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Show O "iKffl WAR BONDS Volum f Nephi, Juab County, Utah 35 IV Thursday, Graduation Program Friday Scout Camp Truck Burns Evening at Auditorium Completely graduates Program Juab North of Nephi the Outline Given fire apparently over-heate- The following U the program for the Hoy Seoul Camporee to be held at Camp Dadandsons behind Mount Nubo May 31, June 1, 2, and 3. All SeuuLs meet at the Juab high school May 31 at 1:30 P. M. '1 i tatioii will be furnished Be sure to take Scouts to camp that all Scouts h:ne enough tents and food and equipment for four Copy of the food list and days. meals for four days has been furnished to each Scoutmaster. On arnval at camp each troop will uraw numbers for camp site. Tents will then be put up by each troop and others gather wood. Flag ceremony will then be conducted by the Troop having the best camp Prepare for evening meal. Fach troop will select cooks and alternate each day. Inspection will be held after evening meal, wood will then be gathered for the even-- 1 ing camp fire, al scouts gather round and perform stunts for the Singing by scouts will evening. follow stunts. Flag ceremony held before stunts. Retire for the . alll Silence in camp night. lights out. un:-pu- . June 1. d 15. the truck. Barton placed loss of the truck and load at least $15,000.0 valuation, completely covered by insurance. Mr. Latest 16. r5z; mra 1944 May 26, Date Sets For News of the Canning Sugar Service Men other tank Signup the eral their little The following is the program and list of for the an nual Commencement Exercises of high school to be held -Auditorium Friday evening at 8 P. M. The theme for the exercises is "Win The War and Secure the Peace" caused by A differential an completely destriyed a big Diesel truck and Its contents between 1 and 2 A. M. Friday morning. The truck was owned by Milne Trucking Co. and driven by G. L. Barton of Salt Mr. Barton emLake City. he had the extinguisher ptied on the truck, and unhooked the trailer to save 1L The fire had gained so much headway by the time the Nephi Fire 6. department arrived that they could save nothing with the 7. water carried on the truck. 8. There was no water in the 9. irrigation ditch north of the and the of north end Nephi, truck was between the Bale 10. lane and Merl McPhersons. Mr. Barton was not hurt In 11. any way in the fire, although 12. close several spectators got ' were cans as I13 the bursting shots 14. thrown as far as 50 feet from t Vi - vv csy A 3'.' .v 'I- ?Z:ST Poppy Sale To Be Held Saturday FORT KNOX, Kentucky Ail class of skilled mechanics, trained to keep big GenShermans and brosame the amount of thers, tim Tin poppies have arrived! Although into tanks, light roaring is This is as the word that flashed being allot ated for comlttit, hud been graduated here vanning sugar home vanning this ear as last, the recently 1mm the Armored School to members of the American Legdemand in the nppl -- ations Tank department ion Auxiliary here today and brot i.s i mining much higher neves-atmany of them to the City Hall to Graduates included Sergeant aUng a diviling of the canning George A. Irons, son of Dr. and begin the work of arranging the Mi:w,n on,, t,wJ periods Mrs. J. G. Irons of 30-- South 1st little red flowers for Poppy Day The fns. reLvtraUon for Home Hast, Saturday May 27. Nephi, Utah. (. will commence on 'mining sugar Shaped patiently by hand, each May 29 ai.d will continue until Private an-- i Mrs. Robert V. Hen-- i little flower is a replica in crepe June loth. Those who do not need y of Denver, Colorado have been paper of the flowers that bloomed their sugar during the first period recent visitors at the home of Mr. on the battle fields of the first maj applvduring the seeoni eriad, and Mrs. S. E. Forrest, parents of World War Each Is slightly difwinch will he from July 19th to Mrs. who was formerly ferent, but as Lucille G Brough, Henry, July 20th. Miss Virginia Forrest. Private and Auxiliary Poppy Chairman explainThe late spring has keat many Mrs. Henry will also visit at Glen- ed, all