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Show PfWH" V x ( ' i TO distance walking - nd 3 roomed , , $35 FIRSTJ.SECURITY TRUST COMPANY from town, a lor apartments Carafes or stor Sleeping rooms, children. $43 South 0$ to $35 are room 00;- - $3 09. $15 00. No West Temple. - Unfuru. $30- apt. Modern, clean, tvle bath, steam heat, rood loca lion, no children. Permanent. LA VON APTS. SOUTHEAST $4650 00 GOOD LO Paved street, CATION, bricks Living room and din- ing room completely carpeted. 3 nice bedrooms, stoker fired S. 51 h E. 9 LARGE CLEAN ROOMS Pro rate bath, utilities, $27.50. 273 Almond St, Phone 2 ROOM modern furnished apt. 3 Adults 366 Don cl as St. E. 3 3 So. Tel AND 3 ROOMED Apartments lor, renfftSOris $30 Sleep inf rooms $10. $43 South West Temple. 3 RM. $25 (urn., all electrically $3$ furnace. Landscaped lot. Terms arranged. Call EXCELLENT SOUTHEAST IN, COUNTY. , years old. rooms, .. 00 ESlATh REAL MILLER VlELE Cr Oak Ufa cor- 3 floors, Call 64061. TO 14, MO. Brick re- bungalow remodeled and de.coratedust like new. Mu- sic room, living room, large and dining room, 3 bedroom glassed in sleeping porch. Vacant now. Move right in. Call PRICK kitchen, bath, porch, So... West Temple, 1954 7 6013 Tel room colonial. 4 ner bedrooms, 'well insulated. Pull basement and stoker heat. Large lot, all fenced, fruit trees A planted and water right. 0 real buy today for only TORENTtiOLlSES- garage. BENCH brick with glassed in bungalow sleeping - porch. Well arranged and in good condition- - inside and out. Cemented basement and coal furnace. Well imPrice proved lot and garage. Call Hot 131-$5,000.06. LOCATION. equipped.. Private bath. 3 adults only, L D. S. preferred. 753 ' Green. 60 $33 Furn. apt. Modern, clean, ille'Tjalh. steam heat, 'food loca-- . No children. Permanent tion . LAVON APTS-$- 3$ So. (th E. 1404 'Rial estate REAL ESTATE HTS REDUCED BEAUTIFUL WHITE RAMBLER AND SUN ROOM. OR DISSUBURBAN . MURRAY TRICT. House with an tin- usual and convenient arrangement of rooms, only 4 years old Carpeted living room. Sunroom could make third bedroom if needed. Very pieaatng. injaid linoleum. Hot air furnace with stoker and blower. Double garage and tool room Large lot 90 x 192 on hard ALL FOR $$ surfeit's street. - 000 00. Cali 5 5763 Thrifty Listings duplex 7in East $3750 00 Nedt brick near 1st South on small lot and no garage space. 3 rooms and 4 rooms, stoker furnace just right for small families. Near church and bus. Owner would like cash, but terms arranged .$4500 00 Prelly 4 cnom-bnwith automatic furnace, nice- sun room, oak floors and oak finish, Knottv pine room finished m basement. Clean as a pin. Rig lot .nice shade. $1500 down. $6500 00 DUPLEX. Located in the Forest Dale district, 3 rooms-and- -Stoker 'Tut- porcher 'glassed-- in naoer Ail rooms well --arranged and can bemused as one family home with '"two' baths Big lot and new doubler garage overhead doors. - - with NEARLY NEW TAPESTRY .BRICK COLONIAL lit Orchard Acres. - Perfect arrangement with- - tiled with drabeafdr-4uU-bseme- rfurnarrand1 to 4tewer7"Garasre -- beaut house. ful country home and available for occupancy May 20th. Prico -- attached--- 66,500 A- ' all MILLER & .VIELE FIRST SECURITY TRUST COMPANY REALTOR 4 6571. 16 Exchange Pic. 1ST UPPER AVE.. - brute home.- - has this splendid ulira mod. kitchen, diningroom, living room on main floor, oak woodwork A beautiful oak stairway, 3 nice bedrooms k a tiled bath, garage, efcTDnly' $8500. on terms'! EAST BENCH, paved St. spacious brick colonial, enamel finish, oak floors, stoker, improved lot, im- mediate possession- - Only 67500; terms. OWNER VACATING, East Bench, brick 6 rm. mod. A-- l condition, oak floors, fireplace, beautifdl bath, stoker, automatic water- heater, garage, large So. front lot on paved street. $5350; reasonable terms. .J ft. $675Al-term- possession, " WE HAVE LISTED A FEW REAL AT BARGAINS PRE WAR VALUE.. INVESTIGATE THE FOLLOWING. $11,000 3Vs Blocks East of the TEMPLE on 1st Ave. one of Cities best HOMES,, not new in excellent condition Str. modern 10 nice large rms. extra ROOMS. In LulLlJaseaientCKPice. e - location- -! or Doctors Home or Rooming and boarding