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Show Trnttdtj, October Daily Utak Chroalde it-Tf- ce & CHILD CARE WANTED AfTB SCHOOL DAYCAtt wonted, VHi. &Fri Must hove ofur 6 pm. 1020 wn cor, 272-573-0 BABYSITTER NEEDS Near U, at our home, 4 man old, iexibfel 7:30 o.m.-3:0- 0 Cal pm Twice a weak, 1017 CAHNG, MSICNSBIf Imtvidual netded to care for pratchooler & infant, in our homo, porHms. RfliWwn legjited. 278-3371018 SywioA Jeff BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL Chiiolcani far 9 4 1 2 year-olown car, references. Housekeeping boys. hrt M. 537-5321020 optional 10-1- 5 web responsible student tor after Khoal child con, 6 & 9 ywmcJd. 3:30-60- 0 p.m, M-Own car; East Miami area. Cal Catty at 488-4- 1 11, or additional after at horn 6, Opportunity tor income a interested in fight homework. 1023 UNIVERSITY FAMIY COMPUTERS ELITE laptop SYSTEMS - Wholesale Direct. Desktop Computers Pentiums, Custom built. Discount with U oil) id. 9am-9pAsk tor Jason. We'l beat retail pricesMI 128 OF GRESTIOT SOFTWARE for sale. For BM PC, XT, AJ, PS2, Tandy and compatiUe computer. Also a 550 page 1 Pretest manual: Alfer $25. Cal 031 ARE YOU A REAL CAAUNG NUT? Then we're looking far 4 YOU. free food and Col x25Z Ask (or Peter! MACINTOSH LCI color monilor for sale. Pertectfor 2 SETS school. wir 1017 $475.00 Cal Jeff at 322-200- A REAL GAMMG NUT? Then we're looking for Ask for you. Free food &OROM. Col ARE YOU & t & & BAOXTOSCHOOU Bad to o busy schedule! Make your Hie simpW with Tupperwore. Trvour freexermatet to make ahead and store meals. We nerve a whole tne of new ove cooltwara and wheotablet tor quick, nutritious Col tor a free microwave cooking dost demonstra tion or to place any sue order. Denae 944-026128 MARRED? 500 onnouncements far only $215. Rumheld at Legacy Aitnouncemenlt, GETTING Cal Becky 900,000 grants available. Qualify immediotoly. FOR COLLEGE. CASH repayments, ever. COMPUTER. Packard Bel 486SX, 4mb with Epson Styles. 800 ink jet printer. 1026 WHY NOT? New lights, new tubes. 1 visit 81496 $300, 10 visits $25.00. HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS of grants and scholarships ovoiloble to ol students. Immediate qualification. Open 1 19 Monday through Saturday, cot 1 BUY COPIES, NOT COPIERS Are you spending more for Then IBC to seel copies than you have to? you have to col 1031 265 1770 COMMUNITY TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES Entwsiaslk persons needed to work in residential treatment programs for persons wish autism in Salt Lake County. Troinng provided, nil and part-tim-e positions available. Meals provided on shift. Benefits available. Apply at 545 East 4500 South E220, Soft Lake City. DV--I Greencard Program NIERNAIIONAL STUDENTS . 20231 4(818)772-7168available. 119 Sloag St. Conogo Pork, CA 91 306. DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR HEALTH. Get in the know! Get tested! The UofU Student Heakh Service offers CONFIDENTIAL HV COUNSELING AND TESTING, to faculty, and staff and their partners. Far more information or to schedule on appointment, cal 581 6431 . 1596 1020 ram, 250 mbrC $750. Cal TRAVEL 9 1023 OF LEBANON RESTAURANT Vnetarian and U of U D. 10X off w gourmet weekend entertuinnw 152 E. 200 S. 128 CEDARS 9 ENTERTAINMENT VOEOSHOP FREE MOVE Rent 488 East South Temple 1 movie, get 1 TYPING free. 1596 AJJEN ENCOUNTERS HAUNTED HOUSE 60h So. Redwood Rd. O of U Student ID. Discount Man. & Turn. $2.00 off. Voted best in Utah 1017 FOR RENT 3 BLOCKS TO IT. 