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Show v SWwAiuj lilfvtmamrtiA Sww Leaders Address Newest Welfare Region and turned it over to the Salt. Lake City and get someWelfare Committee, thing for him. yet I do not know bow long and then $2,000 was taken-anthat Oh, m. That comes to your but ration books will not grow food was purchased from dole again. 1 wonder hokl. if fewer present plans the public 6tock pile and if I could not get some kind in to like I be wouldnt Now, brought into the ward and dis- of work for that man to do so the position of the man who tributed. Is not that a dole? No- ke could earn or raise a litfeels that he will give us "One has helped in the ward to tle something and 1 could pay body more trial and cast us off. He him according to hW needs, produce the food. The money " might ' make a'mlstake." You has come from those who had but not in money. When I will remember that the Savior a little more than someof the Say that, I know that the man' In the 24th Chapter of Matthew rest. ' who needs help is often the and read that In the Prophets We are not seeking to do 'most difficult kind of nian of or translation. .arrangement that kind of thing. to get to work.' it as it is in the Pearl of Great WE BEGAN WITH THE Then there would be those Price at the back of the book --FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPT' I would know had to be that it Is very much better there, THAT THOSE WHO NEEDcared for this Coming winter. but J am going it from ED HELP'SHOULD ASSIST You bishops can pretty well the Bible. I am going to read IN PRODUCTION. know it now because in general from the 24th chapter of Matt-- To sonte of ns, at any rate, they always have had to be hew beginning With the 36th there came the memory of care for somehow. verse: when we were young, when Well, what kind of project But know this, that if the we had no poor houses. There have you got? Have you got good man of the house had came to us the that, any project at all to grow someknownln what watch the thief .when those whomemory were indh thing for these people, or have would come, he would have ge nt, n h o.were not able to . you in - mind going up to Walehed.and would- - not bate work for some reason or an- the general storehouse and suffered bis house to be broken their food. You in this other, the bishop found a litgetting s up. tle place for them to live-ican raise nearly anything area, Therefore he ye also ready somewhere in Ihewardahff and everything that aman must for in such an hour as ye think "where from the fast have in order to live. offerings nothe Son of man cometh. So I think that the bishop tliis poor person was cared Who then Is a faithful and for. We remembered that the ought to think, Well, what can wise servant, whom his lord government did not give us I do here? Can I get an acre of hath made ruler over his house and put ground somewhere any help, and we rememberhold, to give them meat in due ed that there was no need for these people to work? Then he season? those- people,-ou- r. peopledur.. wilL plan- - all.. that Blessed is that servant, ini our af- acre or two acres or. ten acres our i ident, sick, pro - whom-bilortl when he cometh" flicted, there was no need for of ground, and then when he shall find so doing. the government. to. tax, say goes to get them to work he Verily I say unto you, That New York, to, keep our.poor, The- beets findsiheyare-sick- , 'be' fhanmakeh7ffi" ruler over We could do it, and spiritual- have to be thinned, or the po all his goods. we gaiped by it. No, there is tatoes watered, or the corn But and if that evil servant ly no dole here. It is a question of hoed, and so the bishop goes shall say in his heart, My Lord neighbor helping neighbor tosojne jpxd High JTiest who delayeth his coming; not always by direct help of a is already worked to death, and And shall begin to smite his sack of flour passed over the the High Priest says: Yes, fellowservants, and to eat and back fence, but by the indirect I will" get through with the drink with the drunken; help of the two neighbors liv- water at six oclock tonight, The lord of that servant shall ing side by side working to- and I w ill come right down and come in a day when he looketh gether side by side to produce help you out, bishop. not for him, and in an hour that which One of them might All that is in the picture. But that he is not aware of. need. ultimately the man who is apAnd'Shalbacut him asunder, I have thought a great deal proached in the right kind of and appoint him his portion recently about what I might way, the improvident man, with the hypocrites; there shall do if I were a Bishop. As I have will come along. He will do be weeping and gnashing of said on other occasions, I have something. That was the pur- teeth. no desire to be a bishop. I see pose- of the .welfare - plan - to In my own estimation the too much