Beauuful yards and View, be from rear "appreciated. Shown by appoint-- ' CALL' MR. PE ment onlj. EVE TERSON SUN.. OR Southeast in county, r. 1 story mod. bnck 41 fruit home, barn, coops. patchy trees, large raspberry planted. strawberries, garden 6 large Only $4950, terms. GADDIS INVESTMENT " COMPANY 4 3505 South Main St. 337 for $4150 00. Five rooms with basement auxil-- . New linoleum m room iary kitchen and bath, this home and Gas yard in excellent condition. range and monkey stove. . A HOME on Ramona Ave . A LOVELY SALT LAKES OLDEST REALTOR Mortgage Loans Property Manage 35861 77 South State 3 rm 7 Imite 2 A charming Brick colonial with 5 well arranged rooms, also T finished' tootm-i- b basement. 2 tile baths, stoker heat with blower A filtef. Near $7500. Federal Heights Price Call for appt. to see. A DOLL HOUSE .Bit) Jell, ood condition, 4 U Eait 4th South St. Call Mr. Peterson today, Sunday, ar Eve, "Th&HestBuy-Iri- R.m. baths, also Brick home. 2 - Protect all veyancing. morttarlnt, and other factor, pertinent to the treat aocial oblijationi Involved. in theee fundamental Bchooltn -it available to him. of th Salt Lake members ONLY Real Estate Board are entitled to the profeasionual etatua implied by the word REALTOR. BUCH membership exacts adherence to a atnet code of ei hie and provides explicit penalties tor trane . (rectors. Real Estate & Inv. Co. REALTOR Utah Savings A Trust Bldg. Phone -- N.- Hi Call;- - R M. Hill Hansen at 7 0829, or J. DeHaan at Hoi. 334Wi Amundsen-Brow- American Housing Inc. Bettilyon Home Builders Capson Bowman Cook Realty Co Kenneth. E. Coomb a. $53007' Fletcher Gaddis Hogle Keyset Inv. Roaliy C. Miller A Veile .. R r., Co.. 15th 3 6876 6 1174 3 7173 43505 ...4-778- 1 ....... ...4-657- E. Firet Security Trust Co. . ... Utah Really A Const. Cor; Toronto A Co. Balt Lake R. X. A Rideoul Realty Co. - $8,950 HOGLE INVESTMENT CO. 3 6231 Lit...4 5717 - five room firebrick bung, of outstanding quality. 2$ loot living poom. Large dining room 1rT5oors7 Bedrooms Urge. Tile drain. Full basement. Garage tn basement. Outstanding shrubs and rose garden. .C. Co, Ave. East-Michig- ' LARGE . Co Mallory-Beardsa- MeConaughy i. .... ....... Lucas Inv. Invt-C-n. rustic SEE THIS newly painted home lust off ,15th East, Owner to transferred Idaho. Large living room with fireplace Dak floors thruont. Tile bath. H.A. Hrit. Garage Well landscaped lot. , 133 Sun. Miun k Ere. '. Solomon . Cell. ' $0 500 CLEARFIELD Ad. lrr in fruit, berries, 3 new homes, one in strtcly mod., wjih extra-ap- t. bmt Good rentals, price $11500. KAM AS Stock ranch, joins fish hU he ry 260 ac., lot2 newof water, beautiful meadows, homes, hiptber fornew- barn -- coop" garage A etc, 2 cows, 130 ewes to lamb. I horse, tractor, all other equipment. All woven wire fence, $11, Now is the time to Buv 000 BOU NT1FUL-1- 1 acre building lot. $1000 Rot NTIFUL 1 Mi acre building lot 6500 280 acre ROOSEVELT fine 60 acres al17$ cultivated land some home out buildfalfa, hire 30 ings and equipment. 3 hsnttfm, hens and cows Thu i au farm. Price $8000. Easy Take TRADE. terms 21 ACRES WET OF CITY rm double garage, home . furmshed, amfr trutJt lrjktdAE elL flowing $4600 In the comvtv, low, oak floors, 4 77L- - ft fulcot- bungabedrooms, full basement hot air stoker 50 foot lot, garage. Posses- siou in 3 vteeks. L - Near 33rd Sooth and 4th West about an awe ol garden with a home and a home, ft flowing, wella, small barn and coops. $6000 In the County near $th East and 30th South, new home discolonial wnh gatrict, rage attached. Full basement with furnace, home is insulate $5100 - ed. UST WITH US TRADE WITH US, OFFICE: 1327 MICHIGAN AVENUE. TEL. HOLLADAY -- RMSturpo near busmeae .Ava, BY OWNER $16,500 7 ROOM HOUSE IN EX- - CLUSIVE - RESIDENTIAL SECTION. must-beTse- t to bOppre- en CIATED. 5 trees fully FROM-- . Decorators now working in brick bungalow, oak floors, ga heat, 4 bedroom wnh Totaled near 9th East and porth. Uoatev-illCi home - vacant $5750 this Just reduced from $0450. lovekept colonial, ly 5 room well back full basement. rfokec-tiea- L Ime yard is fenced, vou wnl lota-tiothis home, line Southeast $5950 , Beautifully furnished bruk on 9th East near 3td isotlth. Jloorsf gas heat, 2 bedrooms, with 'All electric klichefr, front rooms are carpeted wlth BroadloomL this is a buy. $6950 bh acres May 14th At 1021 Military Drive APPOINTMENT Phone HOLLADAY 490-- POULTRY FARM 4 RM. MOD. FRAME, like new. full hwd floor throughout. 