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Show THE PAGE TWO U. 5. 'Scouts XKPIII. UTAH . WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS h: and Raiders' Wtst ;n N wsp gier Uiuon Oil OK s soil W lun opinions arc expressed In these column- - they are those of e st rn S e h p rt r I ninn s new anal sts and not necesaril oft his newspaper J isel le R bv -- Specialists in Guerilla Tactics Practice GOODS: CONSl C, lot hi ii Pint h Bloodless Raids in Preparation for Big Battle to Come. 1 Fi.h 's sudden change in the war men', supplies of mens and boy's fill and wmtir apparel will (ontinue to he tight So m-- on rrd mei chants ga'her-r n Cm . "o's Merchandise Mart f a I'h si eh thing show By BAUKIIAGE Vptii Analyst and Commentator. 'w. gvrp ON THE s Despite the removal of meat from rationing, storage holdings totaled 1,215,501 000 pounds on May 1, the highest for that date since 1920. Of the meat holdings, 781,392,000 pounds were in pork; 282,291,000 pounds in beef, and 16 671,000 in lamb and mutton. Poultry stocks totaled 129 988,000 pounds On hand Exclusive War Story: were 123 364 000 pounds of cheese fiav Brock , war correspondent, 41 and 69.53.3 pounds of butter. year, tn the Balkans for the V. F. Times At 12.802,000 cases, holdings of and practically en route at this moment eggs on May were the highest for to the European theater for Interna- tinnul Acu s Service , spellbound some that date Other large stocks included 130,855,000 pounds of fruit oj us uith this breathless story. K e and 105,417,000 pounds of vegetables. ashed him to jot it down.) Dear Walter: Heres the story Meat Rationing precisely as Bea Tolstoi gave it to Despite the record meat holdings, me the other night. I think its one of the great, hitherto unwritten OPA Administrator Chester Bowles s told the house banking committee chapters in the war. Scene; Terrace, Cairo. Time; Late that rationing may be resumed in afternoon, November 15, 1941. Ken 30. 60 or 90 days or maybe it will Downs, then an ace war correspondbe January and February. Resumption of rationing depends ent for Intl News Service (hes now upon the flow of hogs and cattle to a It. col. on Terry Allen's staff in market once warehouses have been EurPe). was finishing a Scotch and partly cleared of bulging holdings, the last five pages of For Whom Bowles said. Much of the shipment The Bell Tolls. Geoffrey Keyes interrupted him. Geoffrey, a lieutenant-cwill depend upon the feed availolonel at the age of 24 (son of able, he declared. Admiral Keyes), had ducked Roger Concerning feed, midwestern sena desk job in England to come out to ators meeting with War Food Administrator Marvin Jones pressed Egypt, join the British desert commandos and raid the German and for an early relief of the government's prohibition of private sales Italian rear dynamiting airdromes, blowing bridges, playing general hell of corn m 125 counties in the midthe enemy, etc. But now Ken with west, that industrial claiming told Geoffrey Keyes to go processors already have sufficient Downs Ken was absorbed in the fle-- ( way. to them the into supplies carry fall, whereas farmers are short on ani- tional last few minutes of Robert Jordans life in the Bell, the unfor-- I mal feed gettable last few minutes when Jor- dan, with a smashed thigh, props MOSCOW MISSION: himself against a tree and levels his Jig-Satommygun on an approaching colBack in Springfield. Mass., after umn of Fascist cavalry . . . a whnlwind visit to Moscow where he conferred with Josef Stalin about Keyes was off with Capt. Cohn plans for the reconstruction of a Campbell and his commandos on democratic postwar Poland and the raid to kill Rommel, the raid Communist cooperation with the that missed Rommel because the Roman Catholic church, Rev. StanAfrika Korps general was in Rome islaus Oilcmanshi had an unsettled on a birthday party but it was one of the most daring operations of the homecoming Boisterously greeted by several war and won Keyes his Victoria hundred of his parishioners includCross posthumously. Keyes landed ing exuberant youngsters, Father his commandos two hundred miles Orlemanski later was served with a behind the German lines, beached notice of the suspension of all of his his landing craft by night near Sidi pnestlv privileges by his superior. Rafa. They