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 1 year mini-N- o utilities. 486- smokersdogs. Freewd. $495 1023 2363. STUNO, HEAT PAD. 305 S. Douglas QUET. No smoking, no pels. $325. (1 240 E). Open, dean, 1 359-47- 1 1023 lovely East Bench home, dose to University. Complete household. Dec. utilities. Col 1020 $800mo. WINTER QUARTER DEAL SABBATICAL bam duplex in upper to share 2 bdrm, Avenues. Fuly furnished, WD, fireplace, etc. Minutes to UofU & downtown, on busline. Nosmokepets. $315mo. MALEFEMALE 1 1019 Inutilities. WORDS PROFESSIONAUr COMPOSED, edited, laser printed, transcribed (cassette), scorned. Formats: APA, Turobion, Compbel. Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers. Programs: W.P. 6.0, W.P. 5.1, Microsoft Word. Graphics: Auto Cad, Harvard. Free pickup and delivery. Carolyn, 277-672FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertaresumes with dignity and doss. tions, manuscripts, 1596 WORD PROCESSWG (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, also typing. Can check speling, grammar, references (APA, 1 turobicri), editing. Mrs. Neley, 467-432Professional OVERNIGHT TYPING. U" graduate. Extremely accurate. Transcriptions, essays, resumes, tSesa, Sara etc. S1.50pg,6pgs$1.25. 128 AAW, 33 YEARS EXPBBENCE, no job too smol, reasonable rotes. Fax, Laser Printing, Class Assignments, Manuscripts, PeronalFomily Histories, Transcriptions, Resumes, Thesis, Dissertation, APA Literate, dote to campus, 583-- 323. 28 128 TYPtPlllS WP 6.1, 5.1, loser, fax. trarr scriptions. Hand kjteuiiiiq for envelopes, oartificates, treasured vvrilngs. Excelent references. Barbara FOR SALE AKLNE TICKET FOR SALE Salt lake Gly to rUsrJelphia. Nor. 1017 20tionewoy CARD READER, MATH, Memory Modules far Col MOw: 581 7097, k STAT, Bornbootrod. Ex. a, 1019 CALLIGRAPHY. 128 WORD SERVICE, fastond uccutute. Vvcrd processing, compoiilion, editing, etc. WordPerfect 5.1 laser 128 printer. Phone or fax Jeoisie, Ph D student seeks volunteers to test several DEPRESSED? 81496 iwutenti no 1031 crjtf-C- urfe h but afraid of comnutnent mvoktedf Join lie Ntblunttw Corp, and participate in one or seveiuJ our monthly projecti Fornwnstnfo, col Stormy S sirnrot the Bennton Center. INTERESTED M COMMUMTY SERVICE 1018 FOUND A HOME for o boouhU offtctionQte kriton found. Hot been immunid A neutered. Col 583-43- 1 Z 1018 NEED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VOLUNTEER TUTORS Doing one on on andor group tutoring for grades 6 for at tent one quarter. Contact David Bridge at ht Bernian 11 or 1023 Center, 58 LOWELL MUSIC CLASSICAL GUITAI Studio near V. I. PIANO LESSONS. Aj ageslevels. Cal Horn or Mchoel luccareli. 1996 WANTED PERSONAL ldronKe Wnt Apfinoerion 50, SIC. Tomplft I ROOXMATES OnfOy ORrWr Center. youl meet otWs to ckmb with, and CLUB DfBnBnO QMMG00 Of IWCruOQItOn dpOCT UtfTtOeng 1029 ParHtme position far EE student, 20 talinQ, vifttng praorantf. ElECTRKVtlTECHNKIAN: oufBnriilnQ Uounvttm$ WILWASHYOUR GRANDMOTHER For $5.00. ColSkj 01538-062Provide your own soap 1019 quartm. btfn Oclobtv 20 at Wing -- $6hour QSI, . MODEL 2212 Soud. nhnnon and raiunift. 