3 finished room in bsmt., A f bsmt. Stoker blower, and acre land near achool church, price $750. I860 Thick ens at market price $600048 AC. 60 shares of water, for in Cottonwdod suited best fruit, alfalfa and gram. 97AC. S ac peaches, apples A pears, 6 rm. frame home. 25 ac, - under cultivation. Forrison Trae-- , tor A other machinery. Cottonwood Heights. $10 500 4 Rm Br. Home, brick barn 17 ac In Cottonwood. for 15 cows. J83. $7500 AC 7rm. fr $0 of garden. heff- - 3 Firebrick duplex, I fireplaces, oak floors, separate2 furnaces. 60 foot lot with car garage, on 7th East Near 13th South. $8725 $9000 Splendid income property on 6th East near 2nd South. 4 three-roohomes and 1 live room apartment which is occu3 owner. gas refrigerpied by ators, 4 gas ranges, hot water stoker heat, this ia an income 50-OT- mod. brick, 1400 chicken equipped with horse Lake ValSalt drawn maehinery. appearing, oak brick bungalow, beautiful floors, tile drain full basement tok--e- r finished room, with boye heat, owner will leave gae range and refrigerator, carpet,to Lib2 bedroom eetsT - Diy cleaning center with room, apartment partly lurnieh- ed. Place) cost over $6,000 Health of owner compallt her to live in California. Rente for $60 00 per month. Opportu-mttor bbsmess location and' home for 'email mveetment. Mam Street t serous from Post Vacant Land 6 Near 7th 3 - I i ACRES VACANT ACRE VACANT ACRE VACANT J; R. N Holladay Eight beautiful etc. acres, orchard berries brick cottage, barn, coops, and sheds This is a beautiful piece of propertj. OOO Beautiful income property inMurrav, 3 four room fire brick duplexes, one single 3 room, all heated from a central will net this heating plant, about 9 per cent on your investment. Sunday Call Moffat Hth near Exclusive NORMANDIE HEIGHTS 5Bedroom Brick Colonial One . . . EUVA R U 34Jkichards $fcdsf - Eart 58.' Murray a , 4 $230G-Mo- small base $1000 down Call-- 4 1605 Realtor 6231 UNION TRUST COMPANY REALTOR Main Call Mr. Power Sundays A , BEAUTIFUL HOME on BERKEClub Acre., e LEY, In Countrj rm. tlricilx modern, belt brick l.rre lot, epnn. cnnitructlon, klinr arttem. Fruit, berrtee. Attached double (aree.- - Morfan, Muna x lit, J40Ford- - THOMAS & HEISER 770 rm. k furn pose. H. D. Dump.; International Stake Dodge Heavy Duty, Big Tires Chevrolet Heavy Duty '39 Chevrolet Cab and Chassis, 158" A-- - AMERICAN HOUSING CORP. E. BrdKx. , l mechanically. V-- Original Fmleh. Car in top condition, ; DiU Sunday- - A - Wnht 5 SS0I, BrmfhupMi A I. ton M ur, 4,0 .'39 lit Xrtrtwx, Chev.' Sed. r. We ar $2100 for CAPITAL GIVES MORI Four room modern brick home except heat, linoleum m kitchen and bath. Owner will consider hn 416000 eomty 44rode; eon tract balance $665 00 at $20 00 per month with 6 per cen interest. W I LIBERAL" TRADES :AND TERMS CAPITAL .CHEVROLET G KS 8th "Salt Lake Oldest Realtor Mortgage Loans Property Manage 3 5861 77 South State So. Gr State 21st Dial Dial East 7-54- 31 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 61 at Broadway 6 2219 Evenings Strictly Business 1 by South. house an of- - 1 Dial South Main Phone 1941 Mercury Sed. Coupe 37 finish. Original Equipped with radio, heater and seat d covers 6 tires. Will trade. Terms. $134THOMAS 6 HEISER McFeottr 770 SO. STATI. BUY All Makes LIBERAL tS60 CREDIT TERMS wra ai$ WHCSXS ALE BUT . SELL 555 SO. MAIN -- RETAIL ' TRADE 651 SO. MAIN ' 5-55- 23 BUICK : 4 L Buick 41 Dodge 41 Dodge SEDAN Mo- tor in perfect condition, uphol-ateriand bod pcrfact. A ver dependable and elaan automobile. Priced for quick aale at 1159ft. Trade It term. HI So, State SW $545 All Models Sedan, R., H. R. and H. DODOE DE LUXE SEDAN IMS. by owner. 