Show TIKE TIM JORDAN UPWARDS bf of three weeks ago a petition was presente presented d to the legislative assembly sign signed ed by a number of influential citizens asking that body to take the necessary measures to have a levee built on the east bank of the river jordan beginning at north temple street and extending as far south bouth as may be needed to prevent the overflow of its waters in response to this petition the house instructed its committee on claims and appropriations to incorporate in the territorial appropriation bill the sum of three thousand dollars or as much thereof as may be necessary to construct said levee vve we do not know what its position is in the council but the hope ia is very widely indulged in that that honorable body in the pressure of business consequent near approach approach of the day of adjournment wil will not be prevented from giving it the needed ati this is a subject that deserves attention tion not only is it necessary that the land should be preserved from inundation but as a sanitary measure it is deserving of attention the accumulation of large bodies of water in such close proximity to our city is in the opinion of many a cause of disease can on th this point int there is a difference of opinion to but ut be that as it may all will admit that these lands should be drained if the legislature will respond to this petition and appropriate the necessary amount to keep the jordan within its banks a large tract of very valuable land will be reclaimed we are well aware of the difficulties which have attended the management of the waters within the corporate limits of this city whenever the olty city council has attempted to regulate or control them thenis complications have arisen and it ha has only been by the exercise of great caution and wisdom that good feelings have been preserved had the waters of jordan been left to flow as they would the signers of this petition might never have bave presented it to the legislative assembly but a levee was built on the west bank of the river under the direction of the territorial road commissioner which in the opinion of the owners of property on the east alde aide of the river has caused the water to accumulate on their lands and rendered them valueless and this petition asks that equal favor be shown to the east side by constructing a levee there this land being so close to the city and so well adapted for pastures and meado meadows tvs vVs should le be reclaimed it would be a valuable addition to our grass grasslands lands of which we stand greatly in need at present |