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Show Page f DESERET7 NEWS THB Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday, May 13, 1944 JUnconditional Surrender!. Stlli Stands The great allied assault lers Festung Europa at 'em Hitlast Is under way to determine how much wisdom there has been In Gestapo Held Ruling Bolivia AREQUIPA, Peru (AP) For- mer President Enrique Penaranda of Bolivia," now living in exile here, said' in an interview that political prisoners were being tortured by the present Bolivian government and he appealed to to the international Red Cross investigate "the outrages of the Hltlenst regime now established in my country. Penaranda, whose government wa ousted in a military coup last December, declared that the La Paz regime wasusmg vhat he called Nazi "gestapo methods, including the castor oil treatment on some former cabinet members and army generals He asserted the latest Bolivian were "unknown developments -- abroad because of the severe cenmv in country," sorship existing The exiled foi the that government of act. iU ing President .Gualbcrto Vlllar- roel was trying to trick national and international opinion through planned election of "a convention that will elect a new president, thua going against the constitution which calls for an election through direct vote Vlllarroel, wftu succeeded Pen- aranda by the December coup, has called for an election this summer. His regime has not been recognized by the United-Sta- te and other Amencan republics. Bolivian Mines Hit his strategy of fighting a defensive w'ar of attrition in hope that hlsenemies wrnuld grow weary and give him favorable peace . terms. The "fuehrer is an- - unconselon- - -able scoundrel, but his warped mind does at times exhibit unusual perspicacity in gauging the reactions of the humandy which he once hoped to enslave. So it has been with his gamble that some fortuitous circumstance might give him a break, He has, of course, long been fishing for peace, but the. unconditional surrender demanded bv the allies was more than he could take. So he rolled the dice. bure enough, advocates" Hint be unconditional surrender abandoned are cropping up in this and other allied countries. Thus the Nazi dictators much advertised intuition again has been right up to a point to just what point remains to be seen as Armageddon unrolls. Secretary ot State ilullsaid-eailie- r this week that, despite inquiries from nearlv evervcon tinent, he had heard of no change in the United States policy of adhering to the unconditional surrender formula. There has been no indication either that the oilier lAliles have changed their minds. its true that America, Britain and Russia long ago told-tt- r? Axis MarARTHl'R TAKES AXOJHER STEP ONJTHE ROAD B4CK Gen. MacArthur and three of satellites in almost so many words hi key commanders halt In the dank jungles of Dutch New Guinea to"Cahiirie Installations set that terms would be made easier for them if they abandoned Hit- up by U. 8. invasion forces after their landing in the' Tanahmera Bay area. The leaders are ler. And vestprdav the Big Three (I, to r.) Rear Adm, Dan Barbey, Lt. Gen. Robert Eichelberger," MacArthur and MaJ- - Gen. P. A. came out flatly with a pre invaIrving. Tbe big surprlse otlhe drive has been the wholesale surrender of Japs. sion Ultimatum- - to .Fin1and,-Ro-man- la, Bulgaria and "Hungary that must abandon Germany now they -or niffer "disastrous consequenc- ' think a good deal of confusion has grown out of a misint- the It sounds surrender tough, hut it doesnt in ilself car- a Bolivian" ry an V TTOiTibte pena if les j t VnerpT (APT paz. mines producing wolfram, anti- lv means that the victors will demony, and copper are threatened cide on the peace terms and are with a serious curtailment of not jreparedisLJiargain- .