Show Funeral Conducted For Pioneer Woman CENTERFIELD CENTERFIELD- Funeral CENTERFIELD Funeral services services services ices for Mrs Alice Duffin Bardsley Bardsley Bards Bards- ley Icy 90 Utah pioneer were conducted conducted con con- ducted F Friday rid a y v afternoon in the a d F Centerfield L D S Sward Sward Sward ward chapel Lax Lavoy Lavoy La- La x f fC C vo voy S o 0 r e n son b bishop Ish 0 P of oft the e Hamilton L LD D S Swand war ward wand chapel of ot- Burial was in Centerfield Centerfield Center- Center N field cemetery Mrs Bardsley who died Wednesday Wed Wed- F v at s 's a a. a m m. of causes v i incident ciden to age ge had been well Mrs Irs Bardsley until two months months' ago She Shee was born October 1 in n Oldham Lancashire England a daughter of Edward and Margaret Gledhill Duffin Joining the theL L D S church the family came dame to AmerIca Amer Amer- iea Ica ca when Mrs B Bardsley was 6 months old Crossing the plains by jy ox team her family located in Centerfield in October 1854 moved later ater to Springville Moroni and then hen resided in the old Gunnison fort On December 30 1872 she was married to to- Joseph Jose h Bardsley in the theold I old L D S Endowment house in Salt Lake City and they made I their heir home in the Gunnison valley Mr Bardsley died in October 1928 Active In the L D S church she was a Relief society teacher for more than 40 years Surviving are five of ot her nine sons and daughters John S. S andRoy andoy and Roy oy B Bardsley Centerfield L Leo o D D. I Bardsley Gunnison Ernest H. H Bardsley Richfield Jesse Bardsley Bardsey Bardsl Bards- Bards l ley ey y Salt Lake 32 grandchildren J dren 36 great great grandchildren e and four great eat gre t i |