have the same deep meanearly fruits and berries off the dale, California with Mr. Henry's ing. market. It has been deuied that before returning to DenFanders Fields are on the other because of the uncertainty of the parents ver, wiicpe Private ljenry is stat- side of the world from Guadalcanal amount of fruits available at tnis ioned at Buckley Field. and a quarter of a century distant time of the year, a second sugar in time hut the little wild pojpy i q::-t ration would bemore ronven- Mr. and Mrs. Earl ILawkins rec- speaks for the dead of both lent, permitting the housew.fe to eived a thrilling letter recently make plans for fall canning, from E. The poppy is the memorial flowWe wish to stress the fact that Hawkinstheirwhoson.is Ensign Rex stationed some-whe- e er for all who have died in Amerno more than 20 pounds per person in the Pacific. Ensign Hawk icas struggle against world slavlus the five pounds permi-t-on ins had to a danee sponsored ery, wherever or whenever they 40 will allowed be this Memp fall. We wear it to show that we by the L D s. vicemen in that vicinity, and met remember them, honor them and '',t:aoiitUue.t.yariiCaKnf1J brother Max C. Hawkins at the are continuing to fight in the cause 4 is up no beforf',Ve fail season, there ax to Seaman 1c and for which they died." of getting morp. Use only what was The poppies are being sorted evidently Into port on leave. you need for your early canning. The boys enjoyed a thrillng visit and counted ready to go into the will be at available Applications sent home to show that baskets of the Auxiliary volunteers the Rationing Board, and SPARE and world isnt photos such a big place, who will distribute them through STAMP NO. 37, must be attac ned the all. Contribuout the city Saturday. for each person listed on the ap- after tions received for them will aid the plication. Office hours at the local Legions and Auxiliarys work for board are from 10 A. M. to 12 disabled vetertans and their fam10-1- School Mrs. Venus Song B. . Accompanist Invocation Address of Welcome Joan Brough Glazier, Accompanist Graduates - Carol Cox Glade Greenhalgh - j Man Without Reading Ann Claire Bailey a Country" Tribute to the Boys in the Service Myrle Walker Address to Graduates Gerrit de Jong Jr. Girls Trio Friend O Mine" Elaine Paxman, Gertrude Duckworth, Blanch Ockey. Joan Brough, accompanist. Farewell Address Gertrude Duckworth Student Body President Board of Education .. Member, Remarks Introduction of Graduates Principal T. E. Rigby Suoerintendent R. F. Nilsson Presentation of Dipomas Granting of awards. The Graduates Graduation Song Words by Ann Claire Bailey and Blanche Ockey Alan Francom Benediction Graduation Ball High School Gymnasium LIST OF GRADUATES ... . Film txat-tle- j s. , Get up, wash, prepare for breakfast Cooks get up half hour earlier while others in each troop clean up camp and hang out the blankets. ilies. 8 a. m Insection after break-- 1 Americans can see in this months Buy liberally from the girls who fast. Flag ceremony will follow March of Time "Underground Re-b- y will visit your homes Saturday the Troop having the most, port" how the bombing of Berlin morning. Following is the list of points after Inspection. affected the Germans and even girls who will sell the poppies. 9 A. v Mating of scoutmasters watch on the screen a new candid Florence Golden, Darlene Anand their troop to discuss days study of Goebbles as he surveys the derson, Betty Latimer, Sard StepRamon Mangelson, son of Mr. henson, Ruth Eleanor Jones, Geor-gini- a hike. ruins. This latest MOT which in9:30 All troops start on hiks taking cludes scenes from captured Nazi and Mrs. Herman L. Mangelyson Kathleen Warner, Ockey, was awarded first place In the Doris Shaw, Laura Lee Brough, their lunch with them. films as well as the vvoik of under4 P. M. All Troops be back in ground cameramen recently smug-- j conducted recently essay contest Jean Starley, Joyce Downs, Cheril LEHI Eli Lunt Bachelor, 64, on "Keep America American by Belliston, camp to gather wood for the even-tye- d out of Europe, i.s a dramatic; Mary Irons, Anna