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Show Taeaday, October Is 17, The Daily Utah CkroaJcle - 7 199$ Utah the "Right Place" for Intolerance? Editor: However, many of it's occupants are not beautiful. My mother came to Utah with my dad to escape from an abusive father. She thought Utah would be a safe haven for her children to a healthy environgrow up in ment. Haven? More like Hell. Until Mr. Van Patten lives through my In response to Mike Van Patten's article, "If You Don't Like Mormons, Leave Utah." I just want to say something: No! As you may have guessed, I am not a Mormon. I guess Mr. Van Patten might consider me part of the group" of peolike who the Utah envidon't ple - "ever-growin- g ronment. I love the natural environment here. It is one of the most beautiful don't think he'd understand what living in Utah as on Earth. places I childhood, a non-Mormo- is like. n For example, l kids tell you they can't play with you because you're not Mormon, and thus you have you have very few friends. One of your few friends grade-schoo- tells you you're going to hell because you're not Mormon, People naturally assume that you drink, smoke, curse, and sleep around, because you're not of the true faith. No one will date you because of your "bad influence" over them. Those arc just a few of Education Is More Important Than Profit It's scary that free expression of ideas, especially at a university, should be considered a "liability" and to have "negative financial Editor: In response to John Hayes' letter, ("Asst. Editor Poses Risk to U. Enrollment," Oct. 18, 1995) I am surprised that you chose to teach here rather than at BYU, considering your belief the school's newspaper should control what its editors write in order to give the U. a "positive image" so that it will attract more consequence". g Elderly Medicaid, as misidentified by Mr. Sheltra) is taking money from students. Mr. Sheltra, it is not "the old buzzard bait" that is taking from the system, it is the system taking stick to its mission of teaching people to think and express ideas money from the elderly, and the on how to make life rough on us college students. Mr. Sheltra, get with it. We are all in the same boat. If the system is going to take money from the students, then it is going to take money from senior citizens also. "buzzard bait." (Great term, Pat. I would hate to hear what you call African- - Americans) . Listen to the intelligence of your words: "Senior citizens ... look for ways to exploit us and make it tougher" In fact, I bet at the next splendidly deduced that Medicare is not needed, and Medicare (not "Old Fart" convention, they (senior citizens) are just scheming about my life in the "right place." As I understand, Mormons came here to escape religious persecution. Isn't it ironic that many have turned around and persecuted those of us who aren't of their same beliefs? I have several Mormon friends who took the time to get to know me instead of jumping to biased, incorrect conclusions about me. And I thank them for it. It is them Jon Glenn Marriott Library Mr. Sheltra, remember your words when you become an "old Fart." You may wish you were more sensitive. Shaun Delliskave Graduate Student Public Administration - who make living in Utah something I can be happy about. Do you know what? I had no choice but to stay in Utah. I can't just leave because I disagree with Mormon views. This is my home now. Mr. Van Patten should be thankful he is in the majority. Because sometimes, it's pretty tough not to be. Nadine Carter Freshman - Undeclared Write The Editor! " 1 Looking for Auto Insurance? I I 298-933- 6 I Since 1936,GfEIGO has been saving good drivers good money on their car insurance. Find out how much you Low down-payme- I I nt Easy payment plans claim service country-wid- e 24-ho- ur Immediate coverage Free rate quote ion Call us today or stop by our local office 1981 N. ThesensMe alternative Wim,AYl UN Homecoming Scholars (Formerly Homecoming Royalty) The Fifth Annual Applications in ASUU office (230 Union): due on Oct. ZO 3 pm DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS iffy i J" 'J f f 1 ir I r V !" ;;( Judging Criteria: Keynote Speaker J. Willard Marriott, Jr. Chairman of tke Board and President Marriott International, Inc. Presents. "Americas Tough Customers" We dnesiay, OctoLer 18, 1 1 :00 a.m. 1995 Mart H. Greene Hall 103FAMB I CallGEICOat The University of Utah should for themselves. Finally, Mr. Sheltra, I recommend a course on Gerontology, Health, or any other that would expose you to the needs of the Therefore, Mr. Sheltra, you teaching "the one truth" and controlling what people do and say. the true controlling factors. To compare the university to a business which hires public-rela- students. from paje 6 of cash coming out of their pockets." This state already has one school devoted to mate-huntin- It is sad that universities are beginning to subvert their educational mission in order to become more like a corporation, where public relations and budgets are LDS students" to fill its classrooms and "maintain its budgetary health". "mate-huntin- tions firms to improve its image is to undermine the true value and purpose of education. the many examples I could give GPA Extracurricular Achievements Community Service Other Awards Essay Interview I i I j |