Show at AL fillmore january ath M of quick con cone josepn F son or wm P and em eramo jones born august 2617 in echo city utah on saturday the oth iest lest 1 1 at 7 m atter after e an illness ot of six days mrs julia julla 14 wile of walter davis and dauch ter of bl marttn martin and caroline narris harris in the mh year ot her age she leaves a husband two children and a nuni numerous erbus circle of friends ito mourn her ner loss 1 r her remains were brought to this city yesterday attended oy her husband and family to tue the residence ot of her grandfathers president john jonn young I 1 I 1 at xa kanosh os city cluard co jaun jannary january ini isey or inflammation ol 01 tile the lungs lug william wliilam latham ward aged 26 years yearb imonti 1 month andl andi I 1 I 1 day dayi deceased was born at belgrave belgrade Bei bel graye grave near leicester Z angland december 19 IM i m mill wair wail please copy I 1 1 11 t at brigham city eeb reb ad IS br dr carter barter aged 75 ayears years deceased was born at 14 2116 fe sex rex co tt on the ath ot june he embraced ithe gospel in Ki kinland riland rlland ohio jaco fe b 21 ad d I 1 M lie ite e ward warf one badong the tha first men who were ordained d high priests in this du dl pens peas atlon end was among the twenty four ano were e depre present at josephs house ghen ghea i tho b 0 glo gio first r high agh cau ioa ica was wat organized org anizel he was wal wa one of the committee appointed to locate the olty city In dackson JacKson county counts Cf missouri and way waa wa nip alf also aiso connected with alon zion ziona g camp in ju 1833 hel Uel various important ormont missions tn the thle states anthe uh tta ME of lay udy 1 6 he left the city of go goon on a miss mission lonto 0 o great greal britain from whence he nere here re turned and sall salt lake valley la in tho the autumn of 1849 1819 being among the me first who sev sen led ltd in brigham city cily enfeebled and burdened with aca aee he reclined in full faith antt anti anticipation of a glorious resurrection he re was waa interred on the ath insi and attended bya very large process procession tan ot of the citizens of bric Brig hagn hain city com lorn |