- The production as a result of the ex- terms may be verv lenient or piration of contracts with the very harsh, but it "is the victors United States, Minister of Econ- - and not the yanqulsiied-who-s- ay cmx At the same time, the govern ment of acting President Gualber-twas Villarioel indicated it hopeful that early recognition by the United States and other Amera ican republics would follow visit heie this week by Arva M Warren, U. S. ambassador to Panama, and Brig. Gen. Ralph Wooten, commander of .thU, SlxmA!r Force. TheUmted States has been buying wolfiam, a vital steel hardening alloy, under terms of a contract signed w ith the government of President Enrique Penaranda, whose regime was overthrown last December by a military coup. The agreement expiies June 30, had and It was reported theie been no indications it would be renewed. Contracts for huving antimony and copper from Bolivia 29. expired last Feb. o 'ctiLSKalLbeu. Swedens STOCKHOLM (AP) exports of ballbearings to Germany amounted to a maximum of three per cent of Get man production before the intensive allied bomh-ing- s began, but the peicentagp has now been Increased, a foreign office statement said today. The statement emphasized that the percentage increase was onlv by "an inconsiderable proportion Issued onlv to American correspondents. the statement declared that during the last two yeais . have The question of the little satellites is, rPaltlvelv speaking, not a matter of moment. Hower, the consensus of allied statesmen, military men and professional observers is that the Allies will have failed in their chief war aims if they don't exact unconditional Surrender from Germany and Japan, TMTrai;-ToT!,Wii have sworn that N'azisin mainand Prussian militarism shall veivof considerable values,"Because ly, "high rjuahtv types he utterly destroyed In of difficulties of the tiansporta-- j and that militarism shall tion these exports were declare be pulled up by the roots In tor-b- e less than those to GerJapan. We've sworn that the many. territories stolen by both counWith respect to airplane beartries shall be retuimed to their ings, the foreign office said asserrightful owners. We've sworn tions that Germany was dependto render both Germany and ent on Sweden for 70 per rent of nufii I - Ger-man- Japan utterly Impotent mill-taril- j. We've sworn to punish war guilt How, sav you, could we achieve all this unless unconditional surrender were exacted unless we dictated the terms? Obviously It would be impossible. Thousands of our bovs who alreadv have made the great sacrifice, and other thousands who at this moment are girding themselves for the bloody beaches of would have fought for a The Germans aie great on wisp. The productions thing weve got to watch out foe is will-o'-th- e this tjpe weie "unreasonable Some Swedish healings were German planes but. the used-i- n statement said, those most essential for aircraft were "special types and have not been exported from Sweden to Geimanv. The statement declared that 99 58 of the voting lights of the Swedish SKF plant were owned by Swedes This was in answer to "considerable German irpoits that interests," were vested in the SKF, concern "Assertions in the "American piexs that Germany has not ex pandecT the German ballbearing dont jjuL over a sv induxii v but has pi cfen ed to !atthey peace. ballbearings from bomb pi Still, while the Allies and neutral Sweden aie" to puige Germany and propose the statement added Japan grotesque," (and the rest of Jem so Jar answer to" a question, the Ip deserve), we have no inten- foieign office spokesman said tion of reverting to barbarismto that of the ballabout do Jt -- Its the allied purpose to bearings due Germany under the help the defeated nations to be- 1944 German-Swedistrade agreecome useful citizens fn a decent ment have been delivered to w orld. to date. Tile agreement set the c ini-po- as-th- one-thu- d h Gl's In MissionarySees Prolonging Big" Nazi Trade erpretation-of Jiy End Of Contracts Chinese Reverses Alarm Sweden Denies es I NEW YORK wap- - will The (AP) during Convenient Term junvTQDAtJpa run: services - r. z. MORRIS IW Judge Bldg Balt Lake City Q Bead ire tree book on better hear Ing thru new high fidelity radio- - tube Giv me free authoritative hearing test without obligation 4n home Q er in local Aurex office Q Hone MMiinTiiMiiMtiiMtHiiMi Itreet Bv Sid Feder WITH THB) 5TH ARMY IN ITALY (AP) (Delayed) Whenever any of our soldiers can wangle a few hours away from fighting a war theyre swim. mtng off "a siicintamimearRTrr the blue waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, while the big guns tear up the middle of Italy with artillery