Show e ww JUST RECEIVED James Jamest Dwyer of the tha railroad news nepo depo t at the post office has received a large assortment of theatrical play books also newspapers english and american magi eines elnes books stationery cheap publications in great variety orders from the country af pf prompt de d to jy oTicE in thle the supreme court fot for fot for the district of 02 utah in the matter of f 1 LOUIS L LEVY levs 1 in B bankruptcy bankrupt OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant nto L to an order maue made by B R H robertson Rober tsou ison register in bankruptcy for the district of the matter of LE LEWIS newis LE LEVY VY a ban bankrupt crupt on the 3rd ard day of february AD 1869 a bearing will be had upon the petition of said bankrupt heretofore filed in said court praying for his discharge from all his debts and liabilities prove able under the act of congress entitled an act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the theUn anaed ted states approved march 2nd and and fon tor a certificate thereof before said court on ou the mth nth day of march AD at 11 II am at the united states court rooms booms in salt lake cita at which time and place any creditor of said bankrupt or any 0 ther other person in interest may appear and show cause kans kany if any they have why the prayer of the said petition should nol not not be granted notice la is further given that the 2nd and and 3rd ard meetings of the creditors of said bankrupt will be held on the said irth day of march at 10 am before R H robertson Ko bertson esq register in Bankrupt bankruptcy cv for said district at his office in salt lake city and at the time and place last aforesaid IL W isaacson assignee 0 of f said bankrupts estate will apply to said register ton tor a discharge from all liability as sack assignee wI W 1 APPLEBY clerk of said court in bankruptcy 0 F strickland petitioners Petition ers attorney salt lake late city feb 8 1869 wa i 4 NOTICE in the supreme court for the DI district strict of utah in the matter of HENRY L SOU lii III I 1 in bankruptcy bankrupt J TO WHOM ir IT MAY CONCERN the under signed hereby gives notice of his appoint henryl henryn South worth woith of salt sait lake city in the county of salt lake and territory of Utah within said district who has hag been ty adjudged a bankrupt upon his own Pet ret petition lUon by the thi supreme court for said district HENRY W ISAACSON assignee assigned ae dated salt lake lako city the ath day of february AD 1809 wa 3 NOTICE in the supreme court for the district of utah in the matter of DANIEL R F FIRMAN I 1 S in bankruptcy bankrupt J T TO 0 WHOM IT MAY MAT CONCERN the under tinder signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of daniel it firman of salt lake city in the county of salt lake and territory of utah within said i who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own betl tion by the supreme court for said district HENRY W ISAACSON assignee ac mcm acm dated at salt lake city the day of february A D 1869 wa 3 f in the supreme cou couro court gor for or the Di district of utah drab in the M matter a tt ero of f ALBERT P and DEWITT 0 TYLER t in bankruptcy bankrupts J 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN theonder the under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of albert pd Dewitt eTyler of salt lake aty in the county of salt halt laka Lake and territory of utah within said sald district who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their own petition by the supreme court for said districts dated at salt lake lako city the r day of feb eeb nary nany uary AD 1869 HENRY wa 3 IES les timy FROM riek PLEASANT sAiT sast drove GROVE J HEIFER 2 red white head bead belly and tall lall if she will be sold marck march 4 at the county pound round provo prove EDSON WHIPPLE sa 2 utah county J I 1 HAVE in my ray possession pos easlon one red ked BULL some white under belly tall and legs 3 years old two slits in left lef leftbear tear ear if not claimed will be so sold a on the lith of march llarch at morgan cite 0 1 luchard RICHARD FRY I 1 i I 1 Pound round kieper feb 9 im 1889 sa 2 wai |