of what that means. build that man, rebuild him, rewelfare plan has amply justi- I have got a big enough job ,as habilitate him, make him over fied itself to this time, justi- it is. I do not want to take a again, build up his personality, fied itself in more than one job with war v'ork. But I believe get him Into Church activity, way. First of all, it has justified if I were a bishop I would look make him and his family and respected. That itself in the spirituality increase over my ward for two or three which it has brought to the peo- - reasons. First of all, I would is the great job of the welfare - pie. Secondly, it has justified want tones' If somebody there,' plan You 4iare to eat to live Itself in bringing to the people some good brother who was and so we keep hiniddive in a sufficient sustenance in times ordinarily provident, was mak- order to save him. That is the when others have not had that ing a mistake, and maybe I point. w,-there are some' things sufficiency. . Lastly,, and TOirld belp'hrm'by'Some advic that have to .be done on a means leastly, it has justified and counsel. Church-widbasis We are not itself by saving thtf public stock Now, I would look around piles because what you have and I would see If I couldnt quite sure yet what they are, yourselves preserved and put by some kind of counsel help but out in this community here, -away has enabled- - you to- call, the brother Who was not getting these communities around -- in by that amount, that much Jess his crop ln on time or wasnt the" Jordan Valley, I take it that upon the public stock pilesfTn irrigating It In the right way there ale a few"places where that respect you have, been or w as not getting ready to cut you can raise in the wards on some little plot of ground the benefactors to your nation. his crop at the right time most of the'material that you to Now,' there may be those After I had looked around for whom I have already alluded them and handled them with have to have to feed your peowho may want - to speak in the finest kind of silk gloves ple. You can probably get a little milk here or there during the terms "Of" scorn that you are that I could buy, then I would hoarders, but the simple an- look for the man who was going winter. Somebody will have a swer to that is to say to thoe to need several of them I help, mav be just a little Jig7 maybe who so speak you are the bene- help with food, and I would under the present prices, that are willing to give for ficiaries of our providence. You, try to make up "my mind they to eat, or a beef or the improvident, hate benefit- what kind of somebody man help that a part of a beef. ' So you can ed by us, the provident. ' I next need would and year, ' Now, another thing that has wouldnt necessarily say any- pretty well produce what you come to us is that recently thing about it. The improvi- need. Then the second part of It some bishop got up and said: dent man Is more difficult to is yon must also produce a I Now, you brothers and sisters advise even than a farmer. I that are on the public dole, get wTould think! Now, what am I little more, and that is the off the public dole and come doing to get ready for this principle of the United Order. on to the Chuch dole. this brother? That Is the basic principle of winter for the United Order that we I am Where buildgoing to get some Now, the Church is not hear so much about. Yon are ing any dole. It is going to take for him? to on your portion produce us of some planning,- some cooperaI would not want any with ate yonr wardship," what is and this the to in avoid our plan order to get thejdea tion, t ' degenerating into-- dole. For polntH .want-t- o drive home I you yourself nee d according to yonr circumstances, accordmy stake, ss it has al- - would not want ths bishop -been-tol- d, I will to the to told idea, was get sendup ing to yonr family nnd yonr readyraise $2,000. Suppose we raised to tho general storehouse In wants, and th snrplas was (Continued from Page One) $2,000 General " d sM 1 -- n, and-get-- his -- s - . -- - by-n- -No- o e -- . . - - y . - a - e7 -- to done in the general fund, Hell, now, we do not ask for the surplus; but referring buck to the bishop, the bishop should produce enough to n and then some keep his turn to into the gensurplus eral welfare of the kinds of things that he ran raise. - . But when all this is. done, there will still be something left, fuel, clothing, in some localities milk and -- meat, which earned that which he is to re- ceive. The next who should be called to such projects ale those who are the potential recipients who may need partial assistance. The next are those who are drawing unemployment compensation or are hr a position. of all are those who are the busiest people inthe stake," mustcome from'a' Church-widthe bishoprics and Relief Soeffort. This we shall build. ciety presidency and other acI want to