieh market here Is still a scarcity scar-city of black bass, while crabs are out of the market and another shipment Is not expected until about October 1. Lobsters Lob-sters are scarce and are selling at 20c a pound. Other fish prices are as follows: Wall-eyed pike, 20c; sturgeon, 15c; sea bass, 15c; codfish, 15c; barracuda, 15c; Idaho trout, 40c; black bass, 17c; halibut, hali-but, 15c; striped bass (still scarce, but price remains the same), 20c; whlteflsh, 20c; Mackinac trout, 20c; soles . and flounders, 12c; mackerel, fresh, 20c; salt, 1535c each; perch, 12c; emelt, 15c; freed codfish, 15c; lobsters, 20c; brook trout, AOe. Oysters are quoted at 75c a can for New York counts. Extra selects are 60c a can, and New Tork counts are selling at 30c a dozen. ' On account "of the Cold snap the dealers deal-ers report' a scarcity In some of the fruits and vegetables, but there has been no changs lit price. Grapes have sold as low as 15c a basket bas-ket during the week. The prices of fruits are: . Pottawatomie plums, 50c u peck; Hungarian Hun-garian plums, 5c a pound; cantaloupes, SSlOc each; crabapples, 40c a peck; apples, ap-ples, 80c & peck'; figs, 15c a pound; lemons, lem-ons, per dozen, 25c; oranges, per dozen, 40080c ; peaches, by the pound, . 5c; by the case, 40 and 60c; bananas, per dozen, ' 25 40c; pears, per pound, 5c; by the bushel, Jl. 091.25; limes, 20c per dozen; nectarines, 5c per pound; watermelons, B to 20c each; grapes, black, 3 pounds for 25c; white, 10c per pound; Tokays, i 10c; Utah Concords, 5c per pound, 25cV per basket. i The following prices are -quoted by dealers on vegetables: Celery, 6c a stalk; oyster plants, 6c a bunch; Chinese radishes, rad-ishes, tc a bunch; egg plants, 610c each; parsnips, 6c a bunch; peppers, 8 pounds for 25c; red cabbage, 4 pounds for 25c; sweet potatoes. 8 pounds for 25c; green corn. 20c a dozen; vegetable marrow, mar-row, 2 for 15c; summer squash, 3 for 10c; cucumbers, 4 for 6c; cauliflower, l2V4c a pound; wax beans, 6c a pound; turnips, tur-nips, 25c a peck; green onions, 3 bunches for 10c; carrots and beets, 2Hc a bunch; tomatoes, 8 pounds for 6c; per bushel, 75c; Utah lettuce, 6c; California. 2 for 15c; pickling -cucumbers. 60c per 100; pickling onions, 60c a peck; dills. 6c a bunch; chile peppers, 25c a pound; parsley, pars-ley, 3 bunches for 10c; preserving tomatoes, toma-toes, 6c a pound; potatoes, 20c a peck; new spinach, 8 pounds for 26c There has been no change in the price of meats during the week. Boiling beef is quoted from 8 to 10c; prime ribs. ISc: |