Julia died Saturday in a Salt Lake City Safeguarding American Ideals. Ing program. and revealing answer to the ques Katherine Ostler, MargarHoyt, 6 PM. Prepare for evening meal t.ions Americans have been asking' Second place was awarded Eileen et McPherson. Marba Jenkins, n hospital of a heart ailment. to be fo'lowed by inspection. Funeral services were conducted Glazier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. about how the Nazis have preparLauana Houghton, Jarrett, 7 :30 Flag ceremony by troop hav- ed for their final stand in Hitlers Tuesday in Lehi, and burial was C. W. Glazier. Other winners were Ann Memmott, Janice Warren, in the Nephi City cemetery. Mary Lou Shaw, Mildred Powell ing the most points. Andrews, Margetta Andrews, Europe. Mr. Bachelor was bom March 1, and Bob Hansen. 8 P. M. Start of evening program. This film, showing Sunday and Coleen McPherson, Joan Beagley, o 1880 Prizes at son a Eli of and Nephi, Nephi North Ward troop to dem- Monday at the Venice Theatre, totaling $25.00 were don Erma Tew, Lauana Ockey, Flor- Elizabeth Lunt Bachelor. In 1898 he ated by the U. S. Gypsum Company enceMcPherson, onstrate tracking and trail making; shows a magnitude of Nazi pre- Betty Beck, Card married Nell Dora Norton,, who and were given in- War Stamps. strong, Edyth McPherson, Nephi ward troop to demonsrtate parations for the invasion, and reBarbara died in 1920. He married Emma It was our intention to print the jone.s and Glena Bracken. first aid; Levan ward to demon- veals the extent of measures tak- -' Woodhouse Harmon in 1922. strate knots and rope making, etc. en to hold the opulations of Ptye wi ryiing essay in this issue, i Besides his widow he is survived but because of rush printing for e Nephi South ward will demonstrate countries In check. Other Miss SALT LAKE CITY fire makmg. Mona ward will also MOT sequences show actual scenes by five sons and two daughters; the various school graduations and of Mrs. J. N. Pexton, daughter four brothers, 15 grandchildren and additional events time was not suf- C. Pexton of to be an- of the European Underground at give a demonstration, Nephi was among the one great grandchild. ficient to run It It will be printed nounced at camp; Tribute to all work the men are photograhed from the Holy Cross hosgraduates who have in and armed are Those the who high completed forces, in next Scoutmasters by David Ostler; bal- as they drilled in the mountains, weeks issue, together with Graduaschool of nursing. school requirements. ance of evening to be turned over built their hideaways, and sabot- the remaining essays in the en- pital exercises were held Tuesday in tion at attendance Nephi people to Provo Scout officials. editions. aged the Naxl administration at CLASS OFFICERS Mr. Bachelors funeral included suing The contest was sponsored in the evening. turn. every Mr. Glade Mrs. Max Mrs. and President Thomas, Greenhalgh 2 June High school by the Nephi Other scenes show how Nazi Alma Kal-te- k . Blanche SALT LAKE CITY William Burton, J. H. Lunt, Mr. Juab Vice President Ockey Kiwanls dub, through their comMr. and Mrs. son of Mr. Mrs. 7 a. m. Get up. wash, prepare for propaganda has oisoned the thinkJoan and Wilson and Hansen, Brough George Secretary and Treasurer mittee on Keep Ameriema Amer- A K. Hansen of Nephi will be Ing of European youth and Nazi Carol Cox and Mrs. E. R. Shaw. breakfast, while others straighten efforts Reporter ican" of which S. E. Forest is to impress the conquered James Crane, Fern Worthington graduatpo from the University of up camp. Sports Managers chairman. 