1020 Needed tor hlrm, TV Cornmeroals, Print ads, Musk Videos. (Experience not a ACTOR TYPES Catalogues, must.) GREAT RATES. PAeVTBALL 128 GUNS, buy and sel new and used pointxJ guns ondeouyrnent POLITICAL PARTIES Socialist Green Political Parly. Pro world peace1 environweii tol harmony, equality, common ownersho. Ti 972-390- 128 NcWde Panto! 128 JA1 is hiring: Ine cooks, servers, bussers, hosts, bookkeeper. Experience preferred far o high volume restaurant. Open evening. Apply in person 460 S 1000E. Enter from bock kitchen door. 128 for apartment building 254 S 300 E. Maintenance optional One or 2 smol children OK. 2 COMPLEX MANAGERS 1031 ROOMMATES WANTED 2 rooms available in luxurious Cottonwood estate. S250 per room. Cal Matt, 1018 Bedroom $250 Sugorhouse area 486 5842 or 801 FEMALE HOUSEMATE. shared utilities. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED South Bountiful. month includes utilities. No smoking, no petv 01296-175- 1023 $243.00 a ColMelindo 1023 SERVICES rates and ccwagel Fulfils UofU As low at: $32 single, $62 couple, $92 fam- HEALTH INSURANCE. requirements ily Co 2778210. Working distributing our Product Brochures. Get We Surely Brochures FA or PA. For FREE hfo Write: Director 1375 Coney Island Avo., Ste. 427 Brooklyn NY 11230 1031 s Needed! Fishing Industry. ALASKA EMPLOYMEm-SludenlEarn up to $3000-$600- 0 per month. Room and board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary Col (2061545-4- 55 ext. A59061 . 128 $5,000-$8,00- ROOMMATES Best 128 o CJk APPLICATIONS TELEPHONE RESEARCH kVIERVCWERS Conduct political Part p.m.) Flexible schedules, 9 Cal or apply and Market Research Surveys nokonwide. NoSolesI & hi lime afternoon shifts great student job $5.25-9.25hat 3320 South 300 East (3-- 1026 BARTENDING CLASSES: Earn great Tuesday & Thursday evening classes $$$ whie having fun. Training bartenders since 1 987. Bartenders IncredUt 128 PAT TIME POSITION availaLifeselirKjbc4tWlwitertokxal businesses. Cal Water $8 00hr. plus 1017 SpedrAes, fttTOUCTORS NEEDED! PorHime, 10 min-ulfrom UntvontV or FooftSd. Prior onsorionot a mustf Ask for Aiu Hummel, direcCal SL Gyrrrasks, GYMNASTICS 1018 tor. MONOPAHENTS NEEDED far stud. $75 Paid each time vou Mfeonwooy. Col soon aWdtagrBsis.277- lJVO 9392 HOME TYPISTS PC tial. Col users needed. ext. $45,000 inewmpoton- - 1024 Computer literate subjock far facui group project. Must have Need 10indrviductotettnewgrmCD-ftOM- . CD drive. Participants gel free food and free Short meetings, held on campus. To sign up col: Peter Brown. J D 3 TO $1,000 wmoreweeUyl We pay $2 for each J J EARN UP stuff! Licensed mail order business faokina far you people throughout the U.S. to process mad at home. Work M or port lime. Youl be supplied win ol the necessary ntotenals. For more intonnotion send S.AS.E. to Lexland Home Enterprises, 2035 E. 3300 S. Suite 77A, SLC, UT 1023 84109. 1019 485)696. MF, al body types for Art Departnenl figure dass. $7.00nr. Col 581 8677. 1020 UNE COOKS WANTED AM. and P.M. thihs ovoiloble. Applicants must be 21 orcJder, andbevnlummafun, high- atmosphere. Apoty m person at tie Ltesert edge 10 M t ot the rub between j-- j p.m, Mon-m- . THE BAT CENTER needs someone to wotk PA doing eleri-- r and adminislratrve duties. Needs to be a briaht. efficient. & persoa Wil be vrodong for fie Executive MODELS, far mom filers, reg. operators, overnht stackers. Apply in person. 