Show eso Q e G CHEAPER RATIONS FOR THE HENS e e e so Prepared by the United States Slates Department Depart Depart- ment merit of Agriculture Beef scraps or some other animal protein feed has been shown by a number of ot experiments to tn be to good and ond economical tJ eg exx production production rn ue- ue tion especially during winter In Inthe the 18 months preceding January 1018 una the price of ot meat or beef beet scrap has liis Increased per cent while In lu some places It has been difficult to secure It at all making It advisable to use I something In place of ot this fee feed To I find satisfactory sul substitutes was the object of ot conducted by bythe bythe bythe the poultry special of the depart went ment Rations for foi I ln hens containing con con- jj pea nut meal mellI soy bean meal mealand mealand and Vel e velvet bean bean meal have been used with good results since sInce the first firt of November on the government poultry farm Half of ot the beef scrap normally fed i In the mash has hns been replaced b by these feeds teeds making the ration as follows A scratch mixture of ot two parts cracked cracked crack crack- 1 SA ed cd corn com and one part oats and anda andu u n a mash of nine parts cornmeal five par parts s four parts bran two parts beef beet scrap and two parts of cither Ither peanut meal soy-beau soy meal or vetch velvet m al All of these parts ar are by py y weights I t i A similar tar ia- tion containing cottonseed meal has has' been fed with good results for tor over one year The percentage of ot protein In these feeds wa was as os follows Beet Beef I scrap CO GO to 55 soybean soy meal 44 cottonseed meal 38 88 peanut meal 28 I and ond velvet bean n meal mead 10 lD The egg yield I ld for the first three months has been fairly good with all of these feeds but not quite as good goodas as 1111 has hos been secured from the use of ot a normal amount of ot beef beet scrap The Thee e esc egg yield I was secured frow T I I me peanut meal meil nearly as f good results results re rev suits from the soy bean meal but only a o fair egg yield from the velvet bean meal It would appear that all of ot these feeds are worthy of ot a trial used with beef beet scrap In sections where they are easily secured These te tests will have ha to be carried through a n consIderable considerable considerable con con- period of ot time to accurately determine the relative value of ot these feeds |