hid two days and nights in a wadi (gully), trekked twenty and snaked up to miles on the Afrika Korps GHQ. Japs Strengthen Hold in China Make Warfare Thursda', May 23, 1911 FOOD: Larue Holding Allies Continue Gain in Italy ; Farm Help Shows 4co Decrease; -- cuds.le&bs TIMES-NKWS- n :rp' of the invasion of Europe, the WXV Service, Union Trust Building benefits denved from guerillas Washington, I). C. m P r pa lan as. O' t would be of the itest assistance s Unit uhos there? . a i'( lit ,m 'lead to an army npi , : i tr Igi This sentence, balked out in one 7 r e It ( f Wi 11, not only tl e land gjuillas startled exhalation, stoppi d the L ut also the rum v b (die up out ' '7 ;? stealthy form whuh had suddenly of the sea by night aie of gieatest e in i o.l, ict.cn. it was Any n.cir a of materialized out of the shadow de-wouid be entirely assistant e whether you call them h.unel, plane His daik wet suit stuck to his by the romantic name of com p ndeot upon the ,i aihibi1 ty of as went up lithe form. His hands i!h r and "o iF to d F e exent (if mandos" or the moie prosaic the sentry's bavonit stopped just American designation of scouts and 'nilil tv i"d Icndleu-- e d mards short of his rnidnlT Thoie was no raiders The French have their Hclhutng ' c siif'h cha'igTg conmoon. The two figures, hardly land guenllas who are already play- ditions w.is the War I reduction visible to each other m the black, ing a vital in the battle of Gerthe neent nirhr beards pait froze for a second as the sentrys many. The part our scouts and raidof win del vain solely for spinning a r little trigger-fingenervous grew ers have in the same epic event tin1 cev ' mm ni Italy Air force ervice groups more steady He called the guard. will some day be sung in approprireturn load bombs for delivery to bombers W.th l f hi tv cat v There was the crescendo ate measures. to ci'iha'i merchants on flaming Italian front. j reduction, of hurrying feet and a But let's get back to our personal d ird items which would n s', sought moment later, the sentry was patrolhistory. The day after the bloodless immediate1' cane into demand e ling the airdrome again very much raid which I described to you, a id of si b itutes on the alert . . was A heat! captain from the raided an base For the fifth time, I ask you visiting at raider" headquarteis Lleetric Iron As the Nazis' v line shook where jou came from, the angry Said the captain, af'er his third e and crumbled m nu'hern Italy Des no chdi'-rmcii ally occaFor the fifth coca cola. About your raiders runcolonel demanded. the charge of U S , French n anuf a tui f s pleas for sioned by from time came the same answer ning hog wild over our joint last higher lines. Fo War Pro- and Bnti-- h troo; Allied bombers the prisoner in the wet jungle suit. night. We caught them all four of duction (eilng bomcontinued their s electric hom'd iron profirst class, James them They walked right into the Private, thi-e- r bardment of vital communications to announced Ft gram cinip 3030490 O'Fallon, Serial No sentrys arms and darn near got goal of 2 MOO Odd nuts for 1944 with in western Europe to complicate the said the drilled Take him away, au'hot izu u n so far for an output of enemy's dans f r countering the colonel finally, "he can stay in the The raider officer who lived his TOD 331! invasam. guardhouse for the duration. part and looked it he was still unBevond the enemys tattered GusAlthough sin plus materials are beThe guards hustled No. 3030496 off shaven, got up and picked up a to manufacturers tav line in southern Italy lay his to the hoosegow where he stumbled rifle, shining like a schoolboy's ing released whose opei at' ms will not c implicate equally heralded Adolf Hitler line, over an assortment of "AWOLS morning face, that was standing in the tight labor muuLop, deliveries a netwoik of deep set steel machine-guoffenders. He the corner. and other bleary-eyeof irons m v e cannot be exnests anchored m concrete, and saw three other men lying peaceThe Colonel Errs on the towering Arunci pected until tie fall, it was said, hinged fully on the floor arrayed like him. since m.inv of I1 e requests for Take this back to your colonel, mountains on the west. Banging But no sign of recognition on their had o t Lorn (.eared. he said, "and have him check its