2705 rbrleys Way. ACCEPTING $S$ The Otibank FWraiser it here to help you! Fail, easy, no risk or financial obljgohon: Greeks, groups, dubs, motivated individuals. Col now, raise $500 in only one week. (800)862-- 1 982 ext. 33. 128 RAISE CCCScaKE ON UNDERGRADLIATE RESEARCH. Are you an undergraduate student involved in research! Attend fie 10th National Conference on Undergraduate Research in April. Come to 410 Union for tie program announcement. 1130 Applications must be poslmoikod by Dec. 1 There are over 300 proUNDERGRADUATE RESEARCHES. fessors wiling to do research with undergraduates, cam credit or money. Winter quarter falowship applications due by November 30. Inf.: 410 Union Bldg , (581 8070). 1130 PortFul-lime- , around your COOKS WANTED Good schedule. Cedars of Lebanon vegetonanGourrnet. or 1017 Pay, TEACHING ASSISTANT for Montessori 7:30 a m.-- ! :00 p m. $5.25hr. Great Experience working with Directorn)rchologisl in assisting him to organize his lime. Flexible hours, 20 hrs wk Please contact Diana at 1020 or ATTENTION MMDED $ STUDENTS ELECTRONK tOMDUALS bnnwdiato potitioni ovtsilablo at MogoiwlE. Conkxt Student Services Bkjj, Rm 382. 1020 Prefer far storage unit management. COUPLE WANTED n and office shifts. Col ccribvjlion of $ t EJL T020 MOOa Urdroped for art project $50.00hr. 1020 Page Dove at 291 3781 faTmow details. hours GROUP LEADERS Several ParHime positions. 1 lor school group leoders (or after programs. per wook Wrthin Sail Lake Gly school ckstod. . Resporrlies include children, muiiifcjHMng records, leadership wtlh school-agewith families. planning ctdivtties, & corrmunication Quclihsatiam: Al least 18 years or older, IwgS school grad uoto, experience wA school crMldren, group rntKncernent Submit resume sluk. Salary lange from $6.5O-7.00hand 2 fatten of recommendation to Sol lake CanmuniV Education, 440 East 100 South, Room 211. SLC, UT 84111. For rroreirAxnolion, col 1020 YOUTH AT RISK BASKETBALL COACHES Salt Lake County Parks andI Reopeakon is curranly Issnng porHkne basketoal coaches to work with the youto-at-ris-k recreation program. Please send resume to: Copperview Community Center, 8446 So. Harrison St, Midvale, UT 84047. Attn: Debbie Wal. CfasingDoteOd 25th. 1023 FEMALE WAREWUSEDEUVERY PERSON ing, can be done in lime to ski al day. Cal EV morn- 1023 Wl workaround school schedule, $10.25 Start to start. Accepting applications Tuesday only. CoT 1018 Vredrtesday. DEAL SEASONAL JOB! Need wxko money for the holidays? We need enthusiaslic & peouasive people to sel our n fantastic & Phantom of the Opera. Telephone M-5:30-9:3- 0 p.m. experience preferred. 20 hrswk. for Tix. ColMaAew interview an today) Comp. HELP WANTED: 1023 WORK FOR ELITE 1017 Col kids! )IO.. 4VX2. SCREENING WINTER MODELTALENT PTFT, looalinter-nafona- l. Our client features in Vogue, Ele, Hugo Boss, G.Q, mal ads, IV, motion pic's and Nat Nordstrom, Ski v 1024 It praseniy occeptng opctcotxani far lecieuejun leaders, site supervisors & referees. If interested, oppty al ZZJU t. evergreen Avenue, equal Upportuntly MONTHLY. rd Over $6 BAon in private sector now available. AJ students ore eliof gible regordtess grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help Cal Student Financial Services: ext. F59061. 