close by referring to an incident that 1 referred to tive workers. It requires careful" scrutiny a coupIeof'weeTTsago down at Provo7 During this same last of those who are to be'caHtd week of the Satlors ministiy. to make certaip that Jhe pi eject He was approached by a lawyer if and when assigned becomes who wanted to be smart, and not a project for the few but the lawyer said, What is the in which every member of the great commandment? The Lord stake may- participate: God Elder Lee referred to a said, Love the Lord thy with all thy heart, with allthy housing project of one stake in might, with all they mind, and which he had participated and with all thy strength.' This is called for the contribution of the first and greatest command- - every member for a - small to amount. This has grow n to the ment. ManT'TeUtTbnship w e so and did love if God, point where 50 homes had been God; wre would keep His Commandbuilt whhin the stake for those ment. This spells mans who needed them. Ever since to God; and if we did the beginnihg, I,5k well as so love God, we would keep His others, have been on" the concommandments. We would live tributing end of that project e w Quid put en y part, owner in a righteously. grand project and h ate a nd greed and avarice that has brought so much and that whole biood of sins out blessing and so much comfort to so many people, of. our hearts antLoul G.od.iv Quid liv li ves.-a- nd have us live; Then the Sa lor Elder Romney urged unity on continued, And the second js the part of members of the like unto it. Thou shalt love Church participating in the .0-- . "welfare thy neighbor-thyself- , prograrirto' the'emi that these two commandments hang they become .an independent, all the law' and the prophets, self sustaining people. The first commandment gives He said the plan was gepeib the relationship between man ly accepted but that tlWe is and God. The second command- some resistance to tlC suggesment gives the relationship be- tion that we should refrain fiom tween man and man; and if we accepting a public dole, and live these two commandments, our pioneers succontinued, we might forget almost all else ceeded w ithout the dole because that there is in the scriptures they had confidence in them-and yet secure for oui selves selves and in the bounty of the not only salvation, but exalta-tioh- l Almighty,. I . would liate lo.see .' 7" in' the hereaf ter." the descendants of tho'-- pfo- - ' Thou shalt love thy neigh- neers become dependent upon to the bor as thyself is ba-igovernment doles. Ruin only is welfare plan. fostered by such bents and attiMay the Lord give us His tudes, he declared. spirit and help us. Ghe us The welfare way Is not a charity. Give us understanding. dole, he concluded. Memtiers Let us try tosee w hat the oth-e- r of the Church should get their nian thinks; why is he out a bit. thinking straightened ident. You never will solve The AVelfale Tlanhas in it the a' human problem unless you principles that wull save us. We have understanding. You must should . give of ourselves and., learn- - the man, know- - him and not just of our money. then you can approach him. Then "you can correct that which is amiss in him in accordance with what the scriptures tell us should be done by priesthood-gsemi-retire- d st e iela-tionshi- p of-o- c im-pro- v -- Stakes Sponsor Dance Series overnment. KA UTUALImprovement -- A 8--Vl sociation officers cf- the Idaho Falls and North Idaho Falls .(Idaho) stakes have com- -. pleted plans for a series of stake dancing parties to run throughout the summer months. The first dance is scheduled for May 27 with the final one Sept 2. Three dances in the series will parties with the balance informal affairs. The dances are to be held in the new Epacious ballroom of the Norm Idaho -- Falls Stake Tabernacle. All the dances are - Elder Lee declared that Fthe Welfare flan cdnfemplates production rather than a monetary contribution and that the plan cannot succeed unless production is undertaken." ' Experience has taught the value of careful organization and the selection of capable work directors and other personnel, he said; and suggested that leaders should scan carefully available manpower fqr partiripants, giving precedence to those needing relief so that they might, be, given. the portunity to earn w hat they . opre- - . ceive. , The ones who first should be called to such projects he instructed, are those who are receiving relief of any kind and who are full participants in the distribution - part of the Wel- - 4 be-for- budget parties and entrance it open lo anyone from any stake in the Church who presents a regular ward budget ticket or guest ticket. A similar series of --dances was held during the summer of J943 and proved Jo be rery sue-- . cessful."'"' fare Plany at everyZbne lo-has made eel that be will be f Me done his bit snd has actually so-ih- U, im-f-tje V 9 |