Show 1 Officers in Dungarees Sweat With Rest of Crew Says Utahn I 1 I 1 fly In my dungarees and I sweat with the rest of the crew when the going is rough Uniforms dont don't mean a thing out here We Weare arc are just the same as the enlisted men in battle Lieutenant Orson Bruce Broce en m mar marine a r i n e air corps s stationed in New Caledonia wrote in a recent letter to his wife the former Virginia Devenport who resides at 1975 Eleventh East street Lt is the son of ot Mr Mrs and Mrs Orson Wilhelm Wilhelm- South street sell sen sent East Fifth Ralph Goodsell son Eon of ot Mr and I Mrs H. H J. J Goodsell North First West Vest street has been ad advanced advanced advanced ad- ad to gunners mate first ClUB class at Lake Union Unton Seattle Wash Vash his parents learned 1 recently Private First Class Harold H. H Winger son Eon of Mr and Mrs H. H S. S Winger Harvard avenue I is spending a short leave with willi his parents before returning to Fort Knox Wyo Vye where he has been stationed since he was inducted into the army 14 months ago His wife Mrs Marvene Winger and 16 old month son are with him Private Bulah Defa daughter of Jo Joseph ph Defa Emerson avenue has been assigned to duty with the army at Fort Ord Cal i ia a Mr G Goodsell I 0 y o Lt Private Maurice E. E Knapp has been graduated from clerical school at Camp Grant Ill HI husband husband hus hus- band of Mrs Ellen Snavely Knapp 1725 Seventeenth East street William R. R Turner son of Captain Captain Captain Cap Cap- tain and Mrs O. O R. R Turner First avenue Is visiting in Salt Lake City with his mother Mr Turner isa is a n scientist attached to naval ordnance research laboratorIes laboratories laboratories labora labora- tories Washington D D. D C. C Robert Graham has been assigned assigned as ns- signed to the A A F overseas replacement replacement replacement re re- placement depot No 2 2 at Kearns He is a son sari of ot Mr and Mrs John P. P Graham West Oakland avenue a Guyla M M. f. f daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Morrell y i if f r l f J V 3 Pl Winger Inger T 3 s t f. f r t f i t 1 01 FIe Brown I t I Elizabeth street has been assigned assigned as as- signed to Fort BelvoIr Va Private First t Class William L. L Brown U S M C son of Mrs Emelie Eme- Eme lic lie L. L Brown Harrison avenue was wa commended for meritorious conduct and devotion to duty during during during dur dur- ing the battle of ot Tarawa by Major Major Major Ma Ma- jor General Julian JuHan C. C Smith commanding commanding commanding com com- manding general of the Second marine division Private I First Class Brown assisted in removing 30 casualties from a reef exposed to Japanese machine gun fire tire Twelve recently graduated graduated graduated grad grad- from the naval air technical training center Norman Okla with the rating of seaman first class are Louis Alfred Allred Martin BIngham Jay D. D Harvey son of James D. D Harvey Tridell J. J Burke Gunnell Gunnel son of Mr and Mrs J. J B B. Gunnell Lo Logan an Howard Quinn Olsen son of ot Mr and Mrs Lorenzo LorenzoA A A. Olsen Hyrum Francis R K Hassel Tins Has sel se eJ son of Mr and Mrs C C. C S S. S Hassell Has- Has I sell Ogden Grant W. W son of Mr and Mrs W. W D D. Stephenson Stephenson Ste- Ste Sandy George Harvey Bradford son lSon of at Mr and Mrs George Leon Bradford Blanding Blending James E. E Thomas son of ot Mr and Mrs Frank Thomas Shirley Shirley Shir Shir- ley icy Y Kimball aviation machinIsts machinIst's machin machin- machinists machinist's machinists machinist's mate third class son of ot Mr and Mrs B. B Y Kimball Kanosh Do Douglas glas Vance Tucker seaman first class son of Mr and Mrs Vance Tucker Cleveland Bo Boyd d Gaylo Gayle Marble 1 seaman first class son of ot Mr and Mrs J J. J F F. F Marble Bountiful and Charles William Willard seaman seaman first class son on of ot Mr and Mrs C. C S S. S Willard South Fortieth West Vest street Two Salt Lake men at the U. U S. S naval training center at Great Lakes Ill are arc James Donald Peterson Peterson Peterson Pe Pe- terson son of ot Mr and Mrs Adolph Oliver Peterson 1301 McClelland street and John Edwin John Johnson ons' ons son Beryl F. F Johnson Johns n 1886 Tenth East street |