1303 So. (th Eaat, 193S Plymouth Chevrolet Plymouth AUTO PARTS Diet SAVE USED MONEY ON PARTS PELT WRECKAOR. (a AUTO (41 (TATE. - -- . Sedan 547 .SO, WILL Buy Real Eatata aonal contracta. Fbone ( (?89. L Your Car Sell to' BROWNING'S Main , Sedan Distributor 6th So. and Main and Par - orQUITY. MAINj4-L99- 570 So. Coupe Sedan TOP CASH lEotXarsjand. Trucks 1937 FORD V- -t SEDAN juat been completely (39S, Terma. M( Be, BENNETT'S 510 REAL ESTATE WANTED Wasnt there a powder plant around here? CASH , CARLESON Packard Sedan Dodge-Plymout- h state FORDOR, For Your CAR LYMAN'S - FORD AUTOMOBILES WANTED jMDSANgms,.:,, USED s. S H. R. ''37 Chevrolet 770 erirlnel Mo finish, tire,, meter A upholatartn e A depend-ablcondition. in good automobile. Priced for quick aale 9447.60. Terms. Will ftnaneq part, $66 So. State. 1937 '41 Stud. Commander Sedan R. and H. '41 De Soto '4I Chryaler.Coupe-'4- 0 Mercury Sedan . Soto 40 D Sedan R. and H. 40 Plymouth R. and H. '40 Dodge '39 Buick Special, R. and H. 39 Dodge Sedan '39 Chevrolet Sedan 50 Serle" '39 Old '38 Buick '38 Dodge Sedan. R. and H. '37 Ford Fordor Sedan, 60" "'37 Chevrolet '37 '36 '36 '36 Nw CHEV. COUPE. radio,- - hsatsr. lux, finish. thomas a Reiser, i IS OTHER STORES 1941 Ursa CONFIDENCE. HIM FINE USED CARS Master ds With 5- REALTOR 15L at 9th So. 2Vi ACRES Total price, near Slat $500 for frame to be moved, or make us fer. Etons Realty Co. or $55 "New Canyon Home" JFCRNISHEftmod-erliarffRR'a. prepared to aisiat you in filling applifor priority for new trucks. cation blank exceptionally low mileage. BlaifStreet Home B. With conventional and cab over, with or without All prewar ttreiM truck rail shipped, from factory. Will allow good price lor trade-i- n or. will ett. without, trade. This ear ii very clean and ha IncT COMPLETELY n 300 feel on creek, large front room, , master bedroom, wa kitchen, hae- piped ter. Only $2 400.-W- hat tprtftf buy. a a Good Selection of FORD PREWAR TRUCKS. FOR SALE INCLUDING ' 90 H. P., Long or Short WrB. 90 and 100 H. P., Long or Short W. We Have finieh, good rubber. '36 Chev. Town Sed. BEALTOR 111 TRUCKERS ATTENTION '36 Chev Town Sed. Original 27 Mi. Per Gal. and healer. Radio rm mod stucco just N. of on 11th E. Gas heat. Sugariiou Immediate poss. $6000 19 ac farm A 4 rm mod home, jpiose to City on good joad- - Ov'drtv. Ch. '41 '41 '41 '36 Chev. Coupe 4 $3300 27 Ml. Per Gal. Coupe,,2I.Mi. Pet Fe?d ALSO '38s, '37s AND '36s 777 So. State Ilk ac. A mod. bnrk home with furn. k Stoker. Fine location. $350 frame all newly paint, ed outside A redecorated inside. On Hubbard near 4th E. Imme-mat- e HOLDERS '39 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan '39 Ford De Luxe Sedan (4) '39 Chevrolet Sedan, Radio, Heater '39 Plymouth De Luxe Sedan, Heater '39 Plymouth Station Wagon CHEVROLET Bldg. "A" GAS ''60'' Sedan. 41 Stude. CAPITAL 4 or 216 Atlas 4Q 'State Dial So. Radio, Heater SPECIALS-FO- R ECONOMY '40 Ford DISTRIBUTORS in Essential Transportation Dealer - Luxe- - Sedan, s Plymouth-D-- CAR Sedan, Radio and Heater De- - Luxe.- - '40 Ford De Luxe Coupe, Radio and Heater '40 Chevrolet De Luxe Sport Sedan,JtadnHtr,-J4- 0 $6000 - BRICK in good condition. Located near Sugarbrmse. Living tworoom, dining-roobedroomsrbath xnd with Basement inr porches hot air lurnaoe, stoker and blower, laundry tubs, hot and cold water laps and floor dram, Nice lot, garage. Price $4860. EASY TERMS. '40 Buick Special Radio and Heater '40 Olds. Sedan "76", Series, Radio, Htr. (2) 40 Stude. Sedan, - O'drive, . Radio, . Heater .(2) . '40 De Soto, Sedan, Heater ;; ' '40 SedanT Heater11 Dodge '40 Mercury Sedan, Radio and Heater (2) FROM TO CHOOSE USED - BUT SAUTOMOBILE35(T -- HoL 2J BEST CAN BUY Cotb Ayw Accurately Described See Them Today HOUSING CORP. Realty, mtm - TORONTO & CO. 3 YOUR YOU DODGE CUSTOM DE LUXE SEDAN. A superb used car. Based on these facts, it has the 5 original white aide wall Urea, the mileage recorded is only 18,483 the beau- ig- life1 gAifuLiaqtiadrBjBed-y$mtV'lnew, Equipped with everything in See this the accessory manual. one Youll buy it, WILL TRADE TERMS. . rm. family home, lg. rm , ding rm , complete buffet kitchen, 4 bdrms , furnace A stoker Equipped for beauty parlor k barber shop. m fin conDeep lot rarage dition $6500 Call 4 1605. UM NEAR frame cot 1 Ford Super, Radio and Healer 40 Ford D Luxe, Radio and Heater '39 Ford De Luxe, Radio