128 FREE FINANCIAL ADt grants & scholarships is ABROAD AND WORK-Mok- e up to teaching banc coninvtutionut English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian bnguogos For tntormotion cal: required (206)6321146 xt J59061. 128 TRAVEL ORCHESTRAL MUSICIANS WANTED UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA is seeking to fill vacancies in cello and bass positions. Rehearsals every Tuesday night 7 pm-1- 0 pm. For more info, call Robert Dcbbaut HOUSEBOY WANTED: F 1018 POSITION is available far irxWual to assist fwtooWig, ntsWcKofTjoinOy titotftitntnty, ond oraoni in our oVAing and otjorwoor dfparinonlL Houn on Noon to 5 pm Monday tfwough May. rlooM apply w person at KirU wm's CMdoor Phjoudt, 31 25 South State. Eouol Opportunity Employer. 1018 E Or ASSISTANT Ads with all caps are 25 additional charge. WORDS 1 month 1 quarter $6.25 $25.00 $75.00 $150.00 OVER 40 WORDS, use plus WORDS 21-4- 0 $3.75 $15.00 $45.00 $100.00 lJay lweek 15t tie rate 21-4- 0 per word per day over 40 For only $1.00 (per line) extra you can dress up your classified ad with some of our ng Zingbats! Come in to The Chronicle to see the entire selection of symbols available. ' ft ft A00( - ) O l 0 . OPPORTUNITIES PACKAGE HANDLERS STUDENTS U 1018 your car insurance dollar. Call me, 111 show you why Allstafe is o better value American Express and KeKy Temporary Services, leaders in their industries, have teamed upl As the preferred supplier of temporary help in Salt Lake, Kelly LOOKING FOR Sec what RPS has to o flier $6hr. to start; raise after 90 days $ I Ihr. tuition assistance after 30 days Work 25 hoursweek; no weekends ability to handle large volumes of applications. Detail-orient- ed Requires accurate 10 key. Customer Service Roadway Package System, the nation's fastest growing small package delivery company, is hard working, employees to self-motivat- load and unload packages. The available shift is I am - 6 am. Call John Cook M-- Assist customers with inquiries or make calls to verify credit information. Excellent phone skills required, PC skills, and 30 word typing needed. Day and evening shifts available. ' To oppty, F, 9 am -- 10 am to schedule an interview, or apply in person: Mon.- - Fri., 9 am - 5 pm. Kvfly eafl pitas (801) 266-02- 90 (801) 485-75- 10 ttnployv ond po talory KEuy TEMPORARY SERVICES $, 1)00 1. 1efMtf4) . I O Wo is hiring: A GREAT JOB! seeking Get the most for Excellent Opportunities Clerks EpipfKtny position (20 HouwEpiscopal Campus Ministry: hre.wk. to assist Choploin well rwwsleltor, meal preporo-liomintslry functions. Need car and enthusiasm! $5.50 n hour, war negotiate around ctaiiet. Cal Rev. JoAnn L leach, 1018 WASHDETAJL MANAGER for Texaco ful service wash. 2 positions available, nwnings or afternoons, start hps Col Xl-tJS- i, Jene4 IU18 CASHER: Texaco 1700S Foothil. Days or evenings. or e available. $5.75stort. CalJeneJ,582?5032 putt-lime Ml - i PART-TIM- E fioti . make-good- s. CUSTOMER SERVICE zafcon & publication for Tip at least 15!! Don't be CHEAP. Just Tip W & date. The Chronicle must be notified of errors the hrst day of 4:30-6:3- Please contact Delta Deko Delta, 1018 & Thurs. 