tlnough the Gustav bne to the west, blackened faces U S and Fi'ench forces already number He knows it stands in the In asking fi r h.gher prices, manuBloodless Raid rack right outside his door and if facturers iciiitedly Hunted out were bearing down on the Hitler forPrivate first class O'Fallon and you have an inspection worth a that OPA re. lings weie based on tifications his four comrades (although the nickel, its been missing about nine picw ir conditions, which As the invasion approached, Gerhave colonel didnt know it at the time) hours since been considerably altered by man bombers were sent over Engwere the only men captured out of The captain cocked an eye. increased wages and material costs land in strength, with fleets of 300 1 a raiding party of 40 The rest had said the raider, "Yep, amount, ng to 25 per cent. attacking seaports and military inslipped catlike over the whole air- plucked it from the bush and would stallations on the southeast coast. base, chalked their initials on have had the name plate off the CHINA: As the zero hour neaied, Britain of the location I the sketched if too door hadn't heard planes, skipper's was agog with repoits that the Gerradio room, noted the position of the a step in the hall. Want to see a ( ) in i n on s Ru m hli n gs mans were prepaung to drop paraantiaircraft guns, estimated the siz.e sketch of your layout' He tossed With Japanese troops strengthentroopers into the country to wreck of the garrison, checked each rock a sodden notebook on the table ing their hold on eastern China. Genvital communications and other shallows the and sandbar But the eralissimo in Yes, it was just play. Chiang strategic mstallati ms the moment through which they had crawled be- young officer who had been pushing Kai - stick ordeied the invasion fleet shoved off. fore they reached the beach. the pigskin around for one of our an offensive in the Of course, this was only a practwo storied gridirons only years ago southwestern part tice raid like dozens of others, the had played at more serious games of the country in an witin Africa before he came back to effort to open up a preparation for which I have Widespread Action nessed. But real bullets had twice be an instructor he had landed on new road in India, with Fighting supply that night whistled out over shadmore than one enemy beach, wig- from Burma the British regaining ground in the ows and set the big grey Snauzers gled past sentries, human and canvital Assam-Benga- l As the Chinese porailroad line yipping and the flashlight stabbing ine, just as he had when he worked sition deteriorated area to the north, and the Japs into the black sky above the base. his way up to the commandants with ominous rumlaunching a new drive into the counThe unwritten story of these speParishioners Greet Rev. Orlemanski. door, stole the rifle, inched his way blings that the country to the southwest. cialists will all come out some day. back to a clump of bushes, dug out not be As in the try might fighting raged India, Bishop Thomas M. O'Leary, for The Japs did this kind of thing at his deflated rubber raft blew it P able t0 contlnl!e w alU. S bombers ranged over the the beginning of the war and we and paddled back to safety. leaving his pastorate without permuch longer withlength of the Pacific, hammering mission. The suspension was lifted thought it incredible. The British did Duck soup for him. He'd done it out concrete assistJap installations in northwestern when Father Orlemanski, near a it later with their brilliant com- all before in earnest once when ance from the AlNew Guinea guarding the ap- nervous breakdown, promised to mandos. of a a there had been quick hash lies. Vice Piesident Henry Wallace proaches to the East Indies and conduct himself The old name for it is guerilla knife and some blood and a senaccording to the warfare . . . fighting behind the trys last groan, stifled by a hand prepared to fly to the Far East for Philippines; blasting isolated enemy rules and policy of the church. strongholds on the Marshalls, and Observers who remembered the lines, or In the more official lan- that had to wipe some enemy blood conferences with Chinese leaders. In to hitting the Kurile islands at the tip recent assertion of Russias late the the of an article southwest, a