and Heater 44 - Theaw T 11 BEST-RUT- 1941 MURPHYS NEAR LANE 8 rm modern brick rm liv. , colonial, large dining rm , 2 bedrms , complete kitchen k dinette, full basement furnace, coops for 3500, 35 bearing fruit trees, ferule., soil for Victorv garden, ample wa- A regbtr $0,9v Celt 4 $0- - NEAR liv lliLOIdsmohil fT CnslomtSed anT Rad IfiT HfiflteC "41 Oldsmobile Dynamic CruiBer,' Radio. Htrr '41 Packard Coupe, Radio and Heater '41 Mercury Sedan, Radia and Heater '41 Stude, Commander Skyway Sed., R Htr. '41 Pontiac Sedan, Radio and Heater '41 De Soto Cust. Club Cpe.t O'drive, R. & H. T41 Ford Super D. L. Fordor, Radio, Htr., (4) '4I Chevrolet Club Coupe, Radio, Heater (2) 41 Chevrolet Sport Sedan, Radio andHeater '4i Plymouth D. L. Sedan, Radio and Htr. (2 AMERICAN , beautiful Mor,n IS- - ACRE 1 41 TRMS. TRADE and Healer and Heater and Heater Zephyr Sedan," Radio Buick "Super" Sedan, Radio 41 Buick ' Century Sedan, Radio 41 Lincoln BUT VOU7" CAN c' ALSO SOME OTHERS 1941- - - BUICK SUPER SEDAN. This beautiful ebony black Super ia a beautiful automobile. The five high treaded tires ar not recaps. Th tunning interior is like new San-to- y and. -- limahed in seat covers Equipped with the fmeet de luxe Buick radio, air conditioning, .heaterv - system. WILL THE BEST CAR Rea. 1 5425 TION- - IKH. 4 P LiA 4 4 fgg- St. r. r. tiful car was purchased bv as from the priginaUowner, who ft- - mre new. The high treaded robber on the original tires will verily the easy 19,000 miles this, car has been driven. Beau tiful onrinal Folkstone gray color. Fully equipped. Will trade-termTHE- BEST CAR IS YOUR Broker Phone ROOM FINEST EAST BENCH on Laird Avenuejnear living Attractive I4th Easi dining room it iih , fireplace, room, two bedrooms, convenient ly arranged kitchen, breakfast room,- - Lie- - bath full- - basement ftmu semen t room, laundry room, hot afrYurnftf FT "itcker and air conditioner. Well landscaped oi with double garage. Price $9750. - has-h- ad of tlp ty really 'fine homes. 3 full baths; bedroom on mam floor, wonderful doaet space; basement fully finished; lovely yard; doable brick gafor more details call rage; WOODBURY Club, - location,, LUXE -- - '42 Oldsmobile Sedan, - Htr., - Hydamatic ' Sedan? Htr.7 Oversize Tires '42 Pontiac '42 Hudson Sedan Coupe, Rad., Htr., Spotlite CHEVROLET SPECIAL DE CIA) B COUPE - This beau 1941 ' FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST TO CHOOSE FROM BUY OR TRADE - T , Attractive brick Colomalwith Jive rooms oa mam floor. also basement apartment which Baxters on .level ground, wonder fully light and cheerful, auto-mali- c gaa heat, 2 garages.beau-- tt fuT fenced in yard. Owner has left Utah, askinr $11 500, will coneidei nasoaatle ofler. Taj lor 117 E. Broad May Realtor Alder,"Wallace, QUALITY AUTOMOBILES Duplex on CAPITOL HILL 8 3023 REALTOR foix ne ver ge t "stuck" when you buy from ui the car you select doesn't satisfy, bring it back - ' and select another from our large stock. Jf . large rooms and one email one w hieh otn be used for den, chtlda bedroom, or library; really large closets, stoker, gaa wtr, htr Just reduced again now 66700. C. ED LEWIS CO. 7 Court. Nice living room with heatrola. Large kitchen 3 bedroom. 1 ROOM DUPLEX vm lower Ave$3100 Reduced for quick sale. See nues, walking distance to "U, this 3 apartment home, located individual basements and heat' at 622 Dexter Street, 3 rooms ing Pi$nl&, spaciopg' rooms, lull - in each apartment. Xav in sisedWning tootn, fireplaces, one and rent two at $16.00 each tile in kitchepi, includes 2 elecper month. tric ranges xand 1 electric refrig$4500 Two acres of good land in Aft outstanding buy at erator, the country with 6 room home, 6950. yriwners live in one aide bedrooms, lovely pit- burning andire transferred. heatrola. Coop lor 1000 chick, AN ft I ens. Located at 9th East and NEAjr 9TH AVE. m brick' home, --extra room Social Ave. near Union. in full basement, stoker heat, $5500 Lovely $ room brick home, rooms are all large, now rent close to bua line and schools ing 2 rooms to hospital workers, room Large Large living makes income payment on with garden plot, garage. Drive owners home. transferred, 1647 thie tee and r place by sell must this week, will take Park Street. can move right and $5300 you $6790 Six room brick partly furn - in iehedi 8 room repted as apartfull basement $2700 ft ment for $38 9th East and Ith South, owner with stoker. On paved street m southeast convenient to schools drafted, would like cash but Owner . , will consider $400 or $600 down and shopping center. may cehsider trade for small if sold right now. Immediate acreage, 1498 8t 7th E. possession, Two ftOOOOTnvestment property. NtAR 33rd SOUTH AND 10th Unit apartment located at $28-2- 7 EAST, ft bedroom brick, I years t 2nd South. 