fire and the front line troops are at each other's throats. "The Lido." is a brand new beach the armv & special service section unveiled for officers this week. The enlisted mens "swim- CLASSICAL -- 5105 Jalousie Oealousy) Rituaf Done of Fir Boston "Pop." Orchestra Introduction and Rondo Caprlcclote -Jascha Hetietx. Violin, 121S0 1411$ cufnes music ca up as the "inventor" but your old pal Ray Novotnv, who used to carrv the mail In the backfield the for Ohio University and Brooklyn Dodgers. He s Lt. Col. Novotny now of special services. buiflte Thir ds hTs"5Fcond-beac- lT ing job; the first was at Saida when the boys were romping around Africa. -- With signs warning yon not ertain areas because mines dont make nice playack-acboys; an employment nearby that isn't there for local rolor, and the rubble of front what' left of a beach villa that forgot tu duik, this can't be mistaken for Jones sumBeach, Atlantic City or mer spot on Lake Michlganr-bit- t its the real thing as far " as surf bathing is concerned. It is completely equipped with sand breakers and a parking lot Jor jeeps. Basket parties are welcome If you ran talk your mess sergeant into pro- during the "basket." There even at three lifeguard GIs who volunteered for the job. Thev used to dm the same thing before putting on -- soldier suits. Thev even have the job of going after fair damsels in distress, for this- beach is open to army-nurse- s "and Wacs as well as soldiers. There 11 be more of the life savers later, but right now thev to play in k t The 47 So.mflin " 15189 li the past seven years Germans Making 'Openl Bluo Danube , Walts Talo iron Am Vionna Woods Leopold Stokowski and tho Philadelphia Orchestra .j.. Invitation to fhe Walts Leopold Stokowski and tho Philadelphia Orchestra C.Ol'D-- of The Audit Bureau of bscrietion bates S ilMW d sun-dov- v way . LONDON (AP) Yugbslav hold the initiative on other sectors, Marshal Josip Broz (Tito) declared today in a communique which "made no mention of a the Naples announcement that Partisans had opened an all-ooffensive Yugoslav authorities Tn Naples Army. oL liberation-ha-d opened attacks against the Vardar and Ibar valleys leading into Greece, where the Germans were reported being harassed by Greek Patriots. Tito's broadcast war bulletin said more than 2,000 German .saul-Ah- a. Table- Latin-America- n women much-headw- ... slow getffer and raised before his face. Tne people clapped. WHEN i- - 'DISASTER" STRIKES You neve? re- gret having troops had been killed in fighting in Montenegro and southern Sand7ak from April 5 to Mav 5 Partisan losses for the period were reported to be 900 men. Several thousand German troops were reported exerting powerful pressure on Partisan positions in Western Bosnia but there were no indications they were making His pace- - was. but firm. He was clad in his familiar tobe draped over his left shoulder and wearing the white breechrlout He looked thin but not emaciated. Gandhi saluted the crowd Germans Open Drive On Slavs bought more m iJi ay. SAVE A FIRE (or. a Breakdown) Save -- 25- to 50 Inspection of wiring and fixtures now may save costly trouble later on Sav money by having necessary repairs rmode while our workmen are irpyour Vicinity. We solicit industrial and commercial accounts on regular inspection . basis. . on : tile-ttcti- Breakfast Repairs VANCE ELECTRIC 1363 So. State Phone 4 -3673 Coolator Refrigeration Big Slock Gel food preservation now and apply purchase price on a NEW ELECTRIC" REFRIGERATOR when available.) Metal Beds mate. There were so many, hkjact, that a week before the beach was opened a truck working along the sand lit on one that had been overlooked and came ciose To- blowing its differential up where its fan belt Aside-Tcotittle- should be. m a great spot. things like that, Jtush- - the sunburn lotion, folk. - ns Tender Aching PerspiringFeet Amaxing Relief in 5 Minutes 3jOfour Money Bock Oil Gt a bottl of Motn if Emerald it yrM TVii Vwqy pnwrhil yioto peepffHieft' will help lo make your painful aching Nfvsde end Wyoming. Sit ether elate 81 month. The Aesoeisted Pres is esolusiTftr entitled to the us of publication of sll news dispatehe credited to or pot otherwise credited In this paper; else the local uses published