attacking by Douglas guage from it. And for that, he wears of the Japanese homeland. At the Orthodox Smith in that trenchant military little ribbon on his dress tunic which Chinese aimed to hook up the BurChurch Metropolitan ma road with the same time, U. S. bombers pounded Sergei that the bible did not suppublication, the Cavalry Journal, a you can't buy by the yard. Ledo road, which Jap supply bases on eastern New port the Pope's position as vicar of phase in trained armed warfare that Lieut. Gen. Joseph Guinea and New Britain islands, Christ, tried to reconcile the stateconcentrates on destruction (the Women and the War Stilw ell's mixed where an estimated 150,000 enemy ment with Father Orlemanskis raiders destroy, the scouts merely What is going to happen to the milwere forces of now who are women of lions personenemy hacking troops have been encircled by U. S. presentation of a paper purportedly filling get information) out of the jungle to amphibious operations. nel and equipment in the enemys signed by Stalm, professing a belief jobs in war industries when (1) own territory." The Japs launched their new drive that it was possible for Red Russia extend communicathose industries are discontinued or to the southwest in India after to work with the Pontiff on quesBack in the French and Indian tions from Allied Inconverted to peace-timoperations, dia to China, parBritish and native troops fought off tions of religious freedom. wars, the ancestors of Douglas (2) millions of men come home Smith began learning these tricks; from the war looking for jobs tially offsetting the their steady advance toward the A group of women who meet in Captain Smith, an American citizen stranglehold Assam Bengal rail line, which would BALL BEARINGS: Japs on the country be an important link in any new and later of the French foreign Washington frequently, have been legion, has put on paper some of hard at work for months on plans to through their con- supply road to China through Diplomatic With their armies locked on bloody the principles he has adduced from deal with such an emergency. They trol of all Chinese northern Burma. battle-fieldhis own experiences in World are the women's advisory commitdiplomats of the great seaports. STRIKES: tee of the War Manpower commisWar II powers crossed their own kinds of swords in an intense, dramatic fight sion, headed by Miss Margaret A. FARM Excellent Results Idle over possession of the and they have just made Hickey, Per Cent Drop The usual method of attacking some workers were on output of Swedens great SKF manu- recommendations to specific an airdrome, says Captain Smith War Manpower Chief McNutt. W.th hued hand help showing the strike in Detroit, Mich many as a facturing company. in recounting one of his experiences If moneys the only object, the Al- The womens committee sajs biggest drop, farm employment on result of the walkout of 3.300 forewith the guerillas composed of Britstixid a 10 068,000 persons, men seeking recognition of their asthat lies have a good chance to win the May ish and French in Libya, was for Employers should give their wom- 4 per cent below a year ago and 9 sociation as a bargaining agent, con- fight, since the U. S dispatched a the men to leave their cars (the en workers notice of avercessation of per cent under the 1938-4trary to industrys position that they special representative to Stockholm rubber boat of the desert) and go work as far ahead as possible; are a part of the management. with a blank check to bid for Ger- age, the department of agriculture on foot up to the airdrome at night. Women to be laid off first should reported Because the navy's bureau of manys share of SKFs When p ssible, they passed the senbe those on the split-shifSome of the decline was attributed aeronautics icfused to accept any production. including tries without detection and put their mothers of children f. r whom to the inclement weather which premore of its r i'put because of a lack The U. S. representative went bombs on the airplanes (chalk of foremc' s supervision and inspec- overseas to dicker directly with SKF working arrangements have vented field work in recent weeks, marks when you just rehearse) then been made. but this cotdi.ion soon promised to tion. the Br ggs Manufacturing comofficials after the Swedish governleft the airdrome and got suffWomen who wish to resign from e it versed, with farmers needing pany closed its Mack avenue plant, ment turned down demands that it iciently far aw0y before the bombs their jibs voluntarily should be all ava lable hands to get the crops and la!