4 rooms each. old, hardwood floors, tile in XX New oil furnace. Good rental kitchen, full basement, extra values. room roughed In, large lot, fruit $6500 Enjoy a comfortable 5 room trees, garden spot, include elecapartment and an income of range. $617ft, a CalLtricAlderT-14fti$$7 50 prif month. This is , VTood good brick house with 3 apartSanders ments in a good rental district. -ft There is large 'lot and So. 4th , garages, 652-8168 South Main REALTORS 17000 A close in avenue location, 7 room with lireplaeelr - iU- autnma-ti- c basemen tjtoker water heater, some form-- " i lor ture. Owner will - trad 7 unit apt. 4 and ftMrme. smaller house. 221 2 Ave. Brown $11,60 . each. Fine location S. E. InWerretl, 6 2382. cludes 6 ral rang. Excellent income. Hurry, this will eel! readily, $3,500 Delightful A el. -- C O R P O R-- A porch Cheerful' rme. Urge lot REALTORS "to alley. Fared street, paid IS E. I. Temple. ewer, newly painted 4 decorated. Indude el. range 4 heater, A wonderful buy. Easy terms. . "Horse Ranch" , Present REMEMBER- -- white frame, extra roomi- - gaa range- - k wtr, heatrola A range; garage; THE FINEST, STOCK,. shopping center only one IN THE CITY away; Vfc blk. io bu all schools, asking $375D, FORD SUPER DE LUXE 14t be makeoffer. Owner will hap SEDAN This beautiful py to how!nside juemnirih- - FORDOR low mileare car (13 166 actual mile I ia one of the best. Truly like new. The original first quality 733 South 8t.h East white wall tires show little aim of wear - The finish is that lovely Reduced $300 Beverlv blue color and sparkles like brand jim 1 rin brick cottages lot 74x185. livFully equipped. kitchen A Will trade terms, ing rm , bedrm "bath. Now asking $1900. THE BEST CARST" YOU CAN BUY OUR-BEBUY' E. 2 T Sol Kingston 7 4003 3 9366 75 -- Cart carefully selected on the eastern market 75 cars careby our own salesmen and fully selected from local individuals. Take you choice. easf?n car or a local car. J'homas7& Heiser rm. .large htr., coop; " block near Hines Moriensen Burke ICHOL L710E, 48th So. Roosevelt Cr 863 South 10th East 6 $16,800 - Of Popular Makes DIAL 4 rm brick, choice white kitchen, heatrola A range, most attractive lot, garage, aee it be surprised, Asking 13950 make an offer. compels sale of a beautiful Farmington estatp firebrick- - home, oak floor i1 and full basement, stoker are of garden, orchard and berBrick coops. garage, ries. $30 A Beautiful Assortment HEAL ESTATE Five apartraenta on the Avenues, three 2 rooms, one 3 room, and one 4 room apartment, $172 arper month income, term ranged. yil.000 Duplex of 7 room and a 4 -be wnh er. 3 bath, carpets, one electric lovely range and refrigerator, lot with double garage. $15,000 - USED -- CARS AND TRUCKS- GRAN? MORGAN, Manager. $10 000 Holladay- - rln -- 702 SOUTH MAIN HOLLA DAT S Guaranteed TO CHOOSE FROty-- 50 HERS 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Morgan Motor and Finance .Go; iev, $21 000. $1200 Pontiac Sedan 41 Pj 13, 1944 Saturday, May Utah sLarges't Stock " 41 Chev. Club Coup '4 r Plymouth Sedan '41 Chevrolet Sedan '41 Dodye Sedan '40 D Soto Sean 40 Oldemobtl, Sedan 41 Buick Sedan 9450Maeive Also Farm & Acreage fl l Utah ,. On 6ih South near iih Last. 7room brick coiMge. with a 4 room 'bruRupTex In Vbi rear, all rented to reliable tenants, terms acianged. $5250 Weet of Liberty Park, fine brick bungalow and c as-eporeh, oak floor, tile drain- board hoi air furnace lovely yard, 6 fruit trees, garage. $8500. SUNDAY OR fruit ac., well land condition 2 blocks from school A church, grown, in good scaped, to 6 P. M. BY $2,000. MOD. FRAME. RM '41 For C5ub Coup 40 Plymouth Sedan Portnla Beautiful Hillsden Drive in Holladay, 7 rm. modern frame house. 