8 a. m. Breakfast and Inspection to with the virile beauty and manly Fern Taylor Utah vith a B. S. Degree in the Council Student Representative Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Garbett were vigor of the master race. school of Medicine, at the 75th follow. .... Arta J. Brough, Clarence H. Pay, C. W. Johnson Advisors in Salt Lake City Thursday (toThis issue of The March of Time 9. A. M. Flag ceremony by troop annual commencement exercises at most part is composed of for the day) to attend the funeral services most Kingsbury hall Tuesday, June 6, at having points. or Axis for Gilbert M. Williams, 65, who 10.30 a m. 9:15 a. m. Soft ball game between films captured from the died in Salt Lake earlier in the Mona and Levan; horse shoe pitch- smuggled out of Euroe by the week. Fighting French ing by North and South ward. Norwegian andforces. The Mrs. Garbett is a sister of Mr. poor 10 a. m. Soft ball game between underround 1 Williams. winner of above and Nephi South. photographic quality of certain LL Newell G. Shepherd of LeHorse shoe game between Mona scenes is unavoidable. van, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and Levan with Nephi ward. A program of interest to Nephi Shepherd has arived safely In IreIn12 noon. Prepare for lunch. music levers will be the concert land according to word received by meetand will omitted be spection Lt. Shepherd is a A cornors jury Thursday aftersung ny Roene Bigler DiFioic on bis parents. ing will be called by each Troop Mothers day guests at the home Superintendent P. L. Dow of the Thursday evening, June 1st, in bombardier. Priva verdict that noon returned Scoutmaster to discuss evening Mr. and Mrs. Homer Myde of of Mr. and Mrs. William Carter Utah High Patrol anounees the ttle 30Utd ward Amusement ha'l at his met Archibald ate 35, Seiler, of all games to be played by scouts, after Hyde Park have been enjoying the were Mi. and Mrs. Sidney Whitgun- annual safety inspection Utah lic- g p death through a which vehicles carrying motor Nephi Kiwanls club will week here with their" son taker Mr. and Mrs. Iceland Whitpast is in well known D'Fiore Mrs. on wound shot Wednesday. serve hot dogs. ense lates wrill start Thursday, June this community both as a vocalist and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs taker of Salt Lake City and Mrs. in dead found was Seiler Private 4 p. m. Prepare for evening meal. Bill Pitt of Chicago. of exceptional talent and as an ac- Darryl Hyde. his room at the Forrest Hotel 1st Inspection to follow. has studied at! Niels Muitensen, a former res She 5 P. M. by Deputy at companist. is Wednesday for law This M. P. your Dixie 5:30 inspection Evening meal. Flag in St. George and at ldent of Levan, now of Santa Marie S. E. For-ineE R Wheelock, prominent bus- - Sheriff R. E. Winn and On Thursday evening, May 8th, ceremony will follow by troop havCalifornia is visiting relatives and safety as a driver, the superinten- the B College C. A. and in Cedar after hotel attempts manager, rest, to is . . City . imortant , , dent oints out. It man and civic leader of the ing the most points. the friends her?. Reading club met a turn the contact to day during 10 p. m. Hot dogs and buns with Untie district was elected Juab you that your car. as well as the both Private Bosh, wno has been at the home of Mrs. Gayle Baie will Jck DiFiore Mrs. failed bad places. mustard will then be served by County Democratic Chairman at other fellows be safe to drive stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma is ley. Vice President Edyth Beck-stea- d Deputy Winn had contacted the Show fellow driver a good accompanied by Joan Brough, and spending a furlough in Levan with Kiwanis club. the party county convention held was in charge. Litany was also will who Elaine 10 g;ve m. a. Paxman, Wednesday j cxarnpfe- it js a patriotic service 10:30 Retire for the night, lights here last Thursday evening. Mrs. Soldier at Belliston. read Genevieve his Mr. and Mis by parent; numbers. Floyd a message j out. silence In camp. Etta Latimer of Nephi was elect- - morning, to deliver Thelma Hansen reviewed the y0Ur COurnty inr wartime to- piano rt t Santa Monica, The program is sponsored by the Bosh. He is to report on June 4 see that no manpower or equiped vice chairwoman and Mabel D. fron a 4r Sein Washington George biography ii to a camp in Kentucky. invitation An takdub. was he car whose June 3, California, act or treasur-; ment is lost through any Christison was selected as Mrs. Jeanette Carson of Manti Carver" by Rackham Holt. This to and s all Civic extended son. to Stein to Denver Mr, Literary oi The secret- mg 7 a. m. Get up. wash. Cooks pre- er by the convention. spent he week end here with her story is the life of the great Negro he neglect theyours. 