herein. able to qo anywhere amt do most anything in abeohit foot comfort. So marvelous'? powerful le Moone e Ecneratd Ou that thousands of bottles are old annuall-t- o sufferers from sore tender inflamed ieeU Adv, EVERYTHING TO FURNISH THE HOME THESE MEN SHALL D S NEVEH DIE An unforgettable record of eventy-tw- o es Amencan and their deed of vaar La. th first year ... of The war By , Lowell Thomas E BEDFORD VILLAGE A --second Tft HerVey Alienor R $2.50 T brilliant new Come in & see the largest selection of H O M E.EU R N I S HI NG S I N . - . ALL COLORS Pre-IFa- B 0 H 11 - U-T-A- H American D DAY John Gunther's account ot the pattern of lame-scal- e . a of the Italian campaign. SEE WHAT I MEAft -A novej based -- on facts dealing with subversive movements which menace :r BWtttyiwwiwli$ AND PATTERNS LIVING ROOM SUITES r " c" - 1 0u",T c"- Btudio Couches and Sprlngtilled Platform Rockert - 250- - COMPANY 44 EAST SOUTH TEMPLE FURNITURE - MURRAY by. : Ttejiy-htv-tef- -- rnrirvn - v neutrality t ' -- Ger--ma- fxchange " I,.,. a-s- ed. Gandhi is staying at She seaside home of a friend. Indians refer to it as a shack. but there is nothing shacky German about it. It is a lattice work beach house, cool, comfortBullets But Lives ably appointed and buried In HOSP1TALIN-ITALPARTISAN A AT a thick grove of cocoanut and (AP) Djuro paten trees. 31-ear-olYugoslav ParDespite his loss of strength a Geeman faeed tisan who fuing - Garni eustomaFy "23 and bullets in stopped squad walk this morning and apcan one his face, through eluding peared at public prayer at -almost handle a lifle-aga- in n. Mdjusevic, who was a farmer The evening devotion seene tbe irt" Corduti, Ci Oatla, befoi e was almost Biblical. A couch out war, went onpairl.tti.Ui was covered with white cloth three other Partisan guerrillas and cushions were placed-nea- r-w as cut off grid' and jast December Two hours before Gandht of Two the guerrillas captured. appeared a dozen Indian " women escaped but Miljusevic- saidhe and w earing . loose flow Ing white one companion were stood up besans lyjrielt'on rugs. Their atfore a firing squad of German titude was one of adoration. machine gunners. bent their heads towards They r Twenty-foumachine gun slugs empty couch as if it were tore into Miljusevlca chest. and the an altar. shoulders and broke his left arm Outside the. barbed wire surin three places, but he still lived rounding the grove hundreds who saw him move had massed and hundreds more then fired a revolver bullet into weie streaming along the beach i . his head. path join narrow Ttte'biriiite enter in a slow moving proces-"sldn- ; palms leCL his. earandemerged-iind-pr eve, but after the Germans left GandhLappeared at 7 30 p m. he managed somehow to make on the shoulders of two leaning to the home of friends his Nach-richfe- . - Stops25 pivot of Cassmo " Meantime, "ax Information wA accumulated showing how badly Germany and her central - (P) his of entourage, however, expressed deep concern bordering alarm about his failure to rally from thffTtfOTsf that last week caused the government to order the release of the Indian Nationalist leader from custom, at Poona. They said he Is noticeably worse and that he declared this morning, "I never felt lo far gone (A medical bulletin issued Saturday morning at Bombay said Gandhi had a restful day and a good night with the 'result that bis exhaustion is less. for-Ro- me ... ' ' sicK man. Members evi-dent- s d palm-shade- h - e y ' overland to grasp the meaning of newt by reports read aloud to him his long-timdisciple Made-lin- e Slade, daughter of an English admiral. He ceased trying to read Jbe papers himself several days ago, Gandhi frequently repeats several times as . 