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Show The Timoi Ngs, ih U Nef.1 Fountain Green News Happenings Ohlumt i i i !h 11 w I is Wile spot uil guests It rson wtis a Fait s ' ii tui ng the wet k ' M iiisen u v is ting s hi s ul City ml l1 ndeison of Ft few divy lins visited it t ii i le u ing fur r is u i I i U M I. i' i s of me ol h s h ith membi is a w t n n v i ( w id h s ms H ! v i i iii I in sccuee bubnno pceh it ono-- i i Mi'li on i ism ug w ' P NOTICE 'IO WAlTlt USERS Armed .. it Lwl i 7 h- - v t ssys ui Y V yifM4 i i yl vs't.V'' t ,(& ! l' liy Uireat of saicidaJ resustanca inside tua European fortress, UiUer hopes to extort a peace, saya tUarrii of Times "Underground Report, that will leave Germany the chance of re&udding in another generation a new war machine and a near dettruefeve pkiloeohy. '1 ih James Ut 02 , R see ft Young Opera Star Leans to Le- Paystrup, from R KLO NW IE yyoiks KEUB 'XZ&SLs Tao Gera T 4-- in pond 15521 - James Crossev, 734 Roosp-t Ae Salt Lake City, 015 sec ft for domestic use from a well 365 ft deep at a point N 156 8 ft and 7 2420 ft from Wh Cor Sec 20, T 11 S R 1 E 15535 - Charles T Stewart, Callao Ut , 0 75 sec ft from a well 200 ft deep at point S 16 13 W 1422 ft from NE Cor Sec 12 T 11 E, R 17 W and used from! Apr 15 to Sept 15 to irrigate 69 icies of land embraced within R 16 W , NE, Sec 7, T 11T S 11 S , R 17 and NE1, Sec 12, v el HT'! ' 4-- in li T ' f ti -- TT a ' r f i r lem nng the i fheir v wji Itlt in KOVO Provo Price - KVNU Login nr INTER-MOUNTA- tHd IN NETWORK Mnrt ' Cedar City KSU3 ' ip po ! Vuo Ogden lTn nrji nut ip 'i e as enp'p, r M 6-- W. 15625 - Malmcrest Livestock Co Levan, Utah ; 02 sec ft for stock LOWELL THQFMS Pinafores and War Bonds for stock Cor Sec 19 The diverting vv ill consist of ind carrying i concrete collecting box 1000 ft of pipe, ditch and apd n 1020 ft 15 S T ri u Hi BUaRDIANSHIP PROBATE AN-NOTICE. Consult County Clerk er Reayeetive Signer for Addit-iena- l Informatien. ceased, and Claud L. Tnpp, aim NOTICE TO CREDITORS known as Claud TYipp, Deceased. MoOune Estate of Lorenzo Pace, deceased James P for Administrator Creditors will present claims with Attorney Utah Nephi, at to the undersigned Touch er May 18, 26, office of P. N. Anderson, attorney Dates 1 ofandpublication8, 1944 for administrators, Venice Build- June ing, Nephi, Utah on or before the 12th day of July, A D. 1944 L, Aten Pace and Alfred W. Pice, administrators of estate of Lorenzo Pace, deceased. Dates of publication' May 1, 18, and 25, and June 1, 1944. , - wel bet. watering from a 100 and 200 ft dee at point N n touch to the mining industry, these women are reulacing men in surface plants. 2640 ft and W. 4620 ft. from SV Co i Sec 33, T. 14 S , R. 1 W. mills and i abroad of the company Relieving mtu for ih Protests resisting the granting! At Tooele, the International forees. many worn n are nj .voik- of anv of the foregoing applications! & Refining compinj has vith reasons threfore, must be in' lag In surface lants of metal mm- - Smelting emplojed appi oximately 50 v mien affidavit form, with extra copy and mg eompanu s .nought t I t ih at nje company's smelting plants 'filed with the State Engineer, 403 These women are dome work State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1, Notably amo. g tin e is ae num her now enil vtd at t' While It Utah v ith a fee of $1 on or before Magna that is vital to the war and Arthur plants ot tile I ih Cop is tin li s' mn that the faner sex July 22, 1944. per where they tie helpn g in the hab niulf-ins Masculine ED. H WATSON, on neaily oneninl of deuvui Mipt i n tendents report that State Engineer the nations copper Appi m itelv th v a satls-200 doing their job very Dates of publication May 25, June women are employed at mint, factonlv 1, 8, 15 and 22, 1944 tr NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estates of PHOEBE i W TRIPP, A tK also known by Phebe Tripp, and CLAUD L TRIPP, also t 45 Pe . b cr vietury The young American onccrt-oper- a (,.i, garden rambling over this colorful i ini'i ; apron. ' . j 15 iur forh lies sagyour parlr dresses, and fun to make, even for . y in nui if lime ami gesta making several aprons because then, i , , Lav anil v'rki ,ki rngx. effort, you will save enough money to , , ,1 Suitable patterns may be obtained at vt 'are. j a fi.urj Dcj urttnen 1 Ma-Jo- rv .1., i k -- known as Claud Tripp, deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 3215 Green Street, Salt Lake City Utah, on or before the 20th day of July, A. D. 1944 HAROLD TRIPP, administrator of the estates of Phoebe W. Tnpp, nigQ known as Phelie TYipp, de was some pest. i; S'Ai", in' '?'