( r t1 e Hudson Motor Car renounce its ball bearing trade went off to do so as soon as possible, m daring the shortened season, c unced it shut down agreement with the Germans. The ,o corrpaiv Cl course" says Captain Smith W imen who have to be dismissed alls su te m iny operators yere some of lines for the U. S. purchase of SKF's entire lacotnca,,y as the descendant of a because of the curtailment of wirk i o cried! v s.vi'chmg their acreage same rei' output would, in effect, leave the good Ind.an fig' ter would, this was should be given consideration as to from small More than 4 000 workers were idle Swedish government without any giams to row crops, not always possib'e and many times, skill, sei lonty and dismissal pay, whnh renuie n me labor as a result of the CIO opposition to ball bearings to deliver d sentres had to be ki'led in hand on length of seivire. Mt'.i el'll all the geographic To help the Swedes make up their the deliverv of soft drinks into the fgv,rg tv a sudden attark U S agencies reportedly minds. with a ko'fo A!,hough t e Ger mg were" w o are rlismied a! were considering taking over SKF's mans rr.uie e cry eff rt to f rr.'ecl sue n ' ngs as tr.ii'fcrr.ng to plant in Philadelphia, Pa as repretheir la es uga.'st smh a'tacKs jobs jut's retcnu.ng fur ct'-esentative's of the Treasury and Fora; prox,"m'eh 300 popt v planes F'c r si rial secur.'v rich's eign Economic administration inwere destroyed b- is gurJIa unit Vv,it aci n tue rra'.iuwrr c vestigated the company's books. 1, r o' .h u an n will tnKe a'n'.g tl e rpe Prfsid nt of SKF's U S business is reu a r.s to be seen But at le is; Caf'.;.in S ;h wr'i.'g William L. Eatt. vice chairman of earlv d,i ' f f e v ar, says. on have spnkei up the W ir Production b mrd &' . , t i , i ! 1 Vf i 'f' i,V i I FFKOFE: Smah Gu-t.i-- round-the-cloc- HOME hKOiML RUTH WYETH SPEARS FRLY American wall pockets cut out of light weight pine or ? CraPS ,c material may ,lfiaV niacy mouem uses. In tne kitchen they are just the thing fur ration books and a pad for the grocery list. Just inside the front half-1"c- i h Shep-heard- USt COPING SAW Oft JIG SAW TO CUTJUjT OUTSIDE MARK USE s 3RADSTO NAiIL FRONT TO SIDES-THEBACK TO SIDES-THENAIL BOTTOM IN PLACE door one will lend a decorative note and make a convenient place for driving gloves and keys. Originally these pockets were made in a great variety of designs and were used for letter boxes. They are still useful for this purpose or for a pad and pencil. If you enjoy working with wood you may want to cut these pockets out by hand as shown here. But if you have a jig saw available it is much faster. leave-a-not- e w n d ma-teiia- ls They attacked with grenades, and machine pistols, Keyes leading. Keyes killed the first sentry, kicked down the outer door and led his raiders in, spraying the corridor with tommygun and pistol. Startled, frightened German staff officers poured from their billets. Keyes men blasted them down. The sirens went, a general alarm being sounded. d Incident HELP: 60.000 g Sixty-thou-un- d , 1 2 art-tim- e es-pe- , ba-e- , r f mas B KIEFS. ri"i . hy Raukhage r-- YANK'' Reer MDCFI.FANV HI III e u t" U 2 t.i ViN G (,i: tin ti i the ", w .) e i,l BROAI): : Surgery com; hi r ts of accnrdn g In v is 'h.it ey e often er i ,gh f r a and he a ! ii ! In i r worst f ible t" ! ' n w, a 'I f A'- - arii ! s I t.s 're er f iv w n ' .1 v t! t ri-- - t I ! v The Germans got to their arms, began to fight back. Keyes small force got smaller. But Geoffrey, still leading, took seventeen men through the last defenses in the inner stockade to Rommel's own quarters. Rommels staff aide got Keyes, a machine pistol fusillade which almost tore Keyes right leg off. Keyes fell in the doorway. Colin Campbell, behind him, dragged Keyes back from the threshold and hurled two grenades inside. Then he sprayed the room with his tommygun. Had Rommel been there he'd have caught it. Campbell and a sergeant dragged Keyes back to the outer stockade, firing as they fell back. Then