1 acre of land,. $8500 stucco. $5500 4 Rm. mod. lawn. shade A fruit trees, center of Holladay. $ RM. MOD. brick 3 finished rooms in basement, l a ac . ample wa ter. 3 coops, large lawn, orchard near Olympus Church, $12 600 ma-8 R E4M0. 1C' n harn 4 RMr MOD FRAME 1 AQ. Small $6500 coop, orchard, 4 RMrMOOHTRAMEp 4-- AC. Cwop ard nicely landscaped, $6750. 6 RM. MOD. FRAME, ltt baths, Ve ac. Sej'-idein trees $8500. TERMS OPEJ fas12$ HesUrol district, TERMS TOR SALE LOVELY wi t h aH'i-akw"Tit- CheckJor-Yaurse- Used Cars and House Trailers" $6360 I We Specialize in Farms, Ranches; Trades B uys hea-t- , Big Apartment Houses to T rade on Ro nches 'a White 'Colon fql Co. n - V the honds of your - REALTO- R- a a - 703-- YOUARE-SAFE- Union Trust Co. Wicks, if. B. Co. Woodbury Corp Alder, Wallace Inc. your Home with Fire Insurance with us. SALT LAKE -- in room and bath. Owner reduced room brick home, 7th Weet A 3rd North, $3500 OOThia U indeed A good bargain. art hia in tern ty thourhtfully eonaidered. REALTOR BEFORE he is made a he is examined in appraiain, con- for Fins Southwest location, ly furnished $ rpnm brick tage. y $3750 wlttrcoat range, to Home, up the minute. Modern home, a real bargain, or will trade on a farm. Located in new home section on 13th South A- - 15th West. ' A his l. constantly aleit to rrave social responsibility. PROCEDURE incident to hie becom-i- n a REALTOR weifha carelully hia fitness for that honor. He vnderoea a aearchtn and aecrat character inveatiiaUon, His morals. hl civic tendencies, hia WOODS CROSS1-Ac. new $ rm. home, mod. ex. ht. Small barn, coal shed, all materials on ground ! 'Ll for new coop. price. $3 300. CLEARFIELD.., UL 20 ac. Ire ac. apricots, Best beet land, 1V home A out bldgs., Eqpmt. Coop . -- Best Three room brick cottage' m paved street, near iih East and 7th South, $450 will give possession. $2500 Dooley This is 'a place that 'is security for all eventualities. He ' lake City, Salt X AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR -- ACTION! $30004 $6000 00, because he mdat raise. the cash at once. Good loca-.tio- Consult a Realtor; ' T land, very good soil, permanent water right lVk hours per week, 2 good llowlng wells. 1 large brick Duplex, 4 rooms each side. Basement fur nace. New roof. Hardwood floors, to I p m . 3145 Berkeley Street. A Phone mother. for real present Morean, for appointment: Murray 51, 1 HTH From 1 Office, 1 Park City. $1000 3 rooms and out buildings and- - approximately acre of land with flowing well. ,One 2640 South Red east of block wood Road. Here is a good buy. Salt Lake City NEARLY one acre "OPEN HOUSE" J IN- 06 on eicollent.. .oil Jew rod. ,a.t ol State 1 on Por. No. Hjrbwar tn Centerville. Lane ler'a Portera E. A. contact Darlej, for church, achool. Convenient .lore and bua line. Price or0 Phone Bonntlful Lane. Onlemlie. . Home Sat.. Sun. or after I week dae. MAT JIWAY. LIVESTOCK ACREAGE HOMES farm HEBER 66 Acres best land, in crops, only $5500. 7 HERE IN VALLEY ac. pasture with $ Rm. Str. mod. hSrae, mod. barn for 54 cows, sleeping barn for 75 cows. Hay barn for 60 tons, milk bouse A coop for I 000 hens J Nti bldgs., over 7 yrs. old $12.500, . take TRADSL- y HEBER CITY 108 Ac. fine "soil A water right. Alfalfa, grain A timothy,, barn, ft fin, Bur. mod brick home in town, a real stock ranch for 621,000. 3 AC. Near 30th So-- , on Sth E. 5 rm. mod. ex. ht , gar home. barn, etc Fresh cow with call, $ rabbits, 30 hens, $5,000. AND erc, on.