? ? xl )fr i.pfhh I bothered the life out of auto service men aftei the curtain went down on new cars. I knew Id be in some picHe if this car wouldnt last, so I of kept quizzing the fellows. Every man-jacthem had a good motor oil or some other if I could judge. By good luck I paid real attention to one chap who had his reasons e this engine with Conoco why to oil. He said every explosion in your engine makes acids, which corrode bare metal. Sounds straight, eh? But with something synthetic oil keeping the metal in Conoco fine finish receives special prothe youd say tection to fight the acids off. When you se youre not needing a trade-i- n nearly as soon as usual, you can give real credit to New cars will be going come if theyre half as far ahead as you can be right now by switching oil. to Conoco k life-save- r, oil-plat- Kk oil-plate- Did you hear that Tom is going to be inducted into the Army next w eek. Judge?" Yea, Frank told me this morning down at the barber shop. Our towns got a lot of men in the service now, Jim. In fact, all towns have. I was just reading in the paper where there are more than 10,000,000 men away from their homes in the armed forces. And! from all reports, theyre doing a grand job bringing victory closer every day. We folks at home have a mighty big obligation to those 10,000,000 fighting men. Wave got to produce the food to keep them well fed. Weve got to keep them supplied with the ammunition and equipment they need to finish their job. Weve got to help the Government pay for all these supplies our men need by buying more and more lar Bonds. We'll have toanotherthebig5thchance Var to do that by helping put Loan drive over the top, Jim. And, in addition, we must be Bure that, while theyre away and cant express their opinions, w e dont go voting on and deciding any th.ngs that will displease them when they come back. , MWIIW my UDmMttd try mmm Lenfmutu Akataiu TgUi Tm Bmmmtt . oil-platin- oco TWs iiXJ" lm v J Americas Top Newscaster in 15360 - ferrum-- e SIT DOWN Pi unary graduation will be held m the Nephi waul Sunday evemng M i' S I Hishop Alma C Trant-- t i watering from Johnsons Spring, tributary to Juab Lake and Sevier Rier at point S 1720 ft and E Adding the Lately i ' ' v AND ENJOY mar-iei- il i- -l van, -- i stocw-yva'eri- fv I'M" MHrs I.aJune Prestwich liter my friends called during the d iv and many beautiful prek-- i ntv were given the bnde -- n is spell M ison , M 9:30 AT t i i v 1 j&f n i on Fi liy, Mav 19th Mis J I, Hansen entertained d a tei Sunday In honor of her 1 f t.uis- of Ogden who was recently m fied vC s 4 T0NSGHT - he following ajipln ations hue Pun o w In ' In w id ni n w th the Strto 1 ngmee home vv ill have t i r tnt o vii opnate ofwater in Mrs Stew ut Culwson u harge of the meeting m ib Utah, daughttr of Silt Lake C State County ne Pusident Id i Beck will present the 'noujiout the entue year, unlevs visiting with her mother Mrs uovs and girls foi graduation 'htiwiM1 designated, all locations Clarenie Johnson n fiom SLB&.M PORTAIilJE OOR-OIvin R tsinussi n inti fanu v vis- FOR SALE Tc Change: Good a TYPEWRITER ited in Siyt Lake City dmug 'h new Mn Eva Hoyt 67") - H C Crane, Nephi, Ut week imposed to change the point of G E Andeison was a Sil' Like hwiMon of 007 sec ft of water Citv visitor during the week S. Ar.y Esruse You l ht lequned b Application No t! ion The Wild Primal v org-iiwell 133 ft under the duedion of Mis Vixira 11050 fiom a 'deep at point S 1120 ft and E Collard enjoyed an outing md picft fiom NE Cor Sec 11, T 13 nic at the Wpping Ycur City Park Mond iv if- S R 1 W and used for stock emoon Bond Bqpig Will Hereafter 007 yvalei ing purposes Hoyle Sorenson of SaU Lake wall for Please Hitler used be of water set ft City is visiting with friends in --CKEEJ well Fountain from a Green 133 ft deep at point S 1320 ft and E 1 ft from NW Cor Sec 11, T 13 S , R 1 W To Appropriate: '1 For m is i e Men t it The Cub membi , u in i s nt lined then m Mis H n H oi of M r fuesd i evetinm i' thenh and Mis Holnmn n e le i , J Women ' Li pai h s mil Mis C I u i Miss In liu be, n i 1 'in ' i mill OUT FROM MAY TO OCTJ1 fboh sheriff (county fife harden) lii i ' UNPERMTTED BURNING IS 4 t jt ' urn in Fui II n fun L n Ci if F uint Mis P Mis I in Ivoi ' n n ml Mis Cleo Fount un On in ml Mrs s mniels of Sit I kt' I i' lit n M m cluMi i n Funet il st i a s w til be t r Fnd iv tit 2 I M 111 th (In on w ml h ipel v ' i.) Civle Voi i vi n i ondu t s .. r j cr Ui 2 Johnson of Fort To Geiiortl Eisenhower (left).) ling Ills fur-- i wit' hs 'Hither. Mik Clar-lob- i General Montgomery, and thiiLO son of Fountain Green at ids says The March of Tmial c h his wile and children in til n th Umderground Report, w ok tun f Anny Intelligence ha Mis Ft ih Old! nil ha received never been of greater importance,! th i' hoi husband J iv OM-- i Gt rtn my today, with resources of Ii is bet n pi unvoted to the all Ian ope is, ky olticisl repoi U, iv ink of s. igemt Sgt Oidroyd hnk kta anger (baa when she started till m t taming at Fuit Sill, Ok-- i ima and has recently been mslt iied to lulsiana Mr uni Mrs Iwiren Crowther mnounie the birth tf a daughter v Hi h i 4 w i O i lit," t 1 w t was hostess luncheon viiiy appointed iw s,un i aftei noun Her m d Page hvi ata? wnr MBseaBaraa d, g. MOTOR OIL |