'questions 'though he c dnt hear or comprehend the answers.. He- - ap-- " pears dazed pver long periods of time. and twice today-- while talking to people he dropped-o- ff into heavy slumber. He is suffering from uremia, but to date has refused all medication and is relying on massage and diet. , As a result of his failing condition guards have been increased and regulations for silence are more rigidly enforc- tion has- - deteriorated sharply and his mental powers appar--entlhave been affected, causing him frequently to fade into a state resembling a coma. However, when I saw him seaside villa at the he looked like anything bur a" that the American high command has swung definitely to the British view that the capture of Rome would be an achievement of great moment. Gen. Mark, Disclosure that-L- t Clark, Fifth Army commander,, recently visited this country for secret conferences with President Roosevelt apparently signified that the Italian campaign is regarded as of much importance. But before tbe Allies reach Rome they have formidable hur-- dies to clear, Competent military informant here repeat the word from the front line that the Gustav Itne ia Jilen- ty tie worry about for the present Ten or fifteen miles behind r it lies the "Adolf Hitler-B- nf presumably even stronger than the present German positions. -- Onlv amazing 4uckxould produce a spectacular and the allied command quite H hot" banking- 'luck On "the contrary,- - the cautionary word from all sides is that the Fifth and Eighth armies in Italy are probing the German line, testing the enemys strength there was at first As considerable .disagreement in the hrgh command as to the worth of that city. Many felt it was not enough of a prize to justify a major diversion of strength .from other operations. When Sicily was taken, and the Mediterranean opened, the Allies could afford to gamble in Italy, and they gambled on being able to 'drive quickly through to Tore, Home with Telativeiy-sm- all es. Thev lost, tnd the campaign slowly bogged down around the eat- doee not with ihg understanding put an end to the pa n and eoreneei and 2 Circulation! do away With ali cifenivaodori your Entered at fhe pottoffice at Balt Lake money will be promptly- - returned. matter aorordinc to City a second cla Don t worry about how long you ve March 3, 1879 Act of Conxreaa been troubled or how many ether prepa M Member " By William Frye WASHINGTON (AB) The new offensive in Italy indicates break-throug- A blood examination was mad yesteiday. The anaemia showed no Improvement,") They .said he was unable By Reiman Morin AT GANDHIS REST HOME In- IN JUHU, India (AP) ti mates of Mohandas K. Gandhi said today his physical condi- European He said the Japanese were hopellites had been shaken by the complete ing, in this greatest, longed if Japan-gadrive since collapse of the Italian governcontiol of Chinas North South thetr captuie of Nanking six yeais ment, American political and communications ago, to rime from HankovV southmilitary loaders began to swing Hankow over Canton the ward more to the British view that thiough the cunent Honan Provto Railway Japanese occupied would the capture of Rome ince offensive, according to Dr. Canton, half and China in split have equally important-iepcc- w Fwtek WT (iPtibralriiTmo Chlang has just arrived by plane fiom Kaisheks government from the cussions.entlv 4&is view hqs beAppal fibe eomdor.Xo the eastern coast Chungking. come strong enough to permit Continuing Dr Piue said. al Alex"The Chinese gov eminent -- v ill agreement- - givmg.-Gen- ei "The present dangerous threat m Italy, sufthrow- - its best forces into the- batto China's stand has come at a ander, commanding forces to make a detertime when the country Is be" ficient ana tle to stem the Japanese onrush, sustained effort to mined the blockade, w by ing strangled ill he said, hut the Chinese break through the Nazi lines the of bieakdown by paraljzed ,liusbaC)SgrQUn(L0i -- k "T" just that little more of war s recent campaign points up Claik " ! visit to the United States. He flatlon and starved the by cation more turn the tide in Honan and Kwang-tung- . went to Mr Roosevelt s for secThe veteran educator, once a famines in South Carolina hideaway w ith Gen talked tianslator of Sun pubret conferences, In spite of these troubles . . . of staff, lication San Min Chu I, said the nation is no drop weakened Geoige C. Marshall, chief officials. Butam should step up her at- in her to fight and conferred with other determination tacks on the Japanese in Burma back the invader. And It may be that the shift of senI am to ease the pressure. timent was climaxed by the proconfident that Chinese the govlaid Di. Prh e said the Japanese ernment will never surposals and reports that Clark