-ha- - No Peterson Rea L Estate JnVc Co. Bid. room BUILT WELL brick horn., ESTATE etorv Brick INTO 9 APARTMENTS A HANDSOME HAVE COME. . MODERN OR HARD ODELL LIST WITH LEWIS J96-I- tL ac frontage. s Bamberger trackage, ft rm home mod ex. ht real spot for business, $$.000 $3650 pay $650 down 4 AC. trr., near 37t- h- ho. - A WOODbCROSft 340 acres. IS $7350 Fourplex of 4 rooms each inWest Temple, $ rm. homeA mod. ex flowing wells, $ room brick home, come $80 per ht , dble. gar., coops - for 500. coop, Sheds, barns, silo, cement mouth,un 5th 1 1 A 30 60 25 South, hear 5th East. alfalfa acres acres hens. fruit hog, corral, equipmt, horse $6750, tM clean city home tame hay, 16 acres grain corn, $7500 M4ftn Street baegam, .11 rocm 4 cows, reg. bull. 43 young dairv in TRADE brick home, 5 bediooms. beautiMT. VIEW. WTO Cattle ranch, stock, part to calf, 2 teams, 30 ful woodwork, hot waler heat. 460 ac., fenced A cross fenced, imtractor all and hens, equipment, 96 are asaesmeuta foot lot, A good spot provements. equipment, beautiful only $15 750 paidr Terms arranged; meadows A forest, lOtTJhead- - well - KENSINGTON AVENUE AND Six room home bred Hereford yearlings Smiths T4IN "STREET one. Fork runs through ranch,, fishing full basement, stoker heat, $3,500, $8250 North Bountiful. Two Tor Four room lirebnck colonial A jiunting, price $15,000. easy terms. with ft finished 10001 in basement, hot air furnace, also a -3 room Cinder block home, large East Subieci to Probate Court approval Appraised by the State appraisers at Dwre asked -- only 7.500 We-can help you finance. Estate Remodel must have all Carfi 538 South 3rd - - HOME AN TO CLOSE - t HOME. Terms. Early I Street, $5,500 $ Rms. Sfr Mod. possession. Brirft -- IN FINE CONDITION. Call owner today. one an opportunity to get started for little, pay $4 000 down A $500 per year at 3 per cent, you can't lose on this MYTON 120 ar., Indian wtr., 40 aC. leased. 32 ac. in gram, bice 4 well rm. log lodge, landscaped, coop for 400 hens, big sheep shed, Gar. A other Bldgs , 2 cows. Rer. Durham Bull, $ calf, 2$ pigs, ' 12$ ewes to lamb, 3 teamst-4hens. turkey ail lor 1$ 100. BEAR LAKE HOT SPRINGS RF SORT Near Montpelier, Ida., 206 rc. farm, out bldgs., IV, mi A boslins, groves of trees, swimming pools , hot mineral water, famous for -- curative, properties, cabins A bath houses, ail furnished, only $10 00 Wtutow must sell. Will take. Salt Lake property in TRADE WILSON AVE. 4ih E 1 sere In-- , Rm $ bnck home. mod. ns, ht except Gaiyvoop, garden, TRADE on farm, $7,000 No mortgage Business INVESTMENT Block, between Mam Ir Htnw wrltli-f- l. A 4 enrages, renting 2 good home for $97 50 per mo Frjc $12.60$, pay 1 3 do CATTLE RANCH So. of To- - te, 314 ac. irr., can put up 25$ yis alfalfa A hay, $ rm. home Mill elect. Summer kitchen, out log t rnhay A Barden equipment. 135 well A calve bred-- Hereford, all io come 7 horses, forest A Taylor grazing permits, $33,500 folks $1,600 $500 down and move in. A $ rm. brick pt. mod. Bath, Toilet, Gas. cook range. Close m blocks so. of Post Offire No. 630 Carson St rear of No 31 WEST A 6TH SO. ITl 334 1H DUCHESNE Sheep Ranch 2920 acres, --125 tillable, 32 ac. In wheat, I small home. Etc Good Equipment ft cows, 3 calves, 34 hens, team, a good spot for sheep old. for HOME REAL-.CHE- CHEAP WICKS l- Down. NORTH - DUPLEX We dont know its equal. 3 Blocks North of Temple on APRICOT Street 3 rms. each-sidone now vacant,. 1 rented at $20 mo. immediate pos$2 500 Price only session. TERMS, HOME AND INCOME .ACJ Home. INVESTMENT .and Room at only $5000 Str. Mod. Bruk Full Basement. H. A. heat and a 4 Rm. ceBlock ment in rear rented. Part modern. Nice Large Lot GARAGE. Owner leaving city Its one of the best bujs we EARLY POSSE know of. SION OF THE $ RM GREEN ST. near 2200 So. call BMr. ., for only $1006. MOD BR. with Gar, Nr 6th So. A 9tb E. $5,000, pay $750 Wanted t s D. RAY MOSS BOUNTIFUL I V4 with water, good Real Estate O Inv. Co. ACRES, IV Dial 54661 :EmVS-CLN- : mjtgx oak floors, bedrmsr, tile. sets plumbing, nearly new cape cod type colonial, ceiling & walla insulated, automatic heatA hot . water, full basement, fenced lot, evergreens, shrubs, nice 8. E. district. $6300 r terms. Early possession. -- BUBSTANTXAL5 t. mod., brick, home, 2 on 1st Ave , oak floors, in rooms, enamel finish. Only $2950, $500 cash. NEAR 36TH 80. A HY. DRIVE, substantial 5 r. brick colonial oak floors furnace, stoker, spawith bearing cious lot 65x382 fruit tree A garden ground, Exchange- - at Mam Residence igr THE DESERET NEWS REAL ESTATE tt THE -- TRADING -- POST"! t 1 Mnlor hal everbaulad. (let So. Main Dial HIGH CASH 34474 9oM PRICE FELT - AUTO or track. rm WRECKAUB CO. 141 le. SUM. W 1 ri |