CampGet out! Keyes orbell was hit. Take him out. Leave me dered. here. They had reached the door of Give me that the outer stockade. Keyes took the tommygun. and propped himself in the door. Well. The rest of it came from Downs report as he got it from the sergeant and from Colin Campbell, who wrote from a German prison camp. They dragged Campbell to a tree nearby. His wound was pretty bad. They gave him morphine and he beSan to g under- But he could still see Keyes, in the first gray streaks of daylight, propped in the doorway and blasting away at the Germans in the stockade. The sergeant ran back to Keyes, but Geoffrey refused aid. He simply demanded more clips for his tommy-gun- . The sergeant got them. by war because of arier.es which " ree New York ' a'trrent has ri for ba'tle- - ej , Enclose Name- Drawer 10 cents for Pattern 15 No 261. - Address- - The good part of an old carpet can be bound into a small rug. When clothing is left too Ijng in the washer, dirt from the water goes back into the fabric. If the handle of your iron gets hot, cover it with a piece of corrugated cardboard held in place with strips of adhesive tape. A little paint left in a can standing around the house is a nuisance. Agreed? Then put it to work. Use it to brighten up the inside of the medicine cabinet, shelves of a utility cabinet, or the inside of a tea towel drawer. D1ADEB Soothe, cool, relieve diaper raeh vent it with the astringent powder. Get often preMexsana, medicated Mexsana. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM t If you suffer frem hot flashes, weak, nervous, cranky feelings, are a bit blue at times due to the functional middle-ag- e period peculiar to women try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly Pinkhams Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. It helps nature! Also a fine stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. LYDIA L L PINKHAMS gSKSK, - Listen Keyes fired a burst. Not more than two or three of you he will get away. Some of you fired again, a long, choppy burst that drove the Germans back to Some of you must get back cover. he fired again and to report rammed home a froth clip. Tell them Yes, sir! snapped the sergeant. finGet word to Ken Downs, Tell him, if you ished Keyes. will, that it happened this way. Good-b- y The sergeant saluted and ran, for a wadi and safety. Campbell began to pass out. As he went under he could see Keyes firing, reloading, firing . . . Memos of a Midnighter: When an agency told Henry Ford that Tommy Dorsey was the next Ford H 'ur star. Mr Big replied. Whos he Whits the matter with Earl It's a girl for the Gidw n Even it Sloanes at Drs Hosp Pop s ad nay le reduced s u'.-.t!- "i MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York tom-mvgu- PACIFIC: e NOTE Mrs Snears has prepared patterns in actual size for this pocket and two others in typical Early American designs The patterns are on one large sheet with complete directions for making and finishing Request Pattern 261 and enclose 15 cents Address: j.. I DONT LET V CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP When bowel are tluggish and you feel irritable, headachy, do a millions do chew FEEN-A-MINthe modern laxative. Simply chew chewing-gu- before you go to bed, taking only in accordance with package direction sleep without being disturbed. Next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping yeu feel swell again. Try FEEN-A-MTNTastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply KEEN-A-MIN- T FEEH-A-MINT- "" And Yur Strength and Energy Is Below Par I b. eauwd ny fn.ctios in it t by dtnrder ml kM-r- y p.rwi I L. peiOT! u. WMt. t. or nny fwl tireS, weak andtnity mlanabl. ,opl wb.a t b kidJiryi fa.l to remera axma aeidj and atber wasta matter (ram tb. btavd. t no may auff.r n barkaebo, rb.unatie pallia, bradarhea, dimn-op ai,ata, Ir, pama, ivHho,. Svmelinaea (raeueot and aranty Inna tma with smarting and burain, la a go that something M wro.g with th. kiaaevt hr bladder. 7 here aheold he no doubt that prompt (real taeo t la armor than oegiei-t- . Lae Dram r,iU. It is better to relr oo a lediri.e that baa von eountrvar.de ap- thma ea raoietnirg lem fava-a- b trevai Dram a bar. been tr -- 4 sad teat-a- yd maay years Am at all drag atoram Uet Dram a labay. , I a I F Tn I- - |