timed their Honan push clever" render or listen to think of over- before the strategists in those peace Ij, with the Allies pieoccupied tures meetings. about the invasion of western The present Japanese drive in seamonsoon - Europe and the Dr. Price said, was Russ Lay Bets Honan, son at hand in Southeast Asia. launched onlv 'after months of The Japanese already have won quiet preparation and without On Invasion Timfe control of the entire length of the fanfare the Japanese usually the PfipinjfHankow Railway, " MOSCOW Tension to cover up minor opera(AP) employ whictv the Chinese seizing gaps over the opening of the western tions. had hld. front was noticeable in Moscow Despite Ledo Road vvotk and a tori a v. -val American-nalanding possible Reported Editorials and articles In Moson the China coast, Dr. Prjce escow s newspapers create a zero Rome would that China timated lemaln hour atmosphere shatpemng the blockaded from her Allies except BERN A dispatch to rapidly mounting interest of the "for another inby air eight months the Swiss people in date of the allied n or a year" newspaper Baxler vasion and the resumption of the Dr. Price spoke with the pern said today that the- Rod armv offensive. son eive of almost a lifetime in taken-"nev- v The most-popu- lar high command had paetime of China He 'has had wide expen-enc- e on measures for stucter the moment is laving bets and educational relief in of Rome as an open city. when the United States and Britwork in eight Chinese piovinces The new spaper said a zone has ain w ill land troops on Hitlers heen set up m the. conical - part occupied Europe, value of ballbearing expoits to Ger- of the city where even German The allied offensive in Italy, many and her satellites at 29,000,-0(H- ) soldiers cannot enter. however, was reported in 53 lines crowns (about $0,960,000) Of the newspaper said, of type on the back page of one w hrh 24,000,000 crowns (about there existed a generar Zone Moscow newspaper this morning $0 760 000) worth goto Germany around the city, but as a result The newspaper Izvestia. m an proper. of the latest decree "no more Ger- editoi tal on the allied declaration man soldieis have been seen in to Romania, Finland, Bulgaria the center of Rome for several and Hungary to get out of tile 0a s amthose offered Military police and war, aaiL bulance crews are expected. countries an apportumty to cast To off the Gciman oko and the Democratic counwith gether To Prisoners tries are Boh New bill, a sandy hatted struggle shotjder to shoulMADRID (AP) husky from east St. Louts, who Spantsn der against Hitlerite Germany. uced to fish them out at the authorities announced last tight Marion. Ill , Country club. Dick that everything was in readiness Corsica Bombed Kates, who did the same at the for the exchange at Barcelona, LONDON (AP) The Berlin Sunnvstde pool on Long Island, May 17, of 919 allied prisoners for and "Birr waiters; who drew gasps' an appi oxuirately equal number"Cf radio declared today JhaL German, bombers carried out two heavy from the gals at the Olean, N. Germans. attacks on airfields at Corsica The Swedish exchange Y.. pool BW (before war ) Kates hlp last night. was up at the front lines with Gripsholm, which left New York the foot soldiers before taking May 2, is due in Barcelona May ov cr - at Lulo and naturally, he 15 and the Geftnaruhospital ship Gradisca is due the next day from likes this more. Sets-Ced- ar , It was mote of a Job than just a nortlvltalian port. front Barcelona the ?qid Reports a claim out and staking saving Chests-Ca- rd included 814 But" this is it- - to set up this nvi-er- allied pnsoners and )8- - American soldiers, 29 First there were the Tnines British civilians and 67 and Col. Novotnv telis ou Jerry scivilians. in these of nasty enough Stopped little gadgets to give each -- 15425 r- Italy Have Own Little Beach ming hole was opened weeks ago and Joes were in there cooling off recently when who should pop OUf Of-Wa- be definitely -- pro jns Swimming In Calm Waters Gyes Relief From War Tension flNG MB India Leader Frequently Falls Into Coma Allies' Goal Allies Will Impose Peace: By DeWltt Mackenzie Gandhi's Mind - Affected Rome Looms As Interpreting The War News SUGARHOUSE PROVO CO. MONEV! - |