1.O0 COUROFFia ASSISTANT needed finn. Lie drnejr wieS 0 pm-6Opjn. tor busy downtown tow dean driving record. Must have own vehicle and be bond-ablVaried dulnt on and off site. Computer sfal hefeful. AiVist be abW to transport heavy boxes. Send resume to: P.O Box 1978, 1018 :,UT841I0. GAME TESTERS far PC Environment, parHime. Col Mike SECRETARYMINISTRY weekdays prior to publication Tipping is not an Option. fvtevtrgi weekend JOB FOR STUDENTS: hours. Inslnjoxv torresictenliotptogRimto abilities. $7.22hr. Two years cattegVexpenence prr Columbus CanmuneV Center, 10 W Century terrad. 1024 Parkway (2950 So. Ftexible hours. VDEO SHOP Now hiring, portfal-lirn488 East South Temple T020 GREAT Deadline is 12 noon two D Commercials No screen fees, Exp, no exp. Also needed Scouli and Brokers far rncwietothion industry. d. pre-pai- Regular classified copy is set in 6 pt. caps and lower case. 1023 WORK, 20 Customer ServiceRetail openings to be hied immediately. FTFT, temp Perm., day, eve. & weekend shifts. Wil work around school schedule. Starting No experience requreav training provided pay IZ noon to 3pm. 1024 Cal Mon.-thur- ., le Classifieds must DEMO! STUDENT ikt lllltft II No week days or CASH? an hour. nights, hto telemarketing. Paid weekly $6.00-6.5- 0 NEED SERVERS, Ryder, THE OLD SALT CITY FEDERALIST NATIONAUST O O EAST MftiCREBC vaJUNira opkxxnuNmES JEWELRY III DIAMONDS: DON'T PAY RETAIL PRICES large Mlucfcon of dkwwonA, bfitfal mrV Ev)f4wipj w4iolft tojlof Rocky Mounknn fronood. Col fcf CDpov4fMnt. LOST & io: 17, 1995 U WANTED: TO 50 plus domestic cities, travel Thonlonving, round top. Chrutmans, or home tor lie summer. 27 Success Travel, 288-021 4 DAY5 MGHT Ft LALDERDALEBAHAMAS TRJP Includes 3 nights in Bahamas, day cruise to & from Ft. InuderdaU. ideal for Spring Break. $325 pp. Cal Date is leave message. 113 Ryan ABVARE iiA DINING 125 Funds go unused every year. Computer Resources of Utah can help you. NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE? 1019 Peteri No WANTED: Aioirwvj soortswriters to cover of Utah lor many positions Inn winter. Up SM RESORT JOBS-HriibJ-v- . 1025 to $2,000 in totory & benefits (Free sfcpau,skiopinart, al venues, um uove iimoI oVicounk). SLiSfOfri)oord nkwtont lift cpmton, bonus. - TELEPHONE SALES REPS. WANTED $6-7' other potions Cat VerSicoT wait staff, chalet staff, or porHnw OMiilobW. OfftOHmlnool Context Ed, ErrcAymenl Group: (206)634469 ext. V59061. 1024 5950777. 119 EARN MONEY READMG BOOKS! WANTED: PERSON OR PERSONS to review audio tapes far $30,000yr. income t 1024 potential. Details. (1 accuracy and ccvnplianoe. Monitoring opprox. 4 hrt doy. POSTAL AND GOVERNMENT JOBS $21 hour plus M benCol Ed, 595-0771019 efits No experience wil tain. To apply col SERVICE AGENT FW SALESCUSTOMER hours, friend3040. 1024 ly atmosphere, and great commissions. Payiess Cor Rental. ask tor Erin. Also, 1974 W. Norm Temple, 596-259EARN CASH STUFFMG ENVELOPES of home. Al materials 1019 GarageService personnel needed. Ask for Rod. provided. Send SASE to National Mailers P.O. Box 774, 1018 OceVKS 66051. PA POSITION OPEN far data entrysecretory. Experience Good attitude and work habits a must. not necessary. PARCEL Contact Ron: SERVICE I IMMEDIATE UNITED HBUNG 1019 PA loodersunlooders $8 00hr. Contact Student Services license w DRIVERS WANTED, ful or part-tim128 o good driving record. No UJt Bldg., rm. 382 Equal CtoporMiHy Employer. Ccntod David V. m West J 1 60 South Twtm UR0 S.SakUkeCity,UT84ll9 sewn EOAAE mmsm SO. SUn 255-59C- 0 222SO.U:0L532-72C- 3 |