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Show r IS 2 - The Dally Uuk Chronicle Taenia?, October 17,1995 WORLD Murder Remembered - SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Sherm Watkins, whose son Brian, was murdered in a New York subway five years ago, wants Utah residents to remember it is never too late to put an end to violence. His wife, Karen, said they both got involved in the movement because of an emptiness left by the death of their son. "We could not bring our son back, but we could do something," Karen Watkins said. "If we can eliminate violence from the lives of people around us, that is our goal." The couple spoke Sunday to the some 130 people who gathered for a candlelight vigil for crime victims. It was held at the state Capitol as part of the YWCA's "Week Without Violence" campaign in Utah that concludes Saturday. As the vigil was getting under way, Salt Lake police responded to a shooting just a few blocks away. A young gang member fired his 9mm semiautomatic weapon at a rival gang member, hif ting him twice in the abdomen. One of the victim's friends then opened fire on the assailant but missed. The wounded youth was taken to LDS Hospital, where he was listed in fair condition. anti-violen- - Clinton's overall message appeared aimed at people upset at O J. Simpson's acquittal last week on charges of and her friend. Simpson has murdering his acknowledged he battered his wife during their marex-wi- fe riage. An American World War II pilot will receive the Distinguished Service Cross at the University of Utah Saturday. U. alumnus Walter Stewart flew a Bomber plane in raid over Ploesti, Romania in 1943. Stewart flew the lead plane for the! squadron that attacked the Third Reich's largest oil refinery. The ceremony, Saturday, Oct. 21 at 10:30 a.m., will be in President's Circle. Gen. Roger A. Brady, vice commander of Hill Air " ' Force Base, will present Stewart with the award. After the presentation, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch will give a speech. The celebration will continue in Rice Stadium. Stewart will get honored again before the Utah-Ai- r Force game kicks off. Planes from Hill Air Force Base will fly by the stadium. Stewart now lives in Benjamin, Utah. He earned a law degree from the U. He flew the historic mission when he was 25. While flying the mission 52 years ago, his plane had a hole the size of a wash tube blown between its tails by German fire. Despite the damage, Stewart's plane was the first plane out of the squadron to drop the bombs on the complex. After the mission, a fuel leak was filling the plane with fumes. Rather than crash land in Romania, Stewart elected to fly the plane back to its base in Libya. After flying 1,200 miles, the plane touched down in Benghazi. A total of 310 U.S. airmen were killed, 185 were taken as prisoners and 150 were wounded; and 54 of the 176 bombers that were sent out that day never returned. 4 sec "Clinton" on paje from pag c I dear cancer is not caused by bumping, bruising or touching the breast However, factors such as age and family history increase the chance. The risk of getting breast cancer increases for a woman whose mother, sister, or daughter has had the disease, according to the pamphlet Women who drink may have a slightly higher risk of getting the disease. Researchers are investigating the relationship between dietary habits and die possibility of cancer. . "Breast cancer appears to be more likely to develop in women whose diet is high in fat," according to the pamphlet But women who eat a healthy diet, low in fat, still get breast cancer. Lund said no particular vegetable or fruit will stop breast cancer. Lund says the best way to arm against breast cancer is to "know how to do self-exams- As . part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Intcrmountain Health Care hospitals are offering free breast cancer education series and support groups. They are designed for women recover- ing from breast cancer, and their family and friends, for more information caO 269-283- ... S Assistants from page I TSE scores." Once a potential TA passes those tests, or she must attend the International he k Teaching Assistant Workshop, a comprehensive study in which additional work on speaking skills and teaching skills are provided. If the teaching assistant receives a low score, ESL courses are required to achieve the level of oral proficiency needed to advance. This workshop, which has been conducted for three years, is now under evaluation by the U. The TAs involved in these workshops are conducting course evaluations to aid in the evaluation. The third step for foreign TAs is a yearlong course, sponsored by the linguistics two-wee- y come to a FREE MCAT seminar TUES.rOCT. 17 JTD 4-5- 30 1 Call iff!: HI. PH :30 ' ,0- - :' department V Hart also notes the general student little experience dealing with has body those who speak with accents and that could contribute to student confusion when dealing with foreign TAs. "We need to be better at listening and comprehending," she said. TA and student input is an important facet of the current evaluation. The dean's office hopes to release an outcomes statement evaluating die effectiveness of the program by the end of this year or the beginning of next year. to reserve yourself a seat! 363-44- 44 get a higher score imam ft The Women's Resource Center is sponsoring a seminar entided "New Utah Laws Affecting Protection Orders," today in the Union Building at noon. The seminar will examine civil and criminal orders, new laws with mandatory arrest for violations, and provide a general summary of domestic violence services throughout the state of Utah. Speakers for today's presentation include, Kristen Knowlton, assistant to the Attorney General; Rep. Marda Dillre, and Joanna Sagers from the Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake. tee "March" on page 3 scores great Attending AED and Pre-A- ED WRC Sponsors Power Lunch Cancer WASHINGTON (AP) In an unprecedented gathering amid the nation's monuments, hundreds of thousands of black men shouted promises to forswear violence and improve their lives in a revival-styl- e chant led by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. "I pledge that from this day forward, I will never raise my hand with a knife or gun to beat, cut or shoot any member of my famithey chanted ly or any human being, except in black the climax of of the men amid at daylong gathering Monday the nation's monuments. Farrakhan's "Million Man March" called together black men for a peaceful day of praying, singing and reveling in racial unity. The throng, estimated by the US. Park Police at 400,000, stretched for 12 blocks down the grassy expanse, from the foot of the Capitol to the Washington Monument March organizers asserted the crowd numbered 2 million. As the rally's dramatic finale, Farrakhan spoke for 2 12 hours, often addressing white America. "White supremacy" he said, is the root of America's suffering. "That makes you sick," Farrakhan said, "and you produce a sick crimes." WWII Pilot Receives Award anti-aircra- - WASHINGTON (AP) At the end of a week focused on domestic violence, President Clinton called on the nation's men on Saturday to pledge to "never, never lift a hand against a woman for as long as we live." Clinton, who as a youngster intervened to stop his stepfather from beating his mother, made the appeal "not just as a president, or a father or a husband, but also as a son who has seen domestic violence first hand." The president, in his weekly radio address, said the Republican Congress is bent on reducing the government's domestic violence programs by $50 million, hampering "our efforts to protect battered women and their children, to preserve families and to punish these BRIEFS: B-2- March on Washington Clinton Attacks Violence Members Only n nj II L . mm m OISCMAN P0!t1ABl CD PLAYER i Programmable Includes lightweight headphones MegaBass Sound System Includes rechargeable batteries Sku 2541432 U nLl U VwJV V I AIWA HI-- FI STBtFO irn COftCPOOT SYSTEM m nn amcm STEREO GOKJOOX changer Programmable CD player AMFM Stereo Tuner Remote control Dual cassette deck speakers AMFM stereo tuner Sku 2489406 -- 4" full range speakers ACDC operation skutf 2579596 S3.SWU3 cm KEJLTCYtnifY CUCJ2CJTlfT C37-4CC- 3 : C37-22C- 3 |