1943 Utah won clubs and to the general pub.c. Mr. V m n did not year ty1 d d hethat During ary is to be appointed later by the was sister, Mrs. Tillie Ballow and fam- educator and scientist and was most nor pare for breakfast while others chairman. sho'Y the Grand Naational trafic safety ,an, . it is H. C. Mortenso.i and family interesting and enlightening. the program Following out ily, warrant camp. no was straighten This means that of all the award More than 60 delegates and par- - ary badge. There in a 1. was Mrs. 2, TTiena "Die Chase intresting very a presented by Handel; 8 a.m. Breakfast inspection to folente.ir.,ied Largo, states in tde union the traffic Allmacht by Shubert; 3 "Lev attended the conven- - for the Soldier s arrest issued nor4g rdiex club at her home Thursr.ey manner by Mrs. Hansen who tali low. Flag ceremony by troop ty workers Officials are at a ss record of Utah was consid- - tion by Ma9cheni; 4, Care Selve" venlig Roscoe Boden, state requested. tion, including safety The time was spent !n many smaJ incidents that niak" a of Balance most 1 points. having for the motive the explain the N. Child, eu.d He best. Undoubtedly and Stanley A biography live for the listeners 5, "Dove Sono" by playing cards and social chat. Handel: by morning to be turned over to the chairman, event. Ferrell Adams, Reese M. Reese,Members present were: Evelyn 6, Serenade, Mosowsk; 7, delicious luncheon was served. Mozart; Scouts. in his found was be hen candidRita Andrews. Verdi Miss Vnnie Christensen is at the Anders 1, Music" by Shubert; 8, "Day- To 12 noon. Prepare for lunch. Flag and David Gourley party a was room he in perfectly offices. Fred J. Mill- in P- va con- - Beck, Edith Beckstead. Genevieve Utah 9, Homing .break by Valley by Chopin; hospital ceremony. Break up camp. Home- ates for state been death having position, "Have your car inspected as soon State Representative and Belliston, Itah Gadd, Thelma Hanjq, " Hear You Calling vuleseing from an ward bound. a June 1 as ou can. Give the.jg.. peg0:"Come To the Wildwood motion last Friday. appendicitis Priscilla W. Nielson, county clerk, instantaneous oth a s improv- - sen, Ma-- :, Jensen, Marian Merr-mot- t, She station time and instruct-- 1 by Eudene WarFred Wessel, Camping Director. acted as temporary chairman and the inspecting &riht The3 Loi Oldroyd, "Summertime 12, ing nicely. mans ear. ions to do as thorough a job as Gershwin: 13, "Donkey Serenade Mr end Mrs. Leon Mads?n aud ner, Izirna Worthington and he senretary of the convention, and had right still a held the pistol, finger Grant Macfarlane, president of the possible. Your car will last Jong- hy primi: 'you an(j the Night family of Provo spenh Monday hostess, Gayle Bailey. Young men between the ages of state sonate, delivered the keynote on the trigger. 15 er, and it needs your care. You and Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkrn Music by Schwartz' 15, nignt and Tuesday here with Mr at ' the The 16 and 17 years are now being address may have to us it for a long j7e,gjn the Beguine by Porter; and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. announce the approarh.Mg marriage from word home awaiting The" following were elected as Funeral time yet Supt. Dow commented. accepted oy the U. S. Maritime SerJoan II R. Francom, parents of Mrs. of their daughter. Dorna, to Que piano solo (selected) vice as trainees for the Merchant delegates to the Democratic State relatives or army officials. D. Barton son of Mr and Mrs 17, Two-pian- o number Madsen. Brough: Marine, it was announced today. Convention to be held May 27th in Paxi fticers Barton of Mount Pleas- Lawrence Elaine The and and teachers Joan and Brough c:w criri ic thp new title of Mr. and Mrs H. H. Greenhalgh All applicants must have th?ir par- Sait Lake City: is to fake place man-hax Tbe ant. a their bonfire marriage partners enjoyed rePent visitors at the home Miss Beth Wade of Nephi, who ents consent, and In states whlch Etta Latimer. James P. were social in Chicken Creek Canyon on in the Manti Temple .Tune 1st Nephi Unita Mrs. Carter. of uniform Elmont and Mr. of donned the a from the MrCune. R. Elgin Gardner, W. C. require It, work permit Tuesday eveninsc. Games were en- - They wdl make their hom in ed Air Lines stewardess to help the Board of Education. and Mrs. Elden C. poyrj hv all. Seiners and marsh-- 1 vo. Andrews, Stella B. Olpin, Paul M. air Those aoplying for the stewards Christison, Ludlle G. Brough. Elspeed wartime sherwood announce the birth of maows Wfra roasted in the large irom unuen s Recently gradua--on Thursday, May 18 at the bon'ire fcv Z7 '"guests "wno we?e department will receive six weeks don Sherwood and Mrs. Nello at school stewardess Chicago, Miss; sent to oefare sea, son h ltaJ being training present. Wade is the daughter of Mr. and and those applying for the deck Clinn A. Morgan and Levan Hr. and Mrs. Lyman Christensen She has been Mrs. L. J. Wade. and engine deartments, 13 weeks p winter and sons Lloyd and Bryoe ?rtnt division western to the asbe Graduates will assigned training. Mona Henry E. Kay and Vern Sundfl" m Provo. They visited with headquarters at Portland, Every sport.smai ot Nephi and. signed to vessels within a few Carter. TH EDITOR WAS 100K.H in he with V.-niChristensen angrow-nuthe to is attend Miss Mane the u urged wpeksAT my SWELL COLLECTIon along P J. Fennel Charles vicinity Eureka U ah Valley hospital. East he of Pearl of in Mrs. Bud Raymond were Salt Uceds post meering No men between the ages of (Haun John ORourke. John Webb, Tuab.ing number of autographs of fAmous CRV to attend the funeral s. vardess girls 18 and 26 are being accepted for T L.' Sullivan, J. J. Sullivan and Wildlife Federation to be held at Harbor n) ward I.FVAN a At rv spe Ar-'othe building Saturday at with twa or more ears of college Jr,n May 13 to attend the funeral training, except those classified by Harrv Carten fhP even-- waived its form- - requirement of of 2nd Lt John Shaver who was ts.nfeience held Sunday in the Ler"p fraturP Selective Service in any F or L, E. R-- Wheelock s p- M Mammoth van ward chapel a new hriaoprir m deference fo" killed at LuV-k- . of the a num r franK ,he classification. Texas, He is a was the War! tvpj or presen'ation Ivan Christen-- ' Mfifiman -sustained. -- wiidhfe Mrs. lastest announce-1 the by Mrs. and Lunt having ei moving Ora Administration ampany jcati...n pictures Goodrich'. nefhewof Shipping new ward officers are J.vnes The ' in and of armed nurses the Sfate Kav the Lee j ior is Fsi need an Lunt. the Burnell said. There ment urgent P Christensen, bishop; LeGrand forces. Game Department need, however, for all quaIfied Mangebon, as first counsc r .anj a pr. gram M.ss Wade a'. -- iucated at ele- E'eonor, of officer Mr? W!!am Beus and daughter men be wet n the age of 26 and Mr? Carl V. Ander?on and in- - Clark S Wood as second counselor will be other mentary schrrri ere a.nd i.s a deck and engine Be?tv of Nampa. Iisvo and Mrs. and ref, 5: yea? for er, tectum- - gradua'e f Me "rivrrs'ty of U-- 1 fant son. David Vai of Nampa. Id- - Toe rv. .ng b'oprie moted of on he it evening1? 50 Flail 26 err? and for and of Iake Barrott Oorce City department.?. the Bi'hop E. P. Peterson. H. R. Franwill he by mem-- I ah Bofc-- c ''mtei she wa?lho are visiting in Neph! at Anvisited lat week at tve home? of ment Ai department. - com and Niel Lundsteen. -P. N Mrs. Mr. attaome of and on wtli in be , M an! sale .v.h,v. U. uhirh IxsWt the and Juirsh Mr Mm. at and r.urr.ll employed any herh!p Applicants may sply damva dour La evffi tM Li mi C Salt Mm Om B. 9m'rrm t aid 7. A M. Shows Europe Name Winners In Kiwanis Funeral Held For Former Nephi Man Essay Contest Ar-lee- Er-ve- al-s- Re-Ne- , j Mammoth Man Heads Levan Local Soldier Found Car Inpection To Begin Dead In Hotel Room Next Week Happenings Local and Social News self-inflict- Party se - Lit-a-Lu- re n. nor-ima- - i.p-ft- 3'. ; ' s Sportsmen Plan Meet Sud-week- s. r al - -- 1 C